Fixing TF2's Terrible Weapons

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I fixed 30 of Team Fortress 2's most broken weapons and set them up on my public server for you to play with but I have to start by apologizing in advance to any Natasha vaccinator or kunai fans out there you're going to [ __ ] hate this video now some people might think that TF2 is perfect and doesn't really need fixing and ah who am I kidding none of you are thinking that my thinking is that since I can't really do anything to fix the bot problem I might as well try my hand at fixing some of tf2's other problems you see most weapons in TF2 are extremely well balanced there are however still a handful of useless weapons that nobody uses and need to be buffed as well as a few legitimately overpowered weapons that desperately need a good Nerf and there's also a couple of Oddball annoying weapons that aren't even technically good but just suck to play against and need to be completely rethought for example the Natasha is not even a very good weapon but people still use it for the sheer psychological damage it deals when you have to fight against this thing it slows down anybody you hit with it which is really frustrating to play against so I changed it so that instead of slowing down your enemies it speeds you up Heavy's walk speed while revved up with the Natasha is now the same as his normal walk speed however he still can't jump or switch weapons quickly so there is still some incentive to not be revved up all the time and heavy is still the slowest class in the game so he's not going to be chasing you down with this thing don't worry but he will be a monster with good positioning and good positioning is what heavy is all about buffed continuing with the heavy we've got the brass Beast which I think is pretty underrated yeah it sucks being super slow to rev up and move but that extra 20% damage is really nothing to sneeze at this weapon is great when you're already revved up but since it takes so long to rev up it makes repositioning pretty dangerous if you need some ammo or a health pack you better have a shotgun handy because the brass beast is just too slow to protect you while you're walking from point A to point B to help with this I simply doubled the minig gun's ammo capacity the weapon that makes hard to reposition safely now gives you some extra time before you need to reposition buffed and for the final minigun change the huo long heater I personally love the concept of this weapon but let's face it it's flat out useless the rings of fire are a great gimmick but losing four ammo a second to produce them is a mighty price to pay and it doesn't end up being worth it 95% of the time it only does 12.5% more damage to burning players and they're usually only burning if they're already up in your face which means that any minigun would really tear them apart anyways at mid-range the damage bonus is nice but it's not worth coordinating with your team's pyro just for that 12.5% more damage I think this weapon should really encourage the heavy to link up with a friendly pyro for a crazy 2oman team but in its current state it just doesn't do that it's too normal it feels like a normal minigun with less ammo it's a little less damage most of the time and a little more damage sometimes but nothing stands out about this weapon other than the rings of fire which granted are epic as hell I decided to increase the damage penalty to minus 25% so it's harder to fight non- burning players and instead of doing 25% more damage to burning players it does 33% more damage in the form of mini crits which end up turning into the normal minigun damage when combined with that minus 25% damage penalty because of math so what's the point well mini crits are unaffected by damage falloff so fighting a burning tar Target close up won't really be any different but fighting a burning Target at midrange or long range will be absolute hell for them I'm hoping this will give the huo long heater a more specialized role in the game but since I haven't actually used these weapons in an actual match before I'd love for you guys to play on the server yourself and tell me what you think buffed now for some sandwiches the buffalo steak sandwich is now eaten twice as fast and deploys and holsters a good bit faster too allowing for high high damage melee heavy to be less of a premeditated gimmick and more of a spur of the- moment plot twist during a team fight buffed and the delus bar is now eaten four times faster and deploys and holsters significantly faster making it more of a mid battle snack rather than a full course meal I've always thought it was the weakest sandwich since it only heals a small fraction of your health and that 50 bonus Health might seem nice but it doesn't actually increase your overheal capacity so if you're using a medic on your team which you should be it kind of becomes useless this new design will allow heavy to take multiple bites pretty much back to back and will allow him to cut a snack time short anytime he likes to jump back into battle it still increases your max health and it still doesn't heal much but now it's way harder to be caught with your pants down like with the other sandwiches buffed and for our last heavy change I tried to do something us heavy fans have been wanting for a long time a heavy subass if you don't know a subclass is basically any weapon or combination of weapons that radically changes how a class is played while still allowing them to fill their Niche role think Huntsman snipers demo Knights and battle Engineers heavy has never had a true subass so here's my attempt the big business previously known as the family business what once was a slightly different shotgun side grade is now a complete and total death machine on par with heavy Min guns it still has seven shots in the clip but instead of boringly just firing a little faster and doing a little less damage it gives heavy a speed boost anytime he hits an enemy with the thing and if he eliminates the enemy entirely they'll drop a small health pack that heavy can swoop in and grab with a speed boost fat Scout has arrived tell your friends now obviously this is a direct upgrade from the normal shotgun so far and it is a direct upgrade to the normal shotgun until you switch to your minigun and realize that 75% of your ammo is gone permanently which means no spam fire no busting up sentries and 75% % less ammo from all ammo packs and dispensers you've really got to use your minigun sparingly if at all if you're going to run the big business buffed all right well that was fun talking about heavy and all the goodies he got for Christmas this year but Buffs aren't the only thing I'm dishing out today it's time to move on to a class that has had it too good for too long these Nerfs are long overdue some of you are going to love this and just as many are probably going to hate it but let's just face the facts it has to be done it's time to Nerf the sniper all sniper rifles have their primary ammo capacity cut in half and now fire Tracer rounds stealth is spy thing I'm sick and tired of snipers hiding in the shadows getting crossmap instakills without anybody knowing where they are and you might say that good communication fixes the problem of stealthy snipers but it really does not first of all good communication is supposed to be spies counter snipers counter is supposed to be good positioning you know staying out of his sight lines and how are you supposed to position yourself accordingly if you don't know where the sniper even is you can't expect an entire team to know every map's call outs just to deal with snipers calling out a spy is effortless spy is heavy spy on carts spy on Sentry spy at spawn but snipers don't stick to Landmark locations like carts or sentes they could be anywhere on the entire map if you're on bad water and you say sniper on rocks that could literally mean like four different things and since they're a long range class and spy is a short-range class actually getting to the position takes time so they have a longer time to reposition than a spy does and so the stealth pick class spy is easier to pinpoint verbally than the non- stealth pick class sniper that is a massive [ __ ] problem if a spy kills you without you ever seeing him or knowing he exists you think man what a good spy player if a sniper kills you without you ever seeing him or knowing he exists you think well that's annoying spot how am I supposed to fight against that I say no more I've just had enough the reduced ammo will force sniper to reposition more often or pick sniping spots in your ammo packs making it easier to spot snipers and kill them while they reposition and make it easier to predict where a sniper might be camping out at the Tracer rounds will also encourage a sniper to reposition more often so he's less predictable and allows players to actively consider enemy sniper sight lines during combat instead of just being in the middle of a team fight and getting your head block off out of nowhere because you get to see all the shots the sniper hits and the ones he misses you're able to perform a little bit of mental calculus to deduce just how accurate this guy really is what targets he's prioritizing and what all he's really able to see from his position nerfed nerfed nerfed nerfed nerfed and now it's time for the old Switcheroo the hitman's heat maker which is the exception to literally everything I just said because this guy does not fire Tracer rounds unless the focus ability is is activated I did however increase the body shot damage penalty from - 20% to- 66% and normal sniper rifle does 150 damage on a fully charged body shot and the hitman's heat maker does 50 it is the weapon of the tryhards if you're a truly Elite Sniper who never misses a shot you won't notice any of the sniper Nerfs as long as you use this weapon but if you think this weapon sucks then I have one recommendation for you get good nerfed and if you're somebody who thinks about design sometimes you probably know that by giving every sniper rifle Tracer rounds it inadvertently Buffs The Mach which used to be the only rifle to have that downside which is why the Macha now slows down your move speed just a little bit to make up for all the extra damage you get to do nerfed and now that I'm done being the bearer of based news it's time to get to the fun stuff sniper secondaries I'll start with the smallest change the cleaner's carbine which now has highly increased accuracy to make it more of a mid-range finisher weapon distinguishing it from the smg's close range capabilities buffed oh and remember how [ __ ] boring the Darwin's danger Shield is I mean come on fire resistance who cares instead of just giving some bland damage resistance to counter one random class in the game I'm Reinventing this item into what I call the Foresters frog skin it'll protect you from danger sure but not by passively shielding you from one random class in the game instead this thing gives you increased move speed massively increased to jump height and 25 less Max Health remember what I said about wanting sniper to reposition more this thing will let you do that and then some you can reposition yourself right in front of some dude's face and Lodge an arrow into it or simply jump back and forth between Health packs and High Ground you can now go where no sniper has ever gone before nobody will see it coming but they will be able to react strategically due to the Tracer rounds unless you use the heat maker in which case I think I may have just unleashed the mother of all tryhards buffed the Razer back is getting a similar treatment instead of shielding you through Mobility this one actually will shield you passively not being able to be overhealed was kind of stupid so I removed it I understand why it was there it was to prevent a sniper from being able to tank a bunch of revolver shots through the overheal while simultaneously being immune to backstabs but don't worry because I've removed the backstab immunity it still discourages backstabs though because it soaks your stabber and gerate for 8 seconds so if you're playing around your team you are sure to be Avenged quick LLY after your death it also increases your max Health by 25 like the danger Shield used to now it's harder for a spy to stab you and harder for him to shoot you to death but both are still possible unlike with the old Razer back where it forced spies to use their revolver the health bonus also means you get a little bit more out of Health packs and can be overhealed to 225 Health which I think will combo nicely with the Huntsman and hopefully won't be too unfair to fight against I mean surely a pocket Soldier is still going to be more dangerous than a pocket hun sniper right I've also been calling this one the wet blanket instead of the razor back because I just imagine sniper wearing a huge P soaked blanket on his back that coat spies and gerate for stabbing him nerfed but only kind of and now for the Cozy camper which is exactly the same as it used to be except that it now puts your max ammo to a whopping 40 so that you can you know Camp if you somehow manage to Surf a rocket into a crazy good sniping position the Cozy camper will let you heal back up like normal and and keep you well stocked up on ammo buffed all right time to talk about a weapon that should be cool but isn't the Shaha a little extra damage when below half health and a little less when above it's just kind of lame it's not that impactful so I changed each instance of 25% with 70% that's right 70% more damage when low on health 70% less damage when you're healthy that's 111 and 20 damage respectively it is truly situation now and of course adding that much damage to any weapon means I've got to get rid of random crits you know the drill we can't have snipers one-shotting Heavies with their melee and it deploys slow and swings a little slower so it's really not a get out of jail free cart at all you've got to be smart if you pull this thing out or else you're toast but even with all the downsides I still think it'll be better or at least more fun than the original Shaha it is a guaranteed 111 damage after all that should make any Scout or spy think twice about chasing you around that corner buffed and speaking of spies let's talk about the tribal men's shiv in normal TF2 it's a decent way to reveal spies but nowhere near as good as the gerat so I just leaned into the bleed a little more and made it do less damage on hit with longer bleed time meaning it does 87 damage over the course of 10 seconds instead of 81 damage over the course of 6 seconds 10 seconds is also how long I last I mean how long gerat lasts uh you know just for reference four extra seconds to chase down a spy will definitely come in handy but it's not really doing any extra damage buffed all right that was a lot of changes for just sniper and heavy but I think we can all agree that those are the classes that needed them the most these next ones will be a lot faster like Soldier I mean I might be biased because he's my most played class but I can't think of a single weapon he has that doesn't work the way it should moving on to scout I'm just playing with you all right you didn't think I'd forget the weakest weapon in the game did you the righteous bison this thing sucks so I quadrupled its fire rate to have a kind of net-like effect where you catch enemies you know like you're creating a wall of projectiles rather than trying to actually aim individual shots which proves to be completely impossible with this weapon now it actually has a mid-range use of pushing a sniper out of his nest or breaking up a big cluster of enemies instead of just being you know the [ __ ] worst weapon in the game it's still not going to be out damaging your rocket launcher though so don't get any big Ideas it should be fun to play with though buffed okay now it's time for Scout for real this time again you might hate me for saying this but I think Scout doesn't have a single overpowered weapon I am making this for you guys though so if you all really think the force in nature or critic Cola need to be changed I'm willing to work with you guys there but for right now I'm just going to change the candy cane and call it a day instead of 25% more damage from explosives which ends up making this thing too situational I'm just going to go all the way and give him 25 less health for equipping the item and to balance it out and make this thing actually fun I've made it so that the health packs enemies drop when you kill them now fully heal you along with every other health pack in the game meaning as long as you don't take too much damage all at once you could theoretically go on a total Rampage with this thing or a a sugar rush if you will buffed and for the third class that barely gets changed demo man I'll be honest I'm just going to buff the [ __ ] out of the C and move on with my life no more damage Nerf in fact there's a damage buff triple damage to buildings you heard me I want to live in a world where demoan can charge head first into a distracted sentry gun and destroy everything in the vicinity including himself this one definitely needs play testing but I'm praying to God that it works the way I want it to because this image is just hilarious to me the next change might be considered a downside but really it's just another upside which is that the demo man's ulol cber deals more damage to himself enough to guarantee that the demo man dies even if he's overhealed now normal sane people will see this as a downside but C users are not normal sane people they don't want to live after they've lost their C that's all they've got going for them it's the only thing they care about dying immediately after using it just means you get the respawn quicker which means you get your charge replenished faster which means more cing it's all upsides in CER Town also it gets random crits now [ __ ] you buffed oh and you know how the iron bomber is like super boring and barely changes anything from the normal grenade launcher well it's the carpet bomber now buffed and since these man Buffs might bother some engineer mans I'll go ahead and tell you about the Texans new toys the pomson now fires faster like the reg's Bison but not as fast and reloads slower and instead of draining Uber and cloak it just drains twice as much cloak now there is just no [ __ ] reason engineer should be capable of single-handedly destroying an Uber push on his own goddamn Century since spies can get a ton of cloak from destroyed buildings this shouldn't be too annoying for spy players unless they're using the dead ringer in which case if you don't have the dead ringer active it's going to disable it for a couple of seconds and if you do have the dead ringer active you're going to get about you know 1 millisecond of cloak before the engineer comes at you with his wrench I think it's about time we saw some dead ringer counter play from engineer don't you buffed okay time to make every engineer main watching this very angry the Jag is too strong it just is everyone uses it and for good reason the repair penalty is barely even a penalty due to the increased swing speed I think the Jag should be great at getting buildings up quick quick but bad at keeping them up so I increased the repair rate penalty fromus 25% to -40% you can still use the rescue Ranger to repair quickly so this shouldn't be too bad but I'm really tired of the Jag raining Supreme over all the other wrenches nerfed hopefully this change will give other wrenches a chance like the southern hospitality it's my personal favorite and the one I always use no spy expects you to pull this thing out so it's hilarious to smack him in the face with crazy damage and watch him squirm away bleeding I think it's honestly one of the most underrated weapons in TF2 and hopefully with this Jag change that will stop being the case the southern hospitality remains unchanged and now it's time for us to discuss what in my opinion is the most hair wrenching stat in all of TF2 the Eureka effects 20% metal penalty I hate this stat so much it is so unforgiving a medium ammo pack used to give you everything you needed for a dispenser but not with the Eureka Effect a large ammo pack doesn't even let you fully upgrade your Sentry or dispenser what is this chicanery it's so unfun to use and it throws off your entire engineer Rhythm the taunt teleportation granted is awesome but I never once in my life have used this weapon with a smile on my face except for during weird ninjaing shenanigans that only really work if you don't build a teleporter entrance which makes your whole team look at you like you're an [ __ ] and the construction speed boost penalty is fine but I think a more fun wrench would look something like this keep the cheaper teleporters keep the taunt teleportation feature make teleporters two-way you heard that right two-way and make teleporters build 50% faster this opens up all kinds of Team oriented teleporter Shenanigans and will ideally make payload and 5cp Maps more fun since your old teleporter exit can become your new teleporter entrance it's clearly the teleporting man's wrench so it only has one downside centuries fire half as fast meaning half damage and half knockback and they're just as expensive to build so this is really a kick in the lug nuts I imagine this new Eureka Effect being great with Cooperative engineering giving all the engineers on your team the ability to teleport back to spawn through your two-way teleporters and resupply their metal while they focus on keeping up the centuries you could even do things no engineer has ever thought to do like not placing the teleporter entrance at spawn and instead placing it somewhere on the battlefield itself essentially allowing your team's Heavies to be in two places at once or having an elev between High ground and low ground I'm really happy with this design and while it may not be perfect I'm hoping you guys can give it a shot and let me know what works and what doesn't all right now it's spy time and these changes are my favorite remember when I said that a select few weapons in TF2 are legitimately overpowered well my friend most of them belong to spy first the Diamond Back which gets you a full-blown crit every time you stab someone or sap a building you might think of it as similar to the frontier justice but they are actually exact opposites the frontier Justice gives you crits when your Sentry gets destroyed based on how many kills it had meaning as an engineer your damage only goes up immediately after your damage and defenses went down one goes up one goes down yin and yang push and pull that's called game balance the Diamond Back doesn't [ __ ] do that at all it increases your damage when their damage gets decreased you get crits when their heavy gets stabbed when their Sentry goes down being an engineer with a destroyed Nest already sucks but being an engineer with a destroyed Nest sitting next to a spy with four instakill bullets in his gun is much much worse I'm all for snowball weapons that reward you for doing well but look at the eylander or the bizarre bargain for instance these take time to snowball you have to really prioritize survival to see any benefits from these weapons the Diamond Back doesn't even encourage survival it's like well I have all my crits now I guess it's time to [ __ ] use my ultimate ability by running head first into the enemy team killing three random people and then dying immediately that isn't the role of a stealth class that's [ __ ] Reaper from OverWatch I'm fine with this being the damage gun but Jesus Christ that's just too much damage so with that in mind I am proud to introduce you to the diamond backto back it's just like the normal revolver except it's only got two bullets but if you manage to take someone out with the first bullet then you've got 1 second of critical hits enough time to fire the last bullet and take out a second target before escaping and no you won't be able to chain together crits because the reload time is actually a little longer than the crit time the crit itself will do 120 damage so if you've got a weak player and a semi- we player in your sights you can dispose of them both in less than a second if you really know what you're doing think James Bond double Taps and you might be thinking wait a minute doesn't this kind of discourage the spies enemies from protecting their weak players since getting close to a weak player might mean they get double killed and yeah it does that's the point the spies disguise kit already makes the enemy team not trust their teammates and not want to get near them cuz they might get backstabbed and the Diamond backto Back pushes that concept even further with this new design I'm hoping that a spy can break the enemy team's psychology just as well as he can stab their backs I absolutely adore the idea for this item but I can totally see it being broken in practice so you guys will again have to try it out and let me know nerfed all right moving on to spy's other broken weapon the connivers kunai here's how the old version worked or didn't work rather you sneak around with low Health until you get a backstab and upon a successful backstab immediately gain a ton of Health to help you escape the problem here is that and this may come as a surprise to you spy can go invisible so avoiding taking damage before a backstab is actually not that hard almost inevitable for any half decent spy player the health gain on a backstab however is incredibly useful significantly protecting the Spy after getting a kill especially when used in combination with the dead ringer the weapon's downside does not have as big of an impact as its upside by definition making it unbalanced and here's another shocking Revelation spy is not a tank giving him the health pool of a pyro or demoan anytime he's in danger distances him from his Core Design mechanic of stealth cuz who needs stealth when you can take two rockets to the face like their stale Cheetos and to top it all off we already have a knife that helps Spy Escape after backstabs the big earner which is more interesting more fun to play against and more fun to use so what did I do about the kunai um well I might have actually made it worse um please do not hate me for this I turned it into a throwing knife just hear me out okay it was already one of the most unbalanced weapons in the game right so I'm willing to get experimental and try out this potentially crazy overpowered design I think it'll work but I could see it totally blowing up in our face it's just a little more melee range that's it right you've still only got 70 Health with no health regen plus it deploys a little slower too it it could be balanced right I mean maybe who the hell knows nothing like this has really been tried before for spy but remember all those cool throwing knife designs on the Steam Workshop didn't you ever wonder what could have been the kunai already looks like a throwing knife I just took get a step further and actually made it one I'll be honest the rest of the balanc changes I've made in this are you know based on logic based on experience based on good design principles but this one I just kind of vibed out I'm sorry if it sucks we can always change it later if we need to nerfed I hope all right time to get back to the realm of reality the enforcer is pointless and it's time for it to be changed forget everything you know about the enforcer I'd like to introduce you to the executor you'll never never guess what that's French for with this thing you've got one bullet per clip less damage less Reserve ammo and two times slower reload speed pretty good so far huh it only has one upside too on hit bleed for8 seconds that's 64 damage way less DPS than the normal revolver you might be thinking that it'd be impossible to get any meaningful kills with this thing and you know you'd probably be right but maybe you don't need to hit a sniper with this bullet and he'll bleed for 8 seconds taking up to 64 damage if he doesn't find a health pack yeah that's less damage than shooting him with the normal revolver but this isn't about damage the sniper will be bleeding for 8 seconds which means flinching for 8 seconds are you starting to get the picture sniper already has the ability to disable spy cloak for 10 seconds with the gerate or the tribal man shiv and now the executor turns the tables it lets spy disable snipers aim for 8 whole seconds but don't worry snipers you can always equip the Cozy camper to avoid flinching if this becomes a real problem buffed and how can we talk about spy without discussing pyro and what would a pyro discussion be if we didn't bring up everybody's favorite flamethrower the flisat this weapon is going to be unchanged because I don't think the flisat is the guilty party here the flog is the Fall Guy the real culprit is The Scorch shot this thing sucks to play against all ayro has to do is aim in the general direction of the enemy team and left click and within moments his Vlog meter will now be filled up and ready to go no more I say I'm going to totally turn this thing upside down meet the new Scorch shot or as I call it the Firefly wait wait wait don't click off the video I know it looks terrible I know it looks like total [ __ ] but I promise it's not that bad these flares barely do any damage it's all just in the afterburn and look at them they don't move very fast at all either and good luck trying to actually aim the damn thing they go all over the place the point of this weapon is to let pyro do what the Scorch shot was already making the Pyro do which is to just aim in the general direction of the enemy team and hold down left click but with a better result Armageddon fire on big groups of enemies to cause maximum chaos from a distance it's not actually going to kill anybody imagine raining down Armageddon on an enemy push while a couple huo long heater heavy sit behind you ready to pick off anybody hit by the flares or imagine just shooting a couple of these bad boys into a room running in with the extinguisher and just praying to God that one of them hit something these new flares or fireflies are really just an inconvenient distraction they're not hard to dodge at all if you're paying attention to them but you do have to pay attention to them I really think this will still manage to be less annoying than the old Scorch shut maybe that makes me look like an idiot but I don't care nerfed and remember like with all the weapons if it totally sucks we can always just change it this next one though I'm pretty confident in the sharpened volcano fragment this is and I've thought this for like 11 years the coolest looking weapon in Team Fortress 2 which sucks because it is by far the stupidest [ __ ] weapon in Team Fortress 2 the volcano fragment ignites enemies on hit which is pretty sick until you think about the fact that the Pyro has a [ __ ] flamethrower if you're in a melee range of an enemy you are 10 out of 10 times better off to just use the the flamethrower the point of the class it does more damage it has better range it can air blast and it will also light them on fire this thing is completely useless outside of medieval mode but what if we really leaned into the damage overtime mechanic of afterburn it is the sharpened volcano fragment after all and what does sharp things do that's right they make you bleed so now instead of just igniting enemies the volcano fragment will also make them bleed meaning they'll be taking 16 damage a second second for 6 seconds after you hit them with this for a total of 129 damage this may seem overpowered but let me remind you this is still significantly less damage per second than the normal flamethrower which can kill a light class in less than 2 seconds if the Pyro is aiming properly and let me also remind you that the original volcano fragment did 100 damage after 6 seconds and nobody thought that was unfair so this change really isn't that crazy it'll definitely send enemies into a panic though seeing their health draining that quickly especially a medic or light class buffed speaking of medic he's got a couple new toys too I'll start by talking about the Quick Fix which in my opinion is the most underrated weapon in this entire game I love this thing it's basically the only medic gun I use it's fun as hell good as hell and it's going to remain unchanged I want to make a whole video on this thing sometimes because I don't think anybody truly appreciates what it does for this game all right now for the real changes the vaccinator we all know this thing is overpowered the 75% damage resistance the Ubers provide combined with overheal essentially increases the medic's patient's Health by 600% to put that in perspective an overhealed heavy with the vaccinator Uber has a functional 1,800 Health against whatever damage type the medic chooses that's basically just an Uber charge except you get four of them and they charge twice as fast if the medic's patient is somehow fighting a soldier pyro and Scout all at the same time then yeah the damage resistances aren't going to block everything but most of the time it's pretty easy for the medic to see what resistance is needed at any given moment and switch to it you basically win any possible 2V1 with the click of a button this whole item needs a serious makeover I'm completely getting rid of the damage type resistances and replacing it with a single invulnerability Uber charge that lasts a little less than 1 second enough time to absorb a rocket meat shot head shot or sticky trap if timed well the Uber meter charges 500% faster to balance this out taking about 8 seconds to fully charge instead of the normal 40 I want this Uber to feel like a defensive Parry instead of like a full hand of get out of jail free cards and as for the healing itself I leaned into the vaccination theme of The Weapon by giving it an 80% reduced overheal that never depletes for reference this will give an overhealed Soldier a permanent 220 Health until he takes damage of course in which case he'll need to be overhealed again I wanted to feel like you're vaccinating your teammates for the upcoming battle and having the survivors run back to you to get their booster shots once the overheal has been taken away by the enemies I think this will be more fun more unique and most importantly a lot less powerful nerfed and now for the syringe guns or as I call them the sir cringe guns they're all getting changed starting with the stock syringe gun I really wanted to avoid changing stock weapons but this one is just so incredibly terrible that it pretty much forced my hand here I think a plus 10% faster firing speed and plus 20% faster deploy time will give it that little extra kick it needs to be a defensive tool for anyone popping up in your face buffed and as for evasive tools we've got the new overdose the old overdose used to increase your move speed while equipped based on your Uber charge percentage which is kind of cool but mostly pointless because if you have full Uber charge you're probably going to be keeping your med gun out in case you need to pop it making the over Do's speed boost completely null I removed this whole Uber charge percentage thing and just gave it a flat 15% speed boost and 20% jump height bonus while equipped which kind of fits with the name because it's like the medic is taking drug the blue Sager gets a simple change killing enemies makes them drop a small health pack in addition to its normal stats buffed which leads pretty naturally into the next change the vit saw let's just be real this thing is so stupid you can hit an enemy to preserve 15% of your Uber charge on death but why would you do that if you could just equip the Uber saw and get a 25% boost in your Uber immediately it's encouraging the medic to make risky melee plays but instead of rewarding him with extra survivability like the Uber saw does it just makes dying a little bit less punishing but you're way less likely to die in the first place if you just stay back with your medigun instead of running in with the Vasa it's totally counterintuitive so I'm changing it completely it gets Aus 20% firing speed just like like with the Uber saw but instead of gaining Uber on hit you gain Health on kill a good bit of Health too a whopping 100 and it can overheal you too like the old kunai in combination with the blut Sager I think we'll finally have a truly interesting battle medic subclass but I don't think that will be the Vitas Saw's only purpose in combination with the overdose you could run in quick nabs some overheal off a weak Target and switch back to the overdose to get the heck up on out of there the same maneuver that you might do with the Uber saw but for a very different result buffed and so that's pretty much it I tried fixing some of tf2's crappiest items and I know you might be thinking you know that's cool and all but how do you know if these changes are actually balanced and the answer is I don't I have a decent bit of game design experience but if I'm being honest I really need your help with this project just by playing on the server whether or not you use the changed items or not you'll be helping me to see how these changes affect the actual gameplay and if you want to take it a step further you can join my Discord server and tell me directly if something feels unfair or you can share this video around to some friends and help populate the servers these changes are not permanent I expect there to be some problems so I'll be updating the rules when necessary to try and maximize the fun you guys can have on the server I truly believe TF2 is the greatest game ever made it it's at least the greatest game I've ever played and by continuing to make these balance changes as a community I think we can get it to a state we've never seen it in before a new golden age and australium age if you will call me a dreamer but I think it's possible maybe we can even make the heavy update sometime but for now if you want to try these weapons out head on over to Grouchland and hit connect and if you're annoyed that there aren't enough servers you can fix that problem by clicking this patreon button there's a couple of very fine folks that already have and I owe this entire project all to them especially my main man zindy oh and also thanks to fish stick on a stick and high GPS for their contributions to tf2's ongoing balance discussion and if you ever somehow get bored at TF2 you can click that lightning bolt icon on the website for a guaranteed good time all right that's it from me see you on the server
Channel: Grouch
Views: 169,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, games, videogames, videogame, grouch, tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 grouch, fixtf2, savetf2, tf2 weapon, tf2 balance
Id: UixIn83h7m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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