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is America stupid kinda actually no just kidding we're actually not dumb when you look at the world statistics America is actually the smartest second smartest what the hell or sixteenth smartest country in the world but despite the fact that Americans think we're all really smart most of us are actually pretty stupid we do dumb things all the time and what about people we know they're even dumber than us face it there's somebody in your family that might be the dumbest person on earth Society is obsessed with intelligence and we love making fun of dumb so we thought why not jump in on the stupid bashing ourselves and determine which Americans are the dumbest of all it's not too hard to figure out at least for the smart people so stop watching CNN and stick around for a while as we calculate America's dumbest States duh we begin our unintelligent endeavor across America in the state of Tennessee while there's lots of smart people in Tennessee there's a lot of dumb people too in Tennessee 13% of people never graduated high school and 5% of people never even finished the eighth grade yeah we're talking to you Tennessee guy additionally only a quarter of Tennessee residents went to college like this guy did Tennessee has some really smart people in places like Nashville which is a technology hub in the south and there are some pretty prestigious universities in the state too on the other hand you have people back in them hollers we haven't opened a book besides the Bible since they were 13 does that make them stupid technically yes Tennessee your report cards not looking good try again next time would you our next stop on our idiotic quest to America takes us to Texas hee-haw Texas actually tied to Tennessee in its dumb rankings but we broke the tie because Texas has the second highest number of people without a high school diploma in the United States 17% of people in Texas never even finished high school the only state with more high school dropouts California yeah they're pretty down in California too however we have to point out that Texas is actually in the middle of the pack when it comes to college degree holders that means there's a lot of really smart people in Texas and a lot of really dumb people in Texas but people in Texas gave us barbecue guns and the Cowboys so that counts for something right here's a Texas snowman that's pretty clever I'd say and these boots are pretty nifty and this is incredible way to go Texas guy you made a big truck Texas your mama's so dumb when your daddy said it was chilly outside she ran into the kitchen to get a spoon right next door to the big old state of Texas it gets worse New Mexico is even dumber while New Mexico has a few less high school dropouts than Texas they have far fewer people who went to college here it's like some New Mexicans finished high school and then just quit quitters actually to be fair New Mexico is home to the Los Alamos National Laboratory which is home to 11,000 of some of the smartest people in the country it's very top-secret and they make nuclear weapons and stuff so maybe we better not mess with them too much how do these scientists deal with living next to so many dummies when you go to a restaurant New Mexico they ask you red or green that's it two choices for chili if they gave New Mexicans any more options they probably couldn't figure it out other things that make New Mexico dumb a bunch of their residents think they see UFOs all the time and we know aliens aren't real that's silly New Mexico if you don't get those grades up no more for tonight for a whole week good thing we only have to go just a little bit north for our next stop Nevada by the way North is this way dummy here in Nevada 14 percent of people never finished high school and barely more than one in five was smart enough to go to college maybe that's because there's only like two colleges in the entire state what else is Nevada known for deserts stupid Death Valley stupid and Las Vegas not so stupid actually they can't be that dumb in Nevada after all everyday tons of stupid people come there and hand them all their money maybe we're the dummies Nevada I'm so disappointed in you is there something going on at home you want to talk about we go back to the south where we're pretty much gonna stay for the rest of this dopey drive we start our tour of dumb southern states with Alabama after all Forrest Gump was from Alabama and he was really stupid and now the Bama school definitely isn't cool a whopping 1 in 20 people didn't even finish ninth grade then they grew up and we're dummies the rest of their lives there's one thing people in Alabama really love college football you either cheer for Auburn or Alabama and if you pick a burn to beat Alabama you're even stupider than I thought did you know Alabama is the third poorest state - maybe there's something to that and fried green tomatoes who eats that stupid actually they can't be that dumb in Alabama they figured out how to create an artificial ski resort in the middle of the south that takes some real brains and don't forget Alabama is filled with hard-working honest Americans who care about their communities that's comm100 Bama you need to come in for some extra help before and after school this is simply unacceptable if you want to see some real Blockheads head on down to the great state of Arkansas considering that only 22 percent of residents has a college degree and that 10% never finished high school Arkansas residents couldn't get too upset if we thought they were a little dopey Arkansas is home to the mysterious fuke monster who has been supposedly seen crawling along the bogs and marshes down there sort of like a Swamp Thing meets Bigfoot I'll bet if that Fock monster took a spelling test he'd get an F our keys as they call themselves have a tendency to call lunch dinner and they call dinner supper that's dumb but I reckon y'all think that's pretty fine though don't you Arkansas remember this just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending he turned into a butterfly West Virginia is next up on our list that's probably not a surprise to anybody event there's less people who went to college in West Virginia than anywhere else in the whole country only 19% of West Virginians earned a college degree sadly these two are probably smarter than a lot of people in West Virginia of course we have to be fair here West Virginia has given us a lot of things pepperoni rolls banjos and overalls to name a few let's look at some West Virginia stereotypes everyone's a hillbilly cousins get married there's no arts and culture everyone's a redneck are these accurate let us know in the comments below Wow West Virginia you need to apply yourself more maybe you need to look through the rain in order to see the rainbow stupid girl all yeah has you've wasted all you had to waste is we begin our final journey back down to the south as we take a quick pit stop in Kentucky formed a horse racing and bourbon Maker's Kentucky is actually a pretty cool place to live maybe the folks here just want the simple life and don't care about getting ahead in life maybe we shouldn't judge them just kidding let's judge Kentucky gets the top five in three categories least number of high school graduates number of people who never even went to high school and number of people who didn't go to college but we don't think you really seem to care much about that do you Kentucky Kentucky's actually home to two really good universities Louisville and Kentucky and even though only one u.s. president was born in Kentucky he might have been our best president ever that's Abraham Lincoln you idiot all DS Kentucky maybe you should shoot for the moon next time you never know you might end up among the stars and who's our runner-up for the stupidest state in America hello Louisiana one in nine people in Louisiana never finished high school and one in 20 never even made it to high school what about College 23% of people in Louisiana have a college degree which is the fifth lowest in our great nation Louisiana native Bobby Boucher sure was stupid but at least he helped his team do something when did the rest of the people in Louisiana do that was productive to help win something Louisiana tries though it's home to the Frog capital of the world and the duck capital of America that's cool famous people from Louisiana include DJ Khalid Richard Simmons and little Wayne any little Wayne fans out there no Jesus Louisiana I'm beginning to think you've got mashed potatoes for brains drum roll please America's dumbest state is Mississippi I couldn't decide is Mississippi more Patrick or Barney just kidding Mississippi you guys are pretty dopey though Mississippi has the highest number of high school dropouts in America at 11 percent that means more than 1 in 10 people didn't finish high school even the criminals are dumb in Mississippi what's the deal anyway guys Mississippi is actually a really pretty place and the weather isn't too bad for most of the year there's a lot to do and everyone's really friendly maybe they just don't like sitting in class all day in Mississippi and they'd rather hit the trails or go find a lake somewhere they'd like to hunt go to church often and make some really great food maybe we should stop bullying Mississippi if we're gonna pick on someone let's pick on California they deserve it well that was our tour of America's stupidest States if you're still watching good for you that means you have a decent attention span unlike the rest of the idiots you already moved on to the next dumb YouTube video that they can understand better hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 717,027
Rating: 4.0228982 out of 5
Keywords: geography, geography (field of study), geography hub, where I live, where to live, facts about the world, cities in the world, us cities, america, rankings, United states, states, dumbest states in america, which states are the dumbest, college, high school, education, smartest states, mississippi, louisiana, arkansas, kentucky, west virginia, texas, tennessee, nevada, alabama, dumb states, dumbest states, dumbest states in us, smartest states in the us, smartest states in america
Id: NiL5KKIxvec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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