TFS: Made My Own Fixture Table

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behind me is the shop below me is the machine room in order for my custom fixture table to be practical from my workflow it has to have dimensions larger than the one thing that's stopping me from using it in both places this door here is how this build went down season 5 usually the first question that comes out of people's mouths is why does your table have a bunch of holes in it and then when they find out the answer is because it's a fixture table the next question tends to be what is a fixture table well very simply put a fixture table is nothing more than any surface with a bunch of mounting locations or points that will help facilitate putting something together or welding it or building it and while there is a very technical definition to that that's about as close as I'm gonna get with it now it doesn't have to be an actual table it can be something simple like a crummy welding fixture plate not necessarily a table by design but it definitely has a bunch of points that will facilitate mounting something to it making it a little bit easier to weld or holding it in place while you do it think of it more like a universal jig or universal fixture you add whatever you need to add into it to make it hold whatever you need to do for that job when that job is done we erase it completely clear it and voila set it all up again to do another job there's nothing really common about fixture tables other than the fact that they have a bunch of holes and they all pretty much serve the same purpose so you don't really have to worry about copying or finding somebody else's but they do have a few things about them that are very typical such as the size of the hole which is usually either 5/8 or a 16 millimeter which means that diameter of that hole will facilitate holding a pin or something else similar to it like a clamp or a bolt or stop or anything else like that that is of that diameter the other thing that you normally find is the distance between the two of them it's very common to see something with two inch on center that means the distance from the center of one hole to the center of another one either parallel or perpendicular to it is going to be two inches away from the other one that's pretty common too and that's the design of my table but that's pretty much where it ends aside from needing it to go in and out of that door I also have a few other key features that I wanted to put it in my table there's nothing really typical about results on a plasma cutter some are absolutely better than others but you got to find out what your tolerance is and what it actually produces before you go ripping apart a sheet that's why it's a good idea to have some samples cut these samples came off of my plasma cutter and it's basically considered as is so if I go through here and I hold it up here I look at it I check all of my clearances my tabs the slots everything else that goes with it I to find out if this will actually work in its complete finished condition and then I can go and rip a sheet apart if it doesn't work I just go through and adjust the cat a little bit and say hey I need a little bit more clearance here a little bit less there and so on now once you have all of that solidified and your design is good it's just time to start cutting at that point so let's get on that [Music] [Music] [Music] three hundred and eighteen holes cleaned up on both sides sometimes I wish it was a laser but maybe henna by really impressed without this fast cut actually cut all these holes out like the tolerances that I was able to maintain and how clean every one of them it's like perfect I love it but now we have a problem 3/16 material as it sits right now is not like the most stable antiwar P type of thickness that you would normally go for it'll do for a lot quite a bit actually but we do have to kind of make sure that it resists the the urge or the ability to warp distort or move around so that's why we have some slats that we're gonna add onto here which will effectively increase the thickness and fight Distortion now they were strategically positioned because you notice I have a big giant hole in the middle of here which I'll show you guys later but now it's time to get all of these lined up I have a ridiculously tight tolerance on them as well just because I knew I could get it and I don't want it to be like super loose anyway so there's gonna be some clamping there's gonna be some making sure that everything lines up beautifully and I'm going to take my time and getting these on here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so why is there a big giant hole in the middle of my table now that's actually a really good question and even on the last table that I built that was the cheap DIY fab table video that we did you remember that had some removable sections and some adjustable slats and stuff like that this is pretty much the same concept basically speaking if I need to feed something through the table to get into position or it's kind of an awkward you know piece or something like that that I'm working on I can simply just take this out feed it through the table and I don't have to worry about repositioning or anything else like that it just it just makes it a little bit easier the other thing I'm gonna add some sheet metal to this very soon and we'll attach it all on there so if I flip it over I now have a tray for tools parts whatever I need so that's why I have this section here in the middle of my table removable moving on there's only so much work that I can do with the tools that I have on hand and there's only so much accuracy that I can achieve with those tools there's only so much time in the day that I can actually do this to work on it and all the rest that good stuff so I have to outsource to date I'm at precision to Blaser they're gonna do the job that I need to get done with the accuracy and precision in a fraction of the time [Music] very sorry so busy there's always something happening here what would you do with this if you could fit it inside of your garage [Music] Cosi always my cavity yeah [Music] seriously that's only 20 seconds whoa don't put a baseball bat on that could it go any faster time is money and while I would love to show you guys exactly what this million dollar machine can do my parts are on deck and I have to get back to work but if you want to see more about it let me know in the comments I'll make another video all about precision tube [Music] only in Vegas hey let me a hand one hand I win it's free all right yeah you're a dollar no I forgot it doesn't take cards it should yeah I know you should poins any coins there's no coin slot make one yeah okay look at this loo this fit up here play this just snap like right into place this is totally awesome the guy's a precision completely killed it I love it but I've decided the first project that I'm gonna do on this one is going to be putting all these legs and all that stuff together so I got to get this thing sanded down prepped up and ready and then we'll put everything together because I mean it's a fixture table right we'll start using it before it's even done [Music] [Music] the concert is so perfect that I can just sandwich that piece of aluminum in there that is so sweet looking not to mention we got a tray I can put stuff in it I'm loving this thing so I was getting a little ahead of myself there and primarily because I wanted to find out whether or not I was gonna big or TIG weld these the answer is MIG now the reason why when you cut something like a reactive metal or just about any metal for that matter with something that's not a shielding gas like in this case these were cut with oxygen to drive the price down instead of nitrogen nitrogen would have shielded it and left it very able and clean ready to be welded with a TIG for example but since these were done with oxygen got to use the MIG so I just switched to the MIG put a big old fat gnarly bevel on it cleaned and brightened every single surface that's gonna be welded and we're just gonna blast all these together the beauty of these laser-cut parts they literally just fit face to face perfectly like just beautifully fit there so we can quite literally just set them up no need to worry about who's super hardcore fixturing or anything like that we just need to line them up blast some tacks on them and beat the crap out of them with the weld to make sure that it goes all the way through I got a land on it a little bit of a face but heavy on the welds and you know maybe we'll take a couple of things another thing I have to think about is my order of operations or my order of welds that I have to do here because this sleeve right here this is a receiver tubing and it just slides over so that way we can make our table adjustable these detents these locking detents these will open up or close do the whole works we're going to blast those on there and then once we start moving it around and everything lines up to its hole they just lock into place this makes the table foldable and movable so I can get in and out of the door like I need to do so these will also get blasted on they're pretty heavy but all of these joints you've got to make sure that you get the right order going in here because if we put all of this together right now without the sleeve on we would not be able to get it on there so got to make sure we pay attention to that I'm just gonna blast through all this real quick get it all lined up beautifully fit and we'll get going [Music] alright so there's a couple of things that we need to pay attention to on this one because these things are heavy and we're gonna weld the crap out of them so we gotta make sure that whatever it is that we do on here it's gonna be done right the first time so half the tubes already assembled just for the sake of saying that I did that notice the location of our pins where they're at I want to make sure that they're both on the same side and that will be the inside of the tables so when we get this all set up here I'm literally just gonna tack it with the short circuit settings that we have on here just to get it in place and I mean the fit is just so perfect on this one that it's kind of hard to screw up so as long as both pins same side we'll just tack it in place real quick so they don't move and then once I have both of them tacked up and good well change our settings over I set up for spray transfer because this is one seriously heavy-duty weld that I want on here all the way to the table is sitting on this sucker so we got to make sure that it's on there nice and tight now all the synergic settings on the front nice trans steel this is the 2700 the really big one it's really simple you just tell it what you're welding or the thickness of what you're welding and it does the rest so at this voltage and wire feed speed which is four hundred sixty inches emit at twenty five and a half volts it's gonna be a full-on spray transfer which means it's gonna burn like super hardcore right up into that metal right where I want it okay the table on the floor obviously legs in place where they need to be I do have to cut up some spacers here to make sure that they sit in the same place where they're supposed to be but I need to have all this together so I can measure all of it out now this beefy super hardcore table light setup here well essentially fold so I have a heim joint that I'm gonna put on this end over here and then when we pull the pin see if I do this by hand here there we go when I pull the pin that sleeve will slide down this whole assembly folds up and then it means the tabletop will fold up and we can get it through that door so let's take some measurements here just kind of get all this stuff set up here do some more cutting and putting together and then of course once it's all said and done we got to put in a piece of tube or something there in the middle to connect all of it then we can slap the wheels on call this thing done because I got a big job that's coming up that's gonna need this table for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching you
Channel: The Fabrication Series
Views: 250,622
Rating: 4.9163599 out of 5
Keywords: fixture table, DIY Fixture table, custom fixture table, custom welding table, diy welding table, welding table ideas, fixture table ideas, cool welding table, fabrication table, table with holes in it, The Fabricator, The Fabrication Series, TFS, Season 5
Id: U2fwGGeyfKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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