SERU Real 2024 Exam Questions | TFL SERU assessment 2024, SERU assessment mock test2 ,sa pco seru

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hi uh welcome to the another video first of all I want to say thank you to you all you love my videos as you know I did the exam on the 19th of April 2024 uh so I'm going to put all this test in this video please watch to the uh till to the end uh so you will find out where you stand lot of people worried about this test and I waited for 2 and a half year to make this video because people are asking how we can uh when we will get this real exam question so I had exam on the 19th of April 2024 uh so luckily at De about 98% uh questions so I'm going to put in this video I will put on the website which is called Saco seru training you can get assess and you must try this test with your hand please as well because uh we were uh hearing a story about the fill in the blanks grammar this question these test is very hard um then I was worried as well but when I done this test with myself it was so simple so easy uh because when you uh feel or see something with your eyes then you find out hearing stories is different criteria and when the people come from the exam they don't remember exactly as well so we can't get exact but um I'm going to put these all question on my website and on this uh video as well uh again please watch till to the end uh and um some advices please listen this one because you ask me these kind of question is difficult to answer everybody so that's why I try my best to give the answer in the videos because iing too many messages uh so thank you for your love and God bless you um so first you no need any kind of training might some people uh if you go to school in the UK If you done your gcsc trust me you don't need any training you just try this test with your hand you will find out how easy is this if you want to do practice it's up to you just read the booklet only the 5% people I'm going to give you the example about this F in the blanks question if you cannot this F in the blanks then it means you are struggling then you have to practice but practice with the right material the people who went in the exam um they make the material this is going to be good uh because the tfl don't tell you exactly how what is a material they say read the booklet which is good as well but to get the right questions is very difficult um which I'm going to make it uh now I had it before but I'm going to change now because because I went in the example myself uh so I was talking about this uh uh simple test only the 5% people might need training uh not I would say not training just practice right material you no need to spend hundreds 500 600 pound on this training trust me you have a three chances as well in the exam just read the book uh I will explain you when I do this test myself in this video so please watch you see how simple is uh this test is and very how to read this booklet uh to pass this test I'm talking about the 5% people uh 95% people who who can speak uh simple English trust me they will be okay um yeah and the timing the timing you will find out when you do the test uh which I have exactly because a lot of people talking about the timing as well uh so you will find out by doing the test with your hand uh yeah so that's it so let's give one example uh if you can do this one you will be okay so first is going to be the fill in the blanks there's a 12 fill in the blanks uh so you can see this question on the screen uh tfl so when you read this sentence the fit in the blanks will come in your tongue automatically when you read the book or if even if you speak English as well uh these word will come automatically in your tongue means the tfl want you to pause they say okay come to the test and pass get more than 90% 8% marks okay look uh tfl may this I got this from the book tfl may take licensing action uh so fill in the blanks you so the word is there again against license license responsibility and responsible so tfl may take license action against you or against you look how simp I got this some same questions so it's going to be against you not again you so means if you cannot do this against you you cannot put it this means then you're struggling then uh because with my point of view is very simple tfl may take licens action against you it's simple when you when you read any book when you read any sentence when you speak you speak these kind of things the next one this is because tfl expects all uh fill in the blanks so it could be now against is finished now so it could be for left now it could be licensed license responsibly responsible if you put tfl all responsible this doesn't make sense so this responsible is going to be gone then we can put license or license so this is because tfl expect all license so it's going to be licensed uh the Ed one because um if you put just license it doesn't make sense because we put the Ed that means when this gone this is a past sentence uh and because tfl gave you the license you are already have a license so the tfl is expecting you to do this uh so tfl uh expects all licensed drivers to behave now there's a two left responsibly or responsible so if you put responsible so just read the paragraph as well drivers to behave responsible or responsibly so it's going to be responsibly isn't it so does make sense as well means when you read this sentence the word come automatically in your tongue I'm going to repeat again so these kind of 12 question 24 marks uh will come in the exam which is only maybe you would say only 2 3% is going to be difficult but it's going to be this criteria so that then there's mcqs mcqs is going to be 22 mcqs so the passing marks is 22 60% which is 22 marks you to get out of 50 uh there's the total marks is 50 so you have to get 22 marks so the question come after how many years your license will expire so the option will be 1 year 3 years four years so we know uh if you have a license will expire after 3 years it's simple if you cannot give this answer means you are struggling then then the last uh one is two paragraph you have to read the answer will be there as well it's very very simple when I read this two paragraph one was about DBS one was about wheelchair ass say how to how to behave with them so the when it is only three lines when you read it you will find the answer so thank you so much for listening this and I'm happy to help you and give you this good advice as well this may give me happiness and uh Joy uh and sometime I make my day as well when I receive the messages and the comments thank you so much so keep sending me the good comments if you want to correct me you can I'm human like you I can make mistake um yeah but thank you a lot of people 90 99% encourage me but I guess sometime I got uh dtive message as well but this a part of life uh so now I'm going to put this whole Mo test my advice uh you should try on my website as well to check the time uh time how long it's going to take time to finish this test so thank you so let's start now okay to get uh this smoke test just write sapco Ser training in Google or any browser so this is my website uh s sap training just go here um then you'll be able to see this kind of uh screen so this is the mo test which I got from my students this is the first Mo test but I want you to try this one the second one so where is my picture is just let's start uh then you'll be able to do it but you to pay5 as well it's not much money so I want you to do with your hand that's going to be very very good uh to get the idea and the timing as well so the first 12 questions is going to be uh fill in the blanks they change the pattern now so each carry two marks mean this is 24 marks I will not explain this I will try to solve it uh if you have any question you can ask me um but is very simple straightforward so if you want to do what you with me as well you can pause the video do it then you play and check the answers okay so read you will need to take separate I'm going to do uh to do it quickly I'm going to just fill uh the gaps I'm not going to read it because it's going to take time so I'm just helping other people as well so you pause it and when you find the right answer just play hope so you get the answer so the right answer will be uh test T this is going to be with the small letter because we're not going to put the capital uh so this test is going to come over here um so the next one uh will be uh locations because there's a lot of location talking about not one so the other location we just put into this box now the two comes two left sorry so the right answer is approved as I said before why because this a past sentence so let's move to the next question hope so you get right as well so please pause and try to find the answer as well uh so I got the answer your operator so we're not going to put this operator because the O is capital so this o with the small oh sorry so this operat operator Big O is going to be goes into the box must so next one hop so you get the next one as well so that's going to be vle not Vehicles because you're talking about uh talking about your vehicle it's going to be one vehicle not Vehicles so this vehicle is going to become over here so this means that passengers check this information against so must be against not again you look how simple was these questions com in the exam I was really surprised I was doing I was happy I was running I was doing solving it solving it so finish quickly and the 15 minutes left in the exam let's move to the next question so please pause and try to do with me so yeah hope so you get the answer yeah so the completes this comes completes because of the doctor one doctor uh so this complete will comes over here the next one hopes you get this right as well is returning not return because this is happening and uh the next one is going to be uh license with small L not with the Capital One so these are the simples one you know let's move to the next question so please pause try to do with me hope so you get the answer so this is going to be registered not a register so register will come over here and uh this will uh briefly not a brief briefly describe look when you speak this comes in your tongue as well so describe the condition or conditions it's going to be condition because it's not one condition it's going to be conditions next question quickly hope so you get the answer as well after pausing the video the first one uh yeah so because this is too many uh circumstances uh not one so other we going to put it over here and then it's going to be driving not drive uh the vehicle you are drive driving because this is the present sentence that's why I put driving and this one you get this right is returned needs to be returned not return let's move to the next question number seven quickly uh again very simple so another possible problem so a another with capital A not with small because this is when uh sentence start with a letter so this must be Capital uh then the next four left Booker right so this is going to be the sharing not here it doesn't make sense as well uh so if you now the how simple is that if you do stop or stop to so if you cannot do it so it's you struggling then so it's going to be stop to collect a passenger other one doesn't make sense move to the number question number eight for pause please and try to find the answer hope she get it so the first one is uh if there are restrictions yeah so this is going to be with s so the one uh restriction of is going to be here so if you are in the situation you should make sure you uh comply not complied so it's very simple as well so with the conditional make sure you are continuing so it's continuing because still doing it so not continue it's continuing let's move to the next question so number nine hopes you get the answer as well so the first one is going to be immediately report it immediately not immediate doesn't make sense uh so the next one should be police with the small P not with capital P so we're going to put the wrong one over here you cannot continue uh working it's going to be working not work as a PHP driver so we're going to move to the next question so number 10 so please pause try to do it so as a hope so you get the right answer London PHP driver you can yeah so just read it please if you want to do with me because I just want to show you the question that's why I'm just giving the you the answers uh form uh that's going to be licensed because they already get the licensed that's why they they have licensed um so London is going to become over here must uh is going to be so you must carry this is the right one carry so this one is going to be wrong hope you get this right move to the next question so please pause try to find the answer with me so installing CV cameras into our vehicles can reduce uh it's going to be threat or threats so because is going to be threats not only one threat is going to be threats uh science in the vehicle it's going to be the science not with a small s because this is a new sentence uh so you can so you can byy a camera so it's going to be camera or cameras because you they're talking about the one dver it's going to be camera not cameras because of you is one person so let's move the question number 12 which is the last question uh sorry Miss 12 let me go back yes we got 12 hope so you get the answer as well so per drivers need to be keep uh careful wash on the roads it's not one road it's going to be many roads in London that's why they put roads road is going to be right answers so the next one hope so you get this going to be specially not a special if you read it especially those special those so it's going to be especially those uh so wrong will become over here so that's going to be pedestrian with a small P not with a p Capital guess doesn't make sense as well so the fill in the blanks is finished now this is the most hard part people say but I didn't not fa that trust me look how easy is that this question came in the exam exactly the same so if you cannot do this one so means you need practice them read the book carefully okay we're going to move to the next part section which is the uh mcqs these are very simple as well just I'm going to put the answer sorry I'm going to just click the answer I'm going to move if you want to read the question read it and pause it so question three uh sorry 13 so the answer will be 30 so move to the next question uh your PS display your so if you want to pause it and just want to do it the right answer will be name is the right answer uh move to the next question the right answer hope so you get it as well is going to be 21 you must tell 20 21 days tol uh you cannot use a vehicle for private hire purpose if yeah so sometime the question comes so choose to correct so you must read the question and read the answer as well and you're going to uh click two so the first one and uh this one the last one is going to be the right answer we're going to move to the next question question 17 the right answer will be the carrying open bottles or cans of Fes uh so the next one so please pause and you want to do with me you can so the right answer is you must tell your pater about this one so next number 18 if you have a concern about passengers then what you should do so the right answer contact your operator immediately the next one so please read the question and try to answer so here is saying correct two answers so you must correct two on uh so you must choose two if you choose one then you will not get any marks because this uh section carry one marks so the first two will be the right answer hope you get this right as well move to the next question um so the next question when you should use a personal contact details uh never you should never use it so this question was I just say it's only one word when it get saw in my real exam this will this can come as well so 22 please read this one and try to answer the first one is the right right answer so if you cannot see the screen maybe try to open in the laptop or mobile if you have a bigger screen mobile it's going to be okay as well or you can zoom in in the mobile there's option to zoom the video you can zoom in as well after pausing uh so number 23 hope so you get the right answer as so the right the second option is the right one uh yeah to the next question 24 please pause P must not stop on so it's very simple as well it's on the zigzag uh lines you never you should never stop so the pay careful attention for uh yeah so the sack list and the most motus is will the right answer next question number 26 what do you know about license dis yeah so here is going to be the two answers yeah so the last two option is the right one hope so you get this right let's move to the next question when you not have to pay conjunction Char zone so please pause right try to answer by yourself yeah when the P3 is designed for the wheel Che accessible you don't need to pay for that so move next so please read and try to give the answer the right answer for the patrol is going to be four four next question so choose correct one yeah so these kind of question can come as well so you have to read and just click the right one so please pause so in my case the first [Music] one so P must not wait for the first one is the right answer move to the next question uh so driver should not enter the Advanced stop line box when the light is red this space is second you may get Point PCN warning from police so points I got the points I was driving a motorbike I just stopped there I didn't know the person behind me in the he was in the car he was making a video bloody had he sent to the police I got the letter you they said you uh you just broke the red line I said never then they sent me the video I was so surprised and upset as well the people can do this as well so be careful if you're in the on the motorbike do not stop in the cycle box or even in the if you in the car as well in some certain cases when you are going and it was green then turn red then you can stop next question 31 so look here saying two correct one so this question I was a little bit confused I was not sure about that so when I got this one uh so because I just forget so yeah so what is illegal um if you have a if if you don't have these things so mean your hor should work if this doesn't work this Eagle you can get fine so Hand break yeah the dance little bit is okay not a lot so the next question yeah hope so you get this right the second one is the right answer let's move to the next question 33 so please read and pause and try to find the answer so the first one is the right answer next question reduce right sharing gener problems it is always the good idea too so the B should be the right answer if I do any mistake because I'm doing quickly please just let me know uh yeah thank you so much and if there's any mistake in the test let us know as well so the next one is yeah simple you have to read the paragraph look how simple is this paragraph I I thought it's going to be the big paragraph it's very simple paragraph uh which you will get in the exam so please pause read it and write the answer uh hope so you get the answer so the B uh is the right answer you need to send DBS to tfl every year if you have a update service unless something has changed so yeah so you don't need to send DBS because if you this is on update service uh so let's move to the last question yeah please pause read and try to find the answer so do not charge extra if person use wheelchair so this is going to be the right answer uh look so please try to do this one by yourself uh check how many minutes you spend and if you can do this one you're getting uh you're passing this test you'll be okay you don't need any kind of training so thank you so much for watching this video God bless you uh please subscribe to my channel and uh spread this video as well as much as you can thank you have a nice day
Channel: SA PCO
Views: 19,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfl route planning, sa pco, tfl test, tfl pco test, tfl topographical test training, uber pco test, topographical test sa pco, topographical skills test 2023, pco topographical test, topographical test, topographical skills test 2024, seru assessment tfl, pco, seru test tfl, pco licence test, seru real exam 2024, seru mock test 2024, seru assessment test 2024, sa pco seru, private hire driver, taxi test, uk, london
Id: iDg_fmqpKKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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