The #1 BEST online business to start as a beginner

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what online business is the best business to start with the rise of online business over the last five to ten years this is a particular controversy that has survived the test of time the truth is there are a lot of different online businesses and a lot of them play into certain strengths or weaknesses that people may have so in reality because of how different and unique people are different online businesses might work better for those people and another undeniable fact is there are certain trends that come up and they're unexpected so these businesses can be dynamic and they can be easier or harder at times but the truth is is that it's always changing for example around June of 2016 you started to hear the name Shopify come around and this is when the company really started to blow up Shopify and all of its apps started to grow and it made popular the idea and notion of Drop Shipping it did this because of how easy it was to just go to and set up a quick simple store there is all sorts of different apps you could use to import products from different suppliers and overall because of the company company that was growing Drop Shipping became very convenient and it was all in one place and so Drop Shipping became more popular and then it started to become a viable online business so people would make these stores on Shopify and then they would run these ads on Facebook and at the time Facebook didn't have such strict ad policies they were basically printing money they had their own printer in their house and it was so easy I've heard plenty of stories of people Drop Shipping in the past making all sorts of easy kind of money because nobody was doing it the cpms were cheap the restrictions were low and it was easy you could create a white background ad of a product and throw it on Facebook and it would be profitable but things change Trends change for example a massive opportunity presented itself in the cryptocurrency space so we had another massive Bull Run and then you started hearing about this thing called nfts all of these people made money from the crypto Bull Run and they wanted to make more money and they felt like gambling all of their new earned funds so the nft market blew up and again that was another massive massive Trend there was all sorts of different kinds of businesses that you could have started the nft market everybody was dropping projects you could have been an artist you could have been a marketer you could have ran Discord servers there was a whole bunch of different opportunities that presented themselves based on a trend but this still doesn't answer the question what is the number one best business to start right now and I will be answering that question very shortly but just stick with me here recently because of what's going on in the world cryptocurrencies have not been very exciting so the hype and the money from crypto has largely kind of died down and now we see Trends in other areas and this is not exactly new but it's growing and it's bigger than ever it's tick tock with the rise of tick tock the ability to go viral on social media is easier than ever before and there's a couple of really smart kids about a year or two ago that figured out there was some sort of viral script to making Tick Tock videos that blow up and so if they could use this viral script and integrate a product and lead people to a store they could essentially get a bunch of free traffic now I don't know about you guys but in traditional Drop Shipping you would save 30 of your margins for ads 30 percent for the product cost and thirty percent for profit and with this new model you're essentially eradicating one of those you're getting free advertisement to millions and millions of people so is this like the first situation where people went to Facebook with no restricted ads and just printed money yes it kind of is in the beginning when this happened there was kids literally making tens of thousands if not more per day in fact I even heard a story from one of my friends about a kid that did 400k in one single day because of a viral tiktok he made so Tick Tock has continued to be the Giant in social media and has continued to grow and with them releasing their ads platform Tick Tock ads is the new Facebook ads as you can see here Drop Shipping interest today is about the highest it's ever been and this is something that's extremely important because I'm going to reveal in this video exactly how you can best capitalize on this trend that along with another extremely special announcement at the very end of this video in which I explained how I'm going to be giving away over a hundred thousand dollars in the next couple of months now for those of you that don't know my name is Sebastian Giorgio and this actually used to be a drop shipping channel I have had multiple drop shipping stores and even Brands I had one store that at one point was doing about ten thousand dollars a day consistently and I had a point in time where I did over 70 000 in Revenue in a single day with one of my drop shipping stores because of all this prior experience I do believe I can give you guys some pretty good value so please pay attention generally people are missing out an extreme key factor in success and that is good information a lot of the times people watch my videos then they'll go watch somebody else's videos and they'll be torn between the two different types of information and they'll ultimately get stuck doing nothing these are the people that try it for a little bit and give up and then go in the comment section and call it oversaturated and say that this is a scam and it doesn't work and honestly to those people you have to admit that that's just a massive coat especially when they see other people that are doing it successfully they're going to feel bad because they couldn't make it work so they're going to put others down the truth is that Drop Shipping is not oversaturated the truth is is that it's stronger now than it's ever been before the truth is that there are kids that are 16 so 17 18 20 30 that are dming me sending me pictures of them making 25 30k a day traveling the world buying insane cars I get messages in DMs like this all the time it's not even a surprise to me anymore somebody messaged me on Twitter literally a few days ago and was like dude I started watching your videos in 2018 I'm doing 500k a month and I'm like that's six million dollars a year but it's true like this is stronger than ever and another truth is that 99 of people watching this video aren't even gonna do anything this space is still so small and there's such a small tiny percentage of people that are actually doing it well and not to make your lives especially easy I've put together a course with Sebastian esqueda on Tick Tock Drop Shipping and it's completely free before you go to the comment section and do something terrible this course is the result of Sebastian esqueda sticking to drop shipping for the last three years him making over 300K a month him having students I have over forty thousand dollars per day in sales all of that combined with me the mindset I've learned and my experience in marketing as well all together in one course for free we are going to be updating it and I have plenty of videos to continue filming in it but I just wanted to plug that really quick because I want as many people to go through that as possible I've attached a link to that course down in the description below and I really hope that you guys take advantage of this resource because honestly it might not be free forever so go take advantage while you still can I hope by this point in the video it's no surprise why Drop Shipping is coming back and it's simply because of tick tock tick tock is the new social media that everybody is on and if you can figure out a way to integrate Tick Tock with Drop Shipping you can make a lot of money because platforms like this are not overly saturated it allows for the cheapest cpms that you'll ever probably have running a tick tock Drop Shipping Store is going to be far more predictable than running a store on Facebook with all their restrictions and all of their policies same goes for Instagram and Snapchat The Tick Tock algorithm is almost perfect for getting your ads your creative ads who go completely viral and getting a bunch of customers for free and on top of that it's easier now than ever before to actually go through with dropshipping because of all the new businesses and all the new softwares that are coming out which make Drop Shipping so much more convenient the smart people watching this video realize that we are in a recession and they need to get a hold of as much cash as possible dropshipping is one of the many great ways but one of the best ways to do that right now and that's why it's steadily growing and as high as it's ever been as I'm filming this video right now in addition to this pretty much all Investments are down stocks crypto and real estate this incentivizes people to seek out other income and other side hustles so that they can continue to live their lives comfortably so all of these factors along with the convenience of product research tools and shipping agents have all played a major role in the Resurgence of Drop Shipping today and also do want to say one of these softwares was kind enough to sponsor this video so thank you so much to add Syria for sponsoring this video but more on them later how can you capitalize on this trend what do you have to do since there's a new platform with cheaper cpms and an easier ability to go viral and there's more products and more softwares that make Drop Shipping easier than ever and Drop Shipping as a result of those two first things is now easier and it's a better time to do it now than ever what you should do to capitalize on this trend is start a Shopify store and attempt Drop Shipping I know right you didn't see that one coming the answer to this question is extremely obvious I'm sorry but it is and you need to learn as much as you possibly can about Drop Shipping and if it were me Tick Tock Drop Shipping in the next couple of months as you can while this trend and this opportunity is still here you'll have a ton of questions insecurities and doubts but you'll never learn anything if you don't actually take any action so immediately after this video you should take action and give it a shot because you'll learn along the way and this is a common misconception like people think for some reason that successful people have the secret sauce figured out that's just not true even experts in every single field even Mr Beast in youtubing is still learning every single video so we're all just learning we're all on the learn train and if you don't ever get on the learn train and take action you're just gonna get left behind and again if you don't know where you can watch my YouTube videos you can watch Sebastian squid is YouTube videos there's a lot of YouTubers but I would say definitely go check out the free course that's an organized place that me and Sebastian have presented information and it's completely free so you literally have nothing to lose now I know some of you got to this point in the video and you're like did you say you were gonna give a hundred thousand dollars away is this boy econ Mr Beast or something the answer is yes as I'm filming this video we have a challenge set to start on October 14th 2022. I'm going to be starting a Shopify Drop Shipping competition and I'm going to be putting 100 000 of my own money on the line This 100 000 is going to act as a prize pool for 16 winners of this Challenge and all 16 of them are going to get a portion of this one hundred thousand dollars now this is something that I have been planning for months and I'm extremely excited to get this running now make sure you stay tuned for the video I'll be posting in the first week of October where I explain this Challenge and I give all of the details and rules and what you need to do to enter all I can say right now in this video without giving away too much is the best way you can prepare for the this competition and get your hands on some of that prize money is to learn as much as you possibly can about Drop Shipping this challenge is going to be an amazing opportunity for everybody watching this video to further develop their business skills and to even get their hands on thousands and thousands of dollars and on top of this you're going to be capitalizing on the recent growth of Drop Shipping that I've been explaining in this video so really you're killing like three birds with one stone here now be sure to mark down the date for when I'm going to be posting that next video first week of October this year and be sure to look out for it I'm extremely pumped to see you guys all there and we will talk about that more in October and now to tell you guys about ad Syria if you've watched this entire video and you're really interested in Drop Shipping you need to be using adseria ad Seria has thousands of ready to sell winning products they have lots of listing in every single Niche and one click product import that lets you start selling these products instantly if you connect your Shore they add two new hot selling products every single day they have all sorts of engaging video ads they have professional ad copies they even give you full product descriptions and they have like the the Facebook audience Insight where you can basically go and select insights and it tells you what insights would probably work best and also these insights are transferable to tick tock as well all of that in one product page this is something that I've personally never even seen before this is like one of the most valuable things I've ever seen in dropshipping and I literally wish I had this when I was Drop Shipping they also have a store finder with over 6 million e-commerce stores this is something that I use built with for and that was like 300 a month so the fact that they just have this in their software is crazy unlimited store analyzes and unlimited access to tick tock spy plus the feature to analyze any product from any Tick Tock video so again they're sticking with the Trends they are on Tick Tock and they realize that Tick Tock is popping off so mad props to them and if you're confused about any of these things as a cherry on top they also have 24 7 customer support now at Syria has never done a sponsorship with an influencer ever before and I'm honestly extremely grateful this is a really great platform but what I like more about this is the fact that they've managed to build such a successful business now I know how many customers they have and it's thousands and thousands of of customers that they've Acquired and retained because of their product and I do want to say I do have a special discount it's sub 10 you get 10 off but they also have another really exclusive discount that they offered and it's basically if you upgrade on the first day you're gonna get 30 off and that doesn't also cut into my percent so if you use my code and you upgrade on the first day you get 40 off and it's only 19.95 after all that it's only 20 a month which again is literally crazy because built width was 300 a month but you're getting all of this for 20. so it's a crazy good deal and I'm very happy that they offered me this exclusive discount so definitely go show your support that's pretty much it for this video guys I hope I convinced you I hope that you guys go check out that free course I made I hope you give Ed Siri a shot I hope you enjoyed this video and of course I hope you guys all stick around and stay tuned for that hundred thousand dollar challenge that I will be hosting soon here that being said I'm out
Channel: Sebastian Ghiorghiu
Views: 565,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oHfhutTNT9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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