How I KNEW he’s a Cheater.. [TF2 Hacker Police Archives]

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this video is for fun and entertainment purposes only please do not harass or bully any individuals from this video Simply have a laugh and move on after thanks and have fun watching this video is sponsored by a great Marketplace for selling and buying TF2 items for real cash low prices and commissions lots of payment methods the link is in the description good day everybody it's your favorite police officer veropsy reporting for Duty no this is not really a hacker police episode since as you can see I'm not doing my policeman strip dancer cosplay on camera and instead I will use my voice sometimes and today we'll have a look at some more funny goofy ass Team Fortress 2 cheaters and it's some ways to spot them and of course if you find this information useful don't forget to click that beautiful subscribe button so the first tutor that varabi ran into was playing on a landfill server and was using multiple cheats like crit hacks wall hacks but most importantly silent Aimbot this took place when voro was recording his bison Godlike video a full city of landfall server that's all I need at this point that's all I need the game is gonna go for forever that's what I did too it's running crits from a breast piece heavy snapping me across the map understandable I know what we gotta do we gotta duel somebody from the enemy team this is very important so we don't get Auto balanced because somebody said that whenever there is a duel going on you don't get Auto balanced let's do all the top square thank you exciting in the corner oh my god really that's my second death out of all the things engineers just having huge ass balls going in against a soldier and just one shooting him okay okay rip seven kill streak [Music] could equipped me with the melee Jesus I'm scared of everything [Music] Fair so fair game get me a random crit in that direction for once for once I never mind I didn't even need that foreign but we're not really defending [Music] [ __ ] shots three shots man direct ones [Music] gotta be joking where is he [Music] melted it might be hard to believe but this bison Soldier is the actual cheater foreign what am I supposed to do against this lagging [ __ ] I can't believe I keep dying like this trying to finish off the engineer that just teleports around the map because it should have happened a long time ago with one shot but no I gotta waste everything on him and title backstab look at this guy what what is his problem what what is this what is this [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I think I know what's happening [Music] four Chris Wings in a row five six oh yes he went sniper you went sniper this time let's see what he's up for probably knows that I'm spectating or maybe he doesn't [Music] I'll pause the video because this everybody was a really good example of silentain Bot from this sniper let's check it in slow motion silent aim was fixed a long time ago for spectator cameras so now it does little snaps and the way to determine if someone is using it is spectating a suspect and looking for this as you can see the shot is being made on this Frame but the thing is his Crosshair is not on the point of the shot registration it's like this guy [ __ ] curves bullets wanted style and then a few frames later we can see his Crosshair doing the snap towards the shot registration Point later this body shot that he lands has the same sequence going on here he shoots his gun here are the blood particles which are once again far away from his Crosshair somehow and then a few frames later another snap happens and this is how you spot a selling team at user people but he dies anyway because he's trash but meanwhile someone on the server was not really happy with but I'd be spectating a cheater [Music] I don't care about this duel I care about figuring out if this guy is cheating or not okay okay the guy had to go hiding to keep his score said moment sad moment is that he don't even understand what's happening but okay let's have another duel if you want it so much I seriously doodle this guy just to not get over to balance because of my bison kill streak but since he wants to fight let's fight let's go you want to take the duel this seriously let's go oh he knows how to shoot [Music] why is he so upset about it I don't get it like I didn't even do anything to this guy why is he so upset just hit you too here Vera Bay went to check this guy's team profile to see if he was maybe their first guy's friend well he wasn't but after recording his browser would I be forgot to change back to TF2 in OBS and he basically recorded a black screen for several minutes with a [ __ ] look at the chat messages bro had to run for the HP dough blah blah blah going cap I'll prove my point I'm saying which point you run away from fights for HP ran away from the duel like last time so he just can't stop he won't stop he's just going absolutely mental in this situation and uh I don't know maybe we should uh mg this guy after this game here he is he hits it I don't know for how long this is gonna go because well we're not capping I could have kept a long time ago but I didn't because I wanted to [ __ ] with this guy a little bit more but here our snipers just picking the internet not doing anything I'm missing too much but do I care I'm missing a lot too do I say it up there I mean he is a good player but he just can't take an owl every time he cries about it he cries about me using mad milk he cries about like me getting backs on the map he cries about everything every time he dies almost every time oh no I'm about to take it back oh now we're getting shot at and obviously he does not want to kick his tutor I called him out multiple times he doesn't want to do anything about it the problem is this whole duel I was recording it with the black screen I forgot to click on TF2 icon in my OBS so I didn't even record anything I just started recording now when I realized it I was dying to him quite a lot 11 times 23 for him oh no he's running for the health bags now what he's doing he's doing exactly something that he played me for how come he does not want to lose it gets such a big lead in the beginning as well it was like four hour three oh I can't remember if you can kill me now yeah why is this really dementia acting up again freak out how to use the mouse now he's not that cocky anymore it's not that cocky maybe his Mouse is being broken maybe his computer is acting up I don't know [Music] my heart rate finally got down and I can manage my anger [Music] Peck oh [ __ ] he could have gotten that one now his heart rate is gonna go up again because God damn it this guy picked the health back again [Music] oh I [ __ ] up [Music] foreign [Music] into two more cheaters that were playing with Huntsman in the opposite team and the very first suspicious thing to notice was them both having so many points compared to other players which of course doesn't really prove anything but still it should be enough to start paying attention and looking for something else for example for b-hub cheats it seems like we have two cheaters on the server in the opposite team I guess you can already see who they are judging by the points [Music] yeah that one is he'd be Hub cheats a b Hub cheat allows you to do frame perfect beehubs which are very difficult in TF2 and it is not just jumping repeatedly an actual b-hub gains you speed if you do it right and seeing someone to multiple proper b-hubs in a row paired with having so many points is extra suspicious it's not a headshot so they both cheat with Huntsman got it I see what we're dealing with right now well the goal is the same all the time destroying them both trying to dominate them both dominating two Huntsman cheaters something refreshing am I right would you Tuggle off please would you maybe kick them I just wish they won't switch to uh stroke snap rifles or something else like Huntsman is okay even though it's still pretty difficult to dodge they go in and die still that's what I don't understand like the situational awareness the lack of it for cheaters they can see people through walls but they still go in and die they go one versus three I think they probably don't give a [ __ ] anyway I don't quite see them anywhere they're both dead killing the resolution guy one more time will be elimination I'm actually about the top scorer five Doms sure thing bro and nobody tries to do anything classic df2 Bob servers oh double tap double tap Scout that's their new plan I see now I see [Music] foreign not the second one [ __ ] don't put me in the same team it puts me in the same team uh what was that did you see that he was fully covered in blood I didn't enable some extra Gore in this game how long should I be waiting for there we go just click F1 click F1 right hell yeah there it is can anybody kick Alex as well would you start the vote it's not that difficult [Music] nice F1 yeah F1 you're welcome [ __ ] get out of here now [Music] feels like I'm gonna get kicked next and this Breville guy yeah foreign this whole time I have been the third cheater on the server I earned these people's trust by kicking the actual blade in cheaters but now it is my turn [Music] what's today's foreign [Music] because in Russian language whenever you jump down into the water with your head going down first you know it's called pregnancy can't quite tell if there is the definition for that in English language I mean I don't know it of course there is but I don't know it [Music] and this is how one of the days of trying to get a bison Godlike went for Vera Bay three cheaters on two servers in a row the only okay thing about them is that they didn't try to hide it they played the game cheated blatantly and didn't deny anything so what is worse than an obvious shooter of course a closed one the next day of work got back into recording and he ran into more script kiddos this was already in a bison video but in case you haven't watched it let's get into the analysis so this is the first suspect oh wait a second wait a second what exactly is suspicious about this clip not really much well except him letting super beefy shots with the reserve shooter while being juggled by a rocket at the same time meaning that he has a very good aim or something helps him aiming this is why I've already decided to keep an eye on him for something else and surely it happened I have a feeling he might be a cheater yep yeah he's a cheater if we check this clip in slow motion but a b walks up the stairs he does not see the soldier the soldier does not see him but somehow the soldier has an insane reaction time and he almost immediately shoots a rocket that lands perfectly meaning that he seems to be using wall hacks and later on someone else calls him out for his pre-fires a good cheat oh phone sword too yeah yeah he cheats He Cheats but what I noticed later is something more interesting of course the anime team is going to be holding for these 10 minutes which is something that I doubt did it catch anything well slow motion time he aims directly at varabe but where's his rocket going he's going for a space adventure apparently and guess what this is silent anybody again yes this is how you can sometimes sport it for projectile weapon classes without spectating easy and since this Soldier died of world multiple times already a mighty follow-up easy bomb hit his ego very hard [Music] all right despite the soldier later Ray switching to sniper and hard toggling over a bay he even writes one in the chat after this kill which is a cheater's length for get one temp bro he's still not the main protagonist here since he's blatant but who is the main one then it is Candice kill a guy that joined the conversation out of nowhere and started defending a cheater and the reason to this should be pretty clear I am pretty sure Candice kellis's friend I'll check their friendliests after this game so is he also a cheater the answer is yes yet it is pretty difficult to prove since but they already deleted all the footage but you can rewatch the Bison video and check the kill feed throughout the game headshot after a headshot we still got one clip to show though so he also started focusing on a bay in retaliation of his body getting owned and this happened can the skill is staying behind this corner on a common sniper position and a 95 percent of situations snipers only aim towards the enemy's spawn to get easy picks they don't normally check this territory especially if they don't see anyone right but what a surprise candy skill knows that vori is about to walk around the corner and instantly lands a headshot then follows up with a body shot when buru is behind a wall and then he lands another headshot which also felt like it was behind a wall this one moment plus Candace kill Landing almost every headshot earlier in this game plus him defending his cheated body equals he is also a cheater but a [ __ ] ass closer one to some absolutely mind-blowing skills I mean holy [ __ ] let me show it to her here he queues up for a game with another cheater friend of his which even has a friend backbend but at the same time in his own steam profile he would upload screenshots of a blade and shooter to make fun of him well I guess it's fine when he accused up with his shooter friends on his YouTube channel he would once again make fun of some raging cheaters that he had run into but it is perfectly fine when his friend heart toggles after getting clapped by a legit he would also upload a video where he uses a free cheat on his alt account a video where he talks about why he shouldn't cheat in TF2 he would also use a [ __ ] safety of two hashtag in his nickname I know what you want to say here I know it gotta be a troll there is no way there is after receiving some accusations in his profile he would go full denial mode 20K Plus hours into TF2 I lost my account years ago because of bad remembering on password forgot the name too oh [ __ ] off yet another day getting falsely banned in a community server how I love it fun fact if I would cheat this account would be gone I'm pretty sure Candy skill cheats does not mean I'm a cheater there's a camera from his second shooter friend every side child's content creator on YouTube does a weapon Challenge and gets mad about not doing good with it proceeds to accuse others of cheating rather defend a friend than to sim for a YouTuber that doesn't even know about my existence oh [ __ ] now I do and in the end Candice kill would close his comment section I have two questions first one is what the [ __ ] and the second one why does it have to be a [ __ ] Fanboy that isn't a hentai that has Japan selected as his country on his team Jesus just saying can't just kill issue you could have accepted the fact that you cheated but instead you have shown one more time how embarrassing hypocritical and cowardly closer cheers like you are and now the last shooter for this video this actually happened back in August and this is a super spicy one we don't have any footage recorded but long story short but I may joined a random high tower game and ran into a cheater this cheater also hard toggle as a sniper on him but from the very beginning of a match since more people recognize photos someone decided to book at him as a vaccinator medic and but if they killed that shooter a few times and later call them out so the anime team would finally kill him and as a result a tutor was successfully kicked from the server but the story does not end here no no this cheater would later upload a screenshot of what I be falsely accusing him of cheats showing the chat messages then he would join for a beast Discord server from two different accounts where he would cry about getting kicked in both server chats and also in people's DMS so we decided to dig a Little Deeper out of curiosity maybe there is more on this guy and you would not believe it the first evidence piece that caught my eye is this screenshot of his where he brags about getting 40 hats as a demo Knight can you notice it because there is something wrong with this screenshot I'll give you a bit more time all right so it is his field of view yep it's his field of view tf2's maximum field of view is 90. you cannot possibly make it wider than that until you play some Community servers with unlocked fovs and quite frankly I cannot recall any high tower servers that use this function or you can get your frv wider with that's right cheats insane right this is how this part of the map looks with a legitimate 90 fov and this is how it looks for this shooter imagine exposing yourself like this here's another screenshot of his own turbine where he brags about picking someone's golden frying pan same [ __ ] normal FLV for the same part of the map he's fov but this is not even it after some more research we noticed that he had a link to his twitch Channel as one of his team nicknames so we checked on his twitch for some more possible evidence thankfully we got two clips on one of them he's playing with the directive foreign [Music] do I even need to say anything at this point do I yes it is silent day but yes this guy closely cheats in TF2 and on his streams yes he thinks he's this smart and that he fools everybody but he definitely forgot about one thing you can never outsmart a tf2 hacker police officer varovsky [ __ ] alright this will be it for today's video guys hope you all enjoyed it and maybe learn something new and if you did make sure to leave a like and comment and of course subscribe to this channel for more content like this in the future it was me officer vorovsky see you the next one and always remember cheating is for [ __ ] peace
Channel: Vorobey
Views: 567,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, tf2, Hacker, Police, Cheater, Hacker police, HP, dox, doxxing, mad, angry, tilted, rage, raging, rage quit, ragequit, rq, votekick, voteban, banned, kicked, cheats, hacks, hacking, cheating, aimbot, wallhack, exposed, crying, gameplay, commentary, live, documentary, live gameplay, live commentary, funny, lol, wtf, moments, random, pub, pub server, valve, tf2 update, heavy update, tf2 news, tf2 funny, tf2 memes, memes, insane, trolling, troll, hackers, cheaters, USP, crits, random crits, crit hacks, scout, spot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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