20 Major Changes Between Dragon Ball Z And Super

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if you haven't watched Dragon Ball Z in a long time and you decided to watch Dragon Ball super without refreshing your memory of the previous series you probably found yourself a bit confused not only are there a lot of new elements introduced in Dragon Ball super but it also retconned changed or otherwise reconfigured a lot of aspects of the franchise some of these changes include character motivation shifts new roles for certain characters lots of new character designs and a ton of rewrites to establish rules of the universe if you don't think a lots changed from the days of Dragon Ball Z let us prove you're wrong as we go through everything that Dragon Ball super changed about the franchise let's start off with the big one Vegeta's pride specifically we're talking about Vegeta's desire to surpass Kakarot because of his Saiyan pride which has been weirdly restored despite how the Buu saga ended for those who don't remember while goku is facing off against Kid Buu Vegeta watched in admiration reminiscing about his relationship with Goku and how they have shaped each other during that internal monologue Vegeta finally admitted that Goku was better than him not just because he was stronger but because he continued to get stronger for himself not to stand over others and yet in Dragon Ball super Vegeta seems to have dropped this sentiment and while he hasn't returned to his cell soccer mentality he still seeks to get stronger than Goku despite his Buu saga monologue obviously this change was made to give a jutsu a more prominent role in Dragon Ball super but it came at the cost of character growth another major change that fans of Dragonball may have noticed is that Goku seems to be a lot dumber than he used to be more specifically Goku seems to be as aloof and lacking in social grace as he was when he was a kid our theory as to why this is and Dragon Ball super is that the series made great attempts to return some of the more silly elements of the original Dragon Ball series making Super a lot more comedic than its predecessor because of this a source of comic relief in the original Dragon Ball Goku stupidity was amplified in Super where it had been downplayed a bit and Z some examples of this include when Goku didn't know what kissing was when he couldn't parse what kerlun was trying to tell him about why he wanted to fight again and when he said straight-up mean things to Bulma after accidentally teleporting into her bedroom one major visual change the Dragon Ball super maid - a Dragon Ball character was trunks his new hair color trunks his hair color on Dragon Ball Z was originally purple but in Super when the character came back it was the same shade of blue as his mother though we never got an end story reason for this there is sort of a behind the scenes explanation for it see in the original manga Bulma was supposed to have purple hair but the people behind the character's anime appearance weren't aware of this and gave her blue hair in Dragon Ball bubah retained this hair color all throughout the franchise but when her son from the future first appeared he had purple hair which is technically the correct however when it came time for Dragon Ball super his hair was changed to match bomas so even if they had the wrong hair color they would still match this next one isn't something that's entirely confirmed but is still worth mentioning topic were referring to is the epilogue of Dragon Ball Z which takes place after the events of Super but may not be canon anymore the reason we say this is because Dragon Ball super has added a lot to the lower of the franchise and it seems weird the events of the series didn't affect the future again this isn't entirely confirmed but when you take into account things like Vegeta once again dropping his desire to surpass Goku pan being born before bulla and no mention of beerus Suisse or the multiverse it's hard to say that the epilogue of DBZ is canon it may very well still be a part of the Canon timeline but if we had to make a call we'd say Dragon Ball super retconned the ending of Dragon Ball Z next up let's talk about something that wasn't quite a change as much as it was an expansion of Dragon Ball lore now the old Kai got sealed away into the Z sword remember back in the Buu saga when Gohan was training under the Supreme Kai with the Z sword and he and Goku accidentally broke it releasing the old Kai well in Dragon Ball super we learned that it was none other than lord beerus who sealed the old kiyah way in that sword a fact that was revealed in early episodes of the beerus saga of super mike we said this wasn't so much a red khan or a change the canon just an expansion of the story - the old guy never stated specifically who it was that sealed him away would this reveal we also learned that the reason for the hold ceiling debacle was because beerus found the old guy annoying sounds like beerus another bear is related rad-con the Dragon Ball super introduced was his involvement in the destruction of planet Vegeta see it was previously believed that Frieza destroyed the Saiyans because he didn't want any of them rising up to defeat him and while this is still technically true the order to destroy the planet and its inhabitants was also partially beerus his idea apparently lord beerus ordered Frieza to destroy the Saiyans or at least he improved a phrases plan to do so me he had a hand in the death of the Saiyan race the suppose that a reason for beers his involvement was because the Saiyans were a dangerous people and his role as a destroyer God is to rid the universe of such aliens regardless this was a major lore bombshell that changed a lot about the history of the franchise standing is one of the most significant examples of Dragon Ball super changing the mythos of Dragon Ball Z Goku's origin was another thing that Dragon Ball super changed specifically Dragon Ball super bro Li si prior to broglie's rad-con of certain events Goku's origin was only depicted in flashbacks alongside Master Roshi's description of how grandpa Gohan found Goku and Bardock the father of no ku it was never clear if either of these were the true origin of the hero but Dragon Ball super bro Li pretty much cleared it up turns out Goku wasn't actually sent to earth to conquer it but was instead sent away by his parents to survive the planets impending destruction Super Man style additionally Goku is wearing Saiyan armor when he was sent away something that wasn't originally depicted in Dragon Ball on top of all this we saw more of bartók's final days and how he came to the decision to save his son from frieza's destruction these now cannon events being slightly different from the previous interpretation of the character this next one is a bit of a technicality since the pilaf gang didn't appear at all in Dragon Ball Z but we're gonna count it anyway the change we're talking about is of course the fact that the pilaf gang are now children and Dragon Ball super in fact their return is another thing that Dragon Ball super changed from Z since they disappeared after Dragon Ball however when they returned they were no longer adults and had not aged at all and said appearing as children thanks to a Dragon Ball wish for youth that went just a bit too far the result was that the pilla of game were no longer recognized by Goku and Bulma the latter actually welcoming them into her home as lab assistants and the like it's a pretty strange change not just because bringing back the pilaf gang was unexpected but also because making them kids is a pretty out-there idea before Dragon Ball super adapted their plots into sagas battle of gods and resurrection a4 under the Dragon Ball Z moniker meaning they were part of DBZ mark as being the first canon films and the franchise before eventually being erased and replaced with rehashed versions in Dragon Ball super this is one of the major changes that Dragon Ball super made to Dragon Ball Z the events of these two films which were mostly duplicated but had a lot of things added to them in order for their story to be stretched out into full sagas some of these changes include a few introductory episodes of what the characters had been up to as beerus awakens more time spent at bulma's party which was on a boat in super verb some reason and some minor reshuffling of events that made the plots work better for a full series rather than just one film following the two sagas that were retellings a battle of gods and resurrection f we got the first Dragon Ball super original saga the universe 6 saga which brought with it a major change to the world of Dragon Ball the change in question was the introduction of the multiverse previously there was nothing suggesting the existence of alternate universes and Dragon Ball sure there was alternate timelines created by Future Trunks as time traveling but it wasn't until super that a full multiverse was introduced with this information we also learned that universes tend to have twin universes that act as mirror images of sorts but this concept seemed to be abandoned by the time of the universal survival Saga regardless adding alternate universes was one of the biggest changes that super made to the lore of Dragon Ball one that gave us a pretty freaking awesome final arc of the series thanks to the tournament of power next up let's talk about fusion specifically Patara fusion see way back in the Buu saga Goku and Vegeta were forced to rely on Patara fusion to defeat Buu a choice that could potentially keep them fused forever according to the old Kai despite this Vegeta and Goku somehow split apart after being absorbed by Buu no one was ever really sure of the reasoning behind it some claiming it was due to the magical nature of Boo's body while others said that Patara don't work the same with mortals as they do with Kai and super we learned that the latter was the case as the supreme Kai's revealed that a permanent fusion only occurs when two Kai's where the Patara and when mortals fused it only lasts an hour this was why Goku and Vegeta unfused after being absorbed by boo and likely the reason wife 2 used as a masseuse fusion ended up being unstable next up on the list of changes made by Dragon Ball super is the most recent addition to the series Dragon Ball super Broly specifically we're talking about how this film officially added Broly to the Canon of the franchise despite three films lots of video game appearances and even a role in a temporary 4d attraction at Universal Studios Japan burly was still a movie only character and thus not part of the main cannon of Dragonball all that changed with Dragon Ball super Broly which provided a new backstory and rebooted character elements for Broly with this film Broly his survival of Planet Vegeta's destruction and his legendary power all became part of the official Dragon Ball universe a major change from Dragon Ball Z where he was only a movie villain additionally most elements aside from these were reworked and changed the film also adding some new details about the history of the Saiyans that we eventually played a major role in the latter half of the series Gohan seemed to take a very minor role in Dragon Ball super a drastic difference from Dragon Ball Z where he had a major role in every saga this change doesn't really have a reason behind it safer fanservice sense Goku and Vegeta took center stage in Super regardless of the reason it was made very clear that Gohan had become a side character in the early sagas of super since he had started wearing sweater vests and became something of a skinny whim of course he eventually got his groove back after training with piccolo and participating in the tournament of power but the first parts of super clearly decided to bench Gohan a major role change for a character that had been so prominent in DBZ seriously the guy defeated Sal and kicked booze but why wasn't he more involved Gohan wasn't the only character who got what some might call nerfed since Vidal was pretty different from how she was in Dragon Ball Z it's Z the del was a fiery punk-rock badass who fought crime and wanted to show up for bolster his father Fidel didn't take crap from anybody and this attitude helped her strongarm her way into getting flying lessons from Gohan however after she and Gohan got married Vidal was much less like her bad ass too self and started to take on a more passive role standing in the background and only really showing her past self when dealing with Barry Khan there's nothing really wrong with this character shift and it makes some sense seeing as all of her fire was the result of wanting to take mr. Satan down a panic which the Buu saga ended up doing but it was still a major change between Dragon Ball Z and super speaking of Vidal her bombastic father went through a major change in Dragon Ball super we are of course referring to mr. Satan's appearance which is much less World Martial Arts champion looking than it used to be in Dragon Ball Z both during the cell saga and the Buu saga mr. Satan seemed to be in pretty good shape sure he wasn't a superhuman martial artist but he still had some muscles however by the time of Dragon Ball super those muscles seem to have atrophied replaced by a more slim down frame the most likely reason for this is because of Buu who defeats all of mr. Satan's competition in the world martial arts tournaments before taking a dive in the final match leaving mr. Satan the reigning champ in other words mr. Satan doesn't really have a reason to keep up his training which explains his major appearance change in Dragon Ball super for the most part Dragon Ball super has done a good job of answering the question of what did the Z fighters do for a living which is something that Dragon Ball Z seemed to gloss right over most of the time the reason we bring this up is to talk about a major change that Dragon Ball super brought to Crillon his new job as a police officer prior to this Crillon and his family just seemed to hang around with Master Roshi living in the calm a house with the seemingly no source of income but that all changed in Dragon Ball super when Crillon was shown stopping criminals as a cop it makes a lot of sense Krillin is pretty much the strongest human and since he's not always crucial to the big fights he found a way to use his strength to still protect people the job marking a serious change for the character Dragon Ball super introduced a new kind of ki that shook up the lore of the franchise and also somewhat read Kanta laments of Dragon Ball Z known as divine key or godly ki this energy was described to be much more powerful and potent than regular ki additionally only gods had access to it because of all this beerus stood as one of the most powerful opponents the Chai's had ever seen is God leaky not only making him much stronger it also made him impossible to track since divine key cannot be sensed by mortals this part of God leaky actually read conned a major part of Dragon Ball Z characters like King Kai and Supreme Kai shin also have divine key though this wasn't known until Dragon Ball super red cutting their energy in a way that leaves us with a lot of questions and concerns about plotholes and lore if you've seen Dragon Ball super Broly you'll recall a scene where things got a little weird we are of course referring to when Gogeta and parolees battle literally broke reality this wasn't the first time something like this happened either since a similar occurrence unfolded when Super Saiyan God Goku fought beerus with so much strength and power clashing their shockwaves cracked to the universe this concept was something introduced in Dragon Ball super and stands us a major change to the universe since it wasn't present in Dragon Ball Z we're likely to see more of this to sense Goku and Vegeta only gets stronger and stronger and with Broly in the main cannon of the series his power could cause another break in reality then again we may never see this kind of thing again but it still stands as a major change that Dragon Ball super brought to the franchise speaking of Dragon Ball super bro Li you might also recall that it had a few background details that changed quite a bit about the history of the Dragon Ball universe specifically we're talking about how the film revealed that there were more Saiyans who survived the destruction of planet Vegeta on top of broli and his father para ggest surviving the destruction of their home by way of being off planet we know that there were two other sans who survived the same way these two nameless Saiyans were also shown alongside of the cheetah and rabbits after they heard of their planets destruction we don't know much about these sands or how they eventually ended up perishing since they weren't present in the sand saga but the fact that there were other Saiyan survivors is a huge deal since we thought there were only a few Saiyans remaining and maybe we'll learn more about them in future installments of the franchise last and certainly not least we have another red Khan that came with Dragon Ball super Vegeta's history with beerus prior to Dragon Ball super Vegeta had never mentioned knowing a god of destruction hackie didn't even mention that he knew what a god of destruction was the weird thing about this is that Vegeta believed himself to be the strongest warrior in the universe after friezes defeat knowing that there was no one else who could be as equal a notion that directly contradicts the fact that he met beerus as a kid it's an easily forgettable and smooth Dover detail but it changes a few things established in Dragon Ball Z and beerus his introduction in general is also a major redcon since he's tied to the Supreme Kai and King Kai who never mentioned him before he appeared in Dragon Ball super despite him being a major part of the universe so there you have it all the changes the Dragon Ball super made to the franchise personally we'd like some of these changes especially how Broly was brought into the main Canon which change was your favorite what about your least favorite let us know down in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more Dragon Ball videos [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 813,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super Broly, Resurrection F, Battle of Gods, Planet Vegeta, God of Destruction, Tournament of Power, Universal Survival Saga, Potara Fusion, Golden Frieza Saga, God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Future Trunks, Goku Black
Id: ySs1SFEdoPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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