that time in Afghanistan

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Casey, PLEASE release the Afghanistan film to the public!

In case you don't know the full back story. Casey filmed a documentary while he was out there but he has never released it (except for the few clips show in today's vlog). Roger and the Special Forces guys have all seen the footage. Casey said he edited the film multiple times, he even had an outside party edit all of his raw footage.

He doesn't want to release the film because he doesn't think it gives Roger (and his team) the justice they deserve. However, Roger and his team said they loved the final cut.

Hopefully one of these days he'll release the film.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/T_D_A_G_A_R_I_M 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Really good video. How the hell did Casey and his friend end up in Afghanistan?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/boondom 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

It was great to see the footage and hear Rogers story.

That last clips was awesome

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MichelPlatini 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love when he puts old footage in his vlogs that he has never releases (that im aware of).

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Noswald 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Roger seems like a really intelligent guy from the manner in which he speaks.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DuelingRenzoPianos 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm wondering if there is a legal reason why he hasn't released it. All it would take is one person who didn't sign a release at the time to block it's release.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WeirdyCat 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2016 🗫︎ replies
I'm worried about like getting fat our cholesterol level what can happen that's the counter the juice counters the pizza I'm going for a run this morning with my friend Jimmy Conrad who is a former professional soccer player I think he's thinking about starting a YouTube channel and he wants to talk to me about it you can come over here I don't know all right we're eating half miles in maybe a little more we've been talking you two why do you want to start a YouTube channel because it sounds fun and daunting and exciting and challenging and I admire the people that can conquer the world Thank You Jimmy well you know you've got my full support all right we're done back when we started how you feeling if we're not running buddies by next week I'm gonna be pretty disappointed I'll be your running buddy Jimmy yes I love that he's starting a YouTube channel you know that guy played in the World Cup Jimmy Conrad Jimmy Conrad today's Friday aka my least favorite day of the week another week has gone by and I have not finished all the work that run this morning was fantastic though today's vlog story time see this right here that's my bulletproof vest now see just above the bulletproof vest here that guy right there that's me that tall guy that's Roger here that's Roger that guy that's Roger today is story time with Roger how it works and then you guys choose your own weapons well it's kind of like you know figuring out what pair of shoes you know with that baby no I mean we always usually carry this because it's lighter faster but we also have crew-served weapons machine guns rockets and bazookas and stuff usually but when we would speed a safety in and out as fast as we can and just go with light and fast Roger here Roger is a Special Forces he's an Air Force pararescue jumper I went to Afghanistan five how many years ago was that five was five years ago and I just like showed up in Afghanistan with a friend of mine we were there as journalists and Roger is like the first person we met that were blown away with we like live with this guy protected us and he's here in the office so let's talk I get it I talk to you from one of my buddies and he's like hey there's there's three guys outside they want to talk to you about they're doing something with tattoos but I think she talked to him Roger and we're literally grieving I mean we got dried cake blood and nastiness on us and I was like this seems really weird but I'll go talk to him you know that was that was really so some some context for that is I was in Afghanistan with my friend Scott Campbell who a tattoo artist and what we wanted to do was literally set up a tattoo parlor in the war zone in Afghanistan we didn't like tell the State Department or anything that that's what we were doing but we just went and did it and it was like Roger and his Special Forces buddies were the only people that like they really well could welcomed us in to their world you know it seems so simple and just cliche when you guys were there you know I think that initial concept of the project that you you and Scott and David were there working on it became much larger upon meeting each other I think if I was to boil it down to one word cathartic it was very cathartic one of my favorite stories from that trip was when you brought us up in the attack helicopter you're supposed to be testing the hoist cable for weight and you were supposed to be using dummies remember that you're supposed to be using the mannequins and instead you are instead you you brought Scott and I up there yeah I mean it was kind of a low-hanging fruit you know I mean literally right but what's better than actual live people we were literally test dummies for a cable being hoisted up over an active war zone and that was this job the most interesting part of the entire experience over there it's like we came there to tattoo you guys after you left Afghanistan the tattoo thing really stuck with you and now you're actually tattooing the timeliness of you guys showing up to do your project and being tattooed in those moments after direct combat definitely became my way forward and I think a year after we had met I began tattooing myself as a form of almost therapy to end this story on a slightly lighter note while we were over there you guys had these playing cards am I allowed to talk about this they had I don't know if you know the depth of this story they have these playing cards that had naked men on them and they would use them as like the ultimate prank and we left Afghanistan with like bulletproof vests and all this stuff that we had to travel through the Middle East with and get back the United States of America and when we were in the UAE the United Arab Emirates they're going through our bags and there's find they find like gay porn playing cards mixed in with bulletproof vests and all we could picture was you guys laughing you're soft back in Afghanistan you know I've seen the raw cut of the footage that you shot there thin that one of the final footage you know segments you actually see us placing those cards in your bags all right I'm gonna end this by saying there are a few people in this world who have had the experiences that Rodger has had and for him to be able to sort of sublimate that into the artwork that he's making as an incredible thing I'm gonna link to all of Rogers social stuff below go check it out send in love ROG awesome to see you man I wish this happen more often it's a hard hugging the guy who's 7 feet tall what's going on ders yeah that guy like all the people in your life that you meet and you spend time with where it only feels momentary you know I only spent my entire life like a week with that guy but that week was so like instrumental and so impactful on me I honestly feel like he is family so good to spend time with him you see what's going on here dad oh that's pizza guy more pizza do you realize there's only nine of us here is that it's one pie have a five-person listen this came from priority bicycle sent us this pizza 13 do you want some pizza eat all the pizza dude is eat no pizza okay there little baby dukey's because I don't
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 5,015,723
Rating: 4.8704419 out of 5
Id: 7BvwWHzbJUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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