How to Train on a Pickleball Wall?

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hi welcome to primetime pickleball my name is jordan briones and in today's video we're going to show you the top pickleball wall drills let's jump right in all right so before we get started if you're not subscribed to this channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button and also hit that little bell icon so that you could be notified every time we release a new video we really appreciate it alright so in today's video i'm just at a at a public community wall here this is a multi-purpose wall and i'm going to show you the best wall drills for pickleball that you can do all right we're going to go over five different categories dinking volleys resets ground strokes and overheads all right so let's jump right in all right so the first drill that i'm going to do has to do with dinking remember i really want to focus on my contact point getting a consistent contact point out in front and i'm going to try to do my best to watch the ball uh real quick before we get started a little disclaimer you'll see there's a lot of cracks here on this court and if if you have that same scenario where you are just if the ball lands on the crack just let it roll and then just start over here we go so as you can see the bounce is not true and it's a little bit different every time because of the asphalt here but you know just try to do your best and concentrate on what you can which is a consistent contact point out in front and keeping your eye on the ball getting low with my legs is also really important all right so now we're gonna move on to the backhand side and do the same thing with the backhand here we go oh try to do my best with the cracks here and now what we're going to do is we're going to alternate so i'm going to go forehand to backhand and try to my best to switch every time and it's also going to work on my footwork oh remember uh the key focus points here are my contact point and getting into position all right now we're gonna jump into some volley drills these are really important we get a lot of volleys in the game of pickleball and the first thing i want to start off with is just regular forehand volleys remember key things i want to focus on is my contact point and also trying to going to keep a focal point on the wall because these volleys are going to be a little bit fat they're going to be fast right so i'm not going to be able to watch and keep up with the ball the whole time i want to keep an area that i'm looking straight ahead and i'm gonna work on that contact point out in front hitting these forehand volleys with my continental grip all right we'll start with forehand volleys notice i'm nice and low here trying to keep my contact out in front my best doing the best that i can and i'm staying low okay my eyes are generally fixed in a certain place on the wall and my volleys are out in front okay now we're gonna move on to the backhand side and do the same thing trying to hit the sweet spot of my paddle every time okay all right so the next one is a little bit a little bit tougher and you're going to alternate from forehand to backhand so this is going to work on your directional control and you also might need to move and shift your feet a little bit to get in good position here we go what is all right so this last volley drill that i'm going to show you is called the two touch drill now it's an advanced skill and an advanced drill but um you can go out there and try it and hopefully you can work up to it i'm going to show you right here here we go so as you notice here still trying to keep my contact point out in front bouncing it off my paddle and then sending it to the wall takes a lot of paddle control and just a good drill that you can do all right so now i'm going to do the same thing on the backhand side all right this side is a lot tougher here if you could get it under control then that's what you want to do all right so now let's jump into the next drill all right so now let's jump into some ground stroke drills all right um this is a good thing that you can practice against a wall like i said in the beginning of this video there's a lot of cracks here so ideally what you would want to do is drop feed the ball and keep hitting ground strokes um repetition after repetition here it's really tough because all the cracks so what i'm going to do actually is i'm going to feed a short high ball off the wall and then i'm going to act like i'm hitting a third shot drive and i'm just going to work on my ground strokes like that so i'm going to start on my forehand side [Music] oh so a few things that i could focus on here is getting my feet in correct position okay i'm hitting with a closed stance all right um and also keeping that contact out in front also trying to focus on a nice smooth relaxed swing the ball doesn't bounce right then just catch it and feed it again as you can see i'm trying to aim right above that line um as i'm hitting a third shot drive working on my ground strokes okay at least i have a target and i'm trying to aim low to the net okay again all right so now i'm going to do the same thing on the backhand side so okay all right so after you get those ground strokes in next thing i'm going to work on is some recess and the first one i'm just going to feed the ball off the wall and with good pace and then i'm going to work on my reset so i'm going to start on the forehand side and i'll show you right here okay so you want to feed the ball hard off the wall then try to slow it down with a reset so this would be a reset into the kitchen same thing i'm going to be focusing on my contact point out in front having a loose grip trying to drop that ball into the kitchen all right so you can do the same thing on the backhand side here okay so that one is a little low so i gotta adjust a little bit all right okay still i'm trying to focus on keeping that ball out in front and with the resets it's really important when you're trying to hit the shot remember i'm trying to hit the first ball with a lot of pace so that i can then slow it down all right so the second reset drill is a little variation i'm going to feed the ball high off the wall hit a drive and then after my drive i'm gonna try to reset it [Music] okay notice uh how i'm hitting my drive with my momentum coming in and then i'm stopping and hitting that reset into the kitchen oh all right now i'm going to do the same thing on my backhand side hold on all right all right so this last drill i'm going to show you has to do with overheads now this is a really good one the first variation i'm not going to hit the ball i'm just going to show you how i practice my footwork for my overheads then the second variation i'm going to go ahead and hit the ball but what i'm going to do is i'm going to start approximately 10 feet behind the wall and then i'm going to hit the ball high high off the wall and what i'm going to do for correct overhead footwork i want to make sure i turn sideways and make sure my shoulder here is perpendicular from the wall and you'll see i'm going to catch the ball up here where i want to make contact with the ball all right so i'll start here i'll feed the ball off the wall and i'll just catch it and then you'll see also that my paddle is up right over my head like this and i'm going to catch the ball right in the area that i would want the contact all right here we go just like that you could start off by just feeding it so that you don't have to go too far back okay you can start with just really shallow feeds like this and work on that footwork then if you want to make it a little bit more challenging practice those really deep blobs you can feed it harder off the wall okay so this is a really good drill it really works on your footwork getting set and then as you catch the ball that's where you want to contact the ball now what i'm going to do is do the same thing but instead of catching it i'm still going to put my hand up so i could track the ball and as it comes down then i'm gonna swing aim for the wall okay remember this drill the key things i want to focus on is good footwork make sure get sideways so that i can shuffle back when i need to for a deep lob and also making sure i keep my hand up here my paddle up here and then i'm striking the ball out of front alright so that concludes our top pickleball wall drills hopefully these are very helpful to you if you can't play right now or you don't have partners to play with this is a good thing that you can do you can always improve your game using a wall all right so thanks for watching us in this video and we'll see you in the next one and that one didn't work [Music] all right you know what sometimes the wall just makes a good shot [Music] [Music] [Music] if you enjoyed this video please give it a like thanks so much for watching for more free video lessons please visit but before you head on over there make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel so 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Channel: PrimeTime Pickleball
Views: 36,156
Rating: 4.9608097 out of 5
Keywords: pickleball drills, pickleball, pickleball wall drills, wall drills pickleball, solo games against the wall, wall drills for pickleball, best wall drills, solo pickleball game, how to play pickleball, pickleball exercises, best pickleball drills, pickleball self drills, backboard, pickleball drills to do alone, pickleball drills against a board, how to practice pickleball, how to improve pickleball, pickleball solo drills, pickleball practice backboard, pickleball backboard
Id: nfTcDYLPi1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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