5 Tips for PERFECT Pickleball Serve Technique

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hi welcome to prime time pickleball my name is jordan Briones and in today's video i'm going to give you five tips that is going to improve your serve let's jump right in missing one of our videos is like missing an easy put away don't let that be you subscribe now alright so the first tip I see a lot of beginner players in here and even intermediate players when they serve is that they are just using their arm or their wrist okay so it kind of looks something like this alright so they're either just using their wrist and you can see none of my other big muscles in my body are being used at all it's just my arm or my wrist okay and you could probably get a consistent serve like that but you're not going to maximize your full potential on that serve especially when you start learning different serves like topspin serve okay so instead what I want to do is I want to make sure that I'm using my legs and I'm using this kinetic chain using all my muscles my legs to my core and then I'm rotating my body to my arm using all my muscles together so that I can hit a good consistent strong serve okay all right so the second thing that I see a lot of players doing and this is not the wrong way to serve but it's probably not the preferred way especially when you get more advanced in levels okay so this I call this the open stance I see a lot of players serving like this with the open stance right up at the line and instead of that I want you in a closed which here in open stance my chest is parallel to the net more closed stance so my shoulder is now facing the the net or so this is fully closed here or even semi semi open okay her semi closed okay so so that I could really swing through that ball and now I'm rotating it's easy for me to rotate my body through the serve okay all right so the third the third tip that I have for you is to have a very smooth load a high motion swing path now a lot of people let's say they don't have any racket experience or they haven't played pass racket sports a lot of times they'll be really tense in their grip and they'll be really tight and you can see their motion is really jerky so you could probably see something like this all right and that is really a tenth serve and that could tend to be inconsistent and it's just not the right way to do it so what you want to do is loosen up your grip a little bit and start here and then just have a smooth swinging motion and what I want to do where what you want to do is actually hit through the ball so I kind of act like what we like to say is kind of act like you're hitting through three balls so you're not just hitting through one I want to make sure it's smooth and I'm hitting through I'm making sure I'm hitting through like let's say if there was three balls here hitting through and then I'm coming around my body up to my shoulder okay starting low hitting through the ball and then up here we go all right so as you can see hopefully I shown there I'm it's not really tight it's not a tight whip action or anything like that it's super smooth low to high finishing up here around my left shoulder all right so the fourth tip that I have for you today is to not have a very big looping back swing or don't take your paddle way back here when you're serving all you really need to do is if you line up here and in closed stance or semi closed stance just put your battle here I put your paddle here by your right hip and then this is really where you're going to get all your power that you're going to need you don't need to come way up here or way out here you could kind of just set it right here and then you're just going to serve hitting through the ball low to high hitting through and up over your left shoulder see I'm not taking it way back all right just here all right so the fifth tip that I have for you today is the toss it's not really a toss it's actually just a drop a lot I see a lot of people a lot of beginners when they're playing they actually try to hit it right out of their hands and that's really hard and awkward I think the time trying to hit it like that and I see others actually tossing the ball it's actually unnecessary and it makes it harder at a time I see them doing this okay so you can do that but the most consistent way to do it is just to hold it right in front of you I think I would say around hip level and then I'm just going to I'm gonna take my backswing here like this and then I'm going as I as I start to initiate my swing I'm just going to drop at the same time it's kind of like a smooth motion like this okay so this is something that you can practice here I'm dropping and initiating this way okay so I'm not throwing it I'm not tossing it it's just a drop from about waist level all right so those were the five tips to give you stronger consistent and better serve hopefully you like those and thanks for joining us in this video we'll see you in the next one if you enjoyed this video please give it a like thanks so much for watching for more free video lessons please visit primetime pickleball comm but before you head on over there make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don't miss out on any future videos also for prime time pickleball shirts like this and other great apparel please visit PT p gear com
Channel: PrimeTime Pickleball
Views: 193,663
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Keywords: pickleball, pickleball tips, pickleball serve, pickleball instruction, pickleball how to serve, serve, pickleball serve strategy, how to serve in pickleball, legal pickleball serve, how to serve, pickleball technique, pickleball strategy, pickleball video, how to hit a pickleball serve, pickleball serving, pickleball lessons, pickleball serving lesson, pickleball hard serve, pickleball fast serve, pickleball lesson, pickleball serve for beginners, pickleball serve technique
Id: fThStvI53oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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