Thai Tom Yum Noodle Soup - Marion's Kitchen

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so here we go guys rich spicy thumb young noodle soup with dumplings prawns and all the flavor you could want yes okay guys so we're pretty much like combining three of my very favorite things in the whole world Python yum soup chewy noodles dumplings ah what could be better I'm so excited okay so we're gonna make our thumb soup from scratch it's super easy just wait and see okay so I have these spicy Birds Eye Chili's and you got to go spicy with them young it's not a proper tie from soup without the real kick of spice so these are Birds I chose whatever a really spicy chilies in your area use those ones I'm going with about five or six here yes it's gonna be hot now I want to bruise these up now the great thing about using a mortar and pestle is that you don't just chop through the chili you're actually releasing and smashing out and that's a technical term I'm sure smashing out all the beautiful oils and aromas from the chilies so there is method to using this particular mortar and pestle technique okay so you don't want this to fine this is the sort of thing that you're looking for and just put that into a bowl for a bit later so now for our aromatics the thing that I love about this soup is it's pure magic you're literally turning water into something that tastes amazing I've got a pot of water simmering and then to that I need to add some lemongrass and you just want to bruise that with the bottom of your night and then cut it into battens okay now that goes into our water so I've just got that on a low heat and then the other crucial ingredient is gallon Gao you're gonna need a special trip to your Asian grocer for this one but this is what it looks like let me compare it to ginger for you so you can see what I'm talking about gallon Gale has a little bit of a pink tinge to the edges of it you can see that the ginger is a lot Brown or in color a lot darker and Gallagher has a much more like Pinewood citrus kind of aroma and flavor so you really can't substitute ginger for this you're gonna have to go for the real thing the great news is that this fries is really easily so if you get a hold of some put it in your freezer okay now they go into the water as well and our final aromatic is kaffir lime leaves now you just need to take the stem out of the middle of those these also freeze really well so if you are doing a trip grab a whole bunch of these and keep them in your freezer too okay and the trick here is to grab a whole of your leaves and smoosh them all together that will start releasing all of the flavor and the aroma now I just want to let this come up to a simmer until I can smell all those beautiful aromatics so a couple of minutes in there okay so now let's talk about mushrooms so the traditional Thai mushroom is called het Fung in English we call it straw mushroom kind of looks like this guy and when you slice it open you'll see this is the texture inside if you can't get a hold of these button mushrooms will do just fine and then we also want some cherry tomatoes our vegetables are done let's talk about chili paste now I'm using a traditional Thai chili paste it's called Nam prik Pao it's a roasted red chili paste it kind of has this jammy consistency it's got things like shallots and garlic and tamarind and yummy stuff in it so you can grab this from an Asian grocer or you can check out my youtube channel and make it from scratch yourself up to you anyway so that goes into water which is now smelling beautifully aromatic and then we also want those pounded chilies already I'm loving this spicy color and then another ingredient that might surprise you guys I'm going to use evaporated milk so there are two types of Thummim in Thailand there's Nancy and nomicon now con is the one that's creamy and you can use coconut milk but actually most restaurants use evaporated milk so there you go little restaurant tip for you so I'm going to add a couple spoonfuls of that now our prawns and the mushrooms and tomatoes now just let everything come up to a simmer I want those prawns to cook I want all those flavors to marry together into a really beautiful spicy soup okay our soup is looking good now the final stage of making a thumb yum is the most important it's the seasoning stage so first up we want some limes and you just want to push down on those so that you're crushing the inside you can get the most out of juice as possible and now what I like to do with this seasoning stage is make sure that my soup is off the heat so it's not going to boil anymore if I keep boiling this after I add the lime juice it kind of dilutes the Tang enos if you are you know get that fresh head of lime now the other part of the seasoning for this at the end is your fish sauce and your sugar so you have limes fish sauce sugar so these three things are almost like your salt and pepper that you would have in western cooking you're going to use all three to finish off and round out the flavors of this soup so add your lime juice in and the end flavor here should be predominantly spicy and tangy and then just a little bit salty and a tiny little touch of sweetness so we've got our tangy I'm gonna add my fish sauce for the salty and then just a little dash of sugar first I can always add more but I can't take it out so I won't put it all in and here's where we taste because depending on your chili paste or depending on how sour the limes are in your region or what fish sauce are using you might need more of any of those things so let's have a taste mmm-hmm Oh tangy and spicy love it I can you a little bit more lime juice for my taste okay let's see how we're going hmm yep that's it really tangy salty spicy all the good things okay let's get into our dumplings so this is totally an optional extra but you know why not go all out if you're gonna make something from scratch so I'm gonna make some really simple pork wonton dumplings to go in my noodle soup got some pork mince I want a little bit of white pepper some fish sauce a little bit of water oh it's fine adding some moisture into a dumpling mix keeps it a bit softer on the inside and then a little smattering of garlic and now here's the key you want to vigorously mix this until we see the pork get really nice and sticky now this is as easy as clunking a fair bit of pork into the center of a wonton wrapper grab some water fold it over I like my wonton guys to be quite full and fat who doesn't like a fat dumpling okay and it goes straight into some boiling water to let those dumplings just simmer away until they're cooked through and now it's time to serve everything up my favorite part so we've got some noodles here I'm using some fresh Chinese egg noodles you could use whatever noodles that you like and then just pour over some of that spicy sue and your wontons just slide those on top and of course because you know you can't have a good bowl of noodle soup I think that an egg so I'm gonna pop an egg on there as well and just a few little bits of coriander and they have it guys one spicy bowl of heaven ah so good mmm the noodle slip you got to do it guys [Music]
Channel: Marion's Kitchen
Views: 630,440
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Keywords: marions kitchen, marion grasby, marion's kitchen, marion grasby recipes, marion kitchen, thai cuisine, tom yum soup, tom yum noodle soup, tom yum noodle soup recipe, tom yum noodle soup recipe thai, thai tom yum soup, thai tom yum soup recipe, thai tom yum noodle soup, thai tom yum noodle soup recipe, how to make tom yum soup, how to make tom yum soup at home, how to make thai tom yum soup, how to make thai tom yum noodle soup, thai noodle soup, thai noodle soup recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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