The Nintendo Catalog 2008

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if you put the zoom blur on it this is terrifying the Nintendo 2008 catalog 2008 was a very interesting year for Nintendo a year where I believe many uh felt betrayal this was when many hardcore Gamers felt unsatiated felt like Nintendo wasn't satisfying them anymore and looked to seek for a full-blown separation which is pretty wild I mean you look at what Nintendo put out that year I mean Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Brothers Brawl I mean that's a pretty stacked lineup with just those two games right there I mean I'd say she is the Hardcore however that was pretty much it in terms of like oh what kind of satisfied the core gamer from Nintendo specifically because outside of that it was a big Wii series heavy year uh culminating with Wii music as this cover is displaying these uh lovely family members playing Mario Kart and Smash Brothers may have started out the year but after that I believe uh games that came out in 2008 pretty much consists of like Mario Super Sluggers Animal Crossing city Folk uh Wii music I believe we fit came out that year too so it was a bit of a lighter year for Nintendo on the Wii specifically and a lot of what Nintendo was putting out on the Wii was definitely casual oriented but there's only one way to find out let's take a look at their 2008 catalog I just remember a lot of people around this time uh definitely kind of considering Nintendo to be more of a joke in the gaming industry something where they're like that's not for me anymore uh and you know that sentiment kind of rang true throughout 2008 to 2009 then around 2010 they were actually starting to put out stuff that people cared about again uh stuff long lines like Donkey Kong Country Returns and Metroid Other M at the time people were super excited about that and then became kind of a punching bag game but I digress and then Skyward Sword came out after that Kirby's Return to Dreamland Kirby's Epic Yarn all of that but but from that 2008 to 2009 era a lot a lot of the people online a lot of the commentary for Nintendo around the time wasn't the most positive it was kind of like yeah well let's take a look we can see uh they're talking about Des Touch generations DS games we we wear and Wii games then we have somebody here playing a DS is almost as if it's a daily necessity back in the day people would check their Diaz daily as almost as if it was like a necessity like it's just like oh I I gotta get my my DS time in you know they would check their DS more often they would check in with their dad you know see how he's doing and we have a wide array of diaz-like colors here metallic silver rose Cobalt and black crimson and black and Onyx uh I was a white DS guy myself I was also a white DS guy so uh I never really got any of these really cool colors but I always really love the look of the Crimson black and Onyx was always just like come on you know it looks so nice and shiny uh but I always liked white because it didn't show fingerprints off too much and moving over here we have the Touch generations line they just have the entire lineup of the Touch Generation series uh no matter how much these belong in it or don't belong in it you know like you know Elite beat agents why it always puzzled me what games belonged in the Touch Generation series and what games uh you know were never inducted into the Hall of Fame here Elite beat agents felt like they only put that as a Touch Generation style to help it sell rather than like oh yeah yeah grandma gets that and here they also specify the Touch generations is on the Wii as well uh a family night in front of the TV has never been this much fun just look for games with the orange Touch generations logo there was barely any it was like Wii music and we fit that was basically all there was in North America and it's just like that's a family game night that's a chore yeah as we can see uh you know an entire family playing uh you know Nintendo DS games at a in a business Hall apparently and we move on to uh the game lineups here uh they're specifying some Touch generations games Mystery Case Files which was oddly enough a PC game series that Nintendo licensed uh for the DS and Wii like they published this game this this was pretty much a PC only hidden object game uh and I'm just curious as to why they felt the need to be like oh damn we need the Mystery Case Files brand I just don't really see why they felt the need to license since this specific game series when they could have very easily done their own hidden object game series you know but I digress personal trainer cooking is one of the more iconic Touch generations titles one where you can definitely see the value in uh smart software I guess in quotes kind of taking over the roles of what used to be done by you know book pen and paper all of that stuff with personal trainer cooking you just set your DS off to the side and tell it to repeat continue last step and it'll tell you what to do show you pictures also read it out to you so you don't have to keep on rereading stuff you can just hear to what the hear what the DS is saying it was really smart use of the DS and something that I really do feel like kind of helped push forward where we are today with smartphone applications uh just kind of helping us do things that books and pen and paper kind of stuff I used to be the only method of doing so but enough of this dumb cute okay Kirby Superstar Ultra if you ever wonder why Nintendo remix things all the time is because uh the children don't know their remakes back in 2008 how the hell was I was a game from the 90s on the Super Nintendo I just thought this was a brand new Kirby game I remember seeing advertisements for it all the time it just felt like it's just like oh man yeah this is a this is a new Kirby game uh you know the the Superstar Ultra the ultra doesn't really register to you as like oh this is obviously an older game you know the name Kirby's Kirby Superstar already doesn't make any sense adding an ultra to it doesn't make it any more or less of a new game I think we can all recall when we were younger and we had games released for like the Game Boy Advance and whatnot and and it never really registered to us that oh these are old games so you know and this was another one of them but this was for the DS and yeah to many this is the definitive version of Kirby Superstar moving on we have the Pokemon spin-offs Pokemon Ranger and the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon dual release Here explorers of Time and explorers of darkness I got nothing I found it interesting that Nintendo's going with this whole like handwriting thing with uh with this whole catalog they're just kind of doing like this whole like ah little Doodles and whatnot it's definitely interesting yeah Pokemon Ranger I know basically nothing about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon I've played a fair amount of uh Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games uh unfortunately it's just not a series that I think you can easily get into if you're not already into Pokemon or uh the Mystery Dungeon type of game style like I feel like most of the people that really like this series uh grew up with Pokemon they got this game as a kid because their parents saw a Pokemon game on store shelves they said my my child loves Pokemon so I'll get them this and you just kind of put up with it for a while and you you tell yourself you really like it uh I'm assuming a lot here I'm very sorry that's just my perspective on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but if you truly think that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon can be enjoyed by everybody uh you know please let me know I'd love to hear why AI the series is special to you because you know like I just I never got it then we then we mine to pretty much just the third party stuff yeah that's pretty much all Nintendo had for the DS back then that that's very strange the Club Penguin Club Penguin was huge back then uh I never got into it I was a nicktropolis child the Lego series on the DS I recall being very impressive for the system you know they're all fully 3D they're pretty much you know like tiny versions of the full console Lego games uh and and having 3D games on the DS was always badass that was so cool My Sims Kingdom I never played any of the myosins games on the DS but I did play My Sims Kingdom on the Wii and uh that is a childhood favorite of mine uh it's one that I never have to play ever again but I do have a lot of fond memories of so I'd be interested to see how much the uh the version on the DS is uh similar or how different it is all of that my secret World by Imagine they had goddamn diary games on the DS it was a wild time I kind of missed that error it was funny how it's just like they were just like oh man we could release a damn cow you later as a game if we wanted to silly bands the game yeah sure oh this is by the Imagine series that's funny yeah the Imagine series was like this very just extended series of just non-stop games for for a more casual demographic uh you know definitely targeted at a young girls and uh yeah they made like uh probably 50 in a year and they went all over the place in terms of like what they were you know they had like imagine you know like Diaries and imagine party babies it was just like oh imagine fashion designer I always wanted to be a fashion designer imagine party babies I always wanted to be a and party baby uh Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer is a game that Nintendo is really pushing uh for the DS in 2008 I can now understand why people were upset spectrobes that was like a big thing apparently Disney was pushing I remember this being like a Capcom thing I forget why all right I looked it up I was thinking of spyborgs that was a Capcom game for the Wii spectrobes was a Disney published game this was when Disney Interactive was doing stuff outside of like the Disney brand just trying to make games that you know were just original IPS remember they did like like oh man what was it called like they made like a motocross game called Pure uh and they also did like a lot of stuff around this area just trying to make like actual big games uh Epic Mickey was really pushed around 2010 uh and uh yeah Disney Interactive really is no more which is unfortunate uh but yeah it was always very strange how much they would they would just try to push like original P it kind of reminds me of like Tack and the power of Juju being a Nickelodeon property that was only a video game series for like 10 years until it finally got a Nickelodeon show that failed but here their advertising Rhythm Heaven which I know came out in the springtime of 2009 uh with a uh you know preliminary logo here that's pretty cool it's always really cool to see that in these catalogs see just kind of like that those beta elements uh on paper uh kind of preserved in that way and then we have Guitar Hero on tour decades in Castlevania order of Ecclesia or Ecclesia yeah I feel so bad for the Guitar Hero series on DS just without Nintendo pretty much uh pretty much blue baldum with uh the DSi uh having no access to the GBA Port I'm pretty much making these games incompatible with that system I have I've already said this but I always thought it would be cool if they they found a way to get around that uh they could have potentially done something along the lines of releasing like a Guitar Hero game they use like a wireless less Bluetooth cartridge there's a couple of DS games that have like infrared in the cartridges themselves like the Pokemon games like Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold and uh there's personal trainer walking where the the cartridge itself is like a wireless communicator and you can point something to it like the poker Walker or the pedometer with personal trainer walking and uh it'll it'll interface with it through those means so they might have been able to do something but it also it kind of felt like why would you make Guitar Hero for specifically just the DSi uh and Guitar Hero just for the DS light when you could just wait till the next system which would be the 3DS uh and uh the Guitar Hero was dead by the time the 3DS launched so whatever oh man we have Guitar Hero Chinatown War Sonic Chronicles techmobile WWE my God this was somebody's game collection out there and I want to talk to him Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars talk about she has such a funny thing Rockstar decided to do making a Grand Theft Auto game exclusively for the DS at the time it eventually went to the PSP and uh iOS like it had iPhone versions and whatnot but it always felt the most at home on the DS the PSP version always felt weird to me like it just like does this really belong on the PSP pretty much whenever the PSP tried to do DS style things I I was just like dude Scrabble get get the hell out of there magenton Wars was kind of an excuse for Rockstar to revisit that top-down GTA style that they really hadn't done since Grand Theft Auto 2 uh back in the PS1 and Dreamcast days and a lot of people prefer the top down style I do prefer the standard style that everybody knows the third person style introduced with Grand Theft Auto 3 however the top down style still has Merit and I feel like Chinatown Wars gave them an excuse to revisit it and I would love to see them bring it back once more it was obviously not like oh man and Grand Theft Auto evolved from this style it was more so Grand Theft Auto went in a New Direction with Grand Theft Auto 3 and I think it would be lovely to see them try this once again which is kind of like a smaller downloadable title maybe now Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood uh yeah they they could definitely try that again why not you could also get into hard drugs you know your choice is your choice I remember wanting this game just because it was a Sonic game that came out around the time I remember I would uh formulate my wish list based on whatever I saw advertised in like uh magazines or uh catalogs and whatnot I remember Sonic Chronicles being something that came out I knew nothing about this game I just knew it was a new Sonic game so I was just like oh damn well I should get this I'm very happy my mom didn't care enough about me to buy this for me an RPG done by BioWare you may look at that and be like oh my God that's incredible have you ever seen this game Tecmo Bowl kickoff I own this game I saw this game at a retro game store recently so I picked it up I haven't played it you know I'm just not the most interested in a lot of uh you know football games other than just one like one average mobile is a classic you know I definitely want to try it out just to see how it evolved into the DS looking at it it looks very much like they went for a retro NES Style game which is really damn cool I always find it really cool how fans of techmobile would actually re-release Tecmo Bowl with updated rosters and whatnot that was always really damn cool and to see them kind of do it on their own or at least just make a new Tecmo Bowl game uh yeah it's just it's it's neat interesting pair up here Call of Duty World at War so I played all the Call of Duty games on DS uh interestingly they all got better over time but the problem is uh as the years went on you know like I'd say like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 on the DS is probably the best of the Call of Duties on DS in terms of just like hey they you know like they really did Kind of Perfect their craft I guess but overall by the time that came out it's just like why the hell were you why the hell were you playing it on the DS like like why you just give up man and uh Call of Duty games on the DS were fine for what they were like like I think the the go-to assumption is like oh man that must have sucked and like kinda but for what they were like like they did the job they gave you a first person experience on the DS with multiplayer and all that stuff like that's impressive these games are genuinely impressive and they're not bad enough to really like laugh at a lot of the time you can laugh at them but but they're not funny bad enough they're just kind of like they're bad in the grand scheme of things but looking at them on the systems like they're more impressive if anything I think that's my main takeaway with Call of Duty on the DS it's impressive but outside of that that's about it then we also have Chrono Trigger uh this was interesting because around the same time or at least like within a year or two later they actually release Chrono Trigger on the like the Wii virtual console for like eight bucks so they had the DS version here but the DS version is kind of the definitive version it combines uh the best of the SNES version and the PS1 version and puts them all into one and it's pretty much like yep that this is how you play Chrono Trigger right here uh and then boom we have pretty much like a lineup here that's just kind of like like best of DS best of Wii right now I guess uh great play for all time some games never go out of style here are some titles that have stood the test of time and continue to be great fun for everyone pretty cocky and intended to put 2008 games on the Wii here uh with Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart Wii how do you know these stood the test of time they're months old yeah we have all the Nintendogs here brain age one and two Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Mario Kart DS Mario 64 DS new Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass uh yeah I'd say that's that's fair these are games that I don't really think anyone somebody will look twice at you for playing like 2008 compared to like 2012. Wii games wise like yeah these all make sense uh why is why is the Wii zapper there then we move on to this section about the Wii uh weirdly enough I feel like I feel like in 2008 the DS was starting to uh kind of kind of wind down a little bit uh it's weird to think about it but by this point that system was already four years old and in only about two years we would have learned about the Nintendo 3DS so uh yeah things were definitely starting to wind down for the DS but the Wii this was only the second year into the system and uh yep oh my god there he had all this by this time it's insane but they also were advertising the Wii Motion Plus in 2008 yeah this actually came out in 2009 but they were already talking about it a lot here and uh yeah we might we might see something about like Wii Sports Resort and whatnot here that'll be that'll be exciting but uh yeah that's a that's a nice looking picture of the Wii haven't photograph that good job here they're talking about pretty much the Wii online with we wear games we Shop Channel Nintendo Wi-Fi connection pan those Wii points cards I remember kind of like bargaining with my mom to get Wii Points cards uh you know like I remember it was like if I did good in like my soccer game I I would make these bets myself I would tell my mom I'm like hey if I if I do good at the soccer game today uh can I get a weak points card afterwards because this is when I just I just wanted to play some old Nintendo games I just wanted access to some old Nintendo games at a moment's notice and and a Wii Points car man I could get like four NES games that was badass but here they're talking about we wear Games available Mega Man 9 I love Mega Man 9 Dr Mario online RX I played a ton of uh a lot of these other ones I didn't really experience played My Life as a king I played a demo for that World of Goo and Tetris party I played demos of that as well Adventures party thankfully has a physical release Tetris party Deluxe that you can pick up these days magnetica twist I I uh never played I only played the DS game magnetic and it's a it's cool that they made a wiiware version of that but uh yeah they also have lost winning wins strong bads cool game for Attractive people which was really interesting that was like one of the first major like online web series that got like like an actual like full-fledged video game uh where this was developed by Telltale this was a Telltale Game based on a web show it's crazy all right we music this was a Wii music kind of year uh very interesting um I really wanted Wii music just kind of based on uh just keeping up appearances you know I wanted it because it was another Wii Series game and I thought the idea of playing a trumpet with my Wii remote was kind of fun it kind of was I can't deny the Simple Pleasures of life but uh overall uh yeah this this game was always very directionless to me I even back when I was a kid playing it uh you know I'm not gonna lie and say I never had fun with it there was definitely fun I had with it however at the end of the day it was just so there was nothing to it it was pretty much an incredibly polished noisemaker that's what it was to me and I did that job pretty well and it was a fun little noise maker that's all I really was I think Nintendo wanted it to be way a lot more uh separate from other Rhythm games at the time like Guitar Hero and rock band and because of that they kind of went too far in the other direction like I think it would have been cool to have a game that you know focused on uh giving you the joys of making music without having to learn instruments but I think it went too far in that direction I think it should have brought itself back a little bit to ensure that hey like this is still a game or this still has kind of a purpose rather than like hey you want to be able to play drums without actually playing the drums here you go moving on we have Animal Crossing city Folk uh yeah this got a lot of uh just like more critical uh reception back then just because uh it didn't really add a lot new it was pretty much like a really polished refined version of Animal Crossing why World on the DS you had we speak support uh you know only like two games do so you know good for it but yeah this was pretty much just like hey here's Animal Crossing on the Wii rather than like oh here's a brand new Animal Crossing it was a new Animal Crossing it was like a new game but it was so similar to like wild world and the GameCube game for most people that it just kind of felt like why would you play this but this definitely played a part in Animal Crossing's a quiet rise to be one of Nintendo's top franchises before New Leaf I don't really think anybody really looked at Animal Crossing like oh man that's a really heavy hitter franchise but it already was I mean this this game on the Wii sold like crazy well including the DS game and even the GameCube game like this series always did incredibly well and uh but I I don't remember anybody really talking about it as if it was until around the time New Leaf came out it was pretty wild but yeah city Folk it was a good Animal Crossing game it just didn't do a lot new um but I I think like new leaf and uh New Horizons definitely gave fans something something a little newer I was like oh man these are brand new games it's not just a refined version of the last one New Horizons you can you can make the argument but I mean like they do enough new with like the concept that I I think it felt like a new game but uh yeah and then we have Mario Super Sluggers uh yeah 2008 I'm I'm starting to realize was definitely a very derivative year of previous Nintendo games you know it just kind of felt like just kind of felt like old old games on the Wii that's pretty much what it was old games with a new coat of paint That's Mario Super Sluggers is pretty much the GameCube one on the Wii a couple new bells and whistles and uh motion control Force motion control if you will so I can understand why other people would prefer the original GameCube one I can take or leave either or I think these are great uh little Mario sports games but they were never my favorite then we move on to the big Heavy Hitters of 2008 Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Brothers Brawl Mario Garry was damn impossible to find like you could not find this game for the life of you and I swear it was mostly just because the wheel excited everybody I feel like everybody was like oh my God the wheel I get to use a wheel and reality I think once again similar to Animal Crossing this kind of quietly propelled Mario Kart into becoming Nintendo's like top franchise it was always one of Nintendo's top franchise you know like Mario Kart was always nearing the top of every uh system's best seller list uh it was either nearing the top or it was the top uh but Mario Kart Wii really helped Propel it even if it was because a lot of people wanted it because that stupid ass Little Wheel even if you wanted it because of the wheel you you stuck with it because it was Mario Kart and I was always very critical of Mario Kart Wii the game frustrated the hell out of me as a kid but playing it now like honestly it's one of my favorites to play right now it is so fun for like me Sam and Eric to just sit down and play a 32-track marathon because like it's not that long it's only like a two hour experience right there so you just sit down for two hours you play through all 32 tracks and you just see who comes out Victorious and I'll love it I think it's super fun and I think Mario Kart Wii is just that right amount of just garbage it can be so unfair but that's what makes it really fun and I think that's what sets it apart I think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is is definitely the best Mario Kart hands down however uh just because like we've been playing it for so long you get kind of tired of it you understand the item balancing at one point or another I think the added balancing is fine in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but sometimes you want to go to the dark side you know you want to you want to see what it's like with a with a damn pow block a stupid ass Mega Mushroom dumbass thunder cloud there's so much the Mario Kart Wii offers it's just really fun it's just it's so fun it's it's really difficult it's an incredibly technical Mario Kart which is shocking because it was kind of designed as the Casual one you know one for casuals to understand and really play it was the hardest damn game in the series but yeah I've really come around on Mario Kart Wii I love Mario Kart Wii now I think it's really fun I think it's I I think it is so damn unique uh with like just like it's item balancing and just it's feel and all of that stuff which is shocking because at the time I felt like it was one of the least unique ones I I didn't like how it looked I didn't like how it played all of that now I love this stupid ass horrible game and Super Smash Brothers Brawl I love this stupid ass horrible game it's definitely one where I can't really go back to it the way I can with Mario Kart Wii um I just I don't have much reason to go back and play Super Smash Brothers Brawl I think uh Smash Brothers is a series where it's just like every game kind of just one-ups each other where it's just like yeah you know like there's no reason to go back to the uh the last one you know melee excluded because you know people have a reason to go back to that one but yeah you know like a brawl I felt like after you played Smash Brothers for Wii U you don't really have a reason to go back to this and uh Smash Brothers ultimate I don't really feel like every reason to go back to Smash Brothers for Wii U outside of just going back for nostalgia water purpose is to see how cool the trophies are to see how cool a lot of the extra modes are extra features all of that from playing from like a casual perspective multiplayer wise you know I there's less and less of a reason to go back to each Smash Brothers uh Mario Kart I I kind of thought the series was like that but each entry has its own feel more than you really expect so it's just like yeah there is a lot of reason to go back to Mario Kart Wii and just get pissed off oh the big rhythm game wore this was insane back then Guitar Hero versus rock band uh what do I think now uh well back then I didn't have either or uh I only had DJ Hero because I was cool within the past year I picked up a Guitar Hero World Tour set I wanted to pick up a brand new one I wanted it to be brand new I wanted to get the whole band in a box set I got it and I I lifted the the drum set out and there was just hair on the bottom of it it wasn't new I got I got swindled uh but uh either way it worked whatever um but yeah I I have Guitar Hero sets now and uh yeah I used it to play a little bit guitar here a little bit of a Lego rock band uh you know that's the one I played you know honestly I feel like rock band kind of has a bit more variety in the track list I I always felt a guitar Heroes the track list always uh didn't do a ton for me I'm not saying the tracklist was bad but like when I'm in the mood to play these these Rhythm games I just want like all different kinds of variety and like a rock band had that Check Yes Juliet the Ghostbusters theme Guitar Hero had actual music I don't want that obviously a kid I think both of these games have had their value I think I think Guitar Hero focuses more on like hey let's rock rock band I felt like had a bit more variety in the track list which I do feel like uh either or you know like it's not about which one was better it's about which one you're in the mood for sometimes you just want to play a rhythm game it doesn't really matter what song it is if you like the song or not you just want a rock out dude rock band is a little more like let's have songs for everybody here uh songs that everybody can get behind that's just off the top of my head what's the difference between the two track lists uh keep an awesome mind I've barely played a lot of Guitar Hero in Rock Band games I've only played Guitar Hero World Tour and Lego Rock Band so that's just based on what I've experienced why are you land shake it I'd really love to see Nintendo take a crack at worryland again with this art style the art style is just definitely just what makes this game just this this hand-painted look this cell shaded look this this 2D art it's gorgeous uh it was always weird to me that like they did the this weird like four by three thing where they also had like elements of the game's user interface On the Border that was always strange this was still in that era where I think Nintendo was still kind of uh finishing up their transition over to like widescreen development so while most of their games were in widescreen some there were still some stragglers but yeah this was another 2008 release and I almost forgot about it and uh you know I think a lot of people did this was definitely one of the sleeper games of 2008 uh but yeah uh I I think they should have definitely pushed it a little bit more because I think this uh this definitely would associate some of the hardcore fans because it's just like it's a 2d platformer game you know like a Home console that that was uh not as common back then but nope uh let's uh let's advertise uh carnival games mini golf as we're back at the third party side of things samade Amigo uh that was a really cool thing to see again uh that was a Dreamcast game by Sega uh where it's a rhythm game where you uh had Maracas that you shook uh but uh they kind of took it as an opportunity to use the Wii Remote and nunchuck which made sense My Sims Kingdom my beloved carnival games mini golf uh yeah I remember carnival games uh carnival games was the game that everybody owned I think the commercial just made it look like oh my God this looks incredible uh and then I played it and it was just like uh it's fine I guess I don't know I need to replay it soon to just kind of get like that that whole experience again just kind of be like all right everybody owned this game but like nobody talks about it like everybody wanted it because of the commercial but like everybody played it and like nobody has anything to say about it it's because it was like it was a tear above shovelware it was quality enough I guess but at the same time it was kind of something where I'm like was it though carnival games mini golf is just a straight up spin-off that was just like hey let's just do a straight up mini golf game and uh I remember this one not getting great reviews I think I've played it I might have even played it for a shovel variety episode of Scott the wise I just might have forgotten about it keep in mind I played like like hundreds of games for that Series so I might have forgotten carnival games mini golf maybe I might have played it I don't know maybe I can take a look at the entire carnival game series that might be interesting there was versions for the Nintendo switch there's a version for the Xbox 360. it's a deep series and stance Revolution hottest party too this is nearing the end of ddr's uh kind of rain on consoles uh this is when I think a lot of people were definitely shifting over to the guitar Heroes and rock bands and DDR just wasn't doing it anymore especially uh 2009 2010 that was when Just Dance started to take over um but yeah this is one of the later entries in in the series on Console then we have all Monopoly is Monopoly I've played this version it is Monopoly can't get around that the blob that was another uh kind of bigger third-party release it was exclusive to the weed back then and uh yeah it was published by THQ it was one of those Wii series that was like oh man this is exclusive to the Wii this is like a Wii series and then deplob2 just had to be on multi-platform and I think that's what helped kill the series I was like who the hell was playing that on on PS3 Wii Sports Resort uh yeah 2009 coming soon Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 I believe that one uh or PGA Tour 10 one them had Wii Motion Plus support um it was probably uh probably 10 because uh you know Wii Motion Plus came out in 2009 alongside Wii Sports Resort Star Wars the Clone Wars WWE 2009 once again uh yeah we're kind of getting to the uh yeah thanks crossbow training why are they advertising this this was released in 2007 I guess it's because they want to show like the more mature slash shooter games here because it's advertised right alongside World at War which uh was not good on the Wii in my opinion uh from what I remember that that was not good on the Wii Dead Rising chop till you drop uh not good on the Wii uh but a little more like pathetic so so you kind of give it a little slack mad world that was a big thing back then I mean not big but more so like like oh man the Wii has it's hardcore game this is kind of their hardcore game section I guess right here let's see if it's continued in the next page welp we fit in Sean White snowboarding uh hey I mean talking about we balance board games I guess they're kind of going over the accessory based games for Wii zapper and then we balance board uh more we balance board Rayman Raving Rabbids TV party I owned this game back in the day this was the only Rabbids game I own and uh it just didn't really do it for me and we have skated the Wii version of skate I find it very interesting to see kind of the Wii versions of of Xbox 360 and PS3 franchises I mean you have stuff like Dead Rising chop till you drop then you also have stuff like dead space extraction it's just interesting to see uh like how they had to Rebrand some series to be on the Wii where like oh this isn't skate skate it the other heavily advertising that we balance board here and here they're talking about the Wii plus the internet which strange because they already kind of did that in in the wiiware section they showed we wear and they show like oh good score get all this get all that I found a little bit of a misprint they say Sonic the Hedgehog on the Wii shop channel is only 500 Wii Points I don't think so I think Sonic the Hedgehog on this like a Master System was 500 wheat points uh I believe the Sega Genesis version was like 800 or 700 700 to 800 is what Genesis games went for um and that is definitely the Sega Genesis version of Sonic 1 so I got you Nintendo yeah here they're just talking about the Wi-Fi connection the Wii Shop Channel we wear all that stuff and yeah that's pretty much this entire brochure it really does show uh how lacking Nintendo's uh 2008 was at the end of the day I do definitely see why a lot of people are like man Nintendo kind of uh betrayed us but that wasn't the case I mean like you still had kind of a good chunk of this was dedicated to uh more hardcore titles but uh it was kind of Hardcore titles that we've already all played uh you know games that we've already all known about uh games that Nintendo was talking about for a good long while up until this point so it just ended up feeling a little like you know what's there for me here what's the future of the system like and how does it really appeal to me instead of you know my parents so looking at this catalog I can definitely see why a lot of fans felt a little betrayed by Nintendo at the time uh but you know the only way we can truly find out is by watching videos this catalog comes with a damn DVD that was so cool back in the day you would get DVDs or demo discs or whatever with a lot of this stuff for free we gotta we gotta check this out I'm using the PS2 because this is creepy you ever see like a Nintendo thing or a Microsoft thing whatever like like another brand on another brand of game console oh man here it comes wow look at that it's green all right so it's not supposed to look like that it's probably because we're using the PS2 and there's something funky going with the color uh video output but roughly this is what it looks like look at that what I was saying was uh pretty pretty much the idea of like seeing another game consoles logo on the competing game console that's up well like I said this is not supposed to look like this it's not supposed to have a weird green tint it might be yellow I don't know I can't tell but uh yeah we can check out Wii info let's see what's going on there oh man what is we now uh just some just some movie Magic for you behind the scenes input uh I ripped this DVD uh years ago I've had this brochure for quite a long time and I ripped it so I have all these video files on on a hard drive of mine so I use them sometimes when I'm editing uh Scout the wise episodes and I need uh trailers for Wii games or or whatever I I need I need to be a role like that so uh I'll often times use uh the files from this DVD because you know they're very clean I ripped them straight from the source and uh yeah so I already have this video I already have this video uh on my hard drive uh just not in a uh funky green flavor uh it's very interesting they have whole buttons for just Wii music oh man they even have little little intros but yeah it's just a trailer for Wii music there is music and all nothing crazy I just want to see the Wii games the Wii games menu I want to see what's going on here oh look at that all right we got all the major 2008 releases here and then if I go to more games what's going on oh God we got a whole carnival games mini golf section you can't find that on most DVDs yeah pretty much just uh and you click on it it's gonna give you a trailer for the for the release nothing nothing too crazy and uh I would I would watch some of these but believe me I've seen most of these trailers I've ripped them to my to my computer they ain't anything special they're very much just trailers from the time just not even funny little commercials like it's just like oh man I really wish like oh man you want to hear my commentary on the Kirby Superstar Ultra trailer let's see okay well it's rated E yeah that is true I mean I could have gotten maybe something out of that tagline but I'm just I'm too tired too it's just gonna be a Wii Fit promo and if you're like me that's all it is yeah I think this is still really cool I think it's really cool to have just kind of this physical uh uh this physical disc containing all these trailers because honestly a lot of these trailers if you try to find them online they are in such piss quality it is insane whereas here like we have them in you know like 480p maybe 360p but still like decent enough quality where you can actually see what the uh what everything looks like instead of like if you try to look up a 2008 trailer these days on YouTube uh you're gonna be met with uh this
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 114,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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