*NEW* PROP HUNT Game Mode in Among Us

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so once again welcome back to among us prop hunt one imposter nine props the props run around the map and try to complete their tasks so of course stick around for my round to be the hunter it gets interesting also if you didn't know this the like button below the video is a prop if you hit it it'll turn blue that makes no sense hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy the video all right who is it who's the killer who's the killer okay okay so what we're going to do everybody go to this circle up here if i go to the circle up here once okay okay my task i have to do my task no that's cheating all right side start start counting how long do i count 20 seconds 30 minutes 21 seconds 21 seconds you're not doing mississippi's do mississippi and then whenever you hit one you go to the other discord i'm doing my base i'm doing it guys stop saying your plans he can hear guys welcome back to among us prop hunt look at this look i'm an actual frog so look at this look at this i can hide on this table look so we as the props we can see each other's names right but he can't see our name so me and jerome can like meme around look at this and our job as the props we run around the map and we try to get all of our tasks done before he finds us all and kills us all right look at this look and i think yeah he's down in the other recording now okay we gotta chill out i don't know where he is i'm gonna have to unmute a minute so there's real quick welcome back to among us modded if you guys enjoy these modded videos hit the like button down below and also let us know additional mod ideas that you guys have in the comments king and loaf jerome just died oh no jerome died hey drum died where was your where did jerome die at all and now he's chasing gold he's up in it he's up in he's up in here oh my god oh my god i have a question has anybody even seen steve like where is he yeah he's up in he's up in oxford he's up in oxygen he's coming down we're gonna get away when will my prompt change things where is he nico keep giving his updates he's inside he's going to fight the fighter we're just on the biggest chase of my life [Music] gold how did he find you sit still oh oh he's going down towards cap he's going towards the cap he's he's just stuck in adam he's stuck in admin guys we need to work together i don't wanna i'm scared and handsome well i'm not mercy you're scared i haven't seen him i'm in calf i'm in calf right now oh no scissors i'm gonna go over [Music] i love that so much and we keep joking will be forgotten honestly it will it will guys we are almost done with tas though come on where is he though do you see him i have to go back to reactor i have to go to greenhouse on wires oh no yeah i'm in greenhouse right now doing uh is anybody up in green house yeah i'm in greenhouse no is he up there hold on i think he's leaving reactor i've done it or he just i've done all my tasks i've done all my tasks okay i have a reactor i gotta go to reactor i have three ten okay i need you to i need your defender oh no i don't know i need to do this stuff i got to do the riders in there you are a monster i did so guys no no no no no i have two more tests two more tests two more tests you can't do it sorry you can't do it you can't do it guys get your test done i already finished i did him i did my test i missed everybody yell at sight make fun of shite [Applause] guys we have one more task that we need to do [Music] wait i'm so confused what happened was that was that a tactical player or was that i think it's a tactical play before what happened i got disconnected okay okay we have one more task that needs to get done site you will not win it's probably schedules or loaf i'm watching such as the loaf right now it's definitely did you see what did you see what happened no i'm watching him come on love love's doing the dude i was doing it right now i love come on and love has one more it's still more he is one of those things you know is this it right here across the entire map i cannot where are you at up on the right-hand corner oh my gosh loaf still has weapons left i don't even know where weapons holy crap that was stressful though all right can't count from 20 and then get out of here you butt got him dipping 20. 17. 15 10. i'm going to see if this works i don't know if it'll work though oh he left okay boys boys he's out of the discord i am at the start i'll tell you when he goes by okay he just went by just went by i'm over at admin actually everyone's in admin oh my god okay guys he's he's he's at med bay now most likely okay okay you look like a mid-back got him i work at a med-based game and i'm doing leaves together because it's the fall and we're falling for each other okay okay okay he might be there everybody stop everybody stop [Music] [Music] can you guys hide better what is wrong with you people i'm trying dude i keep getting stuck on doors good job good job that's not a good spot you're on the wall i can't control it do we know where he is oh where is he where is he say where he stop talking he's not talking to yourself you stop talking okay we're at we're out of time straight over me hi guys i have a quick question what what turns blue the like button i think i think it's the like button i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared go where is it go where is he go where is he dude i'm in the light for me to change he's waiting here for me to change oh no where where are you where are we just waiting why would he just be sitting there yeah why is he just camping i don't know he's staying here where is he allowing everybody he's through electrical maybe he's waiting he's going with you okay he's going back he just read by me he's going back down to the cafe cafeteria cafeteria oh no no oh god oh look he's in cafeteria he's in the cafeteria just keep him away from simon okay are you ready he's on top of my body i'm running away where say words okay okay change this do this i'm just sitting on the thingy nico is he still following you yeah guys get your tickets i am in the in the starting area where so he's at starting around there yeah like he's just camping me dude okay all right guys let's go let's go he's straight just camping me dude what do i do we're at cafeteria no in the entrance in launchpad whatever you do just don't change hats launch pad where's one he's we see each other moving he just can't get close to me because i keep dodging him where is he where is he no that means he's just running through his cooldown no where was he tests going up towards the y i'm scared nice i have so many tests in uh electrical or what's this called a reactor reactor okay uh he's in cafeteria now yeah okay oh i'll stick with you guys and then i have one left yeah i've got one at the launch pad and one up uh the top of the wire you have one in launchpad okay oh no who's near me oh no no no where where are you oh my gosh you guys are gonna give me a heart attack okay he's on the balcony balcony beneath cafeteria now he's back again okay i think he's out of my he's out of my point of view now but i think he's i can see him now he's coming okay i did it yeah i'm done tapping i'm gonna sit in the water i have one more task in storage i have two you're not gonna be able to [Music] [Laughter] bottom right of calf by that little computer thingy he just went back up though he's chasing me around all right all right all right and we might need to split where's that it's at storage where's yours oh no mine's up the top of the wire he just went top of y he's going top of y all right henry escort me to mine escort me to mine okay okay i'm gonna go look at the center i'm gonna go look at the center hi he's in north center he's still up in north and you you're good you're good to go you're getting clear go down go down go go my task is done my task is done all my tasks are done can we we need to get you yours done okay okay mine is at the top of the y he can't take this all out strengthen the numbers here i'm gonna try and find them and take them to the bottom and we've got one task left get it done that's what i'm talking about [Music] i hate her when i hit zero that's when i'm moving calls and i'm gonna kill all of you 20 19 18. your eyes better be close did you close your eyes 15. nice helmet 13. seven i'm going to reactor first going to reactive five my kill button is constantly active but if i press it and miss it look it goes on a five second cooldown so i have to be careful and make sure i see everyone let me go see if i see anybody you see these deer antlers hello who did i just kill who did i just kill they to come up you got wrecked you bought hey hey is there any nuts oh i have a flower i have a flower right here i have a flower i have a rubber flower right here i have two people well jokes on you have a fish all right i'm just following somebody right now oh we lagged oh no hey nico can you tell me where there i'll give you a dollar give you a dollar you are oh this guy just cornered himself get out of my who wasn't let's see i bet you was biff it was probably before it was henry it was loaf get out get out i just found somebody else dude this is so fun okay so hard dude you came out of a bed that wasn't fair what do you mean it wasn't fair dude dude this guy's leading me astray right now what do you think i'm dumb dang i think i just try so loud what is they're just screaming and get oh wait no no i misclicked it oh if you click it when you're not near him it puts it on a cool down you suck dude get out who was that who was that i bet you was a [ __ ] with his biffle okay i'm just gonna stand right here get out scissors i guess they're right you thought you could juke me boy like twice and then i kept thinking you you knew it was the mental game dude i hate you okay let my kill cool down go down let me kill cool down good i'm just chilling just chilling so can you guys give me any information yeah yeah um your stuff what what does that mean all right here we go anybody moving anybody moving never let me see where are you where are you right now you can't see me somebody's right here somebody's right here yeah ian keeps bending that oh you you thought you could do oxygen boy get out okay dude i thought i was safe oh i just found two masks come back cut back go back come back come back don't tell him i said this but but he's currently cleaning the vents all right i'm currently stalking my hair okay okay come here boy come here get over here get over here where are you going where are you going you little face mask huh get out okay dude i think i just killed gold why would you do that gold you sat there for so long thinking i didn't see you yeah but i could see you just creeping around the corner [Laughter] you a little blind man no i saw that just chill do you just chill i got a 20 you got you got to give them you got to give them time you got to like you know make them think that they're happy you know and go happy going no no no no no no okay kill button psychopath tendencies that you're really are yeah yeah yeah she's like the meat tastes better if it was sad we gotta give it some hope before we kill it oh my god you guys are in oh no you guys are almost done with hey can you guys go down there and tell him to stop stop doing tasks stop it there's a little hat right here guys come to electrical there's a little there's a little hat right there doing the the computer download you wanna know what it is [Music] oh get over here i went to the wrong one for you guys [Music] [Music] oh no you guys are almost done with tasks oh no oh we're almost there dude i gotta take out henry there's headway and king left okay you only need to get one more person the only [ __ ] i know i know i just need to get one more but my kill cooldown timer's taken forever okay okay here we go here we go just chill everybody chill everybody jump everybody what are you doing i got away from my kill cooldown timer dude why are you standing here doing nothing because if i vent then my kill cool down timer yeah but just get out of the vehicle [Laughter] you oh [Laughter] [Music] dude the vet is op as the killer holy crap all right that's pretty good guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed this prop hunt hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video and let us know other mod ideas down in the comments
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,951,189
Rating: 4.9545174 out of 5
Id: 0m2Zqhuon4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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