The 15 BEST PASSING TECHNIQUES in Soccer or Football

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today we'll show you the most essential passing techniques in all of football techniques ranging from the most basic pass to the most complicated through Ball but first I want to take a second to talk about an important subject in football and that's mental health see in today's game more and more players are coming forward and talking about their struggles with mental health English midfielder Deli allei for example has talked about his struggles with childhood trauma and addiction Andres anesta has talked about dealing with depression and even America's Christian PSC has talked about seeking a therapist while he was living alone in London showing us that even people that are thought of as wealthy and successful can need therapy just like anyone else and that's why I think today's sponsor better help is so important see better help is an online platform that makes it easy for you to find a therapist in fact all you have to do is fill out a few questions and then better help can help you find a professional therapist in as little as a few days and because it's completely online and remote it makes it so that no matter where you are in the world you can find therapy that works for you and on your schedule and it makes it cheaper as well also because finding a therapist that works for you can be difficult just know that you can switch to a new therapist at no additional cost so if you're struggling consider getting online therapy with Better Health which you can find by clicking the link in the description or by going to allattack basic passing start by planting your foot next to the ball with your toe pointing toward your target then turn your foot and use the inside part of your boot to strike straight through the ball [Music] curve there are two main ways to curve a pass in the first technique you use the inside of your foot and strike along the edge of the ball in the second technique you use the top outside edge of your foot and strike along the other side of the ball with both techniques striking along the lower part of the ball will give your pass more height [Music] while striking higher along the ball will make your pass lower this technique is great in situations where you need to curve the ball to meet the Run of your teammate in this situation if you play a straight pass the ball will likely hit the back of your teammate but if you curve the pass you can put the ball in front of them to run [Music] onto outside of foot non- curve Edition this technique is not very advanced in fact all you really really do is hit the ball with the outside edge of your [Music] foot passing with the outside of your foot is important because sometimes the ball has to be played quickly before Defenders have a chance to close down the angle in this situation there's no time to switch the ball to your other leg but if you can use the the outside of your foot you can pass the ball through the gap before the Defenders can get [Music] there the lob to lob a pass use your toe and strike the area just underneath the ball [Music] a lob pass can be useful when a Defender is blocking off your passing Lane if you have enough space you can chip the ball over the defender's head and still get the ball to your teammate the low driven pass to hit a low driven pass rotate your ankle and use the top of your foot to strike just below the center of the ball leaning your legs away from the ball to help you get full ankle rotation also make sure to keep your follow through low and close to the ground the low driven pass is the technique you use when you want to get the ball from point A to point B as fast as possible in these situations you don't need to get the ball over anyone's head and you don't need to curve the ball around Defenders all you need is to hit the ball 30 plus yards quickly and accurately so that Defenders can't intercept it the lofted pass to hit a lofted pass rotate your ankle and use the top of your foot to hit the underside of the ball with your foot following through a little bit higher than it would with a low driven pass this will give the ball a lot of backspin and height but also slow the ball down when compared to a low driven pass the lofted pass and the low driven pass are really very similar techniques with the main difference being where you strike the ball striking the underside of the ball will result in more height and less power while striking closer to the center of the ball will give your pass less height but more power and striking in between the two will result in a pass that's somewhere in between a lofted pass and a low driven pass so in a game you have to decide the amount of height and power you need and then adjust your pass accordingly swas this technique is similar to a lot of top of the- foot passes you rotate your ankle you use the top of your foot and you strike the lower half of the ball but there's a twist with a traditional long pass technique your body faces toward your target and you strike straight through the ball but to hit it with a little curve you're actually going to face slightly to the side of your Target and then you're going to strike across the ball with your foot following through strongly across your body [Music] this technique is great when you need to play a hard driven pass but you also need to curve the ball around a Defender also if you're playing a through pass sometimes a little curve can make the ball easier to run onto the side volley when a ball pops up in the air lean your body and swing your leg so that you can hit the ball with the top of your foot then use the top of your foot and strike just below the center of the ball [Music] in games most of the time the ball is on the ground when you're looking for a pass but sometimes the ball will pop up in the air at the same time you see a player open and if you want to hit the switch or play the through Pass you'll have to hit the ball on the volley also I don't know what it is but this kind of pass just looks amazing and when you see someone do it you think wow now that's some serious technique the half Folly the half volley pass uses a similar technique to the side volley with the half volley pass you also use the top of your foot and strike just under the center of the ball the only difference is instead of hitting it straight out of the air you hit it just after it bounces when the ball is just a few inches off the ground when you hit a pass on the half FY or a shot for that matter you tend to get a lot of power on the ball so if you're playing a half volley pass keep in mind that you don't really have to swing at it that hard in fact it's better to focus on your Technique and make sure you connect with the ball properly and so long as you do that that ball is going to fly off the turf beautifully as for when you would use the half volley pass it's similar to when you would do a side volley but with a half volley you do need a little bit more time since you have to wait for the ball to hit the ground so you probably wouldn't do it if a Defender was just about to stick a leg in the scoop pass when you want to pass the ball over the top of a player a short distance stick your toe underneath the ball and lift upward then as you release the pass flick your toes [Music] upward whipped along the ground using the area between the top of your foot and your laces strike along the side of the ball just under the [Music] center hopefully curving a pass that's both low and [Music] Powerful the curving [Music] chip [Music] using the top inside edge of your foot strike the underside of the ball but slightly off [Music] center chipping the ball but with a little side spin to make it [Music] curve half fly [Music] cross when you want to cross but the ball is still bouncing use the area between the top of your foot and the inside of your foot and strike the ball just after it bounces striking upward along the side of the ball to create side spin [Music] make [Music] pass when you're looking to pass to to a teammate but the angle you want to pass the ball at is blocked by a Defender skilled players can often time their pass so that it goes through the defender's legs creating a passing Lane that the defender didn't think was [Music] there [Music]
Channel: AllAttack
Views: 452,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all, attack, soccer, football, learn, tutorial, education, skills
Id: YsWxzw7-uv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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