TFS: The Truth About my Box Fan Downdraft Table

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it's time I clean this table up but before we get to that I built this about six weeks ago and I've been using it regularly since just about every day or maybe every other day large jobs small jobs you name it it's all come across this table now I can definitely say that I feel a lot better inside the shop it doesn't feel as musty doesn't feel as dusty and I think I can breathe a little bit better maybe that's the equivalent of a butt dyno but nevertheless we're gonna find out how much this is kept out of my lungs now so many people said that a box fan or two box fans would not work should he used something else those furnace filters are gonna catch on fire they're not gonna filter anything out you suck everything I mean I've seen it all come through across those comments so let's just go totally raw here I'm gonna take the camera we're gonna point it at everything we need to point out no fancy editing no fancy camerawork I don't even have a camera guy in here today because it's an off day for the whole crew so it's just me the table the camera and you let's see what's being kept out of my lungs for the past six weeks season five check alright [Music] lyin Fran okay I'm kidding I'm not gonna make it that raw of a video we're gonna have to do some editing here but not the typical way that I do it so let's just see how bad this is okay the obvious things on top pretty dirty I should probably have some gloves on or something this already okay holy cow okay I don't remember the last time I was actually behind my own camera rig running it so if this is not something you really like then sorry look at all that dirt it's just layers in it filters the hard block end and you can see let me see if I can in this area over here you can see that they are definitely still kind of greenish and definitely in that center circular area around that doctor that I cut out there definitely they're definitely all grayed out look at that there's a serious difference between here and here get to that in a second oh man what a difference I mean look at that look at that you really want to tell me these aren't working here's the other side you see how full those are you see that there's almost nothing on this side you should probably be wearing a dust mask not a whole lot of dust on the blades the motor good everything's you know dust free for the most part let's just kind of take a look at the stuff that's in here right these are obviously this is a much heavier a much more coarse powder that comes off of here right now a lot of people are asking how well the box fans actually draw well that's the thing that's all they do is they draw they don't provide like a ton of suction or anything because it's not really what you want you just want to bring in the particles down into the tub you don't really want it to go all under the filters or whatever right the tub is for collecting the heavier heavier stuff right the filters are for take keeping all this fine stuff out of your lungs like that's a huge difference like I don't know if people really understood that this heavy stuff right here all this coarse stuff this is what's kept off the shop floor like even the inside is of the fans is clean like I just can't I can't get over this this is absolutely unreal all of this especially this stuff would be in my lungs right now and me fighting to get it all out of there this is kind of like a wake-up call I just washed my hands a minute ago just so I could show you this it's initially I mean the idea behind doing this video here was to be like does it really work or not yes or no but you know I get into this right now and I'm just thinking to myself you know we saw a lot of responses from people that were you know aside from the naysayers and stuff like that where always everybody's always gonna get those right there there's no surprise on that one right and I really wanted to show people just how well this actually does work you know and of course yes we can use a respirator but that doesn't keep the stuff off the shop floor and I understand that there are much larger grinding projects out there that would not you know be able to fit on a table like this where the table would be impractical right so of course you know that's that's you know that's a gimme but that's not what this is about let's take this for example this panel right just clean hand all of that would have been in my lungs or around the shop floor like I've only been using this table for a month and a half you know there's a couple of other things that I should probably mention here too and it mostly goes on what people were saying since this is I admit a little bit unorthodox using furnace filters but there's a couple of things here first and foremost if the filters are doing their job it's not going to be caught up in the motors of the fans which means it's not going to spark it's not going to catch fire it's time to do any of that stuff and we solve with that very fine fine powder just how well those filters do work if the filters are doing their job they're not going to go into the fan and speaking of jobs this is another important one a lot of people suggested that as soon as those filters get all full a spark will just set them on fire well I'm just gonna call BS on that one and that's only if you're gonna do your job you have to clean this you have to do your maintenance on it because if you don't stuff goes bad I was very confident when I built this table and when I designed it for one primary reason I know how to do math and there's a great man once told me and continues to tell me to this day math is no myth and that is so right where's the allen wrench wonder if the ten millimeters in here - I'm not gonna lie this has been a bit of an eye-opener and perhaps the video went a different direction than I initially thought it would but at the same time I think I should tell you this you should certainly look into something that protects your lungs whether it be a downdraft table a grinding table a respirator a dust mask anything that keeps this junk out of it now if you're still not sure I'll give it to you this way sure do you use a downdraft table or should you not it's up to you you
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 88,442
Rating: 4.9639425 out of 5
Keywords: Downdraft table 2, Downdraft table update, Grinding table update, box fan table update, Gringing table, cheap downdraft table update, Grinding table 2, does the box fan table work, cheap grinding table, TFS, Season 5
Id: mzEBJR2QtJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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