The $1 Microscope

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[Music] hi the guys you see next to me have invented the most amazing thing that will bore your mind hi I'm Jim hi AM Anu but first let me tell you what the problem is imagine you live in a poor country and you want to drink water but the problem is this cup of water is full of billions of tiny tiny monsters some of them are good and some are bad so if you drink this water you might get a disease because a lot of these bad monsters in your water can only be seen by a microscope that costs $2,000 and for that amount of money most people cannot afford to see the microscopic world and that's where these guys come in to solve the tiny monster problem manu and jim at stanford university came up with a unique invention they made a microscope that's 1,000 times cheaper because it's made of paper yes paper you get this paper fold it just like origami assemble it and just like that you have a microscope that allows you to see objects a hundred and forty to 1,000 times bigger than they actually are do you see that they're mine [Music] so with this microscope bacteria in the kitchen sink looks like this a baby starfish looks like this the heart of an insect looks like this and even the sand of a flowerpot you have in your backyard looks like this this became a window to a whole new universe this microscope is so durable it can survive a punch it can survive a physical damage water damage it's the only microscope in the world that can survive that but the best part is the price this thing costs $1 to make $1 for that amount of money they were able to make half a million microscopes and send them all around the world to kids and adults alike who are now able to see a whole new universe that they couldn't see before so I woke up today and I checked my phone and I saw this picture of a village in Tamil Nadu India of kids opening up these pouches and exploring their microscopic world around them and this happens every single day and it gets even better in the future if you're a doctor in a remote poor area you could get a version of these microscopes and be able to detect on-the-spot diseases like rabies and malaria without having to buy a $1500 microscope because it's very important to make science affordable and accessible to everyone around the world this species of paper deserves all the attention because it can help thousands of doctors inspire millions of kids and even save lives we're trying [Music]
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 3,040,811
Rating: 4.9326415 out of 5
Keywords: Microscope, Science, Nas Daily, Travel, Stanford
Id: zbZmTEg0EI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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