Seru Mock Assessment Section1 | Seru Mock Test Practice

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Transport for London known as tfl has recently introduced safety equality and Regulatory understanding assessment zero for all its phv driver license holder all existing driver and new applicant must have to pass Zero by 30 September 2023 or 30 September 2024 or 31st March 2025 depends on your circumstances you have to pass Theory assessment by this deadline to get your license and secure your job that means if you don't pass your zero no zero means no license and no job so be careful there's no alternative second you must need to read private higher Vehicle drivers handbook to pass your zero test today we are going to cover Section 1 London PHP drivers licensing and we are going to assess multiple chess questions and true false questions if you need to learn this section or improve your skills please watch this video till the end our cool Express a journey to success foreign welcome back to the video today we are going to learn how to pass the survey assessment the most important things is to pass Siri assessment you must need to read private hire Vehicle drivers handbook there are 10 section in this handbook including the grocery section today we are going to discuss Section 1 learner PHP driver licensing in the assessment there will be three type of questions multiple chess questions two false questions and fill in the Gap but today we are going to learn multiple choice and true false questions there will be safeguarding questions in your serial assessment to answer it correctly you must need to go through safeguarding awareness course and understand every element of this course the link is provided in the description section or you can get the link from tfl website to get most benefit from this video I suggest you follow my three simple instructions read the private head Driver's Handbook thoroughly the link for this handbook is provided in the description section also you can get the link from tfl website my second advice is pause and play I will tell you where to puzzle play and third one is avoid fail fail means first attempt in learning so first time if you watch the video you must probably get 30 to 40 percent correct if you watch the video second time and avoid fail you will get 70 to 80 percent correct let's start our assessment from section one question one what is the minimum age limit to get a license the four options are 18 years 21 years 25 years or no minimum age limit to get answer for this question we need to go to page number six on our Driver's Handbook and this magnified section if you read this section it said you must be age 21 or older when you apply for your license there is no upper age limit and from this information if we try to answer the question of this one and the answer is 21 years question two there are no minimum age limit for applying phv driver's license true or false to get the answer also we need to pay six also from the same section and the answer for the question is false if you look at this section again the page six this from this section we just practice two different type of question from one save information so make sure you understand the information so that any type of question you can answer the question is here to give you an idea but main things you must need to understand all the information in Driver's Handbook let's move on to question number three what information is displayed on your PHP drivers badge option first option is your name photograph license number and the date your license period ends second option your name photograph date of birth license number and date your license period ends third option your name photograph date of birth and license number and the last option is your name photograph license number the date your license period ends and your vehicle registration number this is the point where you need to pause try the answer yourself best to get the answer for this question we need to go page number seven and this magnified section pause the video if you want to read down the information and then play again let's try the answer now hopefully you have found the answer yourself for question three is first one your name photographs license number and the date your license period ends tfl says this handbook will be kept unaltered and all PHP driver's license holders must comply this handbook as long as they are license holder true or false before we move on pause the video now try yourself to answer this question we need to read two set of information the first information from page two if you look this highlighted section this one says maybe altered or amended and the second set of information from page number five where it says You must comply with them all once again pause the video and try to answer yourself and then play the video and find the answer the answer is false is false because all the information is here all the looks like true but only the one word kept unaltered but actually we know the Driver's Handbook always can be amended or can be altered so but this one says unaltered so this question is false be careful when you are reading for one small information if he's wrong hold statement is wrong which driving licenses are accepted by tfl while applying for PHP driver's license a full driving license from dvla Northern Ireland European union or european economic area that is at least three years old or a full driving license only from dvla and Northern Ireland that is at least three years old which one is correct to get the answer for this one we need to go to page number six and the section is this glorified section we need to read if you want to read pause the video and read it oh it's your turn pause the video and try to answer this one now let's check the answer the answer is the first option let's move on to the next question if we have a condition in your license where can you get further information about that condition it will be explained in the letter sent to you with your license or you need to contact tfl before you start working extra information will be emailed to you it is available in Driver's Handbook as you remember pause the video now and try yourself if you can't you can find the information from here to answer this question this is in page number six and this is the glorified section you need to read to answer this question now the answer for this question is the first one it will be explained in the letter sent to you with your license seven if you find your original badge or license after being reported of lose or stolen you must return it to tfl true or false to answer this question you need to go to this page numbers 8 and this is the section where you can find your answer and the answer is true question eight which of the following are considered as licensing requirement you must be aged 21 or older you must have the right to live in the UK you must have a British passport no minimum age limit try yourself to answer this one you need to go to page number six and this is the section where you will get your answer answers are two of them you must be age 21 or older and you must have the right to live in the UK If you look at this question this tells us with which of the following are this R gives us a clue the answer of this question must be more than one okay let's go to number nine once you get your license you need to keep communication with gfl how can you do it answer any phone call from tfl continue call or email them and ask them to tell if tell you if there is any update always check your email and respond respond to any letters emails or other forms of communications to answer this one you need to go to page number seven and this is the section already the device the answer is hidden the answer for this one is the last option respond to any letters emails or other forms of communications an exemption notice of wiring driver's badge you must keep your driver's badge in your car at all times when working as a PHP driver carry that notice with you at all times when working as a PHP driver carry a copy of that notice and driver license with you at all time when working as a PHP driver no one can be exempt from wearing a badge to get the answer for this one this is the page number seven and this is the section where you need to read let's see the what is the answer the second one carry that notice with you at all time when working as a PHP driver number 11 where you should keep your license you should keep your license at home in a safe place keep with you always while you are working give it to your PhD operator and they will keep it in their safe place the information for this answer is in page number seven and this glorified section the answer for this question is you should keep your license at home in a safe place if you don't have PHP driver's license with you while the police asked to show it what can you do you must let them see it at the spot or within a maximum of seven days you must send it to tfl within a maximum of seven days you must let them see within a maximum of four weeks you must show them your driver badge from where they can find out your license number the answer of this question is in place number seven and this is the zoom in section where you can find the answer and answer is you must let them see at the spot or within a maximum of seven days some of the words in the PHP Driver's Handbook have links to a section where you can find the meaning of those words what is this section called the glossary the index or the contents page information is not page number four this is the section where you need to look it and the answer for this one is the glossary what information does your operator have to pass to the passenger your name photograph license number and vehicle details your name photograph and vehicle details your name photograph license number the date your license period ends and your vehicle details your name photograph and your license number the information is in page number seven this is the section you need to read and the answer for this one is your name photograph and vehicle details who else can use your badge no one except you any other PHP driver license holder any PHP driver license holder who lives in your address any member of your family information is hidden in page number eight this is the section you need to read and the answer for these questions is no one except you the PHP operators must keep copies of your some documents what are those PHP driver's license your dvla nieuea driving license PHP drivers badge and passport PSP driver license and your driving license PHP driver's license your driving license and your insurance certificate PHP driver's license your driving license your insurance certificate and PHP diverse page and passport to get the answer for this one this is the section you need to go page number seven and the answer for this one is the second one PHP diverse license and your dvla nieue air driving license 17. if a vision impaired person asks you for your license number what you should do options are you should tell them your driving license number because they can't see two tell them they could call the operator if they don't trust you third option you should give them your badge because a vision impaired person can also know that you are licensed the last one is they don't have any right to see your driver's badge so don't give it to them the information is hidden on page number eight this is the section you need to read so answer for this question number 17 is you should give them your badge because a vision impaired person can also know that you are licensed from what age all PHP driver must have a medical assessment every year from the age of 45 from the age of 65 never PHP drivers only need a medical examination each time they apply to renew their license if they are in pension answer for this section to need to find from page number eight this is the section where is the answer and the answer is from the age of 65. if your PHP driver's page or license has been stolen who should you inform tfl police tfl and the police or none of them pause the video now I believe you are constantly pausing the video while I finish to read a question and try yourself best before you look at that information do it now as well pause the video and try yourself the answer for this section is hidden in page number eight and this zoom in section need to read answer for these questions is tfl and the police make sure one things because it says the license has been stolen definitely we need to inform both of them if the license is lost then you need to inform only tfl not police so be careful with this type of questions question 20 who can give you a medical certificate any professional doctor can examine and give you the certificate any professional Doctor Who has access to all of your medical records can examine and give you the certificate tfl will accept medical certificate only from your GP answer for this question is in page number six and this is the information you need to read answer for this question is any professional Doctor Who has access to all of your medical records can examine and give you the certificate so be careful not only GP you should tell police immediately if between medical examinations you develop a new medical condition that you may affect your ability to drive through or false you need to read this section in page number eight to answer that question and the answer is false because if we have any medical condition changes so we need to inform tfl not police 22. you may be exempt from supplying a medical form if you have a current London taxi driver's license have a client private hire vehicle driver license from other authority have a valid current pilot's license issued by the joint Aviation authorities or the last one all of them to get the answer for this one we need to go page number eight and it hidden in this information answer for this one is have a current London taxi driver license and have a valid current pilot license issued by the joint Aviation authorities from what age all phb driver must have a medical assessment each time they renew their license from age of 45 from the age of 65 never PHP driver only need a medical examination each time they apply to renew their license if they are in pension answer for this one in page number eight and this is the section you need to read let's check the answer which is from the age of 45. you should tell tfl immediately if between medical examination you develop any new medical condition of the following psychiatric illness epilepsy covid-19 or all of them this is the section you need to read in page number nine and the answer for this one is psychiatric illness and epilepsy if you lose your PHP driver's page or license or somebody steal it which statement is true you can continue work as long as you have police reference number with you you can continue work as long as you have police reference number and a copy of your license with you you cannot continue working as a as a PhD driver you cannot continue driving your licensed vehicle you need to look at page number eight and this is the section you need to read to get the answer and the answer is you cannot continue working at as a PSV driver which one of the following statement is correct the address on your PHP driver's license should be the same as the address on your dvla license your PHP driver's license doesn't contain your address you don't need to tell tfl if both addresses are not the same your dvla license doesn't continue your address the answer for this question is hidden in page number nine and this is the section you need to read and the answer is the address on your PHP driver's license should be the same as the address on your dvln license 27. if you change your address you should tell tfl within 7 Days 21 days 28 days none of them answer for this section is hidden in page 9 and this is the section you need to read answer is 21 days 28. which of the following two changes you must Delta feel immediately either a family member or public complaint against you to the police if you have broken the law and have been disqualified from driving a case is running on the code against you if you are the subject of a mental health order or sexual offenses order you need to read page number nine and this is the highlighted section and also you need to read in page number 10 that section to answer this question so answer for this one is if you have broken the law and have been disqualified from driving and if you are the subject of a mental health order because sexual offenses order if you are in the UK on a student visa and you have right to work for a limited number of hours which statement is true tfl won't issue any license for them tfl will issue a license without condition tfl will issue a license with an appropriate condition on the license that they won't be allowed to work as a self-employed answer is in place number 10 this is the highlighted section you need to read and the answer is yes gfl will issue a license with an appropriate condition on the license that they won't be allowed to work as a self-employed if you have broken the law and have been disqualified from driving what of the following action you must take inform the tfl in from the tfl and police in from the tfl and police and send your PHP driver's license inform the tfl and send your PHP driver license and badge answer is in page number nine this is the session you need to read answer is inform.tfl and send your PHP driver license and badge 31 if you want to change your address in your driving license where can you find the information about it ask other licensed driver the operator Driver's Handbook or back of your dvla license try yourself best if not try to read this section page number nine and the answer is hidden in this section the answer for this one is back of your dvla license oh hang on is it true according to this information it is if I want to change my address in my driving license the details of how to do this are on the back of your dvla license but I checked my my dvla driving license I didn't find any information I'm not sure what they're talking about but still we have to rely on this handbook according to this handbook the answer is the one question 32. you must tell tfl immediately if you are arrested you are convicted cautioned for any crime all of them which one is true to get answer for this one we need to read page 10 this section and the answer for this one is all of them next question if for any reason your license is revoked you must return your license to tfl within seven days 14 days 21 days or 20 days the information is in page number 10 in this section and the answer for this one is within seven days if your PHP driver's license is suspended or revoked tfl May revoke the vehicle license with your driver license true or false to answer this one we need to read page number 11 in this section and the answer is true they may revoke the vehicle license not the will they will do it but the merry book it if you get frequent parking ticket what can be done by tfl nothing to do by tfl tfl won't know it so you are relaxed tfl metric licensing action against you read this section in page number 10 to get the answer for this one and the answer for this question is tfl Matic licensing action against you so be careful 36. which of the following changes you must tell tfl immediately either a family member or public complaint against you with the police if you are on children's bed list if you change your address if you get a driving offense notice from police to answer this one we need to read two set of questions one is page number nine and this is the information set another set is in page number 10 and this is the part what we need to read and answer for this question is if you are on children's beard list or and if you change your address 37 what level of English Standard is required level 1 at least a B1 level of ability GCSE Standard English no English test is required for people that are born and brought up in the UK to answer this one we need to read page number six this is the highlighted section and the answer for this one is at least a B1 level of ability 38 from the age of 45 PHP drivers must have a medical examination each time they apply to renew their license from the age of 65 PHP drivers must have a medical assessment every year if you do not send tfl all the necessary information you might lose your license if you have an existing medical condition extra medical examination may be needed this information is being taken from Driver's Handbook according to the information which two of the following statements are correct PHP drivers must have a medical examination every time they apply to renew their license from the age of 65. PHP drivers must have a medical examination every time they apply to renew their license from the age of 45 PHP drivers must have a medical examination each time they apply to renew their license PHP drivers must have a medical examination every year from the age of 65. pause the video and try yourself best and now check the answer the first answer is PHP divers must have a medical examination every time they apply to renew their license from the age of 45 and PHP driver must have a medical examination every year from the age of 65. question 39 again from the same information which two of the following statements are correct you may lose your license if you don't send the necessary information to that tfl if you develop a new medical condition which affects your driving you must inform tfl PSB drivers must have a medical examination each time they apply to renew their license PHP drivers must have a medical examination every year from the age of 65 try to answer yourself and now check if you get correct answer the answer is you may lose your license if you don't send the necessary information to the tfl and PHP drivers must have a medical examination every year from the age of 65. thank you very much for staying with tawakul Express and learn the section 1. if you like the video please hit the like button and let me know in the comment section adverse welcome for my next video section 2 and very soon is coming serum mock test with all sections until then stay well thank you
Channel: Tawakkul Express
Views: 92,706
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Keywords: Seru assessment, Seru assessment all sections, seru assessment tfl, seru assessment section 1, seru assessment tfl mock test, seru assessment mock test free, seru mock test, seru mock assessment, seru mock test practice, tfl seru mock test, tfl seru test example, safety equality and regulatory understanding seru assessment
Id: kkp3i3FsC-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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