The Game Boy Advance e-Reader Bundle

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i was just in the neighborhood with a sealed game boy advance e-reader bundle so i thought i might as well go on the ground and open it so i've been kind of getting into the e-reader lately in terms of just like i don't know wasting my money uh i just i i just think it's kind of an interesting uh wart on nintendo's life uh just because it it's just so bizarre it was truly amiibo before amiibo and significantly less convenient or user-friendly or good you can just take every single thing that make amiibo amiibo and it kind of applies to the e-reader cards but take out the fact that oh man you can just take an amiibo one pop it on the nfc reader and it scans uh take that and you have to slowly scan each card uh through the e-reader and often there are multiple cards to scan and not only that but it worked between the game boy advance and the gamecube but the problem is you know you would still have to own a gameboy advance for this to work on the gamecube so even though a lot of gamecube games supported it well not a lot but you know a handful more than there should have uh supported the e-reader it's just like you still had to have a game boy advance you have to plug that in then you have to connect it to the gamecube it was like why um i almost think that a better way to go about this because the e-reader plugs into the game the game card slot on the game boy advance i almost feel like that's slightly limiting for it um i feel like if it had a connection like something like the game boy printer um for the original game boy where you plug it into the game boy advance i think that would have worked a lot better because then it would have made it more accessible for the gamecube because then you know like i don't know maybe it had like a it could have had like a squid wire or something where one port was uh for like the game boy advanced link cable and then another port was for like the gamecube whatever you could have done the memory card slot or another controller port or something like that i feel like that would have made it a lot more accessible because at the moment that is not accessible that's horrifying but uh i didn't know this existed um until recently just an e-reader bundle uh where it comes with a game boy advance and an e-reader uh and just seeing this box like i don't even remember seeing the box for my game boy advance actually i kind of do i had the purple one i think a lot of people did uh it was an interesting era for nintendo colors where they decided to uh just go purple but this is definitely a bit chunkier because it comes with a lot more than a regular uh game boy advance comes with the e-reader which i do feel like another uh problem with the e-reader that made it kind of fail uh i i don't know about anybody else but this logo never looked like it was a part like it was a game boy advance accessory like it always just looked like it was it was almost like an action replay disc or something like that you know it didn't look like an official nintendo product it also didn't you didn't scream like oh this works for my game boy advance um i even have like another version i mean not another version just the e-reader for you know like this this sealed version i know it's just like wow it's like i just i can't get enough of these sealed e-reader boxes uh this you know it's just like seeing this on the shelf you know it's just like game boy advance is barely even a part of this image you know it's just like if i saw this uh in the store as a kid keep in mind that was stupid as hell but i probably wouldn't immediately think oh for my game boy advance you know it's almost in the fine print that it's for the game boy advance um so that's just another reason why i potentially think that this thing didn't do too well it also wasn't that great but it's kind of fun to to collect for and look back on um but this is also a sealed game boy advance so i'm just interested in opening it up and seeing what it's all about includes game boy advance system it's the uh clear or the glacier the glacier color right now i only have white which is kind of cool but it also like it's it gets kind of dirty ereader accessory donkey kong junior e game which uh did come with sealed e-readers so you can see you got donkey kong jr with that and then you get a five card sample pack which also welcome back it uh e-readers also came with that it comes with like a gaming watch card for game watch for game watch manhole and then a couple of pokemon cards and then an animal crossing card so uh you get pretty much a you know i don't really think you get many benefits from getting this specific bundle it's just more convenient because it comes with everything and on the side this is where it gets fun this is where it gets interesting these cards never released uh look for these other e-reader game series game and watch e yeah so these never these never came out potentially i feel like these would have been slightly uh more beneficial to have as e-reader cards mainly because um the problem as you can see it comes with a donkey kong junior e uh e-game that has like five cards you have to scan all together to get to play donkey kong jr with the game and watch games it was pretty much just one card which i think is a lot better um i don't think you could save the high scores though which is kind of half of the point of game watch games to get the high score um but let me see what they say uh there's fire that looks like octopus yeah well that's the back of octopus i assume that's the front of octopus as well handheld hits on cards game and watch e cards come in three flavors classic new and rare collector versions over 25 games across the entire series make this a must have for gamers and collectors alike so what this seems like it was was that it was harvesting games from the game and watch gallery series um pretty much just plucking those games out of that collection and then making one card for each uh so this one seems to be the mario the mario updated version of fire uh from game watch gallery four um i don't remember when game and watch gallery 4 released it might have been before or after but i assume it was before and they just kind of made this like hey you know we're just going to re-release the game and watch games from from that and potentially the older game and watch gallery games as cards um but you know potentially they would have brand new versions of each but uh that's that's the modern recreation from game and watch gallery four and then you just have regular ass octopus but those never released um i i assume it was because of low sales because if the nes games weren't doing well like if the nes the nes e-reader cards weren't doing well surely the game and watch games wouldn't do well so i assume that's kind of a kind of the problem with that pokemon battle e face the best trainers the pokemon universe has to offer battle trainers and pokemon from previous pokemon games including surprise favorites also in battle e new berry cards featuring berries that are not in pokemon ruby and sapphire none of those words mean anything to me but pokemon pokemon battle e and just pokemon cards in general uh did embrace the e-reader for quite a while just the fact that like as you can see they're like those are regular pokemon cards and they had e-reader functionality which was a big deal um and it surprises me that the pokemon company never embraced amiibo like that there are only a couple of like pokemon related amiibo things in general you have the pokemon from smash brothers as amiibo figures then you have like the shadow mewtwo card that was included in first print editions of pokken uh pokken tournament on wii u uh and then you have like the detective pikachu amiibo and i think that's kind of it so it's just it was just weird because it's just like you think it's just like why not make a pokemon line of amiibo and it's just like yeah of course pokemon is weird with licensing like nintendo still owns a bit of pokemon but pokemon is still kind of independent from nintendo even though nintendo still owns a stake in pokemon so you know it's kind of hard to get stuff like that going um even though you know they eventually can make it work obviously like the pokemon amiibo are nintendo branded amiibo um compared to like something like the monster hunter amiibo which are not nintendo branded amiibo they are nintendo licensed amiibo because capcom made those so it's just kind of weird that monster owner would get an amiibo line but then like they wouldn't do pokemon uh even just like putting amiibo functionality in the cards which would definitely be a bit more tricky i think because uh you know nintendo doesn't produce the pokemon cards uh that's about all i know on that topic it's not it's not my it's not my forte but um it's just kind of weird my point is it's weird that they were able to get e-reader functionality into pokemon stuff that like that crazy uh but they barely did anything with amiibo super mario advance four add new levels power-ups power-up items lives and more to the best-selling video game ever what so super mario brothers 3 was the best-selling game of all time at this time to the best-selling video game ever super mario brothers 3. that's interesting maybe they're only counting games that were sold separately because i guarantee at this time super mario brothers on the nes was still considered like the best-selling game of all time but that was packed into so many nes consoles that they probably just said okay we'll count mario 3. maybe skin super mario advanced four e cards to challenge your skill with entirely new level maps or use power ups to help you out in a tricky spot so this was probably the coolest e-reader support mainly because they had new levels for uh for mario 3 which was super cool um but i i don't even think even if you collected all the level cards i don't think you could even store all of them on the on the game on the game i don't think the game had enough space for that uh of course you know if you if you know about this like the wii u virtual console re-release of mario advance 4 super mario brothers 3 includes all the e-reader levels which is nice um but uh yeah i do actually have a pack of mario 3 e-reader cards um that i have not opened so i do want to see that so then i can actually play one of the e-reader levels as intended not on a wii u look for these other game boy advance games so these uh these probably yeah i was gonna say because i know pokemon pinball i think at least in japan had e-reader support this obviously had e-reader support uh not these don't take my word on that one this one doesn't 100 but i'm 90 positive this never did in fact i'm gonna i'm gonna jump that up to 99. uh so i just think that was just game boy advance advertising advertising new games slide into a whole new level of play with nintendo e-reader cards a whole new level of play wow so the game boy powers up game boy advance pick it up and feel the power of the most advanced handheld gaming system ever in an eye-popping portable package with a bigger screen brighter colors bolder graphics digitized cereal sound it's not just new it's a new generation wow i uh would probably debate the whole most advanced handheld gaming system ever i think by this time the nokia n gauge came out which stunk big time but it was more powerful it was kind of like a ps1 in your pocket like even nowadays looking at games on that uh games on that handheld it's pretty impressive um but you know that this the saying might have been written years ago before this this bundle came out get set for an all-new generation of games powered up by uh the world's first 32-bit handheld plays all the gameboy and gameboy color games you already own new widescreen format for with resolution and more color for dazzling detailed graphics and use the game link cable and then we have uh kind of a lot of the stuff they've been advertising around the time pokemon ruby and sapphire advanced wars 2. uh linked to the past mario world oh no they're including batteries that's that is terrifying i can't wait to see how just acidic this is gonna be trading cards come alive with e-reader okay here's the problem there i mean you have classic nintendo game card packs but they're not tradable you literally just get you know what you're gonna get with these you get five cards per pack you'll be able to play donkey kong jr why would you trade one of your cards maybe you trade all five cards for another five cards but it's just like doesn't make any sense it would make more sense if you got just random cards in each pack you didn't know what you were going to get so then oh man i'll trade you this like it would make more sense if it was like if each nes game was on one card and you could just you would just get a random assortment of classic nes games in each pack then one that would be pretty cool i think that was that would be pretty fun um and two that would make it easier to trade instead it's like i i don't understand when they ever whenever they do like the the card packs where you know exactly what you're gonna get like they recently did the animal crossing like hello kitty uh amiibo card pack but it it's there's only like six cards in that series and they all come in that pack i'm just like i don't know like doesn't that take out a lot of the fun and trading cards and you're just buying cards and stuff like that half the fun is you don't know what you're gonna get yeah i i don't know um but uh let's say swipey reader trading cards through the e-reader for a totally new gaming experience skin the dot codes to get games animations oh holy animations stats music and more um they might have been referring to like animal crossing because i know you can get like town tunes via e-reader cards um unlock the unlimited potential of your e-reader trading cards uh classic nintendo games play a classic nintendo game by scanning e-reader cards your e-reader card your e-reader comes with the nintendo gaming favorite donkey kong jr look for more classic titles for you and uh your nintendo retailer um yeah so that was kind of like the biggest thing with the e-reader was was the classic nes games um like that that was definitely the the thing that got the most time in the sun i guess um it's probably like the most uh you'll get out of an e-reader most of the time i've had an animal crossing uh but we also get the sample pack three pokemon e trading card game cards contain vital pokedex information and a mini game uh get connected with a sample animal crossing eight card animal crossing e cards can expand your animal crossing village on nintendo gamecube with items music designs and more game watch man whole e will have you frantically trying to keep up with mr game watch give it a scan uh yeah so we got a lot to uncover here i misplaced my box cutter so we are going to see what i can do with just a pair of scissors and a dream wow okay okay so that works i can tolerate that see that's the problem you never wanna you never wanna peel off these stickers because then you're gonna you're gonna peel off the artwork so you wanna cut them oh my god this is some ancient cardboard oh that's lame it's the exact same thing i already have i didn't want it to be in this packaging i wanted to be in stupider packaging and let's see oh well this is fun definitely gonna read that in a bit let me see come on get out i don't want to hurt it i just maybe that was oh god there we go okay there we go uh so these are pretty much just the uh regular packaging for uh each of these pretty much like this is gameboy advance box how it usually is uh this is the e-reader packaging how it usually is i should know uh i'm really really interested in seeing how this is gonna this is gonna look uh just because uh it's been uh about 20 years uh since i've opened up a game boy advance uh for the first time so this will be this will be fun uh with the e-reader though i mean you never know who knows uh you know i i don't wanna i i don't wanna open up one of my only two e-readers but first obviously the e-reader trading card pamphlet uh i gotta see what they got going on here that just looks barbaric and pretty much uh stuff we already know about here is this dusty is this pamphlet dusty the e-reader connects to the nintendo gamecube another gameboy advance or a nintendo gamecube with a gameboy player attachment to enhance your gaming experience connect to nintendo gamecube to add content to nintendo gamecube games like animal crossing and pokemon channel you see i'm just throwing it out there that's a mess and not only that this is an even bigger mess connect two game boy advance systems or a nintendo gamecube with a gameboy player to add content and extras to game boy games like super mario advance 4 and pokemon ruby and sapphire so yeah that's like i i don't understand why they put so much effort into this when you literally had to do dumb like this to get like the content from your mario 3 e-reader cards into mario advance ford mario 3. like you literally had to own two game boy advances connect one to the e-reader then scan the card with that e-reader is i'm sorry but there's so many more elegant ways they could have done this like i said if you did it like a game boy printer and you plug that into that game boy advance boom there you go instead you have to own two game boy advances or a gamecube with the gameboy advance link cable and plug that into the e-reader it's a mess yeah so uh there's the mario 3 advertisement which is always uh you know it is probably the coolest thing oh they have even more uh game and watch game and watch uh advertisements there's uh there's the modern version of octopus there's a retro fire modern vermin uh retro octopus my uh retro vermin spitball spa sparky every collector game player and fanboy will want the entire set of game and watch e cards including classic color and collector versions yeah that's pretty cool never happened though there's the uh pokemon battle e cards pokemon battle e cards take pokemon ruby and sapphire to the next level uh bound to be a must-have for any serious pokemon trainer pokemon battle e cards allow players to challenge all new trainers and find exclusive berries i assume that's that's vital yes so uh they had compatibility with uh the actual pokemon trading card game pokemon etcg so they were serious about this yeah and they even had this trading card game who knows if that actually released nes e that's actually the name nes e uh play classic nintendo games uh look at that such great games like ice climber e you could buy via cards and then you could just you can just i don't know buy it for 20 for some reason too uh this is this is what uh this is what i'm talking about mario party e i have it i need to play it mario takes the party uh to the game boy advance challenge your friends to this fast-paced standalone card game or add the e-reader for frenzied video game challenges and duels an interesting idea i have no idea if it's good or not i assume it's it's okay because it's just a little board game um but you have to scan each card and scanning on the e-reader is very uh it's a bit problematic it doesn't always work well uh collect and connect with animal crossing e-cards yeah so they have the uh all four series there that's a little e-reader advertisement there this is the main guy i want to take a look at i need to see exactly what a brand new game boy advance looks like especially with batteries included oh god oh yes oh yes it's all over the packaging yes see you later fellas oh god oh that's unfortunate yeah uh so this was still sealed but i think the batteries kind of kind of started to uh i don't know wear away at this whole thing because it's uh it's looking a little rough but it uh you know this is still intact look at that okay pray for me here please god thank god and then we got the uh well literature packets the game boy player oh look at that they even use a funky border look at all that see game boy games like you've never seen them before wow oh they had they had a game boy advance sp uh advertisement in the game boy advance box that's kind of a big few to anybody who just bought this the old uh the old nintendo power promos are always fun oh my god game boy advance headphones oh my god and i can register and i can win a game boy advanced game how fun all right and unfortunately with an e-reader of this magnitude i can't really do anything uh other than just absolutely destroy this box this is like my least favorite kind of packaging because like i i just there's no way i mean i i think there is a way to preserve it um i think you can at least preserve like the back the back like uh the the paper back like this stuff um but other than that you just you can't really do much i'll just i'll just get rid of that first it put up a bit of a fight but i got it oh my god look and it even has a little stain uh all right so it comes with a little protective cardboard and then we have the e-reader sample pack and then of course donkey kong jr uh and then the e-reader a brand new e-reader god damn there we go thank god look at that guy it's so stupid okay yeah so uh these are these are our e-reader cards uh i think i kind of know what i'm getting with donkey kong jr but of course i can still open that classic video com the complete classic video game and five e-reader cards oh joy oh let's see it's video game software on a card it's more like five cards but uh let's see come on there we go it's like a like a bag of chips all right and that is uh that is donkey kong jr yeah it's kind of lame to me that they don't it's just like come on at least include like multiple uh different different uh pieces of artwork or something it would've been cool even if they did something like you know like one card just had donkey kong the other one just had donkey kong jr the other one had the bird the other one had mario now that would be pretty cool but uh yeah at least like each one has different info it's like this one has like the controls this one has kind of a plot and how to play uh these ones kind of have special techniques tips items but who wants this when we have the sample pack yes so uh i definitely wanted to uh see what this one's all about here oh my god pokemon cards oh yes uh this one is interesting considering it is the only uh game watch game that officially released on the e-reader so it's manhole you can't even save uh and then a uh seems more like a sample animal crossing card than like an official official one uh in terms of if i think i wasted much of my time here i feel like you wasted more time watching me waste my time
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 185,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uq77qS-w4kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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