The 10 Safest States In America

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there's a common denominator that allsafe states have they're the places where people sleep better at night the shootings and beatings don't dominate the local news you don't have to worry about your car getting broken into and likely you don't have to worry when you drop your kids off at school either the best dates in America are the places where you want to raise your kids in the kind of states where you want to retire to the States we're gonna talk about all share those qualities to determine the safest States in the US we needed to do some research we analyzed the FBI reporting index for the number of violent and property crimes per capita in each year since 2010 there might be some surprises on this list but when you look at the unbiased data it's hard to argue against so feel free to leave your doors unlocked as we present the safest states in America our first stop on our safe tour of America brings us to Kentucky I'm sure lots of people in the South might be like that's crazy but when you look at the data it's hard to argue against you'd have to drive all the way to Iowa or Pennsylvania to get a safer place outside of Kentucky Kentuckians are a pretty lucky group of people seeing as how they rank sixth lowest for a number of robberies car thefts and identity thefts each year only ten thousand cars were stolen in this state and only twenty thousand robberies occurred here in the last reporting year well it's sad that's a low number for America it is there's a good chance you won't have to worry about people committing crimes as often and typically when someone does something wrong everyone in town knows who've done it it's mr. Willett the City Engineer our next stop on our safe tour in America brings us to Wyoming that probably makes a lot of sense doesn't it sure there's only about a half million people in the cowboy state and people are spaced out a lot more than they are in places like Florida and California but look at New Mexico there's some wide-open spaces there too and that's the most dangerous state in the whole country only about 1,100 people were the victim of an aggravated assault and Wyoming meaning there's a good chance you can walk around here at night without having to watch your back in fact you might have a better chance of being trampled by a bison than beaten by a mugger in Wyoming people don't steal it's sort of a Wyoming day unless you want to take some leftovers from a neighborhood trash can I think most Wyoming's would be cool it does making our way up to the Northeast for the first time we come to Rhode Island sure it's a small state and the number of property crimes is higher than in other states on this list but overall you could find a much more dangerous place to live Rhode Island saw only 540 robberies for the entire year last year which is about 1.5 a day does that make you jealous of where you live minion Rhode Island safest cities report no more than two murders a year and 80 percent of Rhode Island cities reported no murders and robberies are limited to just a small part of the state for the most part heck there are probably more crimes on Gilligan's Island on a given summer than there were on Rhode Island right next door to Rhode Island is the safe state of Connecticut most Americans might Dinka Connecticut is a wealthy place and for the most part they'd be right does a relatively rich group of people commit less crime apparently so there were only 2,700 reported robberies in Connecticut for the entire last reporting year which is well below the national average additionally Connecticut saw seven hundred and sixty three reported rapes in the same year - that's crazy low workplace violence and even school bullying is lower in Connecticut and when you come home from work here it's likely the pets aren't trying to kill themselves either this might come as a surprise or maybe not but Virginia is a really safe place to live seeing as how the population is really high you might think there would be lots of crime you'd be wrong the Commonwealth is actually fourth safest when it comes to violent crimes in the entire country you'd have to drive pretty far north to see a place where there are less violent crimes per capita than here outside a places like Portsmouth Danville and Norfolk Virginia is a safe haven for most crimes and Virginia's taken the lead and is in the top five states in America for addressing school play safety that means lots of parents can rest easy all day long that their kids don't have to run home every day after school kudos to the Virginia State Police for cracking down on crime as soon as it rears its ugly head coming in as our fifth safest state in America is New Jersey no way yes that's correct this goes to show that just because people are packed on top of one another doesn't mean they have to act uncivilized you might be shocked to learn that Jersey has the second lowest property crime rate in the entire country suburban and countryside areas are very safe along with most Jersey Shore towns if you've ever been to Jersey you know most of the crime is packed into places like Camden and Newark here you might have to really think about who your friends are and you might find meth is the leisure activity of choice but you take those two cities out of the equation and you've got an even more really awesome safe place to live is it a surprise that Idaho is the fourth safest state to live in the US of A probably not Idaho might get a knock for being a relatively boring place but talk to the people that live there when it's quiet it's safe Idaho saw only three murders a month on average which is far less than the national average additionally there are only about 6300 burglaries in the last reporting year which might sound like a lot but that only averages out to about a hundred and twenty five a week for the entire state and lots of parts of Idaho people don't even bother to lock their doors at all and not too long ago Boise was named as the ninth safest city in the entire world that sure puts things in a perspective if your couch shows up missing in Idaho it's probably just at the neighbor's house if your car breaks down here somebody will give you a lift to work and when your friend borrows your tractor in Idaho they usually return it better than it was when they borrowed it if you've ever been to Maine you're probably not surprised it's our third best date to live in America means the place to be if you want to avoid murder rape and other violent crimes maybe the colder weather chills people out in Maine there were less than point zero zero one violent crimes per capita in the last reporting year to put that into perspective in Alaska there were point zero zero eight violent crimes per person just wow of great importance demeanors is a strong sense of community what happens to you happens to me good and bad they're all in it together which really helps keep crime to a minimum neighbors support their local sports teams people pitch in to help one another and you can bet that residents of Maine are proud of their accomplishments we're gonna remain in the Northeast for the rest of our list as we take a safety stroll through Vermont Vermont's the second lowest in the country for violent crime in the past eight years in fact there were only 14 murders in the entire state of Vermont for the last reporting year in some large cities in America they see that on a bad weekend while violence across America has decreased since 2010 Vermont has seen an especially large decrease perhaps it's the rural nature of Vermont where people have a much deeper sense of community and watch out for one another or maybe it's the fact that many Vermonters own guns or maybe it's the legalization of weed that's made people in Vermont so chill after all it would be really hard to rob a bank or even run off with stuff from your neighbor's garden if you've been smoking pot all day especially if this guy is your local sheriff and where's the safest state in America is it much of a surprise to hear that it's New Hampshire it's official just about the entire New England area north of New York State is actually a really safe place to be in the last reporting year there were only 17 murders for the entire year in Maine which is astoundingly low the leading state California saw nearly a hundred times that number people in New Hampshire live in small towns in rural areas but are quite educated and most have great jobs the schools are highly rated - these factors also play a part making New Hampshire a safe place for the most part the only thing you have to really worry about New Hampshire is the idiots the text and drive in the snow it seems like the biggest crime here is not being an annoying Patriots fan New Hampshire is a place where people help one another and look out for each other's best interests and work together to keep their towns and community safe if you live in New Hampshire you've certainly got it made and if you live in any of the other states we mentioned on this list Pat yourselves on your backs you've worked really hard to make your state a safe place and you're certainly reaping the rewards [Music]
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 472,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geography, geography (field of study), geography hub, where I live, where to live, facts about the world, cities in the world, us cities, safest, states, crime, living in america, safest states to live, where am i safe, where should i live, america, usa, safest states in america, safest states, safest states in us, safest states in the us, 10 safest states in america, america's safest states, safe states in america, safe us states, safest states us
Id: mIUkKMNol2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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