That 70's Circle (Season 3)

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man who'd have thought I'd gettin busted for possession I mean I just thought be like armed robbery or pimping yeah something cool yeah hide in jail hey guys do you think he's anyone's girlfriend yet okay so he's been in jail for three hours of course he's someone's girlfriend yes very pretty ice well if he was someone's girlfriend I think it might look a little something like this yeah hey there curly Q would you like to perform an unspeakable act on me or would you prefer that I perform one on you well the girls sound good dealer's choice you have done a horrible thing with a children's toy hi bet you didn't want me to see this did you we were worried about I'm sorry I'm just I'm so sorry yeah you know curlicue is can be is a term of endearment so when we meet your new fella [Applause] I am so baked think no yeah I am think you know guys I've been living my life all wrong all I ever thought about was school studying reading homework well that's over thanks hi amen don't thank me thank my mom she hadn't passed out I couldn't raided her stash you have the best mom ever huh hey guys you know what yesterday I was wrestling with Donna and I felt her boob it was beautiful that's squishy squishy hey guys I had this dream that I was kissing my English teacher and when I woke up I was stuck in my bed Celso man that's not normal you could die hey isn't your English teacher a guy yeah no I'm in my Spanish teacher she's a girl man what's in this stuff hey guys I'm having the best time ever thank know yeah yeah hey guys look what I found on my sister Laura's drawer mints a whole month's worth we're not minty they're not mints their birth control pills your headgear wearing [ __ ] hey when I grow up I'm gonna be handsome really your mommy tell you that yeah also you're the king duckie dating him at the time of the day I hate this stupid magazine oh no I didn't mean it I love you hey guys check this out tight pants turn a man's derriere into a lady's dream and an open shirt shows a sexy chest and an irresistible jaw Davey Bailey I always thought my joyed they'd be wetting my pants okay I can't believe I'm asking you guys this but if any of you losers had a girlfriend would you still look at those magazines hey I had two girlfriends and a little action on the side still looked at those magazines you had action on the side whoo yeah you don't know her she went to Sacred Heart okay anybody here have an opinion who's not a skeevy Pig I'm glad you asked Donna if I had Jackie I will never look at those magazines found there she's on the phone I went shopping took a short nap look Donna this is just the way guys are okay I mean if Forman was actually dating the the naughty campus coeds he'd be locked in a bathroom looking at naked pictures of you he's right so are there naked pictures of you [Applause] [Music] man Donna sauce Shelly practically living in my lap how could she not be jealous [Laughter] it's because we're decent good-hearted impure you know it's easy barn I think what we need here are some input from tater nuts big tear nest Eric this hey stop calling me ten bucks tella it's not jealous I mean it means basically you're on the free and clear she's giving you the okay to cheat you got a cheap tater nuts makes sense I [Laughter] mean she I can do Shelley right now if I wanted to so why shouldn't I because then you would have two other ones that people have none forget it Forman you're not a cheater you know wise man once said know thyself my man's name was tater nuts I'll be honest with you guys okay I I do shave my legs feels so it turns out my super sensitive guy boyfriend wants me to be a baby machine but dillhole sitting right here that's why steady a dillhole Donna the only reason I thought she'd stay home with the babies because only every woman has done it for the entire history of time so don't be mad at me be mad at your four mothers that is so typical as if every woman wants to spend her life as a pampered housewife raising kids and organizing the help what isn't that what every woman wants Donna man Foreman's just limited by his experiences as the voice of a new generation of smart independent women you need to make this dillhole realize that a mind and spirit like yours has more options than your mother's head yeah sorry what I found it so are we cool [Laughter] I miss my funnel Eric drink okay I was tattoo I lived on Fantasy Island my fancy would be to not be a [ __ ] [Laughter] me me my knee for me you know hi at first I thought your dad was a real dirtbag but I've come to realize there's a fine line between dirtbag and father of the year damn I have to be honest I've never been wonderful before so I probably stink oh happy day this is the worst game in the world I'm so thirsty drink I mean he lives on Fantasy Island man and he's a [ __ ] it's so obvious else feel kind of woozy the hell man if I make a shot I promise I will not beat you Eric I think you Erica its father ly best thing about this joke it just keeps going and going and not only do we break the law we screwed our friends while breaking it how dumb was he to give me the car keys here trust me thank you know what stolen food just tastes better guys I feel bad about Eddy candana maybe we should figure out a way to help them sure we could do that or we can ask ourselves help me make this worse I haven't seen done in two days she's been spending all their time at the radio station this is a real problem oh well here we go again Foreman's got a problem you know what maybe I got a problem and you ever think of that oh man all right I'm sorry go ahead man unload it actually I'm cool that's how you do you have a problem and you hold it in man the leather up fruitcake I have a problem but I guess I'll keep it all inside hey you guys so Leo agreed to sell me the El Camino for like five hundred bucks so what I mean from you is a 500 bucks hey I'm hide I don't feel anything I'm just a frizzy-haired robot hey um for me is the same voice to imitate everybody it's just tonight I nothing suddenly you're face to face with the dragon of fear should have worn my gut little ogre string cancellation but it's chancy yeah you know a girl once promised to play with us but she didn't show up cheer up Kings aunt are the great let's get out there and slay that dragon it's done this ball okay I didn't make her wear that big goofy underwear no sorry but if you're hanging out this crowd you got to know that eventually your pants are getting pulled down all right I am so glad I did not pull down Caroline's pants I mean if she asked me to I would because I respect her wishes so I am so horny woman when I told you to be funny to give down a panties I'm gonna be funny to me it was this is what happened in my heart I found out Laurie was cheating on this I really thought we had something probably the same way you did the Jackie only this time it's even funnier because it's yield this is a good day tonight I am going to ask Caroline to go steady with me because that is the last day before you can do it right oh how I want to do it I'm gonna tell you something i'm omnipotent [Laughter] much better yeah now instead of feeling scared and anxious I feel relaxed and relaxed I know we're probably gonna get beaten but it was worth it because we show we have tremendous school spirit school spirit is for losers man you're just like floating along on a conveyor belt of conformity pep rallies extracurricular activities washing your hair it's all just a trap man yeah it's one thing to root for a football team but to confuse the point place Vikings with a sense of personal identity that's just relaxing [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's cool man it's like I can do anything wrong and then ask for forgiveness and then I'm good again someone should have been a religion like that okay so did anyone besides me think that some of the guys in that movie we're not completely average you know way way above well you don't go into that line of work when you're below average I just praise some hot redheaded neighbor girl likes you for your personality what are you talking about those men were completely average in fact I found the guy with a message downright puny now fast that's not honest I mean we all know you're small in the pants what I'm saying is is from here on in I'm only telling the truth in fact I'm gonna come clean to Jackie about everything fine you want honesty I'll give you honesty we are all small in the pants no so this might be your best idea ever you know what you should make a list of all the lies you've ever told the Jackie and I'll help you because all I really want is for you to be happy you guys honestly you don't think Donna's you know bored right those guys in the movie they didn't do the same move twice and I've done the same move like always bet they go to a special school or something but they're like doctors are doing it Eric dinner oh no no I have to act normal I get to eat yeah these brownies are wonderful make me feel silly don't you just love those dried mint flakes someone sold them to me up the street I don't think these are mint flakes I'm fired hey guys I'm planning to do guys after I made something I love Ann Marie it puts me in a mood so guys next time instead of going to Canada let's just stay here and pretend we're in Canada so how's it going eh hey you know Fonz he ever played a Mountie on happy days here you go eh oh the ring of love just holding it makes me feel mellow and content actually that might not be the ring why is everybody but fast in love I don't got some romance soon I'm going to get myself a blister well another grifter tell you what Fez we're gonna take you cruising for chicks in the El Camino and then let you buy the gas buy my dinner and if we meet a chick I'm gonna let you walk home guys what if Jackie doesn't want to wring from a guy like me I mean sure I'm good-looking but he trusts it no you guys are the perfect couple you do the bad stuff and she tries to catch you she's smoky - you're bandit yeah it's like that movie applies to everything I just I wish there was a way I could give Jackie a thing there wasn't actually the ring you know like a test gift just to see what she would say and then if it went bad I could just walk away hey am I talking in rhyme I do that all the time [Applause]
Channel: SuperKR1985
Views: 214,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aIOcFiaChaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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