20 Times Goku Went Too Far In Dragon Ball

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[Music] wah Goku is a great hero in his own right he's also something of a jerk but doing goose in an inconsiderate dummy whose obsession with fighting has led him to take things a bit too far it's because of this we wanted to round up all the times that go who went to far be it in battle amongst his friends or when concerning his family without further ado let's take a look at some of the craziest instances of this but start off with one of the most infamous scenes in Dragon Ball when goku removed bulma's underwear Goku ever the uneducated oblivious child that he was had no idea what the difference between him and diploma was and fact he assumed that she as well as all girls had the same lower region situation as him in his grandpa because of this childish notion Goku loved he checked he checked to see if Bowman was similar to him removing her underwear in the process this ended up putting Bulma in a situation where she flashed Master Roshi thinking she was still wearing her underpants so she could get the next Dragon Ball yeah surely Dragon Ball was perverted and weird fast forward to the cell saga of Dragon Ball Z and we find ourselves with one of Goku's most horrible irredeemable acts getting stella Senzu bean this moment of major stupidity occurred after Goku fight with Sal which he ended because he believed that he wasn't powerful enough to defeat the bio Android the other reason that Goku stopped the fight and gave up was because he believed that Gohan had what it took to win but go GAD go and push things way too far specifically taking his desire to give Gohan a challenge to extreme lengths like given Stella Senzu bean to heal him and replenish his energy Goku's friends thought he was nuts to do so and we're inclined to agree since he took things way too far we all know Goku loves to train but that muddled training was taken to extremes when it came to the final episode of Dragon Ball Z the peaceful world saga depicted Goku and friends 10 years after the defeat of majin buu as they gathered for another World Martial Arts Tournament during that tournament Goku focused on a young boy named foo who we'd eventually learned was the good reincarnation of Kid Buu after rigging the tournament to fight Obon to waken his power Goku decided to train the young warrior taking off with him to be his master in other words Goku abandoned his family to train some random kid one of the funniest parts Dragon Ball super was without a doubt the episode where go ku develops a key related sickness that temporarily damaged his energy control specifically he was unable to fly properly and more importantly he couldn't use instant transmission correctly the latter resulted in Goku teleporting into Bolton's bedroom while she was getting out of the shower this situation was bad enough but it could have easily been diffused by Goku explaining the situation with his sickness however Goku didn't do that nope he decided to take things way too far saying that he wasn't there to look at Bulma naked sand she wasn't as young as she used to be before he gained proper control of it Goku Super Saiyan form took his personality to extreme aggressive levels instead of being his usual common collect himself during a fight Goku was short tempered and ready to burst with rage at any moment as a Super Saiyan in fact he yelled Gohan to get off Namek in the middle of the fight snapping at him when he argued and attempted to stay behind clearly the power of the Super Saiyan had changed his mental state and he stated as much when he warned that he wouldn't be able to control himself for long in fact even though he eventually gained better control as a super se and he's still not pure of heart enough to form a spirit bomb in the form showing that it pushes his rage way too far Doku has a strange relationship with King Kai sure he was his master at some point and continues to oversee his training from time to time but he'll cool also mooches off of him like a jerk in other words Goku takes advantage of King Kai's kindness and their relationship as master and student the epitome of this came during the cell saga when Goku took his relationship with King bahu way too far of course we're talking about when Goku brought in bout to explode sell to King Kai's planet so the explosion wouldn't hurt anyone except for King Kai and Jeremy and bubbles although Goku is by no means a traditional hero especially not in his younger days he's still not one to stand for bad people doing bad things case in point the red ribbon army saga centers around this idea sure it started out being about Goku finding his Grandpa's four star Dragon Ball but eventually became about stopping the red ribbon army and using the Dragon Ball to revive opus father Bora in other words the red ribbon army saga without Goku stopping bad people from doing bad things and he took this mission way too far what makes us say that well he piled up more bodies than he ever had or ever would again in his life in this saga alone in terms of Dragon Ball body counts it wasn't that many but that still doesn't take away from the fact that Goku ate little child boy just up and killed a bunch of red ribbon army soldiers some of the best and funniest parts of Dragon Ball came when Goku forgets that he's a superhuman warrior who can easily break everything around him one example of this is when he and Gohan were maintaining their super saiyan forms causing them to break all the glasses and furniture in their home one of the more recent examples of this and arguably the funniest instance came prior to the golden Frieza saga when goku went back to maintaining his family's farm while he was doing this vegeta was training with Wiese for months and when goku overheard this from another room he burst through the wall in surprise seriously he looked a big old cartoon hole in the shape of himself and everything what a Goku's favorite things is to test limits in fact it's one of the major aspects that makes up his character Goku also likes to test his friends his family and during the Buu saga a weapon of course we're referring to the times when Goku and Gohan destroyed the ancient powerful and irreplaceable Z sword how did it break well goku took his love of testing limits a bit too far by wanting to chuck a rock of the z sword a rock that the supreme kai then turned into a block of the universe's strongest material when goku threw this would go on he swung the sword at it and it immediately snapped in half we mentioned earlier that Goku had a pretty extreme reaction to learning that Vegeta was training with Wiese and getting stronger without him following this Goku asked Bulma to get him in contact with Wiest we could also train under the angel unfortunately we only came to earth every now and then so Goku took his desire to train way too far by bothering Bulma at all times of day until she eventually gave him the phone out of sheer annoyance Goku took things even further when we actually showed up specifically he hid that he was going to train from chichi cowering when she eventually found out and leaving with Wiese while running from her wrath Goku once offered to give naughty photos of Bulma to the old Chi in exchange for his help yeah cub who basically pimped his oldest friend and his best friend's wife as payment for the old Kai he's he in order to resurrect the people of Earth they needed the old Kai's approval and with a bit of persuasion he agreed to do so but he got an earful from Vegeta after he learned who he was planning on taking photos of for payment this wasn't the only time Goku took things too far either since when attempting to persuade the old Kai to unlock Gohan's power he also considered using Bulma as payment as we mentioned Co who loves to test limits especially when he knows that someone is strong and isn't able to test them in some way aside from these eSport incident another great example of this came in the form of Menaka as you might recall Menaka is just an average space delivery person who beerus hired to pretend to be a super powerful warrior why because he wanted to present Goku with a goal a height of strength and power that he had not yet reached in other words he wanted to use Monachus fake power level as a motivation for Goku in order to keep this lie up beerus told him not to fight or challenge Monica but Goku just could not help himself taking his desire to fight powerful opponents and test their limits way too far by punching fanuc it in the face Monica wasn't the only person that Goku is sucker-punched either he also did the same thing to his son but for a different reason to protect him he see if Gohan wanted to take on cell before he could get stronger and kill more people but Goku wouldn't let him in fact when he tried to fly off to take all the ends Goku appeared in front of them to block his path punching him across the face yeah he punched his own kid to stop him from leading instead of you know just uh grabbing him and using Instant Transmission or something sure Goku was doing this to protect Gohan to stop him from rushing into a fight he couldn't win but he still took things way too far by sucking his son when he could have just stopped him in a much less painful way I'll stop we're guessing that they kept this little punch of secret from chichi since you you know how she would feel about that perhaps the best example of Goku taking his love of challenging strong enemies too far comes from the Future Trunks saga what makes us say this now you know just the fact that this particular instance ended up dooming the future we're not exaggerating here either think back to the Future Trunks saga goku black gonzales who stated that goku was the reason they decided to enact their zero mortals plan this is how far goku took things he just had to fight to samus ooh and see how strong he was and in that fight something changed in the supreme kai in training he had had it with mortals and it was all Goku's fault so samus who began his zero mortals plan a plan that would turn Future Trunks his timeline into a desolate apocalyptic war zone which is literally the definition of things going way too far and Goku is to blame for all of it Goku's never been above a cheap attack from biting his opponents to holding back his power however when he was a kid his cheap shots were far more slapstick it over the top with the best examples of this coming from his fight with ninja Murasaki this fight was as cheap as it gets since both combatants used whatever underhanded tactics they could to gain an advantage with Goku taking things way too far throughout home man some examples of this include when he used his power pole to give me rocky a tail if you catch our drift and when he poured boiling hot water down a breathing tube that Murasaki was using to hide in a lake these moves showed that Goku didn't really have all that much honor in a fight he just did whatever he wanted no matter how cheap it was or how much it would hurt his opponent luckily Goku doesn't take things this far in combat nowadays once again we must bring up the fact that Goku loves to fight because we have another example of it being taken too far the last instance of Goku's love for fighting being taken too far put an alternate timeline at risk this time around he put multiple universes at risk of being erased yeah we're talking about the fact that the tournament of power the battle royale to determine which universes would and would not be erased was all Goku's fault well to be fair was partially beerus and champa fault since they had their own cross universe tournament and that inspired Zeno to come up with a tournament to power but Goku the one who really pushed it you know regardless Goku's desire to fight strong enemies and his friendship with Grand Zeno were both taken too far when he helped push the idea of a multi Universe tournament which almost got said universe raced Goku was a dumb little kid we all know he didn't even know the differences between males and females when he was first journeying for the Dragon Balls in fact one of the worst examples of this aside from his early encounters with Bulma came when he first met his future wife chichi Goku was tasked to find chichi while on his way to get the bond show fan from Master Roshi when he came across chichi he told her the situation and asked her to ride along to would she agreed once she was upon the flying Nimbus coke who wants to use the knowledge he had gained from finding out the difference between boys and girls taking things way too far in the process of course we're referring to the fact that Goku kicked Chi Chi's pelvic region to test if she was a boy or a girl an act that left Chi Chi reasonably upset but also weirdly enamored Dragon Ball was weird while Goku is something of a dingus when it comes to just about everything except for fighting there's no denying he's a formidable strategist on the battlefield specifically he takes the time to study his opponent's movements and fighting style even if he has to do so mid battle of course since this is a video all about the times Goku went too far we have an example of Goku taking his opponent Observation way too far specifically we're talking about when he waited to intervene when bearish showed up on earth the proof of this came when Goku admitted he saw the infamous my Bulma moment proving that he was on the scene long before he showed himself seriously dude it's one thing to watch your enemy for a few stock it's a whole other thing to wait around doing nothing as all your friends are being attacked by a destroyer God Goku Super Saiyan 3 form is an example of the character going way too far in a number of ways for one thing he took the Super Saiyan form too far by pushing it into a territory of ridiculously long hair lack of eyebrows and so much energy drainage in fact the energy drain brings us to the second reason why the forms first appearance took things too far you see when Goku first went Super Saiyan 3 he was dead and visits earth for 24 hours hours that would decrease if he used before which he did knowing the effects of the energy drain the final way in which Goku's first Super Saiyan 3 transformation took things way too far was the fact that it was underutilized Goku didn't bother defeating Buu with Super Saiyan 3 despite it appearing as though he could believing trunks and goten would be the ones to defeat Buu and last and certainly not least we have one of goo Goo's more recent and more despicable moments that proved he takes things way too far sometimes of course we're talking about the fact that he thought to recruit Frieza into universe sevens team in the universe of power the reason this came about was due to Buu universe sevens 10th team member falling into one of his signature deep sleeps from which he probably wouldn't wake up from in time for the tournament thus the team needed a replacement and Goku proposed using Frieza it's not the worst idea since he's the only other powerful warrior that they can think of but the suggestion of it was just taking things too far considering how terrible Frieza has been in the past to Goku and friends but if Yamcha is the only other option we guess raises still better at the end of the day and those were just some of the wildest examples of Goku going too far from his fights to his family life and everything in between do you think Goku's a huge jerk after all this let us know what you think down in the comment below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more Dragon Ball videos hey thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,474,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Cell Saga, Perfect Cell, Peaceful World Saga, Instant Transmission, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3, Frieza Saga, King Kai, Red Ribbon Army, Red Ribbon Army Saga, Punched Monaka, Train With Whis, Old Kai, Tournament Of Power, Senzu Bean, Anime Videos, CBR
Id: PCd5-i-6hmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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