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midfielders they pass they defend they triple they do pretty much everything so today we'll show you 20 skills that midfielders use to dominate the game but you know who else is dominating the game mint mobile no seriously they are you see our partner mint mobile is absolutely dominating the wireless service provider game by providing premium Wireless at astonishingly low prices I mean you can get unlimited talk and text with mint for as low as 15 a month which if you don't know is really low and not only that it's great service too because it's built on the nation's largest 5G Network now what's a catch you might ask why is it so cheap well the truth is there is none it just works and it just is that cheap and I can personally attest to this because I actually have mint mobile like for real I've had mint since before I even did this so you know I swear on YouTube that everything I've said is true so go to I'll Attack today and if you sign up before July 14th you can get their unlimited plan which is normally thirty dollars a month for only fifteen dollars a month which means that you're getting fifty percent off an already low price no touch turn when you're receiving a pass and a Defender is trying to get around the front of you to steal the ball turn your body so that your back is facing the defender then let the ball roll past you and the defender this skill is all about awareness awareness of the defender's movement an awareness of the space available behind you draw in the defender when you're on a breakaway and there's lots of space between you and any Defenders you actually don't want to patch the ball right away for example in this situation if you were to pass the ball to your teammate right now the defender would have time to get across and get between your teammate and the goal but if you continue to dribble at the defender and toward goal then eventually the defender is going to have to come and engage you [Music] and when they move to stop you that's when you pass the ball to your teammate who now has a free run at goal [Music] s [Music] first touch against momentum when you receive a ball to your feet and you notice the defender's momentum moving toward you to close you down take your first touch so that it goes against the defender's momentum okay now from the beginning and then because the defender had so much speed going in the opposite direction it will be almost impossible for them to recover the One Touch turn when you're receiving a ball and you want to turn let the ball hit the inside of your foot while at the same time pulling your foot back and behind you [Music] pivoting on your standing leg to complete the turn this is a great skill if you want to turn directly behind you thanks and do it all in one smooth motion also you can use it to turn past the defender when they're tight on one shoulder adjusting your feet before shooting when you play midfield sometimes the ball will come back to you at the top of the box giving you the opportunity for a spectacular strike you ready [Music] the only problem is the ball coming back to you is almost never going to be perfect if you watch the best players take first time shots you'll notice that often times they'll take quick small steps just before going into the shooting motion [Music] this allows them to adjust their body position quickly so they can hit balls that are coming from different heights angles and speeds [Music] if you just stand flat-footed and don't move your feet much then you're almost never going to take a good shot pass the ball in front when you're on the attack and you're passing to a player who's facing down field ideally you want to pass the ball a little in front of your teammate this will allow them to keep their forward momentum and move down the field quicker now of course many times you have to pass the ball straight to someone's feet because they don't have the space in front of them to run into but if the space is there then even the most simple pass should be played at least a little in front of the attacker that way they can take it in their stride and keep the attack moving forward right arm out [Music] whenever you need to hold off a defender or even when you're dribbling past someone it's essential that you keep your arm ready to hold up any Defender [Music] because trust us if you don't use your arm to hold people off Defenders will just push you over your body between the defender and the ball when you're getting to the ball before the defender but the defender is going to be extremely close when you control it let the ball roll across your body before controlling it and now that your body is between the defender and the ball it will be much more difficult for them to get it [Music] turn away when you're dribbling down the field but you sense a Defender is catching up with you turn your back to the defender and use the inside or outside of your foot to stop the ball then use your next touch to turn away from the defender [Music] the low driven pass to hit a low driven pass rotate your ankle and use the top of your foot to strike just below the center of the ball leaning your legs away from the ball to help you get full ankle rotation also make sure to keep your follow through low and close to the ground the low driven pass is the technique you use when you want to get the ball from point A to point B as fast as possible in these situations you don't need to get the ball over anyone's head and you don't need to curve the ball around Defenders all you need is to hit the ball 30 plus yards quickly and accurately so that Defenders can't intercept it the lofted pass to hit a lofted pass rotate your ankle and use the top of your foot to hit the underside of the ball with your foot following through a little bit higher than it would with a low driven pass this will give the ball a lot of backspin and height but also slow the ball down when compared to a low driven pass the lofted pass in the low-driven pass are really very similar techniques with the main difference being where you strike the ball striking the underside of the ball will result in more height and less power while striking closer to the center of the ball will give your pass less height but more power and striking in between the two will result in a pass that's somewhere in between a lofted pass and a low driven pass so in a game you have to decide the amount of height and power you need and then adjust your pass accordingly suas this technique is similar to a lot of top of the foot passes you rotate your ankle you use the top of your foot and you strike the lower half of the ball but there's a twist with a traditional long pass technique your body faces toward your Target and you strike straight through the ball but to hit it with a little curve you're actually going to face slightly to the side of your target and then you're going to strike across the ball with your foot following through strongly across your body foreign [Music] this technique is great when you need to play a hard driven pass but you also need to curve the ball around a Defender also if you're playing a through pass sometimes a little curve can make the ball easier to run onto thank you tuck behind leg [Music] when a Defender is rushing toward you from the side and you want to protect the ball put your leg between the ball and the defender then bring your other foot forward and use the inside of your foot to push the ball behind your leg and away from the defender [Music] thank you the double chop [Music] when you have the ball and a Defender comes in quickly from the side so quickly that you feel you have to protect the ball use the inside of your foot to cut the ball back to your other foot then use your heel to chop the ball behind the defender against their momentum [Music] all right [Music] rollback control when you're receiving a ball to your feet but you're afraid that controlling the ball normally will give the defender a chance to get the ball one thing you can do with your first touch is use the underside of your foot to roll the ball slightly back and away from the defender putting your body between the defender and the ball [Music] fake and touch when you're receiving a pass that's coming across your body and a Defender is rapidly closing in on you one way to create a little space is to step toward the ball as if you were going to take a touch back toward your teammate but instead let the ball roll across your body and touch the ball away from the defender [Music] the step past faint when you're about to pass the ball to someone but you realize the defender might block your pass run up like you're going to pass it but instead of kicking it step all the way past the ball then use the outside of that same foot to turn away from the defender [Music] [Music] sombrero [Music] when the ball bounces up and you're afraid a Defender will get a tackle and if you wait for the ball to drop then don't wait for the ball to drop to your foot instead flick the ball over the defender against the momentum [Music] foreign [Music] when the ball is a little bit in front of you and a Defender reaches for the ball use the underside of your foot to pull the ball back toward your body then use the inside of that same foot to push the ball away from the defender [Music] leave the ball when you're receiving a hard pass a Defender is pressuring you and you know a teammate is open behind you Sometimes the best play is to Simply step over the ball and let it roll to your teammate this is a perfect example of a skill that physically anyone can do but it requires the intelligence and awareness to know where your teammates are [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 639,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, tutorial, education, skills
Id: 7tRhSwS9yQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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