"Kodiak Up Close" Lost Season #6, Close-Range Fall Kodiak Brown Bear Alaska Hunting, Grizzly Guide

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i was eight years old trapping muskrats on lightning creek when something came alive inside me i promised myself i would somehow live like the mountain man of old [Music] since then i've guided hunters in alaska for more than two decades and counting all told eight years of my life has been lived out of a tent in the wilderness the majesty solitude trials endured and tribulations overcome the endless wonders of nature and divine orchestration of everything in it keep calling me back [Music] one more hunt to go 2011 season's a wrap should have brought a shotgun there mallard's all over the place here we got a sow and a cub up i haven't even started setting up camp yet i'd imagine we probably boogered her off the lake but that looks like a good size so i am in portage bay kodiak alaska on the ally look peninsula season opens the 25th so hunter is scheduled to get in tomorrow so it'll be interesting and i'm excited for the hunt the steam from the coffee's jagging back and forth that's wild there we got a rockin yeah it's got to be gusting over 60 for sure when it's rocking it that good might lose a little sleep tonight hopefully she stays intact 26th of october after two and a half days of being weathered in we got a hunter she's blowing 70 miles an hour at least last night thank goodness you broke [Music] bear just went down in this creek grab the fish looks like a low nines more i would guess the hunter just flew in today so we can't hunt but it's a good sign to see we were really wondering if there was fish in this lake this year or not there certainly is october 27th about 10 30. seen two bears so far haven't got good looks at them yet so we're pretty much just sitting here watching this lake it's got a fair number of salmon in it saw one pretty good bear right over there last night we got a good bear here mid nines probably low to mid nines he's probably maybe a mile away eleven o'clock third bear we've seen we're just watching him see what he does been going up the hill and kind of angling this way just a bit he wants to come down to this lake grab a fish got a good bear about i've been watching him apart around on this mountain all day slowly working his way down so we're going to get a little closer i think he's better right now get a little closer set up and uh see what he does he was working his way down now we just better 630 yards he's right there i pull that rock right in the center good bear well over nine you ready to shoot your bear robert jake you ready for this yeah just catch your breath just make sure you really like it that brush is right there in front of me yeah all right the brush is clear of them [Music] bust him right in the front shoulder kill him with one shot reload reload okay he's going up okay hit him wherever you can take him take him okay reload robert is he still moving i don't see him did the first one feel good all right there's camp where we spotted them from i went around the lake we shot one right down there about 240. robert hit him on the first one and he ducked over right right no it's all there so we're working up there yeah we haven't seen him come out at all we'll see what we got should have a dead bear or a bear waiting for us they're coming towards us we got a mad scene here in the alders i got like now i'm getting the shake that was an exciting bear hunt yeah just finished him off in the elders right there yeah he was bleeding how many times do you think we hit him uh i hit him three you probably hit him two at least twice and i know robert hit him three for sure probably four probably probably eight to ten somewhere in between eight and ten times that's bear hunting good bear hunt man that's exciting baron we'll go take a look at him get robert when he comes up to him yeah look at his haunches there how wide they are yeah right now he's four feet wide he wasn't wanting to go anywhere he's exactly what we thought i think look at the melon on that sucker i don't know what i i don't know i it's scary to think what that what that bore with that head will go but jesus is that a wide melon jake newton yeah pretty fine day huh not too bad so we're gonna go back down there and get some pictures first day bear gotta love that jake and billy uh spotted this big bear this morning and uh we skipped lunch went after the bear climbed up the mountain got up got a couple of shots off and uh the bear then proceeded to stalk us and uh got within about 25 yards we got a couple more shots off bear got away got another shot off and uh finally finally recovered the bear 300 yards or so from where we last saw it and uh dandy bear and uh tickled to death to be here but yeah it's a nice bear mid-nine somewhere we're thinking we'll uh we'll see once we skin them out tomorrow first day of hunting first day it was nice and quick yup well you were the one that told me yesterday we were gonna get him before before the day was over i like it pretty old bear kind of gory but his teeth are pretty well worn down not i mean not a super old bear but his lower teeth are well worn yeah pretty old yeah how tall are you you're six foot anyway kind of glory we're going back to retrieve robert's bear here's the bear we saw fishing got a salmon in his mouth i don't think it's as big as robert's bear though his face just looks kind of young figured we might run into this bugger yeah we're going back to that magpie sitting on its back now look like get out of here get out of here yeah [Music] good keep moving keep moving get out of here get out of here get out of here i got the shakes now was it was that any fun or what good stuff good times good times let's skin this thing out of here and get the hell out of here for another bear comes on before we use up for our luck yeah that sounds like a great idea that'll wake you up in the morning jake's got the hide he'll be having pressure today he'll have his guide's license next year he'll make a heck of a guy to call this on an adventure is kind of an understatement absolutely it was an adventure just getting to camp and adventure killing the bear hopefully a little less adventure getting out i hear ya we're gonna try to bail back to camp break her down and get out of here in an hour or two the beaver is on his way in he's got some other flights he's got to make today he can't get us out jake and ice get all the gear guys loaded up send them on their way [Music] um i think the boys are a little heavy [Music] better shut her down she's raining pretty good here's our man coming in hot packing her up getting out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for information on other dvds books and modern day mountain man apparel log on to billymolesadventures.com here you'll also find information on alaskan hunting opportunities with billy for doll sheep caribou moose brown bear grizzly bear as well as white-tailed deer hunting in wisconsin when he's not guiding billy travels across the country as a public speaker his experience knowledge and passion for nature along with his unmatched ability to relate his wilderness adventures to any audience are the cornerstones of his dynamic one-of-a-kind presentations a master storyteller billy presents at corporate events schools universities conservation organizations wild game dinners christian outreaches and much more just like the alaskan wilderness no one leaves a billy moles presentation the same person as they enter it log on or call for more information
Channel: Billy Molls Adventures
Views: 51,575
Rating: 4.7937384 out of 5
Keywords: Bear hunting, grizzly hunting, Alaska grizzly bear hunting, Alaska brown bear hunting
Id: lJ1rp5-KREM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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