TFL SERU Section 1 - Free Mock Test - London PHV Driver Licensing

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hi all welcome back to our Channel again today we're going to practice the tfl seru section one if you still haven't watched the tfl seru section one please go to our Channel and watch them to be confident about the your ability to face to this exercise successfully download our tfl seru exam preparation app and quickly pass the exam this exercise consists of simple multiple choice questions short passage multiple choice questions and fill in the blank questions with answers this is the lesson content at the end of this exercise you will get a better understanding about the important aspect of tfl serus Section 1 therefore please watch the video Until the End to make sure that you will never miss out any important parts of the video before we start please subscribe subscribe to my channel to get an instant notification once I upload a new video without talking more let's move on to the exercise quiz one licensing requirements let's begin this part question one what's the minimum age to get a tfl private hire license you were given four options 18 20 25 21 the correct answer is 21 question two what is the maximum age you can be to get a tfl private higher license given answers are 60 65 70 there is no upper age limit the correct answer is there is no upper age limit question three how many years must you have held your driving license to get a tfl private hire license which is the correct answer 5 3 2 the correct answer is three question four what kind of criminal background check do you need to pass to get a tfl private hire license options are a basic DBS check an enhanced DBS check by any provider an enhanced check by a tfl authorized DBS provider the correct answer is an enhanced check by a tfl authorized DBS provider now we're going to practice fill in the blank questions in these type questions you have to to complete a passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box before moving on to the next question let's get started question five to work as a local phv driver you will need to be licensed by tfl only then can you carry out private hire for a London private hire operator that is also licensed by tfl question six you must have the right to live and work in the UK If there are restrictions on a driver's right to live and work in the UK tfl will add an appropriate condition on the license question seven you you must be a fit and proper person to hold a license you will need to have an enhanced criminal records check done by the disclosure and barring service DBS question 8 to get a license you will need to take a separate test to check your ability to select and plan route read a map and identify locations question nine you must have a full dvla Northern Ireland European union or european economic area State driving license that is at least 3 years old please read the following information carefully and answer the question below you will need to take a separate test to check your ability to select and plan a route read a map and identify locations the test is held in a center approved by tfl and conducted under exam conditions by a tfl examiner this test is known as a topographical skills assessment question which of the following statements is correct option one the topographical skills assessment is done on pen and paper option two the topographical skills assessment tests your ability to use S8 navs option three the topographical skills assessment is conducted by a tfl examiner let's see the correct answer the correct answer is the topographical skills assessment is conducted by a tfl Examiner please read the following information carefully and answer the question below you will need to prove that you have at least a B1 level of ability in the English language B1 is a level of English in the common European framework of reference for languages CFR to prove your English language speaking and listening skills you will need to take a test the test is held in a tfl building and conducted under exam conditions your English language reading and writing skills will be derived from the safety equality and Regulatory understanding assessment question which of the following statements is correct there are three options option one you will need to take a b one English test to prove your reading and writing skills option two the test to prove your B one level of ability in English will be held in a TF building option three the safety equality and Regulatory understanding assessment tests your speaking and listening skills the correct answer is option two the test to prove your B one level of ability in English will be held in a tfl building quiz two private hire driver's license let's practice simple multiple choice questions and answers also in this quiz question one how will you know that your phv driver application has been approved option one tfl will call you option two tfl will send a letter to the address on your driver's license option three tfl will only email you option four tfl will send a letter to your current address there are two correct answers those are tfl will send a letter to the address on your driver's license tfl will send a letter to your current address question two where should you store your tfl private license let's think the answer keep it in your glove compartment at all times keep it with you whenever you are working keep it at home in a safe place the correct answer is keep it at home in a safe place question three if a police officer or tfl authorized officer asks to see your license you must present it there and then or show it with within you have multiple choices as 7 Days 24 hours 48 hours the correct answer is seven days please complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unusual words must be dragged into the red box before moving on to the next question question four the letter that comes with your phv driver's license contains important information about your responsibilities as a London phv driver including any conditions you must meet question five as soon as you are licensed it is important that you keep in contact with tfl and to respond to any letters emails or other forms of communication question six your license may have some conditions attached to it for example if you have a medical condition you may be required to have extra medical checks questions seven if a police officer or tfl authorized officer asks to see your license you must let them see it there and then or with a maximum of 7 days here you have to select two answers from the list question one which of these pieces of information does your phv driver's badge contains select two answers options are your photo your name your date of birth the correct answer are your photo and your name question two which information does your operator provide passengers that they can check against your phv drivers badge select two answers your name your vehicle registration your phv license number your photograph the correct answers are your name and your photograph now let's move on to fill in the blank questions under phv driver's badge let's look at this question uh please complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box question three your phv drivers badge displays your name photograph license number and date your license period ends question four if a passenger asks for your license number you should let them see your badge so that they can write the number down remember to put unused words into the red box if not you will lose marks now we have come to question five drag and drop the correct words the phv badge includes text in Braille which means a vision impaired person can you that you are licensed question six remember that phv drivers badge is for you to use only you must not allow any other person to use it to carry out bookings question seven which actions should you take if your phv driver's badge is stolen you have to select two answers from the given list report it to tfl and the police report it to the police obtain a crime reference number reported to your operator the correct answers are reported to tfl and the police obtain a crime reference reference number quiz I4 medical conditions question one what medical standards must you meet to be licensed as a tfl phv driver here are the three options dvla group 2 medical standards dvla group 4 medical standards EU group 2 medical standards the correct answer is dvla group 2 medical standards question two which of the following May mean you are exempt from providing a medical form for your phv driver application select two answers you have a current London taxi driver license you have a full dvla group 3 license already you have a full or provisional dvla group 2 license already you have any pilot's license correct two answers are you have a current London taxi driver license you have a full or provisional dvla group to license already now we have come to the third question what should you do if you develop a new medical condition that may affect your ability to drive option one you should report it to your GP option two you should let tfl know only when your phv renewal is due option three a nothing option four you should tell tfl immediately last one is the correct answer you should tell tfl immediately question four a driver should tell tfl immediately if they develop which of the following medical conditions select two answers let's check out available answers irritable bowel syndrome influenza diabetes epilepsy diabetes and epilepsy are the correct answers for this in question five you need to complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box in most cases you will need to have a medical a examination with someone that is a doctor who has access to your full medical records question six you may be exempt from supplying a medical form if you have a valid current pilot license issued by the joint Aviation authorities when it comes to the seventh question you will be able to select and drag the correct words if you follow previous exercises correctly tfl will remind you when a medical examination is due and send you the uh form you need quiz V change of address and circumstances question one what changes to personal circumstances must be reported to tfl select two answers let's see the available answers if you have broken the law and have been disqualified from driving if you are the subject of a mental health order or sexual offenses order if you have applied for a phv license with another Authority if you've applied to become a hgv driver for this question first two statements are the correct answers question two uh please complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box before moving on to the next question it is important that tfl has your correct home address and email address so that you can be contacted uh with any information about your license question three you should also tell us about any changes to your email address or telephone number remember to put unused words into the red box if not you will lose marks now we are in the fourth question of quiz five as a license or London phv driver you must tell tfl immediately if you're personal circumstances change here we are in the quiz VI convictions pcns and right to work please read the following information carefully and answer the question below if there are restrictions on a driver's right to live and work in in the UK tfl will add an appropriate condition on the license if you are in this situation you should make sure comply with these conditions and make sure you have a continuing right to work in particular if you are in the UK on a student visa you you will only be allowed to work for a limited number of hours each week and you will not be allowed to be self-employed question which of the following statements is correct statement one you cannot get a phv driver's license on a student visa statement two you can get a phv driver's license on a student visa and work Limited hours as self-employed statement three you can get a phv driver's license on a student visa and be employed working Limited hours per week statement four you can only be self-employed as a phv driver the correct answer is statement three you can get a phv driver's license on a student visa and be employed working Limited hours per week question two How soon must you inform tfl if you get arrested convicted or cautioned immediately Within 24 hours within days within 14 days the answer is you must inform tfl [Music] immediately question three under which circumstances should you inform tfl if you get a fixed penalty notice option one never tfl are not concerned with fixed penalty notices option two if the fixed penalty notice results in a fine option three if the fixed penalty notice results in penalty points if the fixed penalty notice results in penalty points the correct answer is if the fixed penalty notice results in penalty points question four please complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box before moving on to the next question if you or fail to tell tfl about any convictions you could have your license revoked question five as we practice we have to drag the correct words from the list we have let's see how we do it in particular if you are in the UK on a student visa you will only be allowed to work for a limited number of hours each week and you will not be allowed to be selfemployed quiz seven complaints licensing action and DBS question one what happens when tfl receives a complaint made against you or becomes aware of any behavior that is not satisfactory options are as belows tfl will write to you to inform you of their decision tfl will write to you and ask for your comments tfl will say send an authorized officer to collect your license tfl will contact your operator to ask for their comments uh the correct one is tfl will write to you and ask for your comments question two what will happen if your phv driver's license has been revoked or suspended and you do not return it to tfl let's see the given answers there is no need to return your phv driver's license to tfl you will be arrested dvla will revoke your driving license tfl may send an authorized officer to take it off you the correct answer is tfl may send an authorized officer to take take it off you question three what things does the DBS check show select three answers let's read the given answers before select the correct answers a any convictions cautions reprimands and final warnings you may have your insurance claims history local police information relevant to you working as a phv driver if you are on the list of people who are prevented from working with vulnerable groups your employment history three answers we should pick up are any convictions cautions reprimands and final warnings you may have local police information relevant to you working as a phv driver if you are on the list of people who are prevented from working with vulnerable groups question four as please complete the following passage by selecting a word or phrase and dragging it into the space in the sentence any unused words must be dragged into the red box before moving on to the next question if for any reason your license uh is revoked you must return your license to tfl within 7 days question five if tfl receives a complaint about you or becomes aware of any behavior that is not satisfactory tfl May write to you with the details and ask for your comments sixth question if your phv driver's license way is suspended or revoked and you are the owner of a licensed private hire vehicle tfl may take the decision to revoke the vehicle license as well now we have come to end of the session I hope you have learned the most important lessons worth to you for your examination on next time we will meet again with a new video Until Then you have a wonderful week ahead don't forget like comment subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Pco 4 London
Views: 36,245
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Id: eQb6xSIifec
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Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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