The Super Mario Advance Series

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who would have thought you could put these eight words and numbers together re-releases of Mario games it's a part of life suck it up I mean Mario games have been re-released ever since Mario was a thing but these titles right here I think are some of the most iconic Mario re-releases of all time the Super Mario Advance series pretty much Nintendo's excuse for not doing anything Mario related for a couple years all right well that's a stretch however uh yeah these were our Mario games on the Game Boy Advance old ass titles starting with the Game Boy Color we got Super Mario Brothers Deluxe this was a remake of the original Super Mario Brothers on the NES now portable and it is insane yeah it looks just like Super Mario Brothers because it is in that game in a portable form factor in one like 1999 let me tell you that was Unreal I'd never seen anything like it most notably because I was two at the time but this is still something that I can take a look back at and and just be in shock and awe portable games at the time looked like this or at least on the Nintendo side of things before the Game Boy Color and even on the Game Boy Color uh you know games had that very distinct Game Boy Color stank to them but in game Super Mario Brothers Deluxe and it looked exactly like the NES original but this time it was portable and it had so much extra content to it it's insane even looking at this game these days the amount of stuff they added to Mario 1 is unprecedented they had a world map it's completely unnecessary but like why not I always wanted to see another perspective on grass in the game then in addition there's a bunch of extra little goodies there's a cool mode you versus boo where it's basically a race through levels Super Mario Brothers the lost levels is included which is pretty crazy this is just at the end of the day a Sublime video game experience the definitive way to play Super Mario Brothers one if it wasn't for that goddamn screen crunch so that's a bit of an issue with console games on Portables uh to make them fully work you have to keep in mind these screens are really tiny now so you have to zoom in to your display or you gotta warp some things around and because of that this game wasn't initially designed with an aspect ratio so just crunched up so there are a lot of moments in this game where it's kind of hard to tell what's coming at you or what's above you or below you because it's so zoomed in it's not unplayable by any means and it's something that when you play this as a kid you don't notice it at all but playing these days it is always like one of the most apparent things for me when I'm playing any of these types of games so that element is really unfortunate but it kind of comes with the territory you know you can't just have Super Mario Brothers on the Game Boy Color uh it would look like this so I understand but that's really the only major flaw with Super Mario Brothers Deluxe this remake is so damn cool and set the precedent for future Mario handheld re-releases portable systems in my opinion have always had more of a kid like draw to them as in it's it's more likely to see a kid with a Game Boy than uh the the big modern game system you know or at least it was back in the day they were cheaper and they shut your kid up in the car plus you could play your handheld system wherever you could play it at home and you could also play it on the go you can't do that with a home game system so uh Portables it makes sense why Nintendo dominated this market and why their portable systems almost always outsold their home consoles so let's take a look at Nintendo's strategy here instead of making a fully original Mario game for the Game Boy Advance they decided to go the Super Mario Brothers Deluxe route and just re-release pretty much his entire 2D lineage on the system now of course that initially sounds incredibly lazy however I think this was one of the smartest things they've ever done because keep in mind I grew up in this era I grew up with these two games right here Super Mario World Super Mario Advance 2 and Yoshi's Island Super Mario Advance 3. did I know these were older games no not in the slightest I was just playing Mario so you make these games portable for the first time ever I think that's an easy way to draw in the old fans plus they introduced a couple new things in every single one of these games some more than others but still it wasn't like an immediate like oh they just put Super Mario Brothers 2 on The Game Boy Advance and called it a day no they not only put Super Mario Bros 2 on The Game Boy Advance but they included all this other stuff in it making it so then for an old time fan there were new reasons to play it and for newcomers you just don't even think about it you don't think oh Nintendo's just re-releasing Super Mario Brothers 2 again how much more can they milk this series not you're just like oh man Mario on the Game Boy I'll buy that and because of that I think a lot of kids who grew up in my generation got that Mario history lesson without having to grow up in the 90s you played Mario 3 you played Mario World you played Mario too but it didn't feel like you were going back in time to play some old ass game now you were just playing your game boy and thus the Mario Advance series makes a whole lot of sense so Mario Advance 1 launch with the Game Boy Advance this is a remake of Super Mario Brothers 2 from the NES however they used the presentation from the Super Mario All-Stars version of the game while tweaking it a bit enemies are way bigger now in some cases and they also have voice clips a lot of voice clips it's like a pig squealing in your ears the entire time you're playing this game now I know some people that do not like this though I always found it to add a lot more character to Mario too just hearing Mario go I got it lucky it makes it feel a lot less lonely of an experience it feels more lively now I understand some people going like ah this is too much yeah I get it but I don't mind it and in fact I I do like it it just adds something to the experience but I don't have much to say about Mario 2 in comparison to the Mario Brothers arcade game that's included my Lord this is one of the best things about Mario games on the Game Boy Advance specifically the Mario Advance series and Mario Luigi Superstar Saga they all include Mario Brothers the original arcade game now uh I grew up with of course these two games right here and I played Mario Brothers a lot in both of them and whenever I'd see Mario Brothers get re-released on like the Virtual Console Nintendo switch online whatever I'd be like oh man I remember playing this game so much and I'd play it and I would just vomit this isn't the Mario Brothers I grew up with no no this is a fully remade from the ground up version of that arcade game and it is so good it's so much better the original Mario Brothers I have a hell of a lot of respect for I think it's a good arcade game however I I think it's a classic in the sense of like how ice climber is a classic now stop right there can hear that vomit coming from a mile away ice climber on the NES is not that fun to play however if you get a hold of the controls which are very stiff very slippery you get the hang of it and you can appreciate the game a lot more it doesn't make it a great game but I think it's easier to just sit down and be like okay yeah you know like I can imagine playing this for a little bit maybe 10 minutes compared to five Mario Brothers is kind of in the same way the controls don't age that well they aren't fun they feel gross however that doesn't mean you can't get used to them you just kind of have to sit down and just live with it for a little bit kind of learn the ins and outs of them and then you can appreciate playing the game a little bit more that doesn't make it great they're still flawed controls however you can make do with them but the controls in the GBA version are just perfect everything is so fast and responsive and just hitting things from underneath and then kicking them just it feels so impactful so satisfying I love all the backgrounds they added that snowy kind of factory look oh man it's so good it just feels so cozy it's so fun to just constantly keep playing the game just go down a rabbit hole of trying to get your high score it's just a giant endurance round Mario Brothers on the GBA is amazing and it's included with every single one of these uh I always thought it was a little weird how like oh man you know the the exact same game is included in every single one no changes no nothing but that's because hey there are four games right here and you can do four player multiplayer with Mario Brothers on here that's really cool and makes us then if you have Mario Advance and I have Yoshi's Island it doesn't matter we can still play multiplayer with each other an awesome feature though a bit misleading because all these box Arts have this blurb that says hey link it up four player multiplayer like yeah you're not lying but like when I see that I assume like oh man like Mario World I get to play with four players in that game like no I gotta be honest Super Mario Advance I didn't play a ton you know I've obviously played it these days but this was never my game what was my game was Super Mario World Super Mario Advance 2. so yeah pretty interesting how uh they start with Super Mario Brothers 2 and then go to Super Mario World now I'm not complaining I think they wanted to show off a Super Nintendo game on the Game Boy Advance at least in title alone like oh man this is Super Mario World on the go hey that was a powerful thing back then being able to play a game that was only ever a Home console title on a handheld in a fairly uncompromised fashion incredible and Mario World is exactly that a fairly uncompromised version of Super Mario World this is pretty much the exact same game the thing with these games is that the color palette it is actually a little washed out looking it's a lot brighter than you'd expect and that's because you know the Game Boy Advance originally didn't have a backlight so they had to brighten up the graphics on the games themselves to make them more viewable but man I played this game all the time this was one of my major childhood games and I'm really thankful that it was Super Mario World listen I grew up with a ton of licensed trash some good licensed trash but licensed trash nonetheless and Super Mario World it was just a Mario game to me I didn't really think anything of it but I played it all the time of course in retrospect I realized like oh cool that that is one of the greatest games of all time great good to know I didn't grow up with absolute dog some of the time which makes me so damn thankful I grew up with this game right here but not only this game Yoshi's Island I add this one as well Super Mario Advance 3. it's not even a goddamn Mario game this one is a bit controversial considering many people don't like this version since uh the effects just aren't the same the level touch fuzzy get dizzy in the Game Boy Advance version pales in comparison to the Super Nintendo version or at least that's what a lot of wannabe purists are saying uh it looks fine this version is perfectly fine I I don't understand where a lot of the hatred for this game camps I don't even think it's hatred I think it's more so just oh that version just isn't the same as the Super Nintendo game what are you talking about I feel like some people just want to be labeled as a purist and be like oh that's not Yoshi's Island that's the Game Boy Advance one like yeah obviously it's the Game Boy Advance version but like why aren't you saying the same thing about Mario World Mario Advance Mario 3 Mario Brothers Deluxe any of these why is it this one that kind of gets a little bit of like um that's not my Yoshi's Island this is a solid version of Yoshi's Island it works great right here obviously being on the Game Boy Advance you have the same problems as like any other Game Boy Advance Port of a Home console game but still it's hard to complain when you're in the mid 2000s and this is the first time this game has not only been re-released but available portably but I feel like Nintendo took the criticisms of all these games how they're pretty much just the same games but uh you know just a little bit worse to put on a Game Boy Advance and use that all to craft Super Mario Advance 4 Super Mario Bros 3. what a wacky ass little game this is easily uh the most fleshed out of the Mario Advance Series so Mario Advance 1 had a fair amount of changes and additions uh but was still the Super Mario All-Stars version of Mario 2 at the end of the day Mario World and Yoshi's Island were pretty much the same exact goddamn game Yoshi's Island had some new levels but Mario world is still pretty much just Mario World Super Mario Advance 4 is the Super Mario All-Stars version of Mario 3 pretty much looks good runs good has that screen crunch but I think this is a very good version of Mario 3. however this version had e-reader support now what was the e-reader I'm asking that same question the e-reader was a Game Boy Advance accessory you plugged into the system and you could scan specific cards with it so then you could add stuff into your games or play specific games whatever it works really you have a Game Boy Advance or you could plug your Game Boy Advance with e-reader into the GameCube and use e-reader games in supported games there it wasn't a very popular accessory it wasn't a very good accessory but it was an accessory nonetheless and some games used it in very minimal silly dumb stupid dumb ways but Mario Advance 4 actually used it incredibly well but that doesn't mean it I mean like that doesn't mean to use the e-reader well that just means like the e-reader support was pretty good because the e-reader was always like one of the clunkiest stupidest ass things I've ever seen in my life you need two Game Boy advances an e-reader and a specific Mario Advance for cards so uh you have to plug your Game Boy Advance with Super Mario Brothers 3 into another Game Boy Advance with the e-reader plugged in then you scan your Syrian Cards into that e-reader and then you get new content in your Mario 3 game now that content could have been just something as basic as power-ups but it could have also been brand new levels this was our original Mario game for the Game Boy Advance they actually did it guys they actually had a new Mario game it was just kind of hidden here of course the problem is you had to buy a bunch of e-reader cards to get that and uh even at that point I I don't even think you can actually store all the levels on this cart it's like impossible it caps out after a little bit thankfully though on re-releases of this game via the Wii U virtual console and Nintendo switch online they have all the e-reader levels included and these levels are insane to play through it's like this hidden Mario game that nobody really knew about for years until the Wii U Virtual Console game came out did I mention how all of these games have Mario Brothers that's it like insane like fantastic Series right here uh a little strange how you know it goes to World Yoshi's Island and then three and then one came before on the Game Boy Color but they also had one uh just just basic ass one nothing special about it on the Game Boy Advance via the classic NES Series so like okay so uh you know we we have the entire Mario lineage everybody we truly do because in Japan uh we got Super Mario Brothers 2 the Japanese version uh the as in the classic famicom Mini series uh so you know that goes right there and then on the DS new Super Mario Brothers was originally meant to be uh the successor to the Mario Advance series like a Mario Advance 5. I don't know how the hell that would have worked but the handheld launch with Super Mario 64 DS and the DS had backwards compatibility with the Game Boy Advance so uh yeah you truly had as much Mario that would have fit in your stupid little face I have a lot of love for these re-releases of the games uh honestly if I'm ever feeling Mario World and I'm feeling nostalgic I'll pop in the Game Boy Advance version this was the one that I grew up with and uh Mario 3 I always wanted I played this game on the NES at my grandma's house uh when I was a kid and I saw they had it for the Game Boy Advance I was like oh oh my God these are all such Magical games to be able to play Not only on the go but as a kid too and Nintendo's re-releases of these games allowed a lot of kids to play these without having a prior knowledge of like the legacy of these classic games because I feel like you kind of need that nowadays like uh the only way to play a lot of these uh old games is through Nintendo switch online and and uh you know the only reason why you're gonna open that up is if you're feeling like going down memory lane see a museum of old farts but I feel the way they did it back during the Game Boy Advance era was kind of get people to play these old games without realizing they're playing old games I know a lot of people listening to that would be like what the hell are you talking about everybody knew this was Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island from 1995 but I'm here to say no most people that grew up with these games just knew them as yeah these are Mario games I guarantee you all the kids that played Super Mario 64 DS had no idea this was an older game it's weird I know we all kind of look at these titles in a meal ago like oh yeah this is a re-release but that's not the case for most people and hearing something's a re-release I feel like kind of gets you to be like oh that's not for me I want to play something brand new and just calling the first one Super Mario Advance uh well it's a little misleading you know it sounds like oh man this is Mario's big debut on the Game Boy Advance and it's can Super Mario Brothers too but I think that got a lot of people to play some of the greatest games of all time I love the Super Mario Advance series I look back at it with a lot of fondness and I think we have these games to thank for my entire generation having a rough understanding of who Roy is
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 270,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bV51sfV0osM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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