Black Mage Advanced Guide for Level 51-90: Endgame Openers and Rotations included! [FFXIV 6.45+]

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this guide covers all the actions the Black Mage learns from Level 51 to 90 including how each action is meant to be used and recommendations when necessary we also go over the rotation at level 60 70 and 80. the kite finishes with a double 90 specific guide covering opener rotation 2 minute bursts and Stat priorities I will assume you know the basics of the job and if that is not the case refer to my blackmate starter guide to get caught up I will also assume you are acquainted with common abbreviations and Concepts such as gcd ogcd slide casting and weaving and refer to these three shots on the subject if you need a refresher now then at level 52 you'll learn the ability Ley lines which places down a circle on the floor around you while standing in the circle your cast times are reduced significantly enabling you to cycle through your rotation much faster you should make a point to use this buff as often as you can but make sure to pick your spots so you don't risk having to choose between damage output and not eating a boss mechanic a good time to use a lines is the weaving opportunity as you switch between astral Fire and umbral Ice at level 54 you learn the ability sharp cast which makes the next random proc chance guaranteed to occur immediately upon casting the relevant spell notably this applies to thunder and fire 1 to activate Firestarter or Thundercloud when you want it I recommend using it as close to uncool down as possible weave it after either blizzard 3 Fire 3 or one of the instant casts from your procs to avoid losing damage output to the animation lock while a thundercloud proc is slightly better than a Firestarter proc in most situations simply using sharp cast and making the most of whatever proc you do get is better than sitting on it and trying to make sure you proc the right thing at level 56 you learn the trade in Nokian which simply increases all damage you do while either astral fire or umbral ice is active this affects all of your spells so you should make sure to enter astral fire or umbral ice Before You cast anything else in combat now including Thunder additionally casting Fire 2 while in astral fire now boosts the potency of flare until you swap out of Astral fire you already cast a few fire 2's pair astral fire State before flare so this does not really change your AOE rotation at level 58 you learn this build blizzard 4 which is only usable in umbral eye State and replaces blizzard 1 as your single Target filler additionally use implicit 4 grants three umbral hearts which while in the astral fire State negates the MP cause increasing effect of Astral fire as such at least one blizzard file should be used in every umbral ice State keep in mind that like freeze blizzard 4 does not refresh the duration of umbral ice in this guide I will continue to use blizzard 1 instead of 4 as the filler gcd to make it easier to follow when it is used as extra filler speaking of freeze it is upgraded to also Grant three umbral hearts on use so the AE rotation is similarly extended to always include at least just one freeze cast every fire spill in astral fire spends one umbral heart to negate this MP cast increase however when used on flare specifically it instead only costs two-thirds of all your MP rather than all of it however Flair also always spends all of your umbral hearts regardless of however many you have for single Target this mostly results in being able to stay in astral fire state for longer for AOE in your essel firestate you should only cast Fire 2 until you have one umbral heart left after which you should cast flare twice at level 60 you learn the spell fire 4 which is only usable in astral firestate and replaces fire 1 as the spam spill on single Target however firethor does not refresh the astral fire State and so usually you only have enough time to cast 3 or 4 firefalls before you have to cast fire 1 to refresh the buff due to your MP limitations entering astral fire with three umbral hearts and full MP you have enough MP for 6 firefalls one fire one as well as MP for Thunder 3. if you need to reapply it normally as you no longer cast fire one very much you can save the Firestarter proc until either you need to move if you need to refresh the astral fire State a second time for some reason or as the final spell before switching to improvise in the same vein due to the significantly higher potency value of Firefall it is no longer as important to cast Thundercloud procs for The Upfront damage and so you should keep the procs for movement or to reapplied if the dot or the proc itself is about to run out you can also simply choose to apply Thunder at specific intervals where it fits if you exit astral fire with both a thundercloud proc and a Firestarter proc you can make use of a so called transpose line for a slight damage gain use blizzard 3 and 4 as you normally would then use Thundercloud and either immediately if your MP is already maxed out or when it maxes out use transpose and then immediately use the Firestarter proc this is an advanced trick that performed multiple times over the course of a fight can add up the trick does not specifically require a thundercloud proc but notably requires a free and instant spell since level 50 you have learned Ley lines and sharp casts which both are recommended to be weaved pretty much on cooldown in Arcane also means you should always start fights by entering astral's fire or unroll ice blizzard 4 also both improves the value of your Emperor ice State and extends your astral fire State and fire 4 greatly adjusts your rotation in general for an opener use sharpcast up to 12 seconds before fighting begins then three seconds before use Ley lines followed by Fire 3 then Thunder 3 and then use fire 4 until you're low on time then use blizzard 3 blizzard 4 and then use Thunder 3 to spend the Thundercloud truck if necessary fill with blizzard 4 and then get back into fire State your final rotation into umbrella ice is generally to use blizzard 3 blizzard 4 and either an additional blizzard 4 or thunder 3 to be sure you have full MP before you switch into astral fire you start with Fire 3 then 3 or 4 fire falls one fire one and then more fire forms you can use them to 3 whenever the dart is about to run out if you happen to end up with Booth or Thundercloud and Fire Starter proc together you can exit the umpral ice state by using Thunder 3 transpose and then Fire 3 for a slight damage gain for AOE use blizzard 2 Thunder 2 consider using sharpcast beforehand freeze then three fire twos and then two flares and then repeat at level 62 you'll learn the ability between the lines as long as Ley lines are up you can use this ability to teleport back to them you can combine it with ethereal manipulation to jump quickly to safety and then return to the Ley lines once it's safe again at level 64 Thunder 2 is permanently upgraded to thunder 4. this increases its damage slightly but does not change your rotation at level 66 you learn the ability triple cast which enables you to cast three spells instantly back to back triple cast can hold up to two charges so you can both use it just once for three spells and keep one for Mobility or you can use Booth one at a time to cast spells instantly in a row you can even add swiftcast to the chain to cast 7 spells back to back if you have both swiftcast and triple cast active at the same time then swiftcast is always spent first for an all-out opener you can adjust to make use of both triple casts open with sharpcast then Fire 3 Thunder 3 and then use triple cast then use fire 4 weaving Ley lines then two more firefalls then weave swiftcast and cast another fire 4 weaving triple cast again then use flare weaving Mana font Fighter 4 again and then flare again and finish with blizzard 3 and go back to our normal rotation for AOE you can make use of triple cast for two instant flares followed by Mana font into another instant flare use a thundercloud Thunder 4 after the third Fire 2 to make space to weave triple cast here at level 70 your Elemental gauge is expanded with the polyglot timer every 30 seconds of being in a state at all you are given a polyglot you can hold only one one polyglot but the timer will keep ticking meaning clever timing lets you use two polyglots in quick succession making use of transpose while not being able to attack that you keep the timer taking out of combat you also learn the spell fell which casts one polyglot and does AOE damage with a cast time similar to scathe foul is unaffected by both umbral ice and astral fire unlike scave foul actually does great damage and should be used in the umbral ice State when available this memes for your general rotation that you should use blizzard 3 blizzard 4 and usually fell or thunder 3 in every umbral ice State due to the amount of spills in each umbral ice State you should now always have full MP by the time you run out of things to do and move to astral fire you should reliably be able to opt to Only cast Thunder 3 when it needs to be reapplied now regardless of whether that is in umbral ice or astral fire since level 60 your umbral eye state has been expanded with the Pharaoh cast and your opener has been boosted by having access to Triple test letting you make your way through your MP much faster at the start of a fight you can save triple cats for mobility in a tough spot between the lines lets you easily return to your Ley lines in case you get forced out of them to make use of your triple cats in an opener use sharpcast up to 12 seconds before fighting begins then use Fire 3 Thunder 3 then triple cast then use fire 4 weaving Ley lines two more firefalls weaving swiftcasts followed by another Firefall and weave triple cast then use flare weaving Mana font another fire 4 and another flare and then begin your umbral ice State at level 72 you learn this build despair which is our single Target version of flair as such every astral fire stayed on one or two Targets should be ended with despair for your opener simply replace the flares with despair for a significant damage gain at level 74 sharpcast's cooldown is cut in half enabling you to use sharp cast more often you should still try to weave it whenever it is available so this doesn't change much at level 76 you learn this spell umbral soul which is only usable while an umbral ice State when used it increases your umbral ice by one stage and generates one overall heart when there is down time in a fight or running between battles use transpose to switch to improv ice and then repeatedly use umbral soul to keep the stator and also to max out your umbrella herbs to get a more explosive start when engaging again at level 80 false cast time is made instant you can now also hold two polyglots at a time and you also learn the spell xenoglassy which is a single Target alternative to foul you should use xenoglossy on one or two Targets and foul on three or more targets if you remember the transpose line from level 60 you can use xenoglassy in place of a thundercloud proc meaning you only need Firestarter to perform it now for AOE foul is now instant so it can be used for weaving in the same way that Thundercloud can since level 70 the biggest upgrade to your rotation is the addition of Despair both reopener and every single one of your astral fire States shown the cooldown on sharpcast also makes the rotation more consistent and umbral soul helps immensely with downtime Xeno glossy and instant foul also greatly improves your mobility and flexibility in your rotation not to mention having a second polyglot slot these can be used to produce an opportunity to weave abilities whenever you need to aside from replacing Flair with despair in your opener the exact sequence is entirely unchanged at level 82 Fire 2 and blizzard 2 are upgraded to high Fire 2 and high blizzard 2 respectively increasing their potencies while high blister 2 does more damage than freeze you should still use freeze for the umbral hearts of course at 5 or more Targets in a prolonged fight you can choose to use high fire too two additional times before using a single flare as this will amount to more damage however it takes longer to perform if on the other hand you are planning to use triple cast or swiftcast for AOE then double flare is still Superior at level 84 my anaphone's cooldown is reduced to only 2 minutes this does not change your rotation but does let you use this ability more often at level 86 you learn the ability amplifier which instantly grants you a polyglot this should be used on cooldown as much as possible in your opener weave this just before relay lines at level 88 sharpcast is upgraded to now hold two charges this mainly enables you to be more relaxed about weaving sharp cast however weaving it whenever you can make use of it is still recommended if you can try to plan it so that sharpcast is used leading up to thunder as it is the superior option to spend it on at level 90 your Elemental gauge is expanded with the Paradox marker whenever you enter umbral ice from astral Fire 3 specifically or into astral fire from umbral Ice 3 with 3 umbral Hearts you get the Paradox marker the Paradox marker is spent on the new spill Paradox which replaces both blizzard 1 and fire one when it is available Paradox replaces the single fire one cast you would normally cast anyway in astral fire in umbral eyes Paradox is an instant spill and also does significantly more damage than even blizzard 4. this means that it is recommended to use ice Paradox whenever it is available on up to three targets with more targets than that it can still be helpful as an instant attack while on the move or if there is a priority Target since you have plenty to do in umbral ice this enables you to not use xenoglossy or Thundercloud as a filler in umbral ice so you can focus entirely on using Thundercloud to reapply Thunder when needed and xenoglossy can be used for bursting Mobility or flexibility when you need to weave something it should be noted that umbral ice is still the best time to spend polyglots if you can plan it out that way Paradox can also be used to perform the transpose line trick using Paradox transpose and then Fire Starter fire 3. during downtime you can produce a paradox marker by switching to eyes using umbral soul up to three times then transpose transpose again and use umbral Soul two more times to be be as prepared as possible when fighting begins again to round off let's first talk about an opener followed by General rotation as well as how this works with the two minute burst and finally let's touch on stat priorities on gear notably as black matus burst heavily relies on putting Mobility options on a pyre of damage games if you actually need these Mobility options it may be better to deviate from an all-out burst in the opener or two minute burst to save whichever cooldowns you need with that said let's begin up to 12 seconds before combat starts use sharp cast then three seconds before combat starts begin casting Fire 3 then use Thunder 3 and then use triple cast this will clip your gcd that is intended then use fire4 and if you intend to use a tincture a so-called burst potion this is the time another Firefall weaving both amplifier and Ley lines yet another Firefall weaving swiftcast followed by another Firefall weaving triple cast then use despair weaving Mana font followed by fire4 we leaving sharpcast and then despair then continue into blizzard 3 and use xenoglossy Paradox blizzard 4 and finish the opener with thunder 3. this then leads to the general rotation the umbral ice stage should typically include blizzard 3 blizzard 4 and Paradox as Paradox does significantly more damage it should be prioritized if you are affected by raid Buffs but otherwise it can be used last or if you need to move Thunder 3 should be used either if the dot is running out on your target or if somehow the Thundercloud proc itself is running out Thundercloud procs can also be used to fill as an instant if you need to move or weave something xenoglossy similarly can be used to fill when you need to weave something or need to move however due to the sheer power of xenoblossy it is very beneficial to stockpile these leading up to raid Buffs assuming you don't need them for anything else make sure to weave sharp cast often so you don't sit on it it is better to use it whenever it is available than losing out on users because you're too focused on producing Thunder art blocks with it specifically Ley lines and amplifiers should also generally be used on cooldown and they line up naturally with the two minute burst as well a consistent way to fit them is to plan an instant like xenoglossy Thundercloud or even Firestarter around it when you get them for Mana font it should be weaved as soon as possible but optimally after an instant cast while on zero MP in astral firestate so that the MP results in Firefall and despair being cast again speaking of the fire State this should typically include 6 fireforce Paradox and despair and thunder 3 is only used if you need to reapply it notably both triple cast and swiftcast are considered damage increasing cooldowns as they effectively reduce the cast time spent on fire 4 and despair and so if they are not needed for Mobility using them for damage is beneficial as triple cats can hold two charges you can stockpile them to make a bigger burst during raid Buffs for swiftcast you can use xenoglossy before despair in a regular fire State on the art minute to find Space to weave swiftcast to cast despair faster the reason that the two minute burst becomes somewhat vague for black Mages is that while optimally you want to fit as many xenoglossies despairs and firefalls in rebuffs as you can it can vary heavily depending on the fight where you are in your rotation when rebuffs come up and you may need to use a lot of tricks to plan out your rotation in a way such that you are in the spot you need to be in when rebuffs come up this is partly what gives rise to transpose lines I mentioned one a few times from this guide which is the line called af1 f3p standard which is relatively straightforward and always good to use another line that can easily be employed to recover from mistakes is if you use triple cast and you realize one of the instant spells is going to be blizzard 3 simply use transpose and Ice Paradox Before You cast blizzard 3 for a slightly smaller loss there are also lines that lead to astral fire states with 4 or 5 firefalls and a despair but no Paradox which can be helpful to align your rotation so that you aren't just the right spot when raid Buffs come up and there are many many more tricks than that however for most regular play they are not needed so I will leave a link in the description to a guide that goes over it in far more detail for those that are interested now for AOE adjustments with three or more targets use sharpcasts whenever you enter umbral ice and use blizzard 2 Thunder 4 and then freeze then three fire twos followed by two flares for extra burst use sharp cast after the first Fire 2 and then use the Thundercloud proc after the second fire tool to weave triple cast to instant cast Fire 2 and 2 flares you can also use Mana font or even ethers to add even more flares on five or more targets you can replace the first flare with two more fire tools for extended fights finally regarding stat priorities take note that in nearly every single case item level beats out optimal secondary stats this means you should always prioritize G with higher item level as long as it has Intelligence on it after that black mage has two options let's start with fast Mage for this style get as much spell speed as you can then get determination and direct it after that critical hit is prioritized very low because you never get enough of it to start to really take off determination and directed are almost identical in value with determination being a tiny bit better so given the choice between the two it should be preferred first Mage gets most of its damage from Simply performing The General rotation consistently and is recommended for Less experienced black Mages as the highest speed also gives you more leeway mistakes are less likely to result in dropping State and you're more likely to be able to sneak in spells where you otherwise wouldn't the other option is slow Mage for this style you want at least 824 spell speed a gcd of 2.42 but get enough for your comfort a gcd of 2.34 is recommended at least after that get as much critical hit as you can and then then get determination and direct hit this style has a higher potential but less consistent damage and relies heavily on non-standard play like transpose lines as mentioned earlier and maximizing raid Buffs to excel I recommend this style to very experienced black Mages especially if you play around with transpose lines already now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you want to support me in my channel you can make sure to let the YouTube algorithm know by liking the video leaving a comment subscribing and hitting the Bell to get notified when next I post a video and if you want to give even more support than that you can also become a member of the channel like these wonderful people here fun fact at the start of end Walker Xeno glossy had a potency of 660 and the final stage of enochian was 20 over the course of the expansion these have been boosted to 880 potency and 23 respectively which equates to an around 37 Improvement to xenoglossia alone not to mention all the other actions boosted by Nokian foreign
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 40,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, Thaumaturge, Black, Mage, BLM, THM, Flare, Xenoglossy, Foul, Polyglot, Triplecast, Transpose, Lines
Id: 4ahDLw-s-xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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