4 KEY Pickleball Skills To 4.0 & Beyond

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hi welcome to primetime pickleball my name is jordan briones and in today's video we're going to go over the four key skills that you need to be a 4.0 player and above let's jump right in all right so before we get started if you're not subscribed to this channel hit that subscribe button and also hit that bell icon so that you can be notified every time we release a new video like i said in this video we're gonna go over the four skills that you need to become a 4.0 player and beyond okay so there's four of them and let's get to them right now all right so the very first key skills that you're going to need to achieve a 4.0 or higher level is that you're gonna have to have a consistent serve and a consistent return okay in the game of pickleball those are the first two points of the game and you need to hit them with accuracy and consistency so let's start with the serve i'm right here i have my wife katrina at the other end i'm on the outside serving to the odd side right now and what i have is three cones set up one towards the the t which is going to be to her forehand one towards the middle which is going to be a serve to her body and one towards the backhand which is going to be towards her backhand okay so those are my three main targets as you can see they're two and a half feet deep uh from the baseline there and i'm just gonna work on hitting consistent solid serves okay and i'm gonna try to hit the cones if i can okay and also katrina there can work on her returns at the same time so i'll show you a few serves oh okay couple more all right so like you just saw right there i'm really focused on one of the targets before i serve and this is something that you can do and practice in a game find out where your opponent's weakness is and serve to that and also mix it in when you need to all right so this is a good way that you can really develop your servant to a weapon all right so now let's jump into returns all right so we just talked about the serve now let's talk about the return the return is so key because the quality and the depth on your return is really going to affect what happens on that third shot for your opponents alright so we really want to get our returns deep and hit it with some pace or spin if we can so this is a good drill that you can do you can have someone serve either from the outside or to the outside or from the even side to the even side right now i'm going to show the odd side here and i have the cone set up towards the sideline of the even side and towards the middle of the court deep and deep to the sideline of the odd side okay so depending on what player you're targeting or if you want to hit a nice deep return middle this is a good thing that you can do set up some cones and practice your returns all right we'll show you here [Music] [Music] all right so as you can see there this is a great way you can practice your returns all right so now let's jump into the next skill that you're going to need all right so the second skill that you're definitely going to need if you're trying to get to a 4-0 level player or above is you're going to need a third shot drop all right so we hear about this a lot but this is inevitable if you want to become an advanced level player okay so a good way to work on this is to have a partner or friend on the non-volley zone line across the net and you are at the baseline okay so the person at the baseline is working on their third shot drop all right so what i'm gonna focus on is getting into position early and having a consistent contact point out in front the goal is for this drill is for the net player to put a lot of pressure and put and hit a lot of deep balls to me so that i can practice my third shot drop all right so we'll show you that right here okay so all right so just like that work on being consistent and being accurate on your drops all right we know this game is evolving and there's a lot of players that hit with a lot of power a lot of ground strokes and that is definitely needed as well to be a complete player but they can't get to that level unless they also have a good and consistent third shot drop so that's a way that you can work on it now let's jump on to the third skill alright so now let's jump into the third skill that you're going to need to become a 4.0 level or higher but right before that remember if you're not subscribed to this channel hit that subscribe button and give us a like on this video if you're liking our content all right so the third skill is resets you have to be good hitting reset shots from the transition zone and the reason for this is when you and your team are serving and you serve and that return comes back and you hit your third shot you are going to have to work your way through this transition area okay 99 of the time you're not gonna hit a third shot and get right up at the non-volleys online you're gonna have to hit at least one maybe two or three shots from the transition zone and you're gonna have to work on your reset shots hitting them into the kitchen so i'm gonna show you a good drill that you can start off with and then we're going to progress to a full drill where you transition from the baseline to the non-volley zone let's show you right now all right so i'm in the transition zone and i'm about eight feet back from the non-volleys online my wife katrina there and what she's gonna do she's gonna feed me the first ball and i'm going to basically try to drop every shot that i can and and the reason why i'm doing this is i'm trying to hit a neutral ball into the kitchen so that i can then follow it in so i could get up to that non-volley zone line okay so she's gonna try to put as much pressure on me as she can and she's actually gonna try to put the ball away if she gets a high enough ball and i'm just trying to neutralize every ball alright so here it goes which all right good shot all right so like you just saw right there i'm really trying to force her to have a low contact point anything high she tries to put away and this is a great way that you can practice your reset drills okay so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start from the baseline and she's gonna feed the ball hard like a good hard return and i'm gonna try to work my way from the baseline to the non-volley zone if i could hit a third shot drop and rush right up i'm gonna do that but if i need to hit a shot or two in this transition i'm going to take my time be patient and and then work my way up to that non-volleys online so [Music] [Applause] all right so like you just saw right there this is a really great practice drill that you can do now let's jump into the fourth skill that you're going to need to become a 4.0 or higher level player the fourth skill that you're going to need is consistent solid volleys okay this game is played as you know at the non-volley zone line and in this game you're going to volley a lot so the skill that is needed is good block defensive volleys and also you're going to need to hit counter attacking volleys when someone else is speeding up you're going to have to counter attack so let's show you how to do that right now all right so we're here up at the non volley zone and what we're going to do is just feed each other a ball and then we're gonna work on our volleys this is a cooperative drill we're not going to try to hit winners right now we're just trying to get the feel and get our consistency on our volleys okay there's a couple things we want to focus on and the first is going to be your contact point you want to make sure your contact point is out in front the best you can okay because you're going to have the most control out here okay you don't want it too close to your body and you don't want to get jammed here so you're going to have to move at times to create space to have a consistent contact point out in front and the next thing we want to focus on is a stable paddle face okay um now i'm not talking about swinging volleys these are just regular push or punch volleys okay these are volleys you're gonna hit a lot in pickleball you're not gonna see a lot of wrist action at all and you're not gonna see me changing the angle of my paddle when i volley it's pretty consistent and as you can see as i hit my forehand or hit my backhand i'm just pushing or moving it forward okay it's a very compact stroke and this is a good way to work on it up at the non-volley zone okay [Music] oh wow [Music] all right so that was a good way to work on defensive blocked volleys and neutral volleys but now what we're gonna work on is counter attacking volleys so this is when someone chooses to speed it up and you are trying your best to be ready and trying to counter attack back and down what i'm gonna do is i'm going to dink with katrina here and i'm going to be the attacker and she's going to be the counter attacker okay so she knows that i can attack at any time i'm going to start with a dink and then we're gonna dink and i'm gonna attack and i want her to practice her counter attack okay [Music] okay okay all right so that's just a great way that you can work on your counter attacking and this concludes the four skills that you're going to need if you want to achieve a 4.0 level or higher all right every high-level player has all these skills and they've mastered them okay so go out there and practice these skills all right thanks for watching us in this video and we'll see you in the next one if you enjoyed this video please give it a like thanks so much for watching for more free video lessons please visit primetimepickleball.com but before you head on over there make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel so that you don't miss out on any future videos also for prime time pickleball shirts like this and other great apparel please visit ptpgear.com
Channel: PrimeTime Pickleball
Views: 215,589
Rating: 4.9625349 out of 5
Keywords: pickleball, 4.0 pickleball, 4.0pickleball, how to improve your pickleball, pickleball serve, improve pickleball, how to improve pickleball, effective pickleball, pickleball tips, improve your pickleball, pickleball 3rd shot, pickleball reset shot, pickleball volleys, pickleball return, 4.0 skills, pickleball skills 4.0+, advanced pickleball, pickleball skills, advanced pickleball skills, pickleball drills
Id: Bt9UM8ip4R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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