Fadetrimmer Progression #1 | Deepwoken

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is me berbingish and welcome to the fade trimmer progression it has been six months since I released my fade trimmer Showcase Video uh sadly during those six months there was a really big spider inside of the fade trimmer room so The Debs couldn't release it to you guys on time it's gonna be a pretty standard build except for the fact that I have fade trimmer of course I made sure to not look at any of like the moves so that I could get my first genuine reaction on camera or is respite blood iron you know I see a lot of people in like the Deep walking Discord complaining about how it's fade trimmer and not something like life weave or War master and they're like complaining about how all deep broken is dying they're not adding any real content but come on name one other game that actually does weekly content updates that is indeed woken you know overall pretty cool update might be a little biased because uh bay trimmer but I don't know man confidence content since fade trimmer can change people's haircuts I'm planning on just getting the biggest haircut ever putting it on the opponent right so that I can hide my dagger animations it's like reverse big herbalist hat I'm gonna have to give them the always AFK cut I'm just gonna start like spinning I'm just gonna start spinning they can't see my animations I win oh EXO ah wait no I forgot the freeze health pack in previous Slumber oh yeah and also I forgot to mention if you look at the top left there you might see a bit of a familiar name if you watched my first fate trimmer video Lord Commander oh endurance Runner brand support you know typically I actually like review some of the cards I'm like should I get this or should I get that but uh I feel like nobody really cares about that plus most of you guys probably know what cars are good how many of you guys like this new style where I just like oh I get blah blah blah and I get like whatever cards you know speed things up a little you know a lot of you guys have been telling me hey burbanger she's a child type soul but honestly I'm not sure if I want to play type Soul just because of like the moderation there like I heard the moderation there was so bad people were getting like full spanned daily and I don't really want to swap to another game just to get immediately banned for some random reason all right and there we go we're out of trial oh yeah and also along with fade trimmer they added an update to make it like progression apparently really fast so hopefully I can get to level 12 in like no time I just like bee hopped around this man oh wait I don't have a stiletto yeah I can't even level up my light weapon all right let me just grip this guy and I'm gonna get my way over that dress if you're wondering why I'm going daggers Gale dagger obviously you know scissors and leg weapon and Gail honestly I'm just uh I'm just a gale Mane you know what I might as well take this artifact with me yoke another artifact I forgot they'd just be handing these out like candy is there a way I could like carry the bottom one and just have like the other one stacked on top hold on let me stop the boat real quick all right I put this one on top and I take the bottom one ah man I've only you could carry two at once this is like stack as many as you want on there so that you could have like a I don't know like a moving artifact stack all right turn that in 13 HP I'll take it wow that is actually way more stuff that I thought it would be oh hello [Music] what the hell yo what are you doing bro I am level I'm like fresh out of trial bro [Music] what is this guy doing I don't even have a mantra so I can't even do any Mix-Ups I'm just gonna have to use my crit and this guy is so much faster okay that was a weird pink Spike I'm sure this guy agrees reinforce I swear this like umbral Knight shattered Katana loses to me that's gonna be so disappointing Harry [Music] come here oh finally he gets gar broken oh what the hell things like [Music] oh we actually carried the crit I cannot deal with the server right now bro like I'm already fighting a Max Level you want me to deal with this random ping Spike [Music] okay [Music] oh I'm getting comboed up in this ping [Music] all right bro where's the actress cards reinforce paint [Music] hit him with that oh a bit of a combo [Music] hi bruh is there an entrance guard around here whoa what the what is this thing bro [Music] you know I did notice the actress guards were missing bye I'm about to run back this guy kind of sucks at the game I'll be honest cool address California there he is what's up why is there a bandit here oh I don't even need to do that Heavenly win deal punch okay that oh four Gale ones I mean I get all lunch Gail punch this guy landed on him doesn't even like hit me once bro or maybe he did and I just bloodless healed I'm not sure Dodge that hey hit me [Music] okay okay this guy does not know how to Parry won't you try running bro [Music] L punch Air Force [Music] oh get a lunch faint and [Music] full Gale punch y easy [Music] that's why you don't grip fresh us and debug him bro all right well that's over with I'm gonna go log back on to my other account and we're back all right get myself oh that's a paring dagger get myself a stiletto that on and uh I guess I might as well get a pairing dagger why not you know a little Rich after that artifact what hey what'd I do what did I do is he after me what did I do yo are they mad at me because I defended myself against that guy oh I forgot I'm a void Walker I completely forgot about that dude I uh I changed my outfit because I wanted to try and make a thumbnail before like the before even starting recording because my voice was kind of like tired and I just completely forgot that I won void Walker origin well I guess I'm not welcome to netris then oh but I'm not sure whose boat this is but uh I needed for a convenient getaway [Music] right there what is going on over here oh oh well I don't really care that extra saves me I did get my stiletto give me light weapon XP [Music] oh yeah I forgot how much like early game light progression sucks [Music] there we go anything good in here nope not at all I mean I could use the Rapier though I am going light weapons after all see what we get lose your mind nah Champions regalia I want Swift rebound instead what is that [Music] wait isn't it supposed to be in there how to get out here well I'm sure it's all now fighting that thing with stiletto so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get out of here uh oh you didn't see me no oh I'm going over here now all right bro I checked my Mantra set up I got ground spark on two aeon lockstone on free cloudstone on four and reinforce on five pretty good Mantra setup I do say so myself [Music] oh combo yo actually I just remembered that in the new update they added like a little thing to arizia which I think you need like an artifact for but I haven't seen it yet so I'm gonna go check it out maybe I can get some uh XP from this who knows so there's supposed to be a thing in here what the why why is there a wrong goal I'm here yo are these usually at like upper arizia so apparently this is the Deep Crucible and I need to put like a artifact in that thing which I'm gonna have to go find since uh you know my artifact I don't want missing I'm not sure how difficult this is gonna be I'm pretty sure it spawns like waves of mobs but uh hopefully I can handle it at level eight I mean is that arisia how hard could it be oh yeah wait I don't have anything to break this door with all right guys I got a genius plan let me just [ __ ] all right and it's just that easy you know what would be a cool feature for debulking what if we had like daily quests right but no no hold on hold on like daily Quest but instead of every real life day it's every in-game day so like you get like a little Quest notification or something and it's like hey you can do this for a little extra XP you know just to break up like the monotonous grind of a usual progression because nobody wants to just sit at Star swap Valley beating up freshers for five years and if you're gonna grind a boss you're just doing the boss only bro like if you can fight Duke you're not gonna be like grinding high for a bit and then fighting Duke and then grinding high for a bit you're just gonna be fighting Duke because one just has significantly better XP than the other and is repeatable oh an artifact but yeah that would be pretty nice you know break up stuff a little bit it kind of gets boring after doing it 12 times 17 times even all right let me just oh wait hold on I gotta stop the boat let me just grab this for the Deep Crucible and I'll fight you well anyways expanding on my little daily Quest idea like imagine there was like a little NPC right he's like oh yeah uh you know go get me like three promos I know that Quest sucks but like just just for like an example or maybe they can like spice it up with actual like effort put in story quests it would be nice to have these like story quests about NPCs and whatnot just to liven up the world a little bit everybody just kind of feels like you know an NPC like look at Kenneth like people liking it bro like because he's the only NPC one of the only NPCs that's like a regular guy right that actually has a story about him like why can't we have more quests like that that isn't tied to like a major boss or something all right hold on let me deal with this boom boom boom okay so hopefully I don't die oh I missed oh it worked no it actually worked oh just blood Skippers all right you know I missed that horribly but I guess they don't really mind [Music] what's next [Music] huh oh it's just mud skippers yeah this is gonna be easier than I thought I thought it was gonna have like a rock Golem or something at least [Music] what's next another regular mudskipper they're just giving me every collection of mudskipper they have but isn't this like the one from here so I can like yeah I can just do this there we go what it's just mud skipper after mudskipper bro maybe it's like more difficult when there's more people oh a brain sucker better than another mudskipper there we go is that it no that is not it it did give me a chest though back to the mudkipper collection boom another come on you have to have something better than this mudskippers to give me another chest there's the Golem uh I'm not done yet bro I'm not done yet with the Golem bride chill out [Music] yo relax [Music] okay now they're really uh they're really stepping it up bro but can they relax for a second you always chill out bro I'm not even done with the Golem yet okay give me a second bro I hold on hold on I'm gonna have to back up for a little bit they're just like spawning a bunch of angels on me while I'm trying to fight this Golem it's not fun all right hopefully they give me a little break while I deal with this brain sucker get my HP back you know [Music] there we go all right you guys can wait right oh evasive expert uh oh he's out here what the hell how do you climb up here all right at least there's no Like There's No Angels bothering my fight it's just like real oh [Music] you know maybe doing the PVE thing with a stiletto was not the greatest idea this guy's taking a take it a little bit there we go uh get my cards I guess I'll take Air Force why not oh there's the Angels or just Angel where'd the other Angel go I was still there [Music] all right [Music] Perry and this guy should die there we go I hope this is the last wave because I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to back up even more if this isn't the last wave all right thank you for the chest and this okay this is not the last wave all right starting off easy with a mudskipper I see yo relax I'm not even done gripping bruh [Music] okay another mud skipper a Sharko oh I don't know [Music] okay there's a little much here all right hold on I'ma back off [Music] what what the hell they got so many things on me [Music] relax bro oh my God okay this is a little tougher than I thought it would be well you know I probably should have saved that level so I could get my life back but uh whatever ah now I want to finish it on like a PVE account it'd be a lot of light weapon XP though which I do appreciate you know maybe after we level up I can go back and do the Deep Crucible but like without the dying part of course there we go you know what sure I'll I'll take Champions regalia uh return to Dark Ages no I don't want that actually it's already a good talent but like you know that five eight oh what what the hell hello ah I should probably get out of the server shouldn't I I'm gonna equip a kenor thing now that I have 40 light weapons let's see 14.6 damage you know it's not great but like I'll take it actually wait in Cloister is foreign I'll use this instead hello the Fate trimmer did not do this man holy what is this a fish yeah no the fake trimmer did not treat this man guys hey trimmer got you huh fish out of 10. 16 HP boots okay this is the goofiest outfit ever but like that's a lot of HP though all right guys I did a bit of grinding off camera right and now I am level 12 which means now I can actually go get a fake trimmer random wind combat mantra oh let's go girl lunge perfect all right now if you didn't know fake trimmer obtainment method is actually very simple all you got to do is just to spam the barber a bunch of times you don't even need to use any IDs you can just spam return me to my natural hair uh-huh all right let's see if that's enough no okay I'll just Spam this a couple more times [Music] houses that you're able to do all this stuff I took an oath as a fade trimmer of a trimmer yeah we're pretty underground elf can I take the oath oh it worked oh fade trimmer you vowed up oh I didn't get to read that Barber's skill set what type of look are we going for today Air Products uh oh two mantras right here Precision Cuts and close shave oh come on none of them are named Sinners they're snip they trimmer you vowel the forever hone your Precision with the scissors there will never be another Fringe incident again one combat monster slot one wild card slot alright alright Precision Cuts let's see this oh okay so it's just like my little uh my little snip thing it takes up like three times you know they copied me uh-huh all right what's close shave that's just wait that's just prominent strawberry all right so we got the little scissor Snips and we got budget prominence draw let's see what else we got hair products and Barber's skill set her products though flammable Charming revitalizing so I'm guessing this is flame this is uh Charming I guess and this is healing I'll just put flammable I guess that sounds that sounds kind of useful actually no I have like zero wait what the wait what oh oh I have to spray it I thought it was gonna be like when I uh when I use one of the moves that's what's gonna happen all right let's see Barber's skill set oh I get to choose I get to choose what other people get what haircut should I give other people you know I just left to go look at the dialogue I mean not the dialogue the catalog right to see if I can find some haircut uh for some reason it's just like down right now maybe maybe it's because of the fade trimmer update everybody was looking for hairs but fortunately always AFK has provided us with three codes free codes to simulate his hairstyle even though it's not the full thing so I'm gonna just use that for now until the dialogue comes back I'm in the catalog I gotta stop doing that others I've got a good idea all right hold on let me try this on somebody this is the reason I got void Walker just so I can find barber targets roseniki imma give you a very nice haircut I'm going stealth because I don't wanna you know look threatening I'm just trying to give them a nice little haircut there he is hey Hey Hey Hey sir take this [Music] I gave him the always AFK budget cut uh we're kind of we're kind of missing a little bit opinions what do you think about the haircut man foreign [Music] thank you uh I'm not gonna I don't really want to kill him he's my he's my uh client after all I'm gonna you know I want him to be a returning customer typically customers don't come back once you kill them well crap I just realized I didn't ask for payment from that guy man I just lost like 30 notes all right let's see anarch in DC this wow this is a weird place oh hey what the haircut uh let me just uh hit you with that that'll be pretty notes hello I think this guy's like AFK or something I'm fade trimmer awful I gave I gave you a haircut bro I man that guy just stitched me on my payment [Music] a bit of a tongue twister that name is it's time for a haircut uh I'll let you uh unless you deal with this first you know I can't concentrate on my uh on my Barberry is that what it's called like my Barberry when you're fighting two guys typically it's kind of hard to cut hair like that uh I think you need some help bro no my client my client [Music] don't mind the void Walker particles I'm just here to be a barber man hit him with the Precision Cuts oh come on he doesn't get a haircut [Music] oh I just I just pulled out the Aeon log Stone midfight there we go Hey sir this guy needs a haircut bro I see you are in need of a Eric Hut let me just uh fix you up right there perfect that'll be 30 notes that'll be free to notes pay up all right and Tiff thank you come again all right let me get out of here what a nice customer hey sir you look like you're in need of a haircut [Music] hahaha [Music] opinions that will be 30 notes what yo for real yo well done wait did you drop it ah he forgot what what did you do so bounded ah damn that'll still be pretty nose though thank you wow 23 notes tip all right hold up let me just uh oh damn what I recharge all right we're making some good money right now we are at 255 notes we will be rich by the end of this all right so the catalog just came back on Roblox right so I'm gonna go find myself another set of hair I can give to people because you know I don't wanna I don't wanna steal always AFK stuff and that is his brand after all five minutes later all right we're giving them the little little twirl special ah this guy has fade trimmer I wonder what haircut he will give me you know I've been cutting everybody else's hair but uh why don't I get my own little haircut the freshen things up a little bit hey hey can I get a haircut [Music] I gotta get a haircut bro he has the horse one equipped uh maybe not then I never had anybody stiff me on the payment but if they do things are gonna get a little bit violent want the haircut check your hair the little twirly special that'll be your 30 notes I'm broke holy This Server sucks oh what'd I get what you give oh oh I'm not sure what I got there I was not paying attention uh I'm gonna have to look back on the footage real quick five minutes later so I'll look back on the footage you know no items were given but I think uh I think the so-called payment he gave me was a little like smooch on the cheek or something maybe the problem is my outfit is just too unprofessional I need to get myself a nice looking Barber outfit so that I can attract more customers so I got myself here the Duelist attire probably the most fancy piece of armor that the Wilkin has to offer so all I need is five glass stones do I have any uh wow that is I have nothing of the sword I think I'm gonna go pay a visit to the mud skipper cave at aurizio see if I can get myself some Cloud stones and lenses oh wait no no no no I cannot I can just buy those at uh I can just buy those at like the felonor's den in etress it's like a return investment bruh like I use the notes that I got from giving people haircuts I get a better outfit I attract more customers oh crap I forgot I forgot the owls here all right level 12 owl gameplay good thing I got practice from the leader prog all I gotta do is not die here because I will lose notes on that whatever happened to boot wallet bro I have never I've not seen it in a mantra hand in so long or maybe I did this episode and I just didn't notice ah oh finally bro okay here we are ow that can hurt are you serious I thought I thought they made it so that Air Force broke stuff do I have to does it have to be like level two or something I have to use my uh genius solution once more check out this little uh low Arrow Glide Tech okay I screwed it up but whatever oh it was supposed to air Dash and that immediately Arrow Glides that drops me down but uh the timing's a little hard anyways and it's just that simple wait they don't they don't sell lenses I could have sworn they sold lenses before oh I it would sure be a shame if I oops uh some of my crystal lenses seem to have dropped onto the ground oh whoops oh I'm oh oh no oh oh would you look at that uh they left some Crystal lenses here oh how nice is that man I sure do hope I stumble across two more Crystal lenses [Music] oh no my haircut all right this might have come to the cost of my own haircut but I have like a bajillion Crystal lenses now so that's pretty nice there we go now we are looking like a proper Barber we even have the leather gloves I'm not sure if Barbers have leather gloves uh my mom cuts my hair well anyways uh thank you guys for watching this video next video I'm probably gonna be doing way more actual like combat uses with these mantras because I never really got to do that this episode so yeah if you want to be notified for that next episode subscribe and uh yeah bye-bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 263,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, gaming, heavy, bells, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, solo progression, prog, solo prog, progression, build, deepwoken solo progression, layer 2, verse 2, contractor, jetstriker, voidwalker, pvp, bossraid, flareblood kamas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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