TFS: 3 Metal Cutting Saws Tested and Compared

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dry cut shop saw abrasive chop saw and a metal cutting bandsaw which one of these is gonna be the best bang for the buck when put head-to-head season five all right now our first contender on the list is the evolution power tools Evo saw 380 a 15 inch dry cut chop saw with a capability of cutting a variety of shapes sizes and types of material including steel stainless steel aluminum wood and composites each Evo saw 380 ships with a steel cutting carbide blade and can easily be changed to different metals and types with a simple blade change the Evo saw 380 is advertised as quicker safer more accurate and economical that leaves a nice workable finish with virtually no heat burrs or sparks created when cutting next on the list is the dEWALT's d28 7 1 5 14 inch abrasive chop saw now there's not a whole lot to say about abrasive chop saws other than the fact that they do have their ranges capabilities possibilities and more and now if you look back on my season 1 in season 2 videos you might recall seeing this perform a whole lot of different tasks from tube notching to cutting for roll cages building tube front ends chassis components and more it's a pretty big staple than most fabrication shops and definitely one that a lot of people start with last but not least is my Italian made camo evie 996 industrial bandsaw this thing's features a very large cut capacity an angle capacity of 60 degrees a two-speed industrial 220 volt motor large chip tray and a built-in cooling system like many other band saws it is definitely one thing that you want to have inside of your shop can cut just about anything you throw in front of it and more out of all the band saws I have owned over the years this is definitely my favorite on my workbench is a handful of different materials from steel tubing and pipe to angle iron to bar stock and all thread flat stock composite decking and even a board with some nails in it all of it will be fed into the saws to find out which saw is best first up which one of these saws cuts the fastest so to make this fair and even we're going to use the exact same size with the exact same amount of stick out this is a 2 by 2 with a quarter inch wall steel tube very commonly used in like receiver hitches and stuff like that we're also going to cut it into a cube 2 inches of stick out and the clock that's gonna pop up here it's gonna start with a very second that every single one of these touches the metal I literally got it right down to the frame now this evolution power saw is really friggin loud I didn't turn it all the way up just to save you guys there where I like your own ear buds and stuff but it's got some volume to it have a teeny sound if you will hearing protection is definitely mandatory on this one it's I mean it's it's friggin loud not to mention some of the birds and stuff that fly out there but 29.2 seconds to cut through that that is really impressive I honestly wasn't expecting it so let's take a look into the chop saw this one seems to be getting some action done on this thing it is also definitely loud evolution song it's very very difficult to actually you know decide on that one I'm I'm not really sure but it's definitely getting some sparks flying through it the whole works 57.0 four seconds that's actually I thought that was gonna take a little bit longer but hey whatever moving on let's go on to the bandsaw here this one taken its dear sweet time now this is a brand new blade and I am running it at low speed but the cool thing about bandsaw is is you can talk over them they are actually really really quiet but I actually expected it to go just a little bit longer than it did which is kind of surprising but I am on low speed I'm on turtle not bunny and of course it cuts its way through here no problem one minute thirty point zero seven seconds and that is a nice clean cut that goes with it now here's the interesting thing I really didn't think that the evolution saw was going to cut it so quick and I didn't think the bandsaw was gonna cut it so slow to be perfectly honest with you I've never really paid that much attention to it but some very quick number crunching here will reveal that the evolution saw cuts it in one third of the speed of the bandsaw not bad not bad but let's try something a little different this looks like some schedule ten pipe maybe a two inch variety it's really nice about evolution power tools they have this little adapter here this little bracket little V groove that just kind of snaps on here and that will allow you to year round piece like a piece of pipe or a tube or whatever here they they supply that with the saw and that's pretty awesome so let's get this set up see how quick we get through this one just something to take note of while this is doing its thing here this clip is not sped up at all and this is my actual reaction Wow gee that's cool too I'm not burning my hand let's take some of these chips out of here see what kind of a mess we get out of it all right now I know you guys want to explore things like what's the cut quality and all the rest of that good stuff you know aside from the timing and you know prices and all that and trust me we're gonna get we're gonna hit those alright but as I was slicing all these up I noticed a very distinct difference in the actual by-product of what they with these saws throw down here so like the abrasive saw we already know that that's like a bunch of metal dust but what about the man glitter that comes off of the Evo saw or even the sparkly oil that comes off the bandsaw which one of them leaves more that's not how I remember it he says cluck-cluck hot hot hot I am definitely going to speed this clip up here so I don't want to make you sit through all that but I am keeping track of all the time and this piece actually took only an additional 14 seconds above the abrasive saw to actually get the cut out here so let's take a look no there's a little bit of chips in the inside of there it's probably not the exact amount but see if I get some of this cutting fluid out here too but you know you know what let's just put there as a byproduct anyway not bad at all so let's take a quick comparison of all the chips side by side here and you notice that the band saw the evolution saw those both put out a much larger sized chip while the abrasive saw puts out a very fine powder very small chip now this usually doesn't mean a whole lot to a lot of people but at the same time think about what goes into your lungs the large chip is less likely to be inhaled even though the evolution saw it does make them airborne the bandsaw will flush them away with coolant but the fine powder from the abrasive saw is much more dangerous to be breathing in or much more likely to get into your lungs you'll definitely want to be wearing a dust mask or respirator when you use it right cut quality which one of these is going to cut the cleanest leave the least amount of prep or finished work that you have to do afterwards in order to actually use the part now evolution makes a pretty bold statement as to their cut quality is like so perfect and you know virtually burr free sounds more like a bandsaw to me when I get done cutting with mine so we're also gonna put the abrasives in there just to make sure that we have comparison here so you see them all done let's line all three of them up right now this was just a little bit unexpected here on this one the bandsaw and the abrasive saw cut at the exact same speed and just look how fast the evolution saw just rips right on through that angle iron this is just nuts but before we show the results you're gonna just leave it on a teaser this is actually pretty cool this is exactly how they came off of the saw boom look at that alright so we have perfectly clean cut on the Evo saw perfectly clean cut on the bandsaw and on the abrasive saw we're gonna need some cleanup after that a little bit of post cut action now the next thing I wanted to test out as far as cut quality is concerned is all thread I've seen these you know in the videos and all RSS stuff cut before and personally I've never seen a saw in the history of saws that ever cuts up perfect you know burr free nice ready to go all thread cut but look closely here the band saw the evolution saw both of them left nice clean relatively burr free compared to the abrasive saw of course but none of them actually really give a nice perfectly clean cut on all threads they all need some sort of chamfering or thread finishing afterwards so hey you know hey I ran the test and my opinion still remains alright so we still have a board with some nails in it some composite decking I believe this is I don't want too much about that stuff but I also have some flat stock here it's like four inches wide looks like a good 3/16 inch maybe a maybe an eighth of an inch thick you know so I don't know I want to just keep on cutting metal or should we just jump into the composites I know that the saw is gonna melt this probably don't want to be standing in that one at least the abrasive will the abrasive will probably set this one on fire so it's kind of like a no contender let's do it anyway I have no idea how long these nails are so I'm just going to cut the end of it off the card like this I'll do it like this just do a little bit cuz I well make sure we have enough nail we go through all three of them they're all three saws so let's just start with this [Applause] yeah it doesn't seem to care about the hoes it's the sawdust though so I'm most definitely turning my coolant off for this one you can click right here make sure it's all dripped out of it we're gonna do the race of last cuz I got a feeling it's gonna set it on fire so also gives you an idea of the precision that these saws can uh can do here no cares there Wow you know having never done that it's pretty cool that it smells all like wooden here was a metal shop I think I'm just gonna have to run with that obligatory don't try this at home kids it's probably gonna catch on fire I don't know there's a there's enough coolant in there that maybe it won't but you never know a fire extinguisher on standby right down there [Applause] I say we open the door this is definitely not meant for wood yes well we left a hair Hut for a minute let's talk about this composite decking here you know I'm pretty sure that the carbide is gonna eat its way through it no problem at all pretty sure the bandsaw is gonna eat through it no problem at all but being that this is composite like plasticy kind of recycled bits or whatever it is I'm not really sure I'm pretty sure the same results gonna happen on the on the chop saw over there with it melting so I'm definitely gonna say don't try this at home because with all that extra heat it's gonna turn like gooey like melted plastic it starts spring everywhere and yeah that doesn't just you know come right off your skin it keeps on burning as it sits there so I'm probably gonna sleeve up for this one and protect myself a bit because that's probably gonna sting but for the sake of knowing we'll cut it anyway [Applause] [Music] Hey time to open the door again so here's where it all boils down to you which one of these saws is gonna be the best for you so I'm not gonna help you make that decision you've seen what you each one of them can do and all the rest that stuff but let's look kind of like it the budgets real quick and the things that you have to do on top of that if you only have a couple hundred bucks to spend grab an abrasive yeah you're gonna have to spend a little extra time cleaning all that stuff up afterwards but you know what they've been around forever they do the job they're inexpensive I mean jeez you don't even have to spend like 200 bucks on it's a Walt you can probably get it you know a cheaper one or you know another brand or something like that for a few a few dollars less the evolution power tools that saw runs like four to five hundred bucks right now maybe you can get it less on sale whatever of course if you want to do a different metal you got to change the blade out I'll be very honest with you I tried it on stainless steel and I fried that blade it did not it did not work out well on aluminum it'll slice it all day long nice and clean everything's good unfortunately not in this video but the steel blade that that sucker just keeps on going that's a nice clean saw that is really awesome and the only trade-off is it makes a lot of mess and there is a ton of noise associated with it I mean that thing is that is ear piercing how it goes now on to band saws now band saws are definitely you know I think a staple to your you know big fabrication or even small fabrication shop the cut quality is clean it's really awesome that you can line up virtually anything inside of these things but the only trade off is they cost several thousand dollars and the more features and the nicer nicer they are the more could the more they cost right so my bandsaw is believe about 3400 dollars retail and then the coolant is roughly 40 to 50 bucks a gallon and it holds like 3 or 4 gallons of coolant inside the tank in there so you know I mean there's this extra Associated cost not to mention when you get it out of the bandsaw there's usually chips and fluid and stuff like that stuck to it you gotta at least wipe it down so there's a little bit further prep involved in it but the precision on it is incredible now final thoughts on this one that evolution saw is pretty serious stuff I mean that's you know I was super skeptical but that's pretty impressive not gonna lie now that is gonna wrap it up for this episode and I want to thank you guys for watching as always if you got any comments or questions go ahead and drop them down in the comments box below need to get a hold of any of the tools we got here they're also in the link down in the description now if you need to get in contact with us hit us up on the fabrication website instagram at dot fabricator and slash the fabricator series also down in the comments and description below you'll find all that information so if you like what you saw please consider liking and subscribing and hopefully I'll catch you guys on the next episode
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 461,798
Rating: 4.8706074 out of 5
Keywords: Evolution saw, evosaw380 review, evosaw vs bandsaw, chop saw vs evo saw, cold saw, carbide chop saw, cold saw vs bandsaw, bandsaw vs chop saw, evo saw review, fastest metal saw, cleanest metal saw, best metal cutting saw, best metal chop saw, TFS, Season 5, The Fabricator
Id: f7Ern1lW4gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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