The 100 MEGA Firework PRANK In Minecraft!

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have you ever put someone in a minecart rocket and shot them up to space or maybe use a file words boom box to set the house on fire well now you can with these super rare minecraft by word by using a few fireworks breaks this summer that some of our hair my craft fireworks were stolen now it's time to get them back this is gonna be a blast [Music] [Music] so I've been working I've been working my workshop past couple days and today what you feeling yeah oh sure my works yeah I got some firecrackers right here just set it right there would you like to see first you're right Thank You frustrate your toes not mine oh yeah oh that was uh eldest mom one that was pretty small likes what is start small work by way up okay I was just a cracker here try this one out the size you know it to it oh this looks like a crushed juice box oh my god okay it cost a lot but sure yeah alright now show me show me show me show me show me a big one you have a big one okay I not on me but you know what I have been working hard on these and I got like 30 different types is gonna be great I got me once I got small ones go once a whistle I got ones that go up really high they're all in the top chest you know it's like when you walk around like a bunch of stuff your pocket you kind of forget about it I did make them I made a whole bunch of do you here away from us that's the super Veridian yellow phantasm like all fireworks but you know what yogi I roads to make this super Veridian those fantastic we need emeralds yes and I was the only one who had animals you know what they did we know what they did they made good fireworks join that wait they took my corner words they stole your fireworks that's not fair we have okay we have to get back and yet things are gonna get explosive I feel that's right that's right we're gonna go get them I miss the floating mongooses that's so cool you know yeah those took me half an hour to make what oh my god all right you know what I got you come on come on burn their house down we gotta get them back slowly okay okay so we slowly burn their house down okay no okay so what we had you all right we gotta sneak into their house okay all right so we need to make invisible potions all right so come over here oh we got our potions of brewing stands here do you have any other fireworks left or anything like that I mean like I guess I mean I got this party bomb here that I get it around just in case only one so we're gonna take that music music oh to get inside all right we need vehicle to carry me the golden keratin or Jesus party right ah you have any gold I just lost gold on the flight Mongoose oh my god what have gold at all times Ian that's right in yep we just wipe off the head off his golden home we can totally do that over there okay this is little shack I hope it's just easy to read because I knew the bird down there oh my god you are so vegetable today look at you that that's pirate sexy and fun they're still firing it off oh he's got block I'm gonna borrow this and he's got other stuff he doesn't have it open bring it back oh my gosh let's go I know great all right so let's make this we got some awkward potions coming right up rice wait awkward potions but I'm already awkward enough do I really need that that's a good question for you to ask [Music] here's your potion visibility there's my portion of invisibility and let's get him out right so what does your bomb do by the way oh yeah it just kind of starts a party is what it does it's just uh it's a real party animal you get it gets really gets the party going this is so bad at all nice place okay with the party bomb all right but the party bomb here where's here again you were in business okay put it right here in the middle of the hallway don't expect that ramen anyway there you go BAM I don't know I really groove to it but wow that's like kind of loud yeah I like a kids movie oh my god that party is guys if you're enjoying these beautiful fireworks be sure to leave a like and maybe subscribe thanks so listen listen to my plan listen to my plan so what I think we didn't do is we didn't invite them over right okay okay for our restaurant opening or opening a restaurant right quote-unquote okay what's our it's called Olive Garden seems like we're gonna get ourselves some trouble of that one okay pickle garden okay because olives a picnic look it's not supposed to be good because we're gonna give them poison potatoes right and I think that'll get you revenge alright okay we're just gonna kill him what I I haven't thought AHA I like where you're going with it yeah I filled it the world okay I mean I mean the place right yeah well this is pearly so you have a lovely table but I noticed you how many chairs do the chairs right here I should put stairs actually okay okay okay you could put stairs there but what if I because this is one of the things I had around I didn't think I would need it but [Music] Wow okay I like where this is going no they have a wonderful time you're waiting for the dessert menu and then BOOM oh let me get the good potatoes out for this then I gotta get all right you can also serve the poison potatoes no you stay here all right you'll be like a saint I'm gonna go invite them over yeah oh you left your door open that means I can come in hello yeah if there was a muddy apparently going on in our house it's almost like babies came in and you know made you guys a party but that doesn't this one's ever knowing so anyway yeah to invite you guys to our brand new restaurant if you come a little here now follow me this way we really worked on this new restaurant idea and it's something that I think you guys would like cuz you know you got this amazing fireworks oh you saw the fireworks this one no easy I mean it's hard not to see it you just kind of like our neighbors you know wait what the restaurant do you have oh okay okay it's cold ah it's called rocket garden and you'll see it's very well theme we've got games it is a blast all right complimentary bread in water in just a few minutes I'll be right back you go ahead and get that out in here a complimentary uh yeah bread potatoes whatever she believed that oh my god I you I forgot to light the candles I am silly oh my gosh alright give me one second I think it's working alright here we go there's a candle it's not a nice view we have a big I gotta light the candle really quick okay you know about it we lost their trust okay that's true that's true oh my god okay so he's all we're gonna do all right we're gonna do we're gonna take our potions of invisibility all right we're gonna take in case we need you we're gonna go on that cops arresting again we're just gonna search through their stuff and grab it all right we should have done the beginning but you know what we were really should've I don't know we had to be man oh my god they're shooting off so many ants the ground yeah no I think I know where you are because I have no just follow the stinky lines it's hard to see it gets a great background I'm not sure the red flower I'm affects their house where are you I'm in the house okay fine I'm in the house - cool great are you the center of the house like setter holy I see I see I see all right so let's go take a look Oh [Music] fireworks this is where they were doing David holding out on us [Applause] [Music] okay all right so we that you two stole his fireworks I absolutely do if it would please the court Exhibit A yeah look at that the snick green emerald copra Kai's to set off wow wow wow okay I think I think we should call a truce how about that you know so I mean we all want fireworks okay oh yeah he is possibly I didn't panic happen oh my god no you should be alright some fireworks come on guys like he's off what's up good Oh set up some volcanoes with us damn oh my god cher Pierce Pierce you learned you the honors you know what sure I feel like I've heard this today oh my god you can see it just spiraling up into the sky and you found Jim oh no noise here let me see yeah look why tableau oh my god okay music beers here how about you guys uh you know you know I'm gonna sit here I'll let you guys like some of these real quick I'll be right back okay okay yeah yeah I'm over here you know did you like in your house well yes we did deserve that [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,806,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: r8RzbqYTtrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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