The 10 Most Popular Mods in Stardew Valley

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hello everyone today I'm showing off yet more mods and I thought it was odd I've shown off so many mods but I've never shown off the most popular ones so that's what we're going to be doing today I will be skipping some of the ones that we've already shown off these include things like the tractor mod stardew Valley expanded ridgeside Valley a few like that but for the most part these are all still like in the top 20 mods on top of that I'm not obviously going to go over any framework mods because they're just framework mods they don't do anything on their own so let's get started the first one that I want to show off is the look up anything mod by pathos child this gives you a ton of information about any item in the game if you just press F1 and it can show you chests are pretty simple they just show you how many you own and how many you've crafted however if I were to do something more complicated like uh fiber it shows you every single thing in the game it's needed for how much it sells for all the recipes it goes into even including Robin's construction it's pretty overwhelming and uh there's one very interesting use that I've seen before on YouTube for this mod it was by brandican by the way and he actually utilized the mod to see the exact color values of slimes so that he could more effectively breed them to try and get diamonds from them which is such a cool utilization there's so many uses for this mod I don't think I could possibly ever go over all of them next mod is a fun one automate I've never really explored this before but I think if I were to do a modded playthrough this would be like the one that I get so attached to basically placing any machine next to another thing uh where it has items that it can pull in from or take away from so like we have copper ore and coal here if I put a furnace next to it it automatically fills the furnace and if we give it a little bit of time [Music] there's the copper bar and it's all automatically put into the chest and it starts doing another one however what I find very fun this requires the generic mod menu options if you go into the automate mod you can set things as connectors so I've automated wood floors here and this will make wood floors kind of if you know Redstone from Minecraft it kind of works like that I can set up a circuit of sorts where they'll act as if they are connected here which is really cool and can make things look like really fun and spaghetti-y this also means that what I could also do is instead of having to have all of the machines connected to each other I can have two machines connected to the same chest and that can actually also carry over to over here I want to show off some other uses if I put bait in this chest it'll automatically fill all of the connected crab pots and then when they're ready the next morning I'll show this off real quick so I go down here and if we check they've automatically been filled and the fish that it caught are automatically put into the chest so imagine that combined with having a connector all the way around a pond or something you could refill an entire ponds Worth or legs worth of crab pods you could set it all the way across the front of the beach if you wanted to and you'll also see that I automatically did get the experience from that this is working a lot faster like imagine having a whole circuit connected to a line of these and you just have to refill the cup like I don't know this is something that I could see myself going crazy with and you can guarantee it'll be included in any mod run that I do alright swap the date over so that it wasn't raining next mod to show off is the UI info Suite by C derragorn this pretty much just passively gives you information all around the game if we check the top right we'll see that it's feeling lucky that just shows you the luck of the day without you having to go into the TV to check it and if we check here indeed it is a lucky day it'll also show you if it's supposed to rain on the next day I believe we saw that on day one or day two if we look back at that footage that's just one of the very few things that this shows off we can also see that if I try to place a scarecrow it'll show you the area of influence that it has and we place it and it goes away and nothing else after that it'll do the same thing for sprinklers just in case you need a little bit more to eyeball it it will also show you the locations of NPCs on the map I'm not using the NPC map mod and actually surprisingly it looks like it only shows the location of NPCs that you've met so it has a little bit of a progression in that way all right now that it's Sunday we should have a queen of the sauce and here you can actually see today's recipe is stir fry it shows you that the traveling Merchant instead is in town Lewis's birthday all of that information just compactly put on the top right corner of your screen so it actually does show you if there is a new recipe in the queen of the sauce or not I'm interested to see if that if yeah if I get the cooking recipe that icon goes away because I've completed that thing actually that now makes me wonder if I give a birthday present to Louis if that icon goes away as well all right Lewis hope you're ready for this boom yeah the birthday icon goes away so it'll Act actually tick them off as you do them that's really cool I like that last thing I'm going to show off on this mod is it actually you might have seen this little experience bar in the bottom right it shows you how much experience you gain from a certain action so I knocked that down experience up by 12 and I leveled up and it shows that in bottom left and it also shows you how much experience you have left there expanding on that I have the experience bars mod by space Chase and if I press X here in the top left you'll see that all the experience bars for all five stats are up there in the top left corner and if you have the generic mod configure menu you can change the button that toggles it on and off or you can move it around your screen I don't know what the max value is but we'll change the X position no we'll change the Y position to a hundred I don't know if that'll move it downwards or not okay yeah I moved it downwards just a slight bit that makes me wonder if it's by pixels it probably is by pixels so you can completely customize if you want it on the bottom left if you want it right under this completely customizable it might seem moot with the UI info Suite mod but I think seeing all five of them next to each other at any time is really nice and of course you can hide it so it won't get in the way next mod I'm showing off is the winter grass mod by cat catty cat if you didn't know normally in Winter all grass on your farm will die and that leaves you to your own devices to buy hay for all of your animals however with this mod we're on Fall 28th as you can see move on to First of winter [Music] I didn't know it would do a little sound effect that's funny the grass is still there and still harvest harvestable in anything the funny thing about this is if we have winter set to Winter 28th and we have grass on the ground of course and we progress the season to Spring [Music] I got a fishing level simply from those crab pots in the bottom right the Grass Grows exponentially and is can the Grass Grows by a ton and this actually happens because of course going from Winter to Spring you're not going to have a lot of grass on so it bumps up the multiplier to giving you grass to a stupid margin you can actually do this in the vanilla game as well all you have to do is put down some grass starter on winter 28th and since it's going over to spring it won't die overnight it'll stay and you'll get this same effect which is really cool and now I have to clean it all up I guess next up is the gift taste helper mod this one's pretty simple it's by TS Staples or I you know what it's probably tea Staples uh you look at the calendar scroll over anyone and it'll show you all of their favorite gifts makes things a little bit less guessy and I don't I think it's not showing their gifts simply because I haven't met them yet but I've met Kenton Lewis and it also does this if you look at your social area and it'll show you all of their favorite gifts as you go over them very useful for not just guessing and giving them a thousand hated gifts before finding what they love next up we have probably the most what would be considered cheating mod of the entire set this is a farming game first and not everyone is super down with difficult skull Cavern Dives as that's combat it's kind of removed from the whole farming aspect of the game and if that sounds like you I've got the skull Cavern elevator mod by Biffy this makes the skull Cavern work just like the mines where once you get down five floors that's a little fun place once you reach five floors I'll do this really quickly there is an elevator there so now we go back up we can now go down just like we normally would I'll be honest I don't know if there's a limit to this if like you get to floor 1 million and it still goes down there I don't know but that's for you to find out that could be very overpowered give you a ton of iridium really easily but if you don't like interacting with the combat portions of the game that'll help you out a ton without outright skipping the content next mod I have to show you is the cjb show item sell price by pathos child once again they make a lot of these mods this is very simple if you scroll over anything it shows you the sale price of it I have so 50 per furnace and if I sold both of them two I would get 100 out of them same with like the sap sells for two each but total it'll sell for 68. very simple but very important if you want to see like what will sell for what amount very easily in fact I could see that helping a lot when it comes to figuring out what fish you should sell for if you want to turn it into Sashimi you can see Periwinkles sell for 20 at a glance crayfish 75 at a glance snails 65. very simple to make your game a lot easier next one this one's a doozy chests anywhere by pathos child this by the Press of a button allows you to access any of your chests that you've placed in the entire game just put something in oh that's there and if I go up to what I believe is that chest there's that sap it's crazy and you can also access the shipping bin through it so you can sell things wherever you are you could be in the mines and you could just be like oh I need room I'll just sell all of these items and I'm set for life you can also set what you want the chest to be called I can even change the name of the shipping bin I go to chest one here we'll call this a foraging items and maybe if it's not on the farm maybe it's in the mines I can put it in the category of mines and then you can change the order that it appears in on the list so if I put this as two so now if I go to mines it's now the second one there even though chest number two technically comes after it so there's a surprising amount of organization it feels like this could get overwhelming easily but luckily with these extra organization tiers it shouldn't be too bad I have one last mod to show you this one's also by space Chase we hate our limited inventory right it's always a struggle if that sounds like you I have a cut scene cool there's one more backpack upgrade you can buy with the bigger backpack mod this will add a fourth slot to your backpack and it costs 50 000 gold so it's not cheap so I wouldn't even consider this like broken or anything that's a lot of money to give up for just one row of inventory space but I mean look at that look at that especially if you're playing with like a lot of expanded mods so you have a lot more items in the game this will lessen the load a little bit more I think that's probably why it's so popular once you start adding in mods that add cooked recipes new forging items it can get overwhelming really quickly that ought to do it let me know of course if there's any other mods that you would like me to show a lot of people really wanted me to show off the UI info Suite mod so that's partly why I did a video like this thank you all for watching and good night [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 495,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, stardew valley, stardew valley mods, stardew mods, stardew valley popular mods, salmence stardew valley, stardew popular mods, stardew valley nexusmods, stardew valley guide, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley modded playthrough, ui info suite stardew, stardew automate, stardew, stardew expanded, stardew winter grass, stardew lookup anything, stardew valley help, stardew valley mod showcase, good stardew mods
Id: SCkw8pB0Hr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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