Thanos Hide or Snitch in Among Us

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so today and among us we have a new game this is thanos hide and snitch as thanos if you find someone you can force them to snitch on someone else and dudes stick around till the end to see both perspectives and also did you know that the like button is hiding below the video and if you find it and hit it it'll turn blue hit the subscribe button let's do this boys i'm the seeker okay so i'll explain how this works it's very simple but it's intense and maybe after this i might do a round where i'm the hider i don't know we'll see but check this out look look in the bottom left i have a power stone which i can shoot but i have to be careful if i shoot and miss i lose a life and as you can see here i have five bullets left if i lose all five i die and i have five reveals right if i reveal somebody around me and it shows their name i can grab them and force them to snitch on somebody okay let's do this all right so how this works these npcs are walking around the world and they can transform into them and then if i do reveal watch this son no no no no no no no why why do we feel so quick so as the crew members you guys are trying to hide amongst the npcs run around do your tasks stay hidden and then you can escape once your tasks are done you know how this works this is hide and snitch if you have a snitch i will let you go do you have a snitch actually you know what i'm gonna ask you for a snitch okay i want you to find me henry okay okay okay i'm looking i'm looking uh henry it oh okay go to the right like into the neighborhood just keep going just keep going right you're gonna let me go right after i do this right yeah i'll let you go i'll let you guys okay okay all right you see that second green short guy go back up green shortcut right it's that guy right there let me go please it's him what's happening is that if you're lying to me you die i'm not lying if you're lying to me you die i promise i'm not lying i'm sorry i'm sorry i had to all right you can go bye all right so how this works uh if i do reveal right you see i have a five down there if i reveal someone i get the reveal back but if i miss my reveal it goes away all right let's do this and i think oh wait henry henry are you here yeah i'm here okay henry what i want you to do record your screen because you can see the names if i run by somebody and i don't see them make fun of me and call me a foot okay i got it i got it is there anybody down here anybody down here hey are you somebody i don't want to use the reveal ah crap okay npc's move oh he moved he moved again i don't know if npcs move that much i'm gonna run guys listen do me a favor hit the like button if you've ever played hide and seek before what hit the subscribe button too and keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments because you know we're constantly looking for my ideas you know i do those three things and i'll be your best friend i don't know what that means okay listen there are two sigils very short here one of them's gotta be fake right one of them's gotta be a real person there's three there's three short sigils here dude do i reveal i don't to waste oh wait there's two people here i'm a reveal [Music] where are you going flicker where are you going flink i don't know where to go how i could only pick you up if you're revealed right that's the only thing that i can do so what i'm gonna have you do i want you to find me someone specific in snitch okay find me mmm you got ten seconds ten nine eight seven six it's the right to the right five coming in purple purple three right there dude [Applause] [Laughter] all right uh niko you can go have fun go ahead promise go ahead go ahead later why did you just waste that sound like a four minute cool down it literally said he could leave oh gosh all right well there we go so nico and henry are dead so i got eight more to take out oh wait seven quick maps all right schedules is this you schedules move this this is you don't move if this is you don't wait wait wait no wait oh i used reveal i thought that was sigils all right anybody there's a lot of people down here okay let's just keep a look i gotta look so there's a bunch of tasks as well if anybody's standing on tasks okay that barber's looking barbara's looking okay okay orange and go get purple guys on the fence dude this is so tough this is so difficult anybody on these nobody's on these tasks wait wait that blue guy ran really far wait who is this who are you who are you blue guy don't leave me alone look i'm getting out of here no i tried i just didn't want gravel let's do another snitch the how this game works if you get caught twice no more snitches for you okay so zod mitz and henry are dead god wait there's a lot of people here there's a lot of people i have to get somebody to share numbers no oh no i only have three reveals left dude this is so tough oh no dude this is not going well okay these two people look good okay anybody standing on task down here nobody dude i only have three reveals left and i gotta be careful shooting i gotta use all this stuff sparingly wait wait so we were just standing oh this is so good i knew you were standing on that fat you they don't you do tests in front of me boy all right let's go here anybody up here somebody just went to that gas can i'm muted i made it i wouldn't make it watch this green guy the red guy's on it too though that green i'm watching the screen guy right here i don't trust you you were doing gas and now you're trying to play it off aren't you [Music] no that is not no that is wrong that is wrong you were talking to nobody okay gary listen yeah you got one snitch and you got 10 seconds to snitch somebody out ten go down straight down signals go down he's right i don't know where card swipe is for gear is that gary is that him yep wait he's wait he's right there gary i don't know if what if you're lying gary and i wasted a shot and a reveal you have to wait he's leaving where is he gary wait now that now we're after someone okay sigils is right in front of us but look him was back there but you can shoot right now there he goes did you get him oh you got him how dare you oh my gosh all right gary uh you're uh your snitcheroosky is uh you're good but if you get caught again you did have fun all right let me go to look at them hey what what look here what do you look up you're lying all right uh welcome this is your first this is your first catch so uh snitcharoosky who do you gotta snitch on uh and go next to the fontaine the what up uh fountain okay oh they just changed oh who is it who is it who is it who is it who is it who is it no i'm stuck through here [Music] all right loco listen listen listen you can leave that's your first time getting caught right if you get caught again it's all over go ahead have fun so somebody grappler over here to the left but they're long gone like they can change into somebody else like instantly unless almost this green guy hey i'll give you a free pass i'll give you free pass if you walk right now i'll let you go all right well i'm a man of my word crap was that even a real person i was probably talking to nothing okay let's go this way um there's henry there's sid jealous there's gary okay there's a lot of people right here there's a lot of people right here reveal [Laughter] hey gary listen listen i'm feeling nice i already caught you once so you can't get a snitch but if you can tell me your middle name i'll let you go mine that's easy it's thomas okay thank you so i think two people are left but i don't know who oh no this is tough who is left i think we'll come wait is this person doing gas are you are you doing gas i can't tell you doing gas [Music] wait did this npc just fart yeah yeah yeah yeah let me put me down uh it's uh no wait a ghost farted oh welcome lookups here's the idea there is only you and one other left i'm pretty sure so it's either you or that other person i only have four bullets left so uh who is it who is it where are they who is it where are they look i can't tell you i can't if you let me escape no okay i'll let you escape if you tell me okay i'll tell you it's kate and she's on the left don't you lie to me look ups up i don't trust you look up [Laughter] left i'll let you go you can try to escape if you want okay you can try to escape go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead try to escape okay ready ready set i have zoom since there's only one person left oh i missed there's one shot there's one shot it's right there right there no okay oh no i missed i missed i missed you right there oh dude that was so stressful all right let's go check out being a crewmate all right boys we're hiders okay i'll go go go go go kill come here how does this work so we got our right clicks we got to right click somebody there we go and then we just walk around okay so we need to get our tasks done and then we can escape we're all set so we as the crewmates we can also zoom out just he's right there he's right there he's right there we can zoom out just to see where he is and then we can stop moving just in case okay [Music] oh i know it's no what are you kidding me i can [Music] i need to get my testosterone so i can escape please don't reveal how many here i got a reveal right here there's a good spot [Music] no gary no all right gary gary i haven't i have a snitch i have a stitch i have something right i'll give you the snitch whoo give me someone juicy go down and then to the left take the first left left uh-huh the short this the short white character he just ran by this one yes yes okay sure i'm trusting you [Music] oh my gosh this is it i have one more task after this this is it this is it here we go dude i am already done with my test i can leave where is he i can leave is there anyone in this direction i could use some skin care the other one is short and my color [Music] [Laughter] i know the rules are if i sit twice i die but i have an idea okay i know where somebody's at i'll give you a snitch okay but that's you're then you're no no no no no no but trust me you want to know this one okay go north okay go up go up go up go up okay okay go up there person running who is this you see that person right there if you drop me that's a person if you drop me right now that's a person i got him okay [Applause] now i have to kill everybody hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,965,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NxrC8U2QBeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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