The 100th Issue of Nintendo Power

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congratulations Nintendo Power for hitting 100 issues 26 years ago this right here is a Monumental issue in Nintendo Power history the 100th issue I've always been a big supporter of Milestones everywhere the 100th episode of a TV show the 10year anniversary of something the the fifth day of the week I love this kind of stuff because it's really cool to just get this this all incompass golden look of anything like wow big bombastic 1 0 and on top of this already being cool uh this version that I got was pretty much brand new it came in the uh bag this was mailed in uh NP 100 and it came with this little Nintendo Powers 100th issue commemorative superp power supplies catalog I'm going to have to take a look at this what were they offering as a Big C celebratory event well uh the NP 100 gold Nintendo 64 Controller now that is worth quite a bit more than $30 nowadays the N64 system house and game protectors those are always available uh all all the time maybe not now but back then they were always available throughout the entire lifespan of the system ooh very cool we got a NP 100 Gold Game Boy Pocket $55 that was what that costed back then that is in insane and on top of that we also have you know travel case Andros t-shirt Star Fox 64 soundtrack CD we have a Nintendo Power 100 t-shirt bunch of accessories for trading cards and uh your Nintendo Power magazines themselves this is pretty cool an mp100 commemorative coin set is pretty much just the same designs but they have Mario Yoshi and Donkey Kong on the back the gold 007 hologram watch that is pretty badass looks like the you know the watch from the game bunch of soundtrack CDs this was pretty much how you got soundtrack CDs back then the Donkey Kong and Mario plushes uh $100 to be fair they are 3 feet and uh Donkey Kong is holding an N64 well I don't think it comes with it uh You' think they would specify like Donkey Kong does not come with the N64 but that looks like a pretty you know realistic N64 so uh they probably just put it there for SI yeah and they also have a commemorative watch for Nintendo Power 100 this was a big deal but the only way we can truly discover as if it is actually a big deal is by taking a look through the issue uh something I'm definitely very interested in here is that it has a list of the 100 best games of all time very interesting considering this issue came out in September of 1997 so what what could be here I don't know let's see I want I want to be careful with uh with flipping through it because this is in such nice condition the power on it shows uh the first ever Nintendo Power issue right there 100 issues ago Nintendo Power took off at warp speed free samples flew to millions of Gamers exclusive reviews power strategies Insider previews Maps contests the stuff of Gamers dreams big then bigger now with The Insider track on the N64 and more and if that doesn't celebrate the Milestone enough vomit okay so uh the table of contents here looks almost like a senior citizen's Shopping Guide here I don't know just this style of font and uh stylization uh just just gives off a wacky little Vibe some stock fireworks in the sort pretty cool here we have players pulse MP has come a long way since it's debuted in July of 1988 players pulse used to be called mailbox and it wasn't until January 1995 that we started to regular feature envelop art a lot happens over 100 issues and many readers have been inspired to wax Nostalgia this is pretty cool this person Drew Metroid 64 and that was featured here have a brief history of Nintendo 1889 yuchi founds his gaming company specializing in playing cars Nintendo 1980 Nintendo introduces gaming watch 1981 Donkey Kong 1985 NES with Rob 1989 it's a boy game boy is born 1991 the Super NES storms onto the scene 1994 super Game Boy brings Game Boy to your television screen 1996 the Nintendo 64 revolutionizes home gaming and 1997 the rumble pack this is a shitty ass history of Nintendo was super Game Boy in the rumble pack really worthy enough things to be like oh yeah big moments in Nintendo's history folks so this is a bit of like a a history of Nintendo Power here anyes Journal brush up on smb3 retired in volume 16 NES Journal was one of np's original features the section featured random Nintendo news like the Super Mario Brothers 3 electric toothbrush oh come on I like them talking about dumb like that NES Journal also covered non-gaming news such as the new television season in volume 2 it previewed TV 101 a series starring a then unknown Matt LeBlanc now better known as the dumb guy from friends yeah that was always kind of an interesting thing about Kids magazines back in the day and when I say back in the day you know my back in the day was Nickelodeon magazine in like 2003 uh this back in the day would be like you know TV from 1988 however uh Nintendo power and Nick magazine had some similarities there because Nick magazine would cover all kinds of random they talk about just like random movies or TV shows coming up it wasn't solely about Nickelodeon stuff which uh was pretty cool so that's what they look like the crew from Nintendo power and Nintendo power source take a break to pose on the skybridge at NOA headquarters uh yeah so that looks about like 20 people or so uh and there's also like a big old Nintendo Power logo there I'm not sure if that was actually like on this skybridge at NOA or if it was like superimposed on in Photoshop but uh still that that would be pretty badass if the Nintendo Power logo was on was on a bridge at uh Nintendo of America headquarters sandwiched inside of every issue of Nintendo power is a poster over the years Nintendo Power has transformed Charles Barkley Bart Simpson Spider-Man and some of these colorful characters into pinups gross with games like Doom 64 out nothing's shocking anymore yes in 1997 Doom 64 was labeled as the most shocking video game you could reference here in 1988 it was a different story however more people complained about the cover of volume 2 than any other cover severed heads and an actual Cowart just weren't as palatable back then okay but like I don't know man I've seen Doom 64 I've played Doom 64 there's nothing in Doom 64 that's as kind of up as the Castlevania 2 Nintendo Power cover that's genuinely a bit disturbing Doom 64 I mean like you can't even see that game it's so dark to work on the ninja Guiden 2 strategy guide Dan osen one of Nintendo Po's original writers journeying to Japan there Dan and Howard Phillips discovered Tokyo circuit a roller rink come indoor gokart track interesting title there Dan and Howard ended up swerving and skidding through the course all the while the announcer was yelling at them in Japanese we thought he was giving commentary on the race Dan explained however when we asked one of our Japanese friends what he was actually saying it turned out he was yelling quit crashing do you understand me interesting so they're pretty much just talking about a lot of work stories that all the Nintendo Power employees remember here uh in volume 42 our poster boy was Michael Keaton as Batman heroic as he may look the folks at the Batman Camp didn't think Katon appeared as Square jawed as the the Caped Crusader should be so our design team came to the rescue and touched up his jowls some of these seem a little strange to include here power charts with 67 months of voter support under his belt it's no wonder that link can top both this month's power charts and our top 30 tally of all 100 editions of the power charts no sludge by comparison Star Fox 64 is renewing interest in its original Incarnation and is inspiring Gamers to become SNES starf Fox frequent flyers again so this is pretty much uh sales charts I guess now I'm not sure exactly like how accurate this all is they show Absolutely like no like legit numbers other than just where they rank but we can see here they're talking about N64 SNES and Game Boy as well as the Most Wanted games with Zelda 64 being there you know it wasn't called Ocarina of Time just yet we can also see terms of most popular games uh yeah pretty much all Nintendo outside of two square games and one a claim title Most Wanted uh we have the Nintendo 64 disc drive at number three followed up by Earthbound 64 Sim City on Nintendo 64 which never came out over here playay fighter 63 and a third is uh over Yoshi story and the Nintendo 64 what and Mario Kart 64 is there but Mario Kart 64 is there what I guess that means like people who don't even own the games yet it's not the fact that they aren't out yet it's more so like yeah they want these to celebrate past 100 issues We're Not Just Looking Backward we're also looking ahead with 48 pages of scalding N64 previews we've managed to get our hands on the hottest upcoming N64 titles for exclusive play tests in some cases we've scored some secret video footage and info from programmers at places like Nintendo oh what but also rare and iguana uh they made the turo games uh Nintendo power is the only insided source for hard information about the future of N64 games and the future is now a here's a really cool thing I noticed uh the page numbers uh actually have all these issues of Nintendo power on them so you could you could do like a little flip book and just uh get this instant like uh you know like flash through Nintendo Power history that's really neat oh my God look at this the Zelda 64 spread uh featuring this old ass logo this is wild we have Yoshi's story with this uh old logo which I'm not even sure if these are like actual official old logos or if they're just kind of like something mocked up for the magazine but uh yeah I mean like that's that's not what the Yoshi Story logo looks like and uh it's pretty interesting this is uh they're actually talking about 2.5d here they're just spelling it in a weird ass way 2 and 1/2 d uh so you know that's pretty much when you have a 2d game but with 3D models of the characters uh so you know Yoshi story was kind of one of the first games to kind of have that 2.5d sounds like you know like if you call like Metroid dread a 2.5d game sounds like there is more of a distinct gameplay difference between that and something like super metroid there really isn't so like there isn't really a difference between like Yoshi's story and Yoshi's Island when it comes to like how you play the game outside of like what makes these games like unique from each other so uh yeah I just don't really hear uh 2.5d really talked about anymore espe not in in that form Banjo Kazooie another funky ass Old School logo here so many N64 games were just kind of like like like they were nonstop talked about throughout the entire N64 life Nintendo definitely had a bit of a problem back then with like just development you know 3D development kind of kicked their ass a bit in those early days much like how H development sort of kicked their ass in the Wii U days as well oo now this is a fun little one conquer's quest uh obviously transformed into conquer's Bad Fur Day The m-rated Romp uh but this is very inter I mean look at this render of conquer just full of just fluffing but it looks like they're mainly using the art from the Game Boy Color game conquers pocket tailes here but even then I think this is like they they redid it with like the the fur texture and and all of this it's it's crazy but yeah this looks like like a completely different game here there's like basically no similarities I mean to be fair I mean eh that kind of reminded me of like the the war level in conquer bad for a day but he's not at War here it's more he has like a headlamp on yeah just a pretty wild here oh extreme G and WCW versus NWO World Tour uh the wrestling games on N64 have a huge huge fan base space station Silicon Valley a Rockstar Games joint could you tell oh Mortal Kombat mythology sub hero that's funny oh body Harvest another Rockstar joint when I say Rockstar this was before they actually became Rockstar uh you know dma design is what they used to be but yeah my God is this N64 previews as well look at this Quest 64 logo that's not Quest 64 oh and then we have this whole players guide area for Golden ey as much as the players guide Parts uh just aren't as interesting to me I always do appreciate the layout and design of them it's like they really made sure to capture a lot of these games of Vibes and then we get the poster of the issue here a I love this look at this just a big old collage of all the Nintendo Power issues up to this point unfortunately it looks like uh you know it does you can't just put it up uh on one side and you'll get all the issues but still pretty damn cool uh and it's also a little unfortunate that it doesn't really feel like like a regular poster it feels more like an extended advertisement or extended part of the page but nonetheless I like it 100 other things that equal 100 number of times Luigi has been overlooked to appear in a game number of coins I'll earn you a star in Mario 64 price of rupees of a super bomb who was in charge of this approximate number of people who ran to the theater to see the Super Mario Brothers movie oh wow a week since Mortal Kombat 3 Hit the stores a decel level of heavy machinery like the equipment used in Blast core a number of coins to earn an extra life in Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island well that you could just oh number of coins to earn an extra life in Super Mario World number of coins to earn an extra life in Super Mario Brothers Street I mean they're probably around here somewhere but still oh 100 shopping days until Christmas wow thanks Nintendo Power 100 best codes ever just a bunch of uh secret codes throughout all of gaming which I really appreciate here it's not just for the N64 era that's what I assumed when I saw it said oh 100 coolest codes ever I almost expected it to be like for the N64 and I'm kind of thinking like wow in 1997 you were able to find 100 special codes now a lot of these are pretty well known you have the Konami Code the Justin Bailey code from Metroid just all kinds of codes man even codes from Super tennis wow counselor's Corner kind of an FAQ that Nintendo Power do blast core how do I get a turbo boost on the time stages there's a lot of strategy guide type stuff here ooh hundreds of prizes hundreds of winners let me see what they're talking about here first prize 100 winners N64 game pack second prize 100 winners N64 controllers third prize some rumble packs fourth prize some T-shirts well hot damn Nintendo Power picks the games 100 winers scores the Silicon well that's kind of garbage what if you get a game you already have man well this seemed a lot more substantial before I actually read it who the hell cares limited edition anniversary power te's yeah whatever classified information just more like cheat code type stuff in The Jungle Book on SNES yeah that that's something you're going to need to know that code for castania 2 on The Game Boy got Pac-Man 2 whoa whoa you can play the arcade games in Pac-Man 2 I didn't know that the game sucked ass that would have been awesome to know oh and here we have the 100 best games of all time starting things off with Mario 64 you know like I think the point of like a top 100 list is that you don't know what number one is for a while man how do you decide the best 100 games of all time if you're like us at Nintendo Power you get a bunch of your gaming friends together and hold a civilized debate sort of like Roman gladiators having a tea party it may seem civil on the surface we don't recommend turning your bag for a lump of sugar who died for tetrisphere to get number 50 our 12 Debaters are representing every manner of gamer here at Nintendo nominated their picks for the best games from the libraries of the NES game boy Super NES Virtual Boy in N64 Virtual Boy completely struck out go figure wow like they they were already burying Virtual Boy like a year after that damn thing came out they just fully admitted it man I didn't I didn't realize that I didn't realize I I knew Nintendo buried it quickly obviously however I didn't know they were vocally making fun of it at the time all right so Mario 6 four number one Link to the Past Tetris you know what I I think that's still a sound top three list I wouldn't agree with it however I would I I understand it I fully understand it I think all these games would at least be in like my top 30 I'd say Mario Kart 64 recency bias man that is total recency bias and Mario Kart 64 I think had bias going into like late 2000s early 2010s I think nowadays we can all kind of look at Mario Kart 64 and be like yeah that kind of sucks to play these days still like a Monumental it is the king of the Retro Kart Racers and it has been the king for a while but like I who the hell wants to play that anymore Super Mario Brothers 3 Super Metroid golden ey again like golden Knight has that Legacy I think like top 30 like if we're if we're taking bias out of here top 30 I think golden nine belongs there number seven that's still kind of the recency bias slash if this list was was made 20 years later like yeah I would still get that just because like people are always like golden eye golden eye golden eye I think it belongs in top 30 but like number seven N Final Fantasy 3 and two so that would be the the Super Nintendo one so that would techically be you know Final Fantasy 6 and that would poly be Final Fantasy 4 I think backto back is a little much uh you know Final Fantasy 4 I I think probably like top 50 uh I think Final Fantasy 6 probably like top 20 would make sense there Street Fighter 2 turbo uh I mean you're only talking about the Nintendo games I don't think you got Super Street Fighter 2 turbo yet um but yeah I mean it's Street Fighter 2 turbo whatever I I think I think that belongs in the running but number 10 the original Zelda links Awakening on Game Boy Star Fox 64 the original Super Mario Brothers Wave Race Super Mario World Tetris attack I love that placement I love Tetris attack yeah I think Wave Race and Star Fox 64 I don't know I mean I mean they they belong in the top 100 somewhere but uh I I don't know about this High buddy uh Yoshi's Island and number 18 the original Mario World is number 16 Chrono Trigger the original Mega Man is number 20 n that's a bit weird man like you know I I would consider something like you know Mega Man 2 obviously or even Mega Man 3 uh to be before Mega Man or even Mega Man X you know where's Mega Man X and I got a big problem with it Donkey Kong Country 3 is number 23 we have Mario RPG uh the original Castlevania and then f-zero and turog dinosaur hunter is 25 buddy what is your problem super bomber Man 2 International Superstar Soccer is number 27 above NBA Jam I mean what are you still talking about today to be fair a lot of people start talking about this one however I think NBA Jam has to be at least Above This or techmobile techmobile deserves to be above all of these just for how iconic it is you know Mario Paint is number 29 what the hell does that mean I think Mario pay is badass but like it's above like all this it's above Donkey Kong Country 2 and then Donkey Kong Country the original Metroid have we seen Super Metroid yet I don't think we have wow and saying Metroid 2 is better than the original Metroid I think these are both pretty similarly like archaic these days I think Super Metroid is when Metroid got like oh wow amazing not to say these games don't have their merits but they they do have that old 8 bit stink of like ahead of their time but it makes it really hard to play these days yeah where the hell is Super Metroid either I missed it or this thing is is getting a little stinky man okay thank God so Dr Mario on Game Boy Dr Mario on Game Boy specifically that's a stupid version of the game I mean it works it works on Game Boy but it's kind of like here's a game where you're trying to match pills of three different colors on a damn system with no damn colors tetrisphere is a weird one to be here let's see killer insant gold Castlevania 4 Super Castlevania 4 and having Street Fighter 2 here man I I would just have one I would just have one of them to be honest it doesn't make any sense for me to have have Street Fighter 2 turbo and Street Fighter 2 here oh my God Mega Man X is that low that is wild man Earthbound is here Wayne Gretzky's 3D hockey that's kind of like a cult classic on the original N64 zombies ain't my neighbors yeah these this is all faceball 2000 that is dangerously close to uh warand magical quest Starring Mickey Mouse which is a which is a good platformer Breath of Fire dangerously close to like Teenage mut Ninja Turtles 4 Turtles in Time gradius faceball 2000 and then everything over here is just kind of like kind of some strange picks man Alien 3 True golf Classics Pebble Beach kickle cubicle that's a good puzzle game yeah that is a that is an odd that is an odd assortment not the worst it's it's pretty okay overall but uh just just some OD Ballers right there have a list of the best scores of all time uh see if you can beat any of these wacky scores here we randomly have picture of the the coyote and road runner in the back there and Felix the Cat I know they have video games they're probably here like road runners Death Valley Rally that's why that's here just odd picks considering Monopoly man too on in a fish there's a good Smash Brothers roster new playing in our never ending quest to bring you the best and most useful Nintendo game coverage on Earth Nintendo Power proudly unveils the new now playing this month we're introducing the new features and giving some examples of how now playing will cover games what's new our power meter rating was a bit hard to understand in the old format so we've updated it simplifying it it made it more useful so is this like a review okay reviews all right golden i7 9.0 it's number seven in the best games of all time and Graphics are an 8.9 I find 100 Point skills to be funny what's keeping him from a nine play control an 8.4 it it doesn't make it to an 8.5 Star Fox 64 and 8.4 mother that was very high on your top list of all times the 13th best video game of all time is an 8.4 out of 10 Tetris fear 7.8 yeah that's dangerously close to that and that was like number 50 Tetris plus uh 6.7 the most comprehensive Tetris clone ever for Game Boy it's Tetris what what are you talking about it's also published by Nintendo why is Nintendo themselves saying this Graphics a 6.4 what are you talking about a pqu watch yeah the upcoming games I love this all right earthworm gym 3 or earthworm gym 3D F1 pull position is this a Namco game is this pole position like namco's pole position I don't think so I think I've remember seeing that game before and just wondering that too f064 f0x Legion X ma 64 Madden 64 uh pretty interesting tamagachi for Game Boy uh yeah a lot of a lot of cool stuff there and uh you know next Next Issue volume 101 Major League Baseball featuring King gy Jr yep yep I can't can't wait for that and that was the 100th issue of Nintendo Power what a funky ass thing to take a look back on I mean like that it's genuinely very interesting to see what people in 1997 specifically experts that worked at Nintendo uh thought of like hey what are the top 100 games and when we say that we mean games that released on Nintendo Plus platforms of all time and I don't think they made like a horrible list but there's a there was a bunch of things I'm like what what is going on here either way I think this was an incredibly cool issue uh an incredibly cool issue to have an incredibly cool issue to have uh in such fine condition and I don't want to open this up much after this because it's in such nice condition and these things are so oh no you see the paper is a little torn off here well it was good while it lasted that works in some ways
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 100,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sd5_Bj0hdJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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