That One Trophy In Yakuza: Like A Dragon That Nearly Broke Me

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hello and welcome to playstation access my name is rosie and today i have the honor of hosting the first in a new video series we're calling that one thing these videos will feature a member of the access team sharing the story of one single element of a game they found particularly challenging or emotional it could be that one mission that kicked our ass that one scene that made us fall in love with the game or maybe that one boss that was so difficult we just gave up i'm looking at you rob today however i would like to tell you about that one trophy that nearly killed my attempt at earning the platinum in yakuza like a dragon i've had a fantastic time with yakuza like a dragon i think it's superb and i've dedicated over 180 hours of my life to it making it my second most played game since the start of the ps4 generation i was running about doing everything i could fighting every gun who picked a fight doing all the side quests staying awake in the cinema hitting dream sheep [Music] go-karting playing baseball and hearing this song on repeat for two hours [Music] doing business management minigames until it was my bedtime and even talking to omelette the chicken for one hour straight just so i could collect some eggs from her yes this means i just sat on my sofa continuously pressing cross for 60 entire minutes when i decided i wanted the platinum for yakuza like a dragon it wasn't long before i went back to work after the christmas break but luckily for me because i was doing everything i could in the game anyway the trophies were just rolling in i even had a moment where i unintentionally earned 13 trophies in a single day 13 trophies it was a trophy party for me but there was that one trophy that one trophy which nearly killed my goal of earning the platinum at least before i went back to work it's called victory of the millennium this gold trophy turned my platinum hunting experience from yeah this list is great i'm getting all of these trophies easily two oh my god how am i supposed to do this will i even do this this is so hard so i hope you're ready for a tale about this one blooming trophy to achieve it you need to beat the true final millennium tower which is unlocked in the game's premium adventure once you've completed the main story for those of you who aren't aware what kind of game yakuza like a dragon is it's a turn-based rpg and do you know what turn-based rpgs just love really hard final dungeons and this is that you climb a building called the millennium tower battling through fight after fight after fight without saving until you get to the final boss at the very top when i went into premium adventure mode the only thing i had to do for the trophy list was complete this tower twice once at a normal level for the fulfiller of dreams trophy and a second time the true time where the game says oh oh yes it's recommended that you're level 99 which is the max by the way and have your job ranked to be at least level 90. the max being 99 but i couldn't even do it with these stats i earned the fulfiller of dreams trophy easily i didn't grind to level up once i'd beaten the game for this version of the dungeon and just toodled along feeling really strong thanks to my grinding efforts throughout the game so when i read this message just before you entered the true tower i remember thinking okay the game recommends i have these stats but i think it's over exaggerating i did the last one easily so let's go i got killed in one punch in the first fight oh my god nope nope nope nope nope no no no no i said this needs some real planning i should quickly mention that if ichiban the main protagonist dies in a fight it's game over he can't be revived every other character can die during a fight but not ichiban he must live at all times therefore i had to level up to the max i mean why stop at level 90 for job ranks when i could just be level 99 and be super powerful so i lived in this dungeon in camerocho literally if i look back on how much time i spent in this dungeon alone it was probably a full-time job for two weeks i ran along the same paths fought the same enemies sometimes picked up the same items sometimes didn't you know just to spice it up did the same attacks in each fight i had my routine at first i did this grind while playing bug snacks on the side as i knew it would take me a long time but then i plated them bug snacks and was left itching itching to get the yakuza platinum i was tossing and turning in bed thinking i have to get it before we go back to work what if i never get it i really want my first yakuza platinum to be this one please let me get it so instead of grinding this dungeon while playing another game on the side i just went in full throttle nothing but grinding grinding grinding i listened to videos whilst grinding looked into recipes for dinner talked to my mum on the phone i was just in this dungeon all the time then when i finally hit the maximum levels i thought no more dungeon i can do the tower now nothing can stop me i got my ass kicked again it's okay i went in too recklessly i thought i'll just try again then i discover i don't even have the best weapons so i went back into the dungeon to gather the missing materials before i realized i could just buy most of them from a shop [Music] and then once my weapons were finally leveled up i tried to tower again and i got further but still so then i decided to have each character learn all of the skills from all of the different jobs you can have which meant going back into the dungeon to grind again is this normal if anyone watching this video has platinum the game did you have to spend this much time in this dungeon am i the only one but finally my moment came it was sunday the 3rd of january i woke up had a shower had my breakfast brushed my teeth leveled up the final job roll skills for all characters which also meant no more dungeon had my dinner the whole time thinking that today could be the day and as soon as i finished that delicious meal i went straight into the tower i believe it was around 7 30 p.m the latest time i could have started as i had worked the next day and my bedtime was near but it's fine i imagined it taking me around three hours so i'd be going to bed at around 11 pm this was not the case after each fight i was making note on who i just fought who was in my party when i won the fight and what the enemy's weaknesses were so that if i died and had to start at the beginning i could at least plan more around their weaknesses i was spending my time carefully selecting my party before each fight trying to peek through the office glass walls and doorways to see if i could figure out who i was fighting next as i'd forgotten from my time playing the tower normally i was doing everything i could to be prepared and even then there were so many times i nearly died and it was terrifying there is nothing worse than an rpg than being in an area where you can't save being midway through after hours of effort and then dying honestly it's so destroying but i managed to get through to the final boss warning there are spoilers ahead so please decide what you'd like to do now [Music] it was probably midnight at this point and my boyfriend just looked at me and said okay rosie don't mess this up as he was staying up to watch i fought i endured i planned i panicked i had moments where i just wanted to scream as i made a comeback i was talking to the characters come on itchy band just do this and then we're fine psycho don't you dare die on me i need you yes you hero who fancy's having a wrecking ball to the face you do i was narrating the whole thing but after probably 30 minutes i died [Music] my soul left my body i had to do the whole thing again maybe i wouldn't be getting the platinum after all all those hours wasted i'll do this fight some other time i'm done for now only i didn't need to do the whole thing again because this turned out to be a fight i could actually replay in this tower [Music] i spent my yen to try again and die spent more yen died again i'm running low on yen now but i can do it then i had just enough yen to replay the fight and call for a couple of pound mates basically summons as i really needed them so i paid up one more time thinking i would die but it was worth a shot you know it was already coming up 1am at this point way past my bedtime there was no turning back let's do it and somehow i was able to do it it had just gone 1 30 am on january the 4th dave rob nathan ash were all sleeping and i was whisper screaming on my sofa you know when you go as i didn't want to disturb my neighbors my boyfriend was lying in bed at this point but i whisper called him anyway to witness it he whisper cheered we all whisper cheered there were many i made a very excited tweet and that was it i had finally platinumed yakuza like a dragon my first platinum from the yakuza series my 30th platinum overall and my first platinum of 2021 what a way to start the year i love love love love love this game and this trophy will be one i never forget so that was my story about that one trophy which nearly stopped me getting the yakuza like a dragon platinum really pushed me to my limits and took me way too many hours to capture it for this video meaning i've done this boss twice now just saying but it's fine have you played this game think you'll get the platinum what do you think of these videos let us know in the comments please like the video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this and hit that notification bell so you're always up to date with everything from the world of playstation thank you all so much for watching
Channel: PlayStation Access
Views: 498,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation, PS4, Gameplay, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Access, PS Access, PSAccess, PSA, PS5, PlayStation 5, Yakuza, Like a Dragon, Platinum, Trophy, guide, Victory of the Millenium
Id: Ogt-b0yFmKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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