Yakuza Skills That Serve ZERO PURPOSE

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across many of the yakaza or like a dragon games there exists many skills or abilities or attacks or whatevers considering there are so many you're bound to find some that suck and some that do the opposite of that but surrounded by those so good they're worth pointing out and those so bad they're worth making fun of there are some skills that are just so forgettable and pointless that they never get YouTubers making videos about them that is until this very day now these things I'm going to talk about are abilities that aren't necessarily bad in fact some of them are actually quite useful but they normally are just overshadowed by something that might fulfill the same purpose only better or they just have such a niche use that you'll never even bother using them I'll start with the newest game and then work my way backwards and the first skill I'll mention is the very thing that made me come up with the idea for this video being the samurai jobs dreaming Arrow skill now before anyone gets confused this is not burning Arrow the arrow of effect fire arrow skill from the same job instead dreaming arrow is a heavy gun skill that seemingly is supposed to deal even greater damage with the action prompts than your usual skill although I tested that and it really doesn't but anyway it means that this skill is just like burning Arrow however it has no Elemental damage Only Hits a single Target at the cost of five less MP being 3/4 of the cost of burning Arrow so let's put it this way you made say a Dari a Samurai and there's a single dude who resists fire and you want to shoot him with a powerful gun skill but don't want to consume too much MP then dreaming Arrow has got you completely and totally covered that dude is most certainly dead but let's be real for a second even if it's Pachi was a level one Samurai he always has burning aror available to him for an extra 5 MP because you for some stupid reason unlock both skills at level one all right but what about this ADI is a detective and you've only got one skill inheritance slot well then just put on burning arrow for an extra 5 MP you can hit a stupidly large range of people and maybe even deal more damage to them if they're weak to fire but what if you hit five people and four of them resist fire besides one who's neutral may as well just dreaming arrow that one guy right well the question's already answered because you have hit five enemies instead of one and considering this game doesn't do what like Final Fantasy does for example where multi- hit spells divide the damage proportionately you are always better off hitting as many enemies as possible it's especially useful considering that enemies can't be immune or absorb Health from a certain damage type so even if you're aiming for one guy you can still hit anyone who dares to stand next to him and if all else fails and somehow burning Arrow isn't the best option to go for you can just go use another area of effect attack now dreaming Arrow could have been a lot more useful if burning Arrow was unlocked at a later level take Mega swing and Giga swing from ean's hero class for example Giga swing costs 15 more MP than Mega swing it deals medium damage instead of light and has a much larger damage radius but it's also unlocked at a much higher level than Mega swing then there's also the host job which has something like sparkling Splash and Ice spreader sparkling Splash is a light skill you unlock for the host at level one that damages one Enemy at the cost of 10 MP ice spreader is more than four times the m P cost but that's because it does medium damage and hits multiple enemies it's also unlocked at level 20 so at level one all the way through to 19 you don't have ice spreader at all also fun fact about ice spreader it is one of two ice attacks in the entire game that actually involves using ice with the other one technically being aoha because he smack someone with a frozen fish for CH sake can they just make it water damage not ice but back to the samurai job for some reason they decided to make dreaming Arrow a basically worthless skill despite being quite a strong one on its own the next thing isn't as egregious as the samurai job but it is still kind of silly being the night Queen job for the ladies in fact it's actually two or three things depending on how you want to look at it unlocked both at level one night Queen gets tough love and Som assault leg tough love costs 15 MP and as a medium skill where you just slap a dude in the face with allegedly a high chance to charm but then with some assault leg you do the Andre Richardson backflip kick costing 22 MP also dealing medium damage and also having a chance to inflict charm but again allegedly not a high chance just a chance so seemingly for seven more MP you get a lower chance to inflict charm but you also get to deal knockback which it took me quite a number of hours to realize this but knockback attacks are good at so if if it really does lower the chance to charm that's fine but for some reason it seems like maybe that somersault leg or tough love have mislabeled strength either tough love is actually a light skill or somersault leg is actually a heavy skill one of the two I'm not sure but regardless somersault leg is just a way better skill than tough love but if that higher chance to char is true and it isn't completely worthless what is worthless however is whip service so at level 12 you get whip service a heavy grapple that costs 25 MP that hits one enemy and does nothing else then three levels later at three more MP you get luscious Guillotine another heavy grapple that hits one enemy but it does have a special effect not the best one in the world but if you kill an enemy with it it'll give you an attack buff from my testing while I was tying up notes for this video it seems like these two skills aren't mislabeled like the first two night Queen skills were so unless the guy you're attacking is at Max health or has a lot of it why would you ever use whip service but then that leads me into the next game being like a dragon giden now considering the game was made in like 2 days between lunch breaks or whatever it's not surprising seeing skills that are kind of pointless the AA style considering a lot of the unlocks for it are just taken from previous games are all worthwhile purchases but the agent style well it contributes to a big thing that held this game back to being a game sort of in between the combat of judgment and lost judgment most of the agent style kind of sucks it's certainly useful but there's so many unlocks that are just so pointless and if you're anything like me I spent 90% of my time in the yakaza style which I think is quite funny that the game that copied most of its code from the two judgment games would be exactly like judgment where the red style is way better than the blue one but anyway starting from the top you got the ability that increases the number of firefly gadgets you can use all these cigarette bombs now getting the max upgrade allows you to throw up six consecutively however the irony is that you actually can't even have six out at the same time because the first one will explode as you're throwing out the fourth one now it's supposed to be that you can throw six before having to wait the brief cool down before you can start throwing more again but it doesn't even matter after the sixth one you can just throw a seventh right away anyway maybe I'm completely missing the point and there's a secret way to throw six at the same time which if that's true holy shit which I knew that earlier or maybe there's some technique only super skilled players know how to efficiently use all six fireflies in a really brilliant way but I mean let's be real you better off just activating ex boost and using the cigarette bomb that way because then you do a stupid big and strong explosion that detonates on impact but up next in the da doi's Weapons of Mass disappointment is the spider Gadget although more specifically di DOI Highwire strike trip wire wire Spin and then whatever the default one is called I don't know if it has a name but anyway these four abilities are all different attacks you can do to enemies once you've tied them up with the spider Gadget the default one which you have as soon as you start the game is activated by just letting go of the grab button which will then fling everyone tied up towards you and you punch one guy in the face then high wire strike is achieved by flicking the enemy towards you with the analog stick or a movement key and pressing the heavy attack button then trip wire is by letting go of grab and pressing heavy attack and then wire spin is letting go of grab and then pressing grab again now here's the thing with all of them they all serve the exact same purpose and in all honesty they seem to all deal the same amount of damage you have to unlock each of them separately too unlike literally the previous game of lost judgment which Garden is heavily based on where stuff that's all the same but with a different button will just give you each Button as a bundle the only real differences I noticed is that high wire strike sends enemies the furthest away although why you'd pull them in just to kick one dude back is beyond me but then the default one just kind of keeps the enemy where you punch them and then there's wire spin which does the old yakas a 6 and kiami 2 throw animation meaning that it hits a bunch of enemies around you as well as enemies hit by the guy you just threw so it is the only one out of the purchasable upgrades that is actually worthwhile but then the final thing from the agent style are three extreme heat attacks one you have by default which again I don't know if it has a name but when you evade an attack in extreme heat in the agent style you can press the grab button and do a Counterattack Kiri grabs the enemy and pulls them down to the ground which I don't have a recording of this but it can actually Dodge attacks if you get lucky but then there are two unlockable things that are activated in the same way with the first being Raku shasa strikes which I'm assuming is meant to be rakasa and that was like a typo or something cuz Garden had a lot of those which is done by dodging in extreme heat and pressing light attack then wrathful kick which is the same thing only you press the heavy attack button now I went and fought majima so that the health was consistent and did all three things to him turns out the default one is the weakest so that's good cuz it'll make the other two more worth getting well no because the two unlockable ones deal the exact same damage and finally enough the heavy attack one is the quickest by a landslide so it's just the best one and the other two are pointless so to summarize this guidance section all of the attacks I listed out are actually quite good and quite useful the only thing is that there are multiple that do the same thing so I don't know why you'd bother using the other stuff that just weirdly isn't as good but before I move on to the Lost judgment section I thought I would look at how the a agent style abilities could have been not pointless lost judgment's boxing style has three separate skills being three traditional yakaza game counters where you hold the fighting stance button and press an attack button now even though a lot of lost judgment skills will bundle the same thing but with a different button in one purchase you have to unlock these three on their own but there is a very good reason for that the light Attack One deals the least amount of damage but has a high chance to stun then there's the grab button counter which is slightly stronger and inflicts Agony then there's the heavy attack counter which has no extra properties but is the strongest of the three by quite a fair margin so if you want to stun or agonize a guy to do a heat action or if you just want to smack the shit out of him you have the freedom to choose but loss judgment isn't perfectly balanced you see there's quite a ridiculous amount of parries counters heat actions guarding attacks all sorts of stuffs you can do to turn the enemy attack right back at them so to speak snake is a good example of this being the fighting cell's main stick but amongst all of the solid skills you can get for snake there exists one that were it to be the only skill in the game would be pretty neat but it's not so it's kind of pointless what this skill is is secret technique twisting Viper this can be performed by holding the fighting stance button and then pressing the grab button right as an enemy hits you so it's like the good old kuky Parry from the older games except it can only be performed when not in heat now with how easy gaining heat can be and lost judgment you can only do it a couple of times before you filled up a single bar if you ever really get the chance to do it at all it's pretty solid Parry it's fast and strong and launches enemies forward which can be pretty useful but almost every time the better option would just be to do a simple Parry or just to swap to tiger or Crane and do one of their counters it's nowhere near as worthless as serpent hold the counter which can only be done when you're knocked down but maybe if you're trying to challenge yourself with only using snake style or you're doing some gauntlet mission that forces you to do that then it might be a good choice but for the most part it is quite obsolete but now we're going to skip yakas and like a dragon because to be honest I could just give you a list of every skill in the game and just cross out a couple of them and then bam there's your list of useless shit so we arrive at judgment and I'll be honest I can make this one very quick too Crane style yep just the whole thing it's good on its own but considering at any point you can swap to Tiger it is kind of pointless in almost every situation now yakaza 6 and kiami 2 are almost identical gameplay-wise so I'll bundle them together and say yaka 6 is charged finishes because out of everything in kiami 2 and yaka 6 this is the first thing that comes to my mind now the charged attacks in yakaza 6 were kind of weird especially compared to kiami 2 where you can move while charging stuff while it didn't have charged finishes you could instead string a Charged heavy attack into a combo now compared to everything I've already looked at in this video that technically is no other charged finisher type thing you can do in yaka 6 to Warrant it just being overshadowed by something else I mean realistically you could say to just do a finishing hold or to just do another finisher instead but what I'm going to compare this move to is other charge finishes in other Dragon engine games let's first of all compare it to judgment where the tiger star's main option is just to always go for charge finishes They smash the shit out of enemies and do a lot of damage they can send an enemy flying or launch them in the air they obliterate guards they have upgrades tied to them to make them even better they're way faster to do and you can't be interrupted while charging them you can charge every single finisher including the sets of three with triple finishes all the turnaround finishes you can even charge evade strikes they look and sound way cooler and overall they just put the yaka 6 ones to shame but then you got the ones in guid which are the same only now you can charge each finisher like what Yagami can do and they're also all just significantly more useful especially the uppercut one that is like the best move in the whole game but then there's lost judgment where tigers charge finishes are even stronger look and sound even cooler and they're also not the only style that has them so all in all I hate yakas of six I don't care what anyone says but In fairness it was their first dragon engine game and their first try at trying to reimagine the combat so there was bound to be some errors which then ironically leads me into Yakuza kiwami and the charge finishes that the dragon style has so the iconic Rush style kick finisher when charged will drain your heat a bit but the amount of heat you gain back if it lands makes that heat drain negligible then over with the dragon style when you do a charge finisher it doesn't drain anything however for no reason double finishes will drain heat whenever you do them you want to know something even weirder double charged finishes especially this one where kiru literally floats in the air for a bit obliterate your heat for no reason I really don't know why they do that but at the very least a double charge finisher can be quite strong and if you got the war god Talisman like I have in these clips then you can just blink and all that hit you lost is just back anyway but still why why did they think to do that I I mean finishing holds have always drained heat but like why such an essential and iconic tool for the dragons move set anyway question for another day because now I'm going to look at yakas a zero yakas a zero a game considered by many to be perfect and a game considered by me who has played all the yua games to be what the fuck were they thinking with the heat mechanic why' they do that now these two moves purely drain your heat so firstly with mad dog it is Taun it drains a chunk of your heat gauge and then for some reason feels a little bit of it back up it fills it enough so that you will always be at less heat than you were when you activated it and that's especially the case if you get hit or something and it gets interrupted because now you've lost a good portion of your heat for marima this could be quite useful for example if you're in the third bar and want to go down to the seconds that you can do Breakers rolling snake move which is only available in the second bar you can do this taunt or maybe you just want to reduce it entirely and be in a calm state so that way you can equip a weapon and not reduce any of its durability thanks to upgrades from the Slugger style you can do that too now if swapping between the legend style and the regular fighting styles wasn't a huge pain in the ass in zero this could be a really good strategy however in yakaza zero heat drains like crazy you could literally just get hit in the head like twice and lose all of your heat while simply run in a circle for 5 seconds and get the same result so it's quite strange that they thought to do this with majima's taunt but what's more strange is an ability called Serenity how of Serenity shout out to Australia this can be activated by evading and then taunting mid evade which will then sap you of everything you've ever worked hard for in in your entire life but it's okay because now that all of your heat strains your combo speed sucks and you gain access to a total of like not much because it's cuu and he isn't majima who is barely affected by slower combo speeds and has way more utility than kiru even if you want to argue that going into the second bar for kiru is good because now he can do the evade grab with Beast you could just stay in beast and do that without swapping to dragon and draining an entire bar and I mean if you really want to drain your heat that badly Mone can do a shitty tornado move that drains everything Ora can do a Counterattack called Iron Fist counter the king of Iron Fist counter can only be used in the third bar and is activated the same way as a traditional yakas game counter like tiger drop it's actually really cool looking and was really exclusive to this game I think but it also consumes nearly all of your heat compare this now to another heat only move exclusive to yaka Zero's dragon style being a kumaki knockback style move activated by guarding and pressing heavy attack at the right time called knockback counter it can only be done in heat mode sadly but it generates quite a good amount of heat and is actually an extremely useful attack reversal it's a little hard to time especially compared to twist counter which can be activated whenever you want by holding the fighting stance button and grabbing right as the enemy hits you this thing is Iconic for being incredibly easy to do doing a good amount of damage and generating an absurd amount of heat so if you want to do a counter you're better off doing twist counter over the Tekken counter and if you have some heat and want to send a dude flying do knock back counter you can even compare the Iron Fist counter to majus equivalent for the m M dog style which is called demon fire being quite obviously named after his dagger this is another counter that can only be activated in the third heat bar and will drain a lot of your heat however demon fire is famous for being a counter that whether it was due to a bug or an oversight was usable regardless of heat and absolutely destroyed everything now then the original Ean was the first attempt at a different skill tree style which then ended up getting copied almost exactly in fist the nor SOS paradise and then the structure was kept the same and zero in kiami but how you unlock stuff was different the reason I bring this up is because there were a lot of just pointless aspects about it a lot of health or damage increases some upgrades that were incredibly based like The Swordsman counter or tiger drop and then other shit which just sucked ass and wasn't at all worth spending a point for but there were a handful of optional abilities that were all tied to heat actions what they would do is allow you to press a button or spin your analog stick to do a variant of a heat action I genuinely never found a use for these besides a couple that turned a onep person heat action into a multi-person one but not only would you have to spend the skill orbs to get the additional heat actions but you would also have to spend heat to do the first heat action and then spend even more heat to do the second now heat actions and Ean all did about two damage for some reason and heat was also ridiculously hard to gain and Incredibly easy to lose especially in comparison to just shooting people in the head which generated heat and did more damage so realistically I could just say every heat action in the game is kind of pointless but in all fairness these extra heat actions could be the difference between killing an enemy and not killing one and if you were are out of heat from the first heat action you can do the second and not have to worry about how much it consumes and as I said before some of them hit multiple enemies so they're not bad or anything but whenever I play the original Ean I tend to just do a regular heat action and then ignore the problems that show up cut to 2023 in Ean kuami and it's mostly all the exact same but at the very least heat actions deal significantly more than two damage meaning that a lot of these extra heat actions became a lot more useful however what did become pointless in every single slot that it's in are all of the health upgrades I don't know the amount each individual space gives but I can tell you right now that all of it is a piss amount in the original Ean it honestly wasn't all too much different but because of how they balance your HP around the trooper cards in the remake all of the upgrades actually Grant dick all Health again though they're not worthless but realistically you could have done what like Dead Space 2 did with the weapon upgrades and just have empty spaces and it wouldn't have been any different then there's yakas a 5 where I'll be looking at shinata now I already know lots of people like to complain about him but simp L put there's this little thing called a skill issue because shinata is genuinely cracked but what isn't cracked is his weird grab counter now this isn't your usual Parry you can do by pressing the grab button but instead is literally a Counterattack where you just grab the enemy against regular enemies this could be pretty useful but it's quite slow and you can't really ever do too much off a grab besides throwing an enemy or doing a hit action so instead what you could just do is grab an enemy or do the thing where he grabs mid Rush combo that's like two frames so if someone is just blocking you justop and then Here Comes comes the final skill which is actually a number of skills across multiple games that being every single skill that increases how much health you restore when you eat at a restaurant hang on let me I've already spoken about this but uh they put it in giden why oh why they put it in giden and that's the end of the video I could look at more of the games but the video is a good length and to be honest I couldn't think of anything else but that's understandable I mean the whole point of this video are skills and abilities that are just super forgettable or obsolete so I at least think it's understandable that I've forgotten some things and yes that also means that you are allowed to comment you forgot in the comment section of this video and I won't be filled with an unrelenting rage like I normally would so yeah if you could think of anything that I couldn't feel free to give me and the other viewers a little read cuz you you know why not and why not subscribe too oh yep there we go the classic YouTuber asked me to subscribe honestly I'm not going to do it now I'll kill you I'll fuck
Channel: SnowiestAngeman
Views: 76,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yakuza, Yakuza Series, Memes, Yakuza Memes, SnowiestAngeman, SnowiestAngeman Yakuza, Ryu Ga Gotoku, Analysis, Analytical, Yakuza OST, Funny, Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza Like a Dragon, Like a Dragon, Judgment, Lost Judgment, Like a Dragon Ishin, Yakuza Ishin, Like a Dragon Series, RGG Studio, RGG Games, Gaiden, Like a Dragon Gaiden, LAD Gaiden, Yakuza Game Pass, Yakuza PS4, Infinite Wealth, LAD 8, Yakuza 8, New Features, New Yakuza Game, New Like a Dragon Game, Yakuza 6
Id: QZHtF8xZuD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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