The #1 Shot Advanced Players Have That Others Don’t

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are you having trouble getting up to the net especially when you're getting really low shots down at your knees if so this video is for you let's jump right in missing one of our videos is like missing an easy put away don't let that be you subscribe now hi welcome to primetime pickleball my name is jordan briones and in this video we're going to talk about the reset shot from the transition zone now we've talked about this before but we're going to go a little bit in depth on this topic and i'm going to show you how i work with students working on this shot and how important it is especially when you move up to intermediate and advanced levels of play it's a shot that is so needed because you know every single ball that is hit to you you're not going to want to hit it hard i mean there's times where you're going to have to reset that ball because it's the smarter shot and you just want to keep that ball in play and out of your opponent's offensive territory okay so let's jump right in all right so here's the scenario i'm just gonna go over this real quick um either you are making your way from the baseline to the non-volley zone maybe you hit that third shot and that you you hit a third shot drop and maybe it's a little bit higher than you thought and and you are in the middle of the transition zone so what do you do from here what's the smart shot okay and um i'm going to tell you that if the ball is really high and you can hit it in a downward trajectory you can hit it hard you can go ahead and take a swing at it that's what i usually do and stay aggressive but in this video i'm specifically talking about balls that are around knee level and they're hard to deal with because after you hit that third shot drop these opponents if they're really good players they're going to try to keep that contact point down by your knees or at your feet okay so in this scenario i have my beautiful wife katrina right there so she just hit a third shot drop she's gonna come in and split step because we talked about that in another video right you don't want to be moving when you hit the ball so she hits that split step and now the third shot is a little bit higher than she thought and i'm going to hit a ball low trying to keep that contact point below the net so she has to contact you down here to make a tough shot for her and if she hits it hard the first thing is is that she's going to be hitting from low to high so her trajectory is going from this low contact point to up here which i can then send it down with pace again so that that's one problem the other issue is if she's actually trying to get it in the court and so just reach down here like you're gonna hit a ball like low okay yeah so if she's trying to get that hitting it from there from that contact point trying to hit it in she has to have a lot of topspin to get it up and over to the net and to land in so those are the two problems with speeding up balls that are that low at your feet so first i want to kind of we're going to kind of show you example uh what a lot of people do i even do this sometimes because i think my contact point is is actually higher than it is we all do this we all make this mistake once in a while okay but we're going to try to work on that today all right so right here i'm going to hit you a ball so you just you hit your split step and either i'm taking the ball out of the air or i'm going to uh let it bounce and hit my fourth shot okay but i'm just i'm just going to just show you what the shot would look like okay i'm going to kind of roll it over and hit it right at her feet and then you go ahead and speed it up okay so you're trying to yeah you're trying to be aggressive okay here we go [Music] all right so like you saw in those quick examples speeding up the ball especially when you have a low contact point is not the best option okay you're hitting it in a down to up trajectory so your opponent can hit down on the ball and also to get that ball in the court contacting that low you're going to have it have to have a tremendous amount of topspin to keep that ball in it's very risky okay so now we're going to work on the shot that she should hit and it is a reset shot so if i'm rolling a ball or or if i hit a great ball around knee level she's going to hit that ball reset it a neutral ball into the kitchen where i can't necessarily attack it because i have to let that ball bounce and then she's just gonna work on that okay and some key things that you're gonna notice is she's contacting that ball out in front okay her grip pressure you could kind of there's a variance in grip pressure probably from like a four to a to a seven depending on how far back you are but you know it's a solid solid um contact point out in front she's not risky okay you could see her she sets that paddle blocks it her paddle face is open okay so these are good things and and she's low she's low the ball if you're you're trying to hit a low ball you have to get low it's just going to be a lot easier than just standing or trying to bend down like that okay so we're gonna see this now so this is the shot you should be hitting when you're making your way through the transition zone and you're getting a low ball all right here we go okay good okay [Music] all right so just like you've seen in some of those shots she's just out in front she's low it's a nice compact valley she's wally sorry she's not taking a big backswing and her follow-through is almost non-existent she's just she's just blocking it firmly out in front okay now you can see these balls drop over and i can't do much with them it's this is a reset ball it's a ball that a lot of top players hit all the time i mean every single match you'll see them hitting this is super important so now what we're going to do like we're going to um kind of show this in a real game scenario i'm going to hit two balls to her while she's standing in this transition area so she has to hit minimum two and after that second one i want her to hustle up to that non-volley zone line because she's really only two steps away okay she's maybe six seven feet back right now okay so i'm gonna hit her one shot low i'm gonna try to hit her another shot that she's gonna have to reset again and then um try to come up and we'll play the rest out we'll play the rest of the point out at the non-volley zone okay so this is something that you can do with the partner all right here we go okay good nice good nice [Music] all right so that was really good so so keep that in mind she has she's going to give herself a double almost triple percent chance of winning that point if she resets that ball instead of trying to speed that ball up now a lot of us do it it's something we all need to work on but try to keep in your mind that if you are contacting that ball that low it's probably not a good decision to try to speed that ball up keep that ball in play reset that ball and then after that advance to the non-volley zone and try to win the point out from the non-volley zone okay try not to end it and the point and speed it up at the transition area it's not a good idea and you're going to and if you do this you're going to find yourself winning a lot more points so hopefully this really helped and you can watch those in slow-mo or you can just watch how she's in front and hitting that reset volley and she's really low and making sure that contact point is out in front and that her paddle is open and also her grip pressure is not super tight to where it's just jumping off the face of the paddle but it's it's a good nice firm grip firm volley where she could just reset it into the kitchen again all right so hopefully this helps you can go out there with a partner you guys could take turns and feeding each other low balls like this trying to reset it and then trying to advance to the kitchen line and then play out the point from there so thanks for joining us in this video leave a comment if you have any questions below and make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you liked it alright we'll see in the next video thanks so much for watching for more free video lessons please visit but before you head on over there make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel so that you don't miss out on any future videos also for prime time pickleball shirts like this and other great apparel please visit
Channel: PrimeTime Pickleball
Views: 124,271
Rating: 4.8971667 out of 5
Keywords: pickleball strategy, pickleball, learn pickleball, pickleball instruction, smart pickleball, pickleball techniques, pickleball tips, pickleball pro, non volley zone, pickleball training, pickleball lessons, pickleball (sport), pickleball tips and strategies, how to improve pickleball, pickleball drill, Transition zone, Pickleball reset, 3rd shot drop, 4th shot, improve your reset shot, pickleball defense, reset the point pickleball, reset shot, pickleball reset shot
Id: ct3PPzp47T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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