The 10 Stages of Every Deepwoken Heavy Main

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[Music] for stage one the soon to be heavy man has just started their deepwoken Journey they just bought deepen is now creating their first character upon seeing the choices of the weapon types they immediately decide that medium and light weapons suck and are for losers stinky hoo poo meta boys and pick the biggest option available to them which is the battle axe H I could either pick St sword or battle axe using the Stiletto sounds lame as hell it looks like tiny shank or something I could pick the sword that's screw it at this point the heavy man has just spawned in the game they get for the usual rough start of a figuring how training equipment and like investment points work getting jumped trying to find where Aria is getting jumped and then mixing up Aria and rris and of course getting jumped and uh it's at this point in time that they finally somehow made their way to Aria and uh you know start fighting their first Bandits the young heavy man has just landed themselves at Aria and is now fighting their first MPCs depending on their skill level they either successfully blocked Perry SL Dodge the bandits and land in some hits which is uh pretty satisfying every time they hit it or they get completely curb stomped by Bandits and uh blame it on the weapon causing them to swap the light weapon get away from me why are you chasing me stop it get back here so you can get away from me if they made it past this stage they probably got a taste of the satisfaction of playing heavy and it's now continuing on their Journey as a deepwoken heavy man stage 3 usually takes place after they hit Level 45ish at this point the heavy man got a taste of how PVP is for one way or another whether it be like Chimes of conflict or fighting random Freshies at song seeker and the people they're fighting at this level mostly consist of like 75% Royal Pathfinders 10% glass dancer waps tryhards and uh 10% anything else I mean is like it's way past the like the old ages of deep booking at this point they could straight up have like I don't know like pill s cloaks or something anyways as you can see there's quite a bit of Royal Pathfinders and uh heavy weapon shines best when your opponent cannot parry and uh because of that the heavy main builds up a lot of confidence confidence that may or may not be shattered later [Music] on lock Perry and Dodge maybe man I'm just destroying everybody right now at this stage the heavy main has reached max level on their build and is now fighting other max level players however UNT fortunately for them max level players typically know how to Parry and uh since heavy weapon is the worst Choice when your opponent has an F key uh any heavy players just kind of get demolished during the stage chattering the confidence they just build [Music] [Music] up this game sucks bro heavy weapons just can't do all that well against a medium player even if they're both the same skill level at the end of the day heavy is just easier to Parry compared to like a forgotten Gladius or something because of the beating they received the last stage most chooses to like swap off of heavy weapons instead opting to play like medium or light the stage usually lasts a pretty long time depending on how much the heavy main likes to you weapon type oh how is this even remotely fair for the other person I could have just played light weapon the whole [Music] time granted he is playing light weapon as well but uh come on come back here it's so much easier than heavy but uh after like a build or two and trying out the other choices they reach an important part to solidify their status as a heavy man they get the choice of whether they want to try out heavy again with their new found experience or uh stay medium or light this is the point where most people get like a little SpongeBob cartoon flashback of getting demolished and just give up but for a few that do they move on to the next stage after coming back the heavy weapon uh instead of having like an epic Revival like in a movie or something they just get curb stomped again that's just reality man I'm sorry man what do I do I keep getting curb stomped every time I play heavy weapons if only there was some way to win what the Arkham AG is that you take this my child it is my gift to you thank you Father I now see what I must [Music] do [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] most heavy weapons typically stick with heavy gun uh as you know winning does feel pretty good but for some they feel like they lose the meaning of actually playing heavy weapons you know sometimes it's a little too easy you know what I'm saying before using gun Landing m1's with heavy felt rewarding but since uh gun into M1 is practically a true combo you don't really get the satisfaction anymore since you didn't really have to work all that hard for it the now experienced heavy man has now made it to their final stage they've accepted that uh heavy isn't exactly the best weapon type but uh they don't get angry at losses anymore and they slowly become even better at the game than uh most like medium weapon users to the point where they become like Mantra fainting Maniacs because you know it's kind of the only way to get in hits with like heavy well I mean for experienced players anyways if you're like I'm wanting a freshy I don't think uh I don't think you're going to need to like montra f them so yeah at this point uh they finished their Journey with heavy and now they can play as Luigi also please subsscribe [Music]
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 180,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, stereotypes, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, attunement, curved blade, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, alloy, deepwoken stereotypes, gaming, game, heavy, shadowcast, petra anchor, bell, bells, deepwoken heavy, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, heavy weapons, 10 stages, tf2, 10 stages of, heavy main, heavy gun
Id: 4OPjsaaOkYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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