TF2's Most Deranged Cheater FINALLY Exposed

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the sponsor of this video is my God store an amazing place for you to sell or buy in-game items for real cash it supports multiple games like Team Fortress 2 Counter-Strike rust or DOTA 2. great prices low commissions and instant delivery the link is in the description that guy's definitely cheating this guy definitely [ __ ] cheating he's big lagging and everything it's so funny this one's been stalking me using his ESP using ESP to find me yo admin can we get a man on this guy that magic is a closet cheater as well now I just know you're trolling okay no you're just actually stupid like are you that stupid there's a video called casual TF2 in 2020 where he literally aim locks onto a pyro through a wall with the Huntsman foreign [Music] so I'm just going to get straight into it venusian wrapper is a closet shooter you might have heard of this name at one point or another but in case you haven't I'll give you a brief overview venusian wrapper is a small ax Team Fortress 2 YouTuber who used to create TFT related content for around 2 years While most of his videos weren't doing that well his summer managed to find his own Niche with his TF2 cringe Series where he'd make fun of some obnoxious individuals and of course cheaters in fact he started uploading videos about Shooters very frequently often showing his big disrespect towards closet Shooters specifically the ones who try to hide their cheats do not get cut however what would really make more people acknowledge venusian rappers YouTube presence would be this video of his where he tried to accuse the popularity of tuber fat magic of being a closet cheater too as you might already know this did not go well at all and this same video would later represent the beginning of venusian rappers continuous downfall but ever since then people still have not figured one of the many dirty secrets about venusion one case that has been remaining cold for a long time up until now welcome everybody to a new episode of hacker police archives I'm officer varovsky and today we'll have a look at the case of venusian rapper by far the most disgraceful and hypocritical tutor of Team Fortress 2. and before we jump into it more than half of our viewers are still not subscribed to this channel so if you will generally enjoy this video make sure to subscribe for more content in the future let us begin my very first suspicions and as a result my first small investigation happened back in April 2022 but we'll get back to it later in the video because first I'd like to share some of the new evidence that was gathered recently because it's a lot easier to explain previously I thought that venusion only toggled his shoes against other cheaters but how surprising was it for me to find out that he closetly cheated against normal players in his Arnold Schwarzenegger video and the only thing that made me look into it was this comment from a very inspective viewer so basically venusian utilized wall hacks or so-called ESP while recording this video the reason why we don't see his wall hacks is because cheetahs can hide their cheat layouts in OBS with a feature called anti-obi so the video looks legit let's start with a moment at 51 minutes 58 seconds into the video no [Music] what happens here is venusian sees the card getting pushed through the point and he gets ready to shoot enemies on it then he turns around to check his backside does not see anyone and so he turns back but then almost as if he realized that he actually did see someone he turns around again to shoot a soldier and the rookie jumps his way and after killing him he keeps going to the right to take cover against the second soldier that is about to walk around the corner and he starts shooting him almost instantly the only reasonable explanation to why he knew about the first Soldier would be him hearing a rocket jump sound but there are so many other sounds in this clip it is very messy even an experienced player would have had some hard time distinguishing a specific sound and knowing exactly where it was coming from as for the pre-aim on the second Soldier there is no excuse at all it is nothing else but wool hacks if we check it again he starts pre-aiming with his Crosshair round here where we can barely even see the rocket launcher what a reaction next moment 52 minutes 6 seconds I am behind them I will hold them off for as long as I can not much to explain here it's just a very blatant pre-aim four frames between where we see a tiny part of a minigun and where we see venusion starting to shoot four frames or roughly 67 milliseconds reaction time the same thing also happens at 5148 where he pre-fires around the same corner but I like the previous clip here we can see what happened seconds earlier so we don't have contacts maybe on this one he somehow knew that the enemies were there even though I highly doubt it 53-25 same position same pattern but even more blatant now given the context that he didn't see or hear the soldier before there is no doubt that it can seem through a wall and so he pre-fires him not pre-aims anymore pre-fires and there is more after killing the soldier he keeps the gun revved up and starts shooting his cow that's running it next eight frames or 133 milliseconds before he starts shooting while he's talking at the same time and the final claim from the commander 54 minutes 12 seconds let's slow it down despite venusian seeing bullet tracers coming from the enemy heavy his Crosshair starts going up and tracking the soldier before we even see him and here he's already shooting that Soldier it feels like venusian gave up at this point because this is very embarrassing as you can notice all these moments are happening closer to the end of the video and as I assume the reason to him going this blade Ends by the end is him riding into a cheater earlier at 46 15. that guy's definitely cheating this guy yeah he's definitely cheating so that was a [ __ ] lie but despite that shooter getting kicked venusia never toggled his cheats off and stopped being cautious which gave him away still I am pretty concerned that he used wall hacks before riding into that shooter even though a lot more carefully for example at 1911 he as a heavy pre-fires an enemy sniper across the map even though this is the most common sniper position on this map he still cannot see that sniper but starts shooting him before he Peaks 28-40 he sees his teammate pyro fighting someone on the card as well as the enemy team pushing it what would you do in this situation shoot them all right well venusian prefers to aim to the left instead and surely there is a spy but hey maybe it's just a coincidence 3510 he completely ignores this Demoman that is shooting him and instead waits for an anime heavy to walk around the corner and only after killing him he moves to that Demoman interesting decisions ah there are many more suspicious moments from this one video but I don't think there is any point in showing them all since it should be clear by now that Venetian rapper is a confirmed ESP user but is is it only wool hacks or did he use something else yeah he did he used trigger bud in some of his sniper videos funny enough one of the videos where he used it is the one called TF2 cringe closet style cheaters he closely cheated in a video where he tried to expose and Trash Talk other cheaters the hypocrisy starts hitting hard doesn't it this is exactly that one video that made me raise my eyebrows back in April the video that began at all trigger butt a very slippery topic to discuss since it's quite difficult to prove when someone uses trigger bot due to the way it works that is why in the next part of my video I will try to break everything down in as much detail as it is possible I know for a fact that it's trigger bot in venusion's video but will you agree with the provided evidence well it's only for you to decide let me quickly remind you what triggerbot does this cheat does not adjust the ring it does not lock on anything it simply clicks Mouse button for you when your Crosshair gets on an enemy's hitbox nothing else there are some adjustments that Shooters can do like making trigger butt headshot only or body shot as well there is a configurable trigger about DeLay So the cheat does not shoot instantly and cheaters will have to keep their crosshairs on targets for a bit longer for the cheat to shoot there is also a possibility to toggle trigger butt on and off with the Binet key to not accidentally pre-fire someone to avoid suspicions so how to spot triggerbud despite this chip being very sneaky and legit looking it still screws with the cheetah's Mouse movement and his in-game decisions in a certain way and it is absolutely crucial for you my dear viewers to understand the logic behind it to spot a tricky about the user we need to think like one here's an example of some newbie cheater using a real mailbox trigger pod since this is not an experienced shooter it is fairly easy to spot what exactly feels off about his aiming it feels like he's trying to sort of catch the head hitbox every time he does not flick he does not track naturally either he tries to aim around enemy's heads so his trigger bot finally shoots them this moment is a perfect example of a trigger butt failure he goes to the left across the sniper's head but the cheat does not shoot for whatever reason and so he goes back to the right for it to work while a legitimate sniper most likely would have only flick to the left and taking a shot no matter what because of the human factor that's how ninety percent of snipers play this game they tend to go for shots that they're not sure they will hit look at how hard he's trying to get a hatchet on the soldier even though some new players might possibly aim in a similar way they would have at least tried to take their shots anyway but there is no way they would have hit something like this or this these skills are very blatant now let's check the footage of a very competent trigger about user Jake Frost 95 as you can see it is a lot harder to spot if he's using any assistance that's because he's been playing with triggerbot for a long while and he knows how to hide it better but even so we still can find moments that showcase the nature of the trigger butt a this clip for instance he flicks to the right but does not shoot this heavy he only does it later which is very weird because who flicks without shooting this one is a very good example look at how hungry he is for that sniper's head hitbox how awkwardly he's trying to catch it for his trigger butt just like the Newbie cheater from before they're both waiting for their trigger bus to shoot instead of shooting themselves this one also shows it well why not shooting the Demoman straight away what is he waiting for why does he only shoot him here seems like someone forgot to press his trigger butt key here is a perfect example of how trigger podcasts screw you up and why you don't want it to be active all the time it accidentally shoots someone Jake Frost does not see because his triggerbot key is pressed and the last one once again the cheetah is trying to catch that soldier's head hitbox even flicks right here without shooting these failures can happen for several reasons maybe triggerbot did not work in time due to the delay maybe the trigger butt key was not pressed or maybe the cheat simply didn't find a hitbox to shoot but what's really important here is that it all leads to any tricky but Shooters making same mistakes they start desperately moving their Mouse around they flick without ever taking their shots or they shoot someone by an accident and this is exactly what we should look for in venusian rappers video 2 minutes 51 seconds let's go come on man come on let's do a detailed breakdown of this whole clip because there are many things that are just wrong so venusion is focusing this sniper he only cares about killing him first off he flicks down trying to hit that sniper but does not shoot because presumably his trigger butt didn't work so he keeps aiming and shoots manually here then he does this weird Mouse motion but does not shoot yet another time and a little later while waiting for the sniper to pick he instantly body shots this medic that falls into his Crosshair and even after killing this medic this is pretty funny he still tries to aim at that sniper who keeps aiming at someone else after killing an enemy so two red flicks without shooting accidentally killing a medic that fell into the Crosshair because it definitely was not planned continuing to aim at a sniper after killing that medic as for me this is a clear trigger butt pattern next clip 8 minutes 4 seconds most is using ESP [Music] uh he Scopes in sees a pirate but suddenly starts moving his Crosshair up I wonder what's gonna happen that's right there will be an enemy sniper and instead of at least trying to shoot him venusian does this mouse movement and never takes his shot man it's still ridiculous how he talks about someone using ESP in this same clip 10 minutes 28 seconds this is a possible trigger butt instance hard to say for sure but definitely feels like it he's moving his Mouse around trying to find that head Heat box now my personal favorite this one is so good 1324 fat magic is a closet cheater as well it's very obvious if he watches recordings okay you're okay now while venusian is talking about fat magic cheating he does one of the nastiest triggerboard failures he flicks on this engineer but the thing is someone else kills him so his trigger butt does not shoot another flick without shooting for venusion 15-15 yeah because those countries are run back from this house and again he flicks without shooting this trickybot failure in fact is so obvious that it even made some random guy leave a comment this same command entry mentioned another moment at 1622 and oh boy is this something else this might be the best proof of venusion using trigger but allele contacts here venusian is waiting for an enemy sniper that's chilling around this corner we can't see him yet but he's there and vinuji knows he's there he's the same sniper from before that made venusian accidentally kill a medic so let's see what's about to happen at normal speed it does not look any weird just a normal flick shot on the engine right but let's slow it down he's waiting for that sniper he wants him so much so his trigger butt key is pressed but all of a sudden I ran wild Engineers riding out of nowhere into his Crosshair and oh no venusian's trigger bot shoots the poor guy it shoots him before venusian reacts himself and does a flick I mean come on bro how did you leave this in your video no no no no no think about it think about it this whole video is mainly about a sniper that venusian believed to be a cheater by the way I don't think he is a cheater but who cares imagine now in a try to expose that sniper of cheating venusian instead gets exposed himself by the the same sniper that made him accidentally shoot other players with his trigger butt this is mind-blowing isn't it isn't it mind-blowing let's move on so he shoots an engineer then keeps waiting and of course sooner he finally kills a sniper with an insane reaction shot who would have thought I've just noticed that the same happened with the pirate earlier venusian also accidentally shot this pyro with this trigger bot and only do the flick afterwards and finally 1748 this medic is in his sight for so long not even mentioning venusian's weird Mouse movement again but where did his reaction from the previous clip go why did it take so long to shoot a medic that was sitting still who knows people who knows these are all the clips from his Kyle video that I decided to use and again there is more suspicious stuff but it's not as good in my opinion and now let's move to the third video where venusian rapper was spotted cheating even though he might have cheated in more of his videos I think three should be more than enough it is sniper main vs 3 cheaters in this one he decided to speedrun the triggerbot failure Challenge and succeeded because it's only 7 seconds into the video clicks above the skull's head and does not shoot absolutely same pattern as in his previous video so here he starts shooting before running into other cheaters that he mentioned in the title which proves once more that he does not toggle on Cheaters He Cheats casually next clip 3 minutes 10 seconds this one is so blatant I don't think that I even need to explain it anymore oh and who are you aiming at man who are you waiting for oh a pyro a cheetah pyro that you're focusing this whole video I mean I already proved that venusian uses ESP but this one is just too obvious 4 minutes 24 seconds look at how he ignores this Demoman he does not even try to aim at him at all instead he waits for the same cheater Pirates right in and shoots him and now the clear will hacks instance 449 [Music] another flick without shooting this is like I don't know 10th already 10th no shot flick I've lost count at this point 6 minutes 15 seconds yeah I'll be aiming over here but despite seeing an enemy heavy about to walk in I'll pre-aim up the stairs to kill a cheating pirate that I didn't even see this is definitely not suspicious at all so I'll leave this in a video and the last clip from this third video which is one of the most obvious examples of trigger butt usage 7 minutes 52 seconds no one aims like this no one keeps aiming after taking a blind drive-by shot after clicking Mouse one button okay everybody this is almost all the evidence that we prepared for you at least from three videos of his and now let's get to the final piece something extra spicy so a few days ago I announced this video that you're watching right now in my YouTube Community tab I didn't mention who it would be about but expectedly venusian rapper left to come in pretty quickly since people started realizing what was about to happen some of them left a few comments on his recent videos accusing him of cheating and this is what venusian had to say not much to think about if I don't cheat in my videos but nice try the next day he uploaded video on a new game that has been playing lately Dom vs cheater that dude's cheating this man I [ __ ] killed him it's like why cheat if you're just trash you know while still keeping to mock other cheaters he asked the question how am I cheating if not in my videos because some salty low IQ Russians said so well venusian to answer your question I think it is just the right time to reveal your old steam account yes my guy hmm why did you abandon this one I wonder what could be the reason to you creating a new one oh oh oh multiple vag bands and multiple game bands oh [ __ ] yes people venusian rapper has been playing TF2 for a lot a lot longer than anybody could have ever expected he started playing this game back in 2013 almost 10 years ago and he started cheating back then as well since this old account of his got back banned in 2016. Venetian rapper has always been a closet shooter not only a tf2 cheater even as it is now confirmed by multiple bands but what's crazier so much crazier is that he had a tf2 inventory worth more than five thousand dollars 5K bucks of Team Fortress 2 items that this pathetic loser got stuck on his backbend account forever and as we just figured this person is not someone who learns his lessons since his current steam account already has a 1K dollars TF2 inventory but he continues to cheat here is venusian's video of him bragging about once dominating a popular profession TF2 player Benny you're the biggest disgrace not everybody [Music] on that attitude attitude I think you kind of forget to mention in your video that the source of this screenshot is your vac band account you [ __ ] ape this screenshot of him dominating Benny was taken on his old steam account in January 2016. and Phoenician got back banned a few months later at the end of April 2016 which is exactly when a huge vague bandwave happened and six years later six years in 2022 he still decided to put the screenshot into his video trying to make it seem that he has never cheated and that someone else is a bad person instead it is one of the countless examples of how this piece of [ __ ] has been gaslighting all his fans during past two years only to get a little bit of clout in A Team Fortress 2 community and this is a person who makes final father tutors and players a person who tried to accuse fat magic of being a closet cheater and still believes he was right despite all of the evidence was fully confirmed to be false a person who has been non-stop lying to everyone watching his videos a person who once stated that he has atoned for his sins which makes us raise some questions since the the cheating and computer game scene is definitely not a toned what are the other scenes that he was talking about what is up with this venusian's confession and physically abusing his ex-girlfriend that he would later backpedal on and make it look like an epic troll why were his two Twitter accounts banned which creepy allegations made him get banned from a Discord server of a popular artist we've got the answers to all of these questions but they will be revealed in the next video about this individual everything that he does in games is only the very tip of an iceberg that goes deep down into the ocean our next video on venusian rapper will be a lot more serious and dark but for now this will be it for today's episode of hacker police archives special thanks to Godwin a guy who helps me with my fat magic video before and this time he did an insane job in teaching me on how to spot triggerbot and in fighting Clips thanks a lot bro and thanks to midnight who also helped me with finding some more evidence hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did make sure to leave a like and comment and of course subscribe for more content in the future it was me officer vorovsky have a great day y'all and always remember cheating is for [ __ ] peace [Music]
Channel: Vorobey
Views: 704,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, tf2, Streamer, Streamsniper, Stream sniper, owned, destroyed, demolished, rekt, ez, lose, loser, streamsniping, stream sniping, cheater, cheats, hacker, hacks, hax, hacking, cheating, pro, noob, pro player, player, tf2 gameplay, tf2 stream, tf2 news, tf2 update, heavy update, wtf, moments, compilation, guide, tutorial, howto, unboxing, crates, cosmetics, tf2 workshop, workshop, drama, key, unusual, tf2 funny, memes, fun, montage, mad, angry, tilted, annoying, annoyed, insane, deranged, closet, closet cheater
Id: ebkRZu7g2tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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