CHEESE BROKE SKYRIM!! Reacting to "Skyrim, but NPCs spawn a Cheese Wheel every second" by DougDoug

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I fell through the world what so cheese beat Skyrim before I ever played Skyrim generic control in the dark Goose me you're back with another dog today we're doing Skyrim but NPC spotty cheese will every second now originally this was supposed to be the rim World video which apparently a lot of people said is absolutely hilarious but this video is newer and Skyrim and they always do really really well rimworld will be next week unless he uploads a new video I'm recording this ahead of time I wasn't able to upload videos for the last week because YouTube was like no you uploaded two videos a day for three years straight no you work 70 hours a week over 70 hours a week for three years straight no and you you follow me on Twitter and check out and see what ashlab you don't have to follow me you can just see what I tweeted about what was going on I don't want to mention it here but it's very very annoying what would happen but I'm back doing dog dick videos next week's video should be Rim World unless he uploads like the Rosa stream or whatnot but this is another Skyrim video I still never played Skyrim payday 3 just came up and streaming that stream that today really fun the game's actually working um million views in four days is awesome to see from Doug glad C's having success um I I can't imagine the strain this is gonna put on his computer you took reaction last photography video which was the uh AI chess game versus chat with Napoleon it was like the third game or whatever complete chaos you took reaction out I'll leave you right up there I'll save a link Down Below in the description also plays my Channel all about Doug day reactions going chronological order uh I've read every 200 comments at least some down below I should be live stream today at 5 PM 5 7 P.M Eastern Standard Time playing Dragon Ball Fighters I believe on Xbox or [ __ ] to join for that it's always a crazy fun time a lot of epic moments happen but uh shout out to patients because they also get the videos there early and a lot of time I pay one channel when you know I'm not able to make videos for an entire week that's 18 videos that I'm not making which means no ad Revenue no growth stuff like that really really annoying can't do anything about it I didn't do anything wrong and uh that's really unfortunate but let's go ahead and jump into Skyrim but NPC's spawning cheese bill every second all right mod in Skyrim where every single NPC will spawn a cheese wheel Dark Brotherhood quest line as fast as possible the question is every second 27 minutes quest line at all because this mod is going to spawn an unfathomable amount of cheese yeah the items in Skyrim don't actually despawn so everybody and Skyrim will just have to deal with it but fortunately what happens an extremely powerful new computer with a closet 70 graphics card I have 47. I spent literally two and a half hours I mean I have an Asus the screen that will track the total number of cheeses that we've spawned into the game so write your own in the comments oh no also I'm still gonna play Skyrim Skyrim before it becomes literally unplayable oh yeah and I'm gonna be the Skyrim here we'll spawned by every NPC after every 20 minutes and with that we are ready for the fastest Skyrim system here we go I'm hearing a lot of weapons being dropped on the ground oh my God what happened to the horse I don't know who'd kill that horse but it seems like it's working otherwise everybody's just dropping cheese outside of the card on the ground but we're fine okay we're up to 500 cheese wheels already seems like everything's working though okay that horse over there it took 3 200 cheese wheels to crash Skyrim that was when they were all concentrated in Whiterun it's jumping by a hundred every time well there's like oh god oh I mean there's a shitload of NPCs here I guess there's horses right okay wait okay well what's going on with Pinkie Pie up there they're My Little Pony okay the front is the front Soldier uh necessary for the quest because I feel like he's gonna leave at some point okay we are up to two thousand two thousand chains cheeses that guy is being pushed up into the roof of his guard building that's hilarious he's gonna fall I did just update my PC it's a very beautiful PC maybe this will go better 47 yeah just like everything's working as long as none of the essential NPCs with cheese we should be okay okay the horse I think died for the next like five minutes are getting taller they're escaping Jesus Christ everybody's just bouncing up and down or where's advard oh have ours up there on the cheese okay cheese ball pit was always meant to be I always got strep throat I think it's working we're at 5500 cheese wheels I like the trails that people have walked hey it's easier this might be the record right here that was like a 15 stacker right okay who gets highest up on their cheese stack I think our cheese I don't know is like 50. looking good right there that's rayloft go rail off four five six seven eight nine ten he's on ten eleven twelve I don't think he's got there oh General tullius dude old freaks going super high that might be a recording somebody's keeping track of it 14. Tony is gonna break it 15 16. 16. I guess I've been 15 seconds successfully prisoner oh wait you're gonna try to tell me somebody's getting the decapitated while this is going on I'm not moving this is the part of the it crashed oh eight thousand unfortunately after after 7 900 wheels of cheese my 4070 graphics card had enough and Skyrim crash this mod but there is actually a solution here how do they do it in the speed runs yeah they don't actually start the timer until the intro is over here we go and now the G's oh bro has cheese are coming in I'm guessing he can take the cheese he would be fairly safe oh that's a good she Star right there wait that might beat the record oh no it's not fine it's weak weak [ __ ] yeah you should be picking up cheese as often as possible just oh that's a big one one two three four five six seven eight oh he keeps going attack record he's just taking a bunches again she's just falling off of the Raptors too that's why some are dropping from the sky oh oh my God dump on everybody's here okay how can keep is probably gonna be a little bit harder oh that could be a record that could be Reckless that's flat ground [ __ ] rail off you're doing dude bro in vintage stairs 17 holy [ __ ] dude maybe not it's an elevator oh sorry dude I'm gonna take it on your tower all right let me just get down in here yeah just deliver it right to me right don't accidentally bad you can take care of the enemies just keep delivering how are we already at 1400 cheeses all right we gotta go quick we have to move way faster okay you're in the area oh that might be why here so does he pick it up delay the time of it crashing we're at 2 000 cheese wheels okay it's literally speeding around though that's a different kind of speed all right you guys are Spiderman oh yeah they are Spiderman hello wait shh the bear is sleeping is it gonna fall and get awoken oh I woke him up [ __ ] sorry babe I literally would have gotten the record that was 20. wait that was 19. people are saying no way that was 20. okay it's a big fight or 20 minutes left hold on are we counting it when it collapses let's say it's a successful straight if the line breaks that's when the Count's done so even it's falling but it maintains its structure so it's 19. okay what have you been doing this whole time oh there's so much cool stuff happening in the Stream really a lot all right first up we're going to rifton I mean it's better than my Payday 2 or payday leave it to me go go go go in the tutorial oh no that was weak wait the chicken could have the highest no the chicken kind of sucks wait that one's looking good the children no children okay are you sure it wasn't you out are you trying to tell me you didn't steal the cheese kid nuts that's not fair about it where I come from kids get turned into gouda soup if they cheat on the cheese rules so this is what I'm a little concerned about because this is just a lot of people building up a lot of cheese real quick there's 8 000 G's in the world literally look like you were taking a [ __ ] in the park it's not getting too much okay now we find the characters we go to Riften where's this cheese hello oh damn it I thought I had money all right sell the cheese too yeah you buy cheese how many all of them this is the first time someone choosing things in Skyrim actually results in a slower time than most normal speed runs it's gonna be good look at how fast I'm moving you sold 370 cheese for 70 gold that's probably not worth it I have more is that not a good price I mean it's unlimited right you'll kill a woman because there are a lot of NPCs where are the children boom these children are gonna have enough cheese to eat for months after I kill them extra beef oh why did you're welcome kids why did he do that okay evil food for the winter six seven eight nine ten oh close close close with that 10 11 12 13 14. kids is looking down suck at cheese towering in high school all the kids use the cheese tower behind the bathroom in between classes okay 20 minutes we changed the spawn time from one second to 2.5 seconds so it should be two cheeses a second now which means it's going to crash about cheese these kids are asleep why are they screaming because they're I think they're extremacies much cheese is uncomfortable I feel like I'm burying them alive in there it's fine this is a nice thing to do for the orphans right they're not being suffocated there's air holes all right I'm wrong we take a ride to win helmets Wheels where I went home we go talk to the kid we let him know we killed the lady and then that should start the quest wait that is looking good no oh that wasn't record was it now it's Apple Bottom cheese still 19. set by that sleepy bear so we started a prediction of whether anybody in Skyrim could actually get a 20 cheese tower record this season speedrun oh you got so close dude okay now I go sleep somewhere Innocence Lost back at the daycare after my smoked break why are all the kids crying and why is the cheese and blood everywhere oh oh there's oh that was part of our that was the lady yeah love it okay the game is getting really laggy oh that's not good it's gonna crash I'm starting a struggle a lot okay I can sleep here oh here we go this is the start of the Dark Brotherhood wait he did all that how much cheese is gonna be here when I turn around oh um I'll see you at home okay we're good and we're out hey Doug if your cheese erection lasts more than eight hours before I need cheese actually yeah two types of cheeses we're at Falkreath we're gonna go to the dark Brothers which means more cheese I mean it's literally the only cheese I've ever had okay that's pretty fast it's okay this is gonna be a lot of cheese and we book it we're off to the Dark Brotherhood I am a little concerned that this is gonna fill up with cheese all right all right suffocate the cake with cheese we gotta go quick quick quick Astrid oh God there's gonna be so much cheese oh my God what was that someone's gonna count it bro that has to be like 24. oh my God 17 18 19 20. oh really high score do we do another bet there's no way it's 21 right does someone 20 record cheese tower and even if you don't think anybody's gonna beat the 20 cheese tower don't you want to hope that Miracles yeah do you want to live in a world where you think the human race is Captain to 20 record cheese tower 100 sure yes see that's the kind of life I want to live wow that's a logical Point all that said what do I do I forget speaking with Nazir okay dude I have been in the dark brotherhood sanctions and this place is almost it's like a quarterfall when you've completed oh go into the water okay okay we got the three contracts we gotta go kill three people that's it it's starting you gotta get out of there oh my God you have to get out of there super confident that this is going to be doable we have to come to this thing he can't pick it up and get rid of it 15 times that was just the first trip here we go we're going to Helgen we're gonna run to iverstead we have there's no way this is possible 3 800 cheese wheels into the game this is aventus I wanted to thank you for providing us with all those jeez I haven't seen Rina or Samuel since you were here so oh my God they love the cheese all right the orphans had a great time okay dude you gotta pick up after your horse and yourself okay bye already in charge of the orphanage drifting this guy right here let's hang out oh that's the first he had to kill okay done easy okay next up is Dawn star we're gonna kill the miner but the cheese is gonna increase minor like a child or Skyrim we're gonna go hungry full one hour challenge so I'm going to increase the speed to four cheese wheels every second which calls for a motivational speech from cheesy Roosevelt it is not the critic who counts not the cheese maker who points out the voice problem nor The Connoisseur oh God I forget what it is the credit belongs to the cheese spawner who is actually in the arena whose hands are dirty with Colonel's milk who strives valiantly to spawn cheese who airs and comes up with this what's the crap because there is no effort without error and shortcomings it's literally from the D video which is right that's what I'm dead the first kind of round of quests are done this is now a trip this is gonna be bad oh no this is too much cheese it's gonna crash okay actually he cannot take it in Faster than it Astrid um Astrid I can't look at you yeah Astrid's leaving he can't pick it up faster the game's crashed one of the characters to skip the dialogue they're standing atop an Empire State Building of cheese I cannot reach them I can't bump into them 10 NPCs in here that's 40 cheese wheels a second get a cheese vacuum all right that's another crash we're going again this is able to skip the cutscene okay they're all here if I wait an hour is that enough too old no no they're still talking I mean I can quickly wait really oh big crazy start back at this point seems like it's skipping their lines okay so it's taking a really long time to quick load okay that worked we got through the cutscene get the contract go go go go okay we leave we leave we leave okay so it is possible still playable it's so much out here okay back to the Stables I don't know how many times I don't do charity am I out of money again [ __ ] okay pick up some wears I think I have to go back into white run and sell more that's gonna be oh God it didn't even lower than five cheese wheels a second dude this is already looking a little bit dire okay we need money for the carriage will it even work White Run will it no white run might not be playable anymore okay so we gotta go to another city to sell stuff now Doug I know nothing about computers but we're doing a graphics way down help at all I don't know I have almost the best computer that money can buy and we're gonna play Skyrim odd logo they'll get you a better one reflex Sky no no no no they'd be a crazy class oh he's in Washington they're in Vancouver okay why has it not happen but Pinkie Pie looks horrible now okay maybe white run with the lower Graphics they can make a pepper piece it's not a white run wait it's been an hour 20. okay white rut is officially banned and we are now up to five cheese wheels every second Riverwood has a store did I pick up cheese wheels let me grab some let me grab this chicken the chicken is causing problems I have got 97 cheese wheels cool thank you and we're out why do this because by cheese they can just take a [ __ ] go back down Markarth is a clean fresh slate a fresh plate it's not gonna be for long it's almost like I'm loving this Mario 64 playthrough yeah it does the textures that's good okay but I'll assure you that you are watching one of the best computers that money can buy it looks like valheim it looks like I'm playing with valheim this is a clean City we're fine we're fine we're fine oh why did oh wait hold on hold on it's still processing shitloads of cheese it just doesn't render until like yeah that means it's still calculating all the physics which is the hard part I'm watching yeah 480 just to help me everybody oh wait this is the right turn your resolution down whoa whoa that's a stack holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wow guys nobody's gonna be bad bro what's his name brother yo bro brother yo oh my God wide receiver I think I need to come back in here later right this is one of the killers that's fine I don't know it's just rendering in shitloads of cheese everywhere there might be thousands more cheese and we can actually this is bad oh you you let's talk I'll need more than that come on come on come on as she disappears where are you where is she is she hovering all right and we are she's walking on cheese I am severely lactose intolerant please stop spawning cheese into me hold out a little bit longer I think we have to donate so you can buy a new pc because your PC will literally yes the toil for years so we could watch a chicken [ __ ] out that's fine in videos whoa what the [ __ ] okay we're fine I'm not I'm gonna ignore all these people dude the graphics you're making it so people appear right in front of me yes okay lowest possible graphics and resolution and everybody popping in randomly this is not good this makes it way harder you'll be happy to know I appreciate that my work made a chicken crapping cheese I'll let the rest of my team know that 50 Series cards need Dynamic and cheese rasterization good that guy is what I need to kill he's standing on a cheese pile he's floating on the air on cheese this is a hard fight I need to finish in the next three and a half minutes before more cheese spawns wait no I need I need a fire I need fire fire oh no what are you doing okay we're gonna make the cheese back here so I'll beat Jesus spearing everywhere oh you can tell somebody was taking a nap here okay yeah and then they got woke up oh my gosh okay du font is dead we can head back to the city of Markarth to turn in the quest okay we have to go back to Markarth we gotta talk to the woman the next two minutes before we go to Six cheese wheels a second but uh it turns out that farcarth which is the city that Don have to go to for the Dark Brotherhood question doesn't load anymore hold on maybe instead of warping in we can go I actually have more subscribers that's hilarious from the back maybe that'll work how long is this gonna zoom in on this low res foamer okay but maybe the problem here is that we just travel into the city yeah through the front doors and the only thing to do in a situation like this is to go ahead and increase this to 1.66 now it's six cheese wheels every second okay Stables it should be able to handle that and then if we load the city from the doors maybe that'll work I need to do it to begin with will it load from there maybe maybe because some of the textures had to render in like mountains or maybe you still completely broken because of the cheese try getting arrested can you climb like a heads off to the Sydney I don't think it'll matter okay oh wait what it did work we expect you guys have fun uh-oh mine silver or to earn your time okay um I forgot that you have to do a bunch of mining in this jail to leave it's already lagging okay we got it we got a mind we gotta mine all right pickaxe we got oh my God he's literally playing Minecraft now um no he fell through the world what wait this is actually wait the only other way into the city he broke the game so bad he glitched in a speed run let me with cheese the jail exit is broken there is legitimately no way wow that's a good jail we can't even go hang out with bro Valerius who broke the 23 stack record hey Doug have you thought of upgrading your graphics card I think the problem is I have a 40 70 and so a 4080 yeah that I use mods to make the system warped to the quest person but obviously I'm not gonna use mods because then it wouldn't be a legal speedrun but then someone had one last suggestion apparently if you wait 30 days in game the items will all despawn which means the cities might actually load again well now it's time for some real contest mountain and we waited a full 50 days one thousand two hundred everybody said hi YouTube on the side all of this time maybe he's not even talking it will finally be gone or maybe this is top tier content irreversible top tier best content candy and there's gonna be no cheese it's not looking good I think we just and with that ladies and gentlemen it is official the city of Marco but I thought that would have happened and completely broken with cheese from every possible entrance even after waiting 50 days so she's beat Skyrim before I ever in Skyrim is completely impossible if you've spawned 82 000 cheese wheels 40 80. but now we're running that's alive good stuff can anybody in Skyrim beat the 23 cheese tower record and that's probably she's up to 100 Wheels a second yes like Jesus Christ it's like when you throw a two liter bottle on the ground a couple more seconds of this and they'll finally make it through the harsh winter it's already up to 80k oh goodbye orphans go little Timmy go for 24. there's a hundred a second he might be beating the record wait Timmy damn it Timmy you broke my 40 70. okay we went back to the kids well before twitch had to play a d d game this might be the next time the video will be out next Friday patrons should get it on Thursday I believe should be live streaming today I really hope that you enjoyed this video though I really did it's apparently impossible unless you have just like the best graphics a possible I actually don't know how 40 70 ranks to my Asus 3080 TI all I know is it was used to be one of the most expensive things I ever bought at the time was the most expensive thing I ever bought actually was more than I ever made in a single month between YouTube twitch and patreon combined and then I bought a house yeah that that was that was real expensive yeah that's real expensive it's only gonna get more expensive thank you so much for watching this video and all the other videos on my channel I hope they're subscribed similar's future videos hopefully I made your day a tunnel better I do read everything when it comes to leave some down below I apologize for not uploading for an entire week but I was literally not allowed to on any of my channels or else I could all be deleted if you want to know why that happened you can check out my Twitter or my patreon where I talk about it on there go into more detail on Twitter if you want to see and show examples and want an object of how the whole situation happened but I'm back I was doing two videos a day for over three years straight and uh and then I was like okay well I can't work this week because I didn't want to get too far ahead on the videos before I could read the comments because I do read the comments before I record the next video most of the time but I hope I made your daytime a little better I hope you have a wonderful for us today until next video take care and Kitty music [Music]
Channel: theduckgoesmoo
Views: 4,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theduckgoesmoo dougdoug reaction, dougdoug, dougdoug reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn reaction, Skyrim but if I say dragon then 10 dragons spawn, dougdoug skyrim, Skyrim but NPCs spawn a Cheese Wheel every second reaction, Skyrim Speedrun but Twitch Chat can spawn ANYTHING, Skyrim but 10 cheese wheels spawn every second reaction, modded skyrim, Skyrim but 10 cheese wheels spawn every second, Skyrim but NPCs spawn a Cheese Wheel every second, skyrim mod
Id: J68Fken5DPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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