10 Stages of Every Deepwoken Light Main

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[Music] the young deep broken heavy Mane starts their Adventure at Arizona what what do you mean this isn't a heavy episode this is the light episode why is the guy holding a battle ax okay whatever uh young light weapons main starts their adventure of uh with a battle ax for some reason eighty percent of the debugging player base most likely started with heavy as their weapon because oh big sword ah why do I feel like I've been in this exact same skip before oh big ax I'm a cool guy and I and I use a cool heavy weapon most people probably won like medium or light anyways I don't want to be the same as 80 of the player base and yes that was that guy too my first ever build was actually uh kenor Gale heavy isn't he nice uh well anyways the only reason the the other weapon types get used is because heavy is horrible for beginners and I don't know if you guys know this but most people start as a beginner and that also means most people quit Heavy after a while because you know they sucked at it which transitions into our next stage all right I'm about to hit him with this fancy ax that I got he is not even fighting back oh he's fighting back yo why can't I attack bruh oh dude this weapon sucks all right hold on I gotta get out of here all right let me see if I can get anything better than this piece of junk now this is a very important step in the Deep welcome players Journey after deciding to stop using heavy they now have a choice between medium or light and uh if you take a look at the title of this video you probably know which one this guy's gonna pick you know imma get this dagger see how those like dagger Bandits that are easier feel about it yo look at how fast it swings now that the young light main has swapped the light weapons it's time for them to actually use it in combat and uh since beginners probably don't sweat Chimes for uh 200 wins in a row every day like uh some people they go and kill some NPCs sitting around the map stupid dagger Bandit yeah how's it feel now huh stupid song Seeker although you do not utilize a short knife with a pointed and edged blade commonly known as a dagger you are still wielding a weapon that will be considered within the family of light weapons the same family in my stiletto a dagger would fall under [Music] being a light weapon user the light weapon main quickly discovers the downside of using light weapons and uh that's it uh very short range but uh you know to be honest I don't really consider a downside because like imagine you're fighting a light weapon user right he swings that's like you know very close to you but it whips because you know it doesn't have the range and then you like you miss your Parry right and now you're in like this little weak state and then and then since like daggers have like barely any end lag they just swing again and you get hit for free that's stupid and whatever I'm getting off topic uh the light weapon mean at this stage gets smacked by anybody who has an S key because uh dagger has like two range and they cannot Parry so they get a little frustrated please come back I just want to stab you man I'm back well I can't hit this guy but you want to know what he can hit the Subscribe button yup is another Shameless transition to a plug but uh yeah Layer Two is like right around the corner and I've been aiming the 10K before layer 2 drops people speculated to be on the 20th which is the Wilkins anniversary and also coincidentally two days from now so uh that means this is my last chance to get the 10K in time so if you enjoy watching my content please subscribe dude I this range actually sucks bro bro just get back here you know what let me just wait I changed my mind I changed my mind all this frustration from dying so much in-game makes the light weapon main even more competitive and a little more toxic it may even start gripping Freshies oh the young light weapon Maine after being curb stomped by other players using the ancient technique of block pairing and walking backwards gets angry and decide that it's the weapon's fault they're losing there's no way it could be their fault right so they swap to something else in the light weapon category to cope this is also around the time that they uh that the light weapon main finishes their first builds which means that their build with all like the dagger talents and whatnot it's not really going to mesh all that well with like fists or something they're gonna be missing like the aerial talents they're going to be missing like fist of fortitude and there's every other like weapon type specific talents hmm I can go with fist Rapier or guns I guess I guess I might as well just do Rapier for now note that this could have gone either way it's just that uh Rapier was the easiest to get for me unfortunately for the light weapons main you know their lack of experience with the weapon and their lack of experience parrying this is this is not gonna work out man yeah take these stupid media ah yo how the hell did that hit me oh my God bruh this game sucks so bad I watched me finesse this ow what the dude that does so much damage Daddy's a Nerf rat I take these meteors oh my God man this sucks I keep losing every match and deep woking what how am I ever gonna get better and also wow this uh this skit feels really familiar do you wanna do you want to be a metamancer what's that here take take wait hold on take this my child it will help oh this is so damn stupid [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God [Music] the now matured light weapons main faces what every player in deep woken probably had to deal with before 8 and complaints and a bunch of crap in your DMs but like a lot more than usual because the they're light weapon and like the whole stigma surrounding it so uh depending on how much they care about their own image they either swap or they don't foreign just a quick note that I asked these guys to DM me fake like light weapon messages so uh nah these are all like staged messages they're they're not actually real for this final stage this is the choice that all light weapon users get at the end of their Journey do they become a true vampirism krillian knife bra straw ganking debulking guild member uh Nightfall player Illinois event like Illinois Virginia server ganker and flare or do they take showers all right that's gonna be the end of 10 stages of a light weapon Main and again if you watch and enjoy my videos that I make please check if you are subscribed and uh yeah see you guys in later too
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 194,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, stereotypes, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, attunement, curved blade, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, alloy, deepwoken stereotypes, gaming, game, heavy, shadowcast, petra anchor, bell, bells, deepwoken heavy, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, heavy weapons, 10 stages, tf2, 10 stages of, light main, dagger main, krulian
Id: x2Vj5925wxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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