[TF2] How to Trolldier: Market Gardener Basics

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sondsmit pog

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He’s building an army. Hightower’s doomsday is upon us

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/HippieDogeSmokes 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
195 is my favorite number i'm not sure if it's pavlovian or what but at this point i'm pretty sure my brain is just hardwired to release dopamine whenever it hears this sound and sees that number and honestly i feel like the reason for that is pretty simple it's because this oh my god is really fun if you're watching this video i think it's safe to say that you'd agree with me on that but maybe don't quite know where to start and that's okay i mean yeah this playstyle is fun but it can also seem pretty complicated if you don't know what you're doing so let me just cut straight to the chase you want to know how to troller this is where you start as you probably guessed from the title trollsr is a playstyle primarily centered around the market garden an unlockable melee weapon for soldier with which we'll be using one specific stat deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping what this means is that if you blow yourself up and launch your body into the stratosphere like a complete madman well congratulations your shovel is now absurdly powerful and until you hit the ground will deal 195 damage with every swing now normally when you rock a jump you would damage yourself it's a trade-off that you give for that mobility but we're also going to be sidestepping that health cost by using another one of soldiers unlockable weapons okay maybe calling it a weapon is a little bit of a stretch the rocket jumper is a primary replacement for soldier that functions exactly like the stock rocket launcher except it does no damage whatsoever to enemies or to the user originally it was meant to be used as a training launcher so that new jumpers could practice without blowing themselves up every five seconds but we're essentially going to be abusing that to fling ourselves across the map at warp speed power up our comically large spoon dive bomb right next to somebody and hopefully kill them right before we land if you're new to this whole team fortress 2 thing yeah that probably sounded a little intimidating this playstyle has a lot of moving parts to it but oh no don't panic to make this easier to digest let's just go ahead and break this whole sequence down into three parts the jumping stuff the airborne stuff and the shovel stop [Music] hello again i'm fast i'm so fast you couldn't even comprehend how fast i am [Music] okay first things first in order to power up our gardener we need to rocket jump to do this start walking look at any surface then jump crouch and shoot all at the same time and that's it that's a rocket jump yeah well uh actually crouch time and cavelli if you're using specific techniques like uh c tapping and uh no no don't listen to that guy okay if you're just starting out don't worry about any of that complicated [ __ ] all right for now all you need to know for the timing is to just do them at the same time okay okay now after you press those three buttons at the same time let go of w this is because of something that i'm going to explain later in the video but for now just trust me don't hold w in the air ever seriously stop it well actually once you've got this basic motion down we need to start controlling where we go with the jump this is actually the most difficult part of market guard the hard part isn't swinging the shovel it's rocket jumping next to them so that when you swing the shovel it actually connects you aren't exactly aiming a gun at the enemy gamers it's more like you're aiming your entire body nice throw so let's talk about rocket placement where and how fast you fly when you rock a jump is primarily determined by where the explosion happens relative to where you're standing so to keep things simple let's just look at it like this if the explosion happens here you'll go this way if the explosion happens here you'll go that way and if the explosion happens here you'll still go that way just faster now things are going to get a little tricky when we try to extrapolate this to a three-dimensional space because now we also have to worry about all this vertical [ __ ] shooting closer to yourself on the ground will make you go faster yes but it will also cause you to go higher instead of further which could be a problem but remember the rocket doesn't have to be on the floor it can be on any surface walls props payload carts all of these are fair game and it pays off to be creative here the last thing you need to remember for a basic rocket jump is to keep walking in the direction that you want to jump up until you jump if you're moving your aim around with your right hand to place your rocket that might mean you have to change up what your left hand is doing on loz d to keep going in the same direction so for example if i'm aiming to jump off of a wall on my right but i keep walking forward with w i am now walking into the wall instead of forward and that means i'm going to lose speed on the jump instead what i would want to do is swap to pressing a as i aim at the wall so this way i'm now strafing to the left along the wall and i'm moving in the same direction that i'm trying to fly as i jump [ __ ] yes dude i know this is a lot of information to digest and a lot of what i'm talking about is gonna take some practice to get down but unfortunately this is a multiplayer game and as you might have guessed you aren't going to be able to practice very effectively if there are people trying to kill you so instead of going into a casual server and trying this out what i'd recommend you do is find a place where you can be all alone alone hello hello specifically fire up an offline listen server to do this make sure your developer console is enabled you can find this by pressing advanced on your options menu then open it up type map space and then any map you feel like practicing on for this example i'm using my go to plr underscore hightower to make things easier i've also enabled cheats with sv underscore cheats one and i have bound my mouse one to also refill my health and ammo whenever i fire and now you can jump around and practice to your heart's content one practice method that i like to use is i pick any destination on the map and then i try to rocket jump such that i can consistently land there from a few different places using a few different kinds of jumps so congratulations after practicing for a little while you've managed to get a good feel for basic rocket jumping and where to place your rockets but if you just hop into a casual game and jump straight at somebody you realize pretty quickly that we kind of forgot something they're an enemy gamer and that means they can game too [Music] so we're in the air but we're not quite done yet there are three big things you need to do in this part and the first one is not only important but also probably one of the most useful skills you can even learn for any advanced movement in tf2 it's called air strafing even if you don't end up committing to the whole troller thing it'd still be in your best interest to learn how to air strafe since it's a skill that's usable on every class it essentially allows you to control your movement while in mid-air which can let you dodge projectiles turn corners faster and even make some pretty crazy escapes to do this hold down one of your two strafe keys a or d and then slowly move your mouse in the corresponding direction so if you're strafing to the left with a you'd move your mouse to the left and if you're strafing to the right with d you move your mouse to the right when you do this correctly your character kind of curves through the air now there is a limit on how fast you can turn though so don't move your mouse too quickly it's a slow gradual thing if you go faster than the limit you just kind of stop i don't know how to describe the exact rotational speed that the limit is set at and also it changes if you wear mantras but if you try it out for yourself it's pretty easy to get a feel for it does seem pretty simple it's basically just a combination of two inputs but there is one big mental roadblock that every new player seems to run into and that's that thing we talked about earlier holding w the reason you never want to hold w is because it actually prevents you from effectively air strafing just compare these two clips of me trying to air strafe without holding w and while holding w right it doesn't entirely disable it but it will severely [ __ ] you seriously i cannot overstate how important it is to break this muscle memory early on don't hold w okay it's it's not good fun little side note air strafing doesn't just let you control yourself in midair it also actually causes you to speed up some really smart people did some really complicated math about this and it's uh i'm not smart enough to understand any of this but if you're smarter than me and you're interested in learning more about source engine acceleration vectors i'll put a link in the description but in the interest of moving on before i embarrass myself anymore uh source engine is dumb funny wavy line go zoom okay so once you get the hang of air strafing how does it connect to trolls well more air control will essentially let you course correct mid-jump obviously you aren't going to aim a perfect jump every single time and the person you're jumping at is undoubtedly going to be moving around sometimes a lot so if you air strafe you can follow them while you're falling to the ground try to predict where you think they'll be when you get to the ground and aim to land right next to that spot now one more thing before we move on you might have picked up on some key wording there that is super important but just in case i want to run it back and play it again [Music] try to predict where you think they'll be when you get to the ground and aim to land right next to that spot aim to land right next to that spot right next to that spot next to that spot yep that's right we are not aiming to land on top of somebody we are aiming to land next to somebody the reason for this has to do with maximizing the time you have to crit someone with your gardener remember this thing will lose its crit buff as soon as you land so yes when your feet hit the ground you lose it but you also lose it if your feet hit the top of someone's head technically that counts as landing but if you land next to somebody you'll spend more time in melee range meaning it's gonna be a lot easier for you to hit that shovel so unless you're wearing man treads and you're trying to do the funny stop your air strafing should be used to land next to someone okay moving on from air strafing the second big thing you need to do thankfully there's a lot more straightforward hold crouch and keep holding it until you land that's it the reason is the exact same as before it makes it easier for you to hit your garden crouching in tf2 is a little bit weird if you crouch while on the ground it brings your torso down but if you crouch in the air it brings your legs up so when you land next to somebody if you're crouching again you have a bigger window to hit that garden and finally the last thing you need to do while in the air is remember to pull out your market gardener i know it's pretty obvious but it's also very important to remember there's an animation that plays before you're actually able to swing so you want to do it soon or else it'll be a really awkward are landing [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations you got to the fun part and as it happens this is also the easiest part all you have to do at this point is hit the target after you get in melee range but before you hit the ground you are going to have to swing a little bit early but this really just comes down to timing there's a quarter second delay between when you click and when your melee will hit something and once you get a feel for this it'll come naturally also quick side note you might have noticed that the market gardener has a stat that says it reduces its swing speed but this actually affects the recovery time between the swings and not the actual swing itself the first swing is just gonna be the same as every other melee so just don't even worry about it now if you did all of this correctly yeah this is perfect now that we've gone over every step of a market garden i'd like to go through an entire sequence input by input and show how it all comes together i start by walking forward with w and then i look down into the right to place my rocket as i'm doing that i swap from pressing w to pressing a to make sure i'm still walking forward then i jump crouch and shoot all at the same time and immediately press three to pull out my gardener still holding crouch and a i move my mouse to the left to air strafe to the left but i realize i went a little bit too far so i swap from a to d and slowly move my mouse back to the right to air strafe and get myself back on track at this point i'm right on target and all i have to do is left click at the right time and boom there it is i'll go ahead and play it back one more time at full speed with all the inputs on screen and that's it that's a market garden [Music] i got a good feeling about this this playstyle is undeniably fun as hell but it also requires a lot of practice to get the hang of so here are a few practice tips that really helped me out when i first started using an offline listen server is fine for getting the basic jumping motion down but if you're looking to try out some more advanced stuff i would suggest you check out jump academy's servers just type jump academy into your server browser and they should pop right up this isn't sponsored by the way their servers are just really good they released a new map a while ago that covers practically all skill levels of rocket jumping all the way from basic air strafing to completely insane [ __ ] like to put it in perspective what you're seeing right now is one of the medium courses i can't even make it through the hard ones myself it's crazy suffice to say it has a little something for everyone if you're looking to get a better feel for the timing on your market gardener though try out tr walkway rc2 it's a custom map where it just spawns a bunch of bots walking in a straight line for you you can customize just about everything about the map and it's a great environment for just getting the hang of handling your shovel and even if you can't get the hang of it right away don't worry i know it can be a little discouraging but like this shit's hard man i can't even tell you how long it took me to land my first garden it's because i lost track it took a long time okay it is admittedly a lot of effort for something so silly but in my opinion that dopamine rush is totally worth it if you keep practicing and you put in the time cultivating your garden you'll be farming those kills in no time hey thanks for watching all the way through or skipping to the end i ain't gonna judge if you've watched a lot of my videos you might be thinking this video seems a little familiar and that's because it should this is a remaster of a really old video that and i'm gonna use the technical term here sucked ass i was really dissatisfied with the structure and the editing and the writing and all that on the first one and while i don't really plan to do this for a whole lot of my videos i'm probably gonna do a couple more of the how to trollers i think up until secondary showcase anyway i'm probably just rambling over the patreon section i guess that's probably over by now um right anyway like and comment and only one out of seven and a half trillion of my viewers are actually subscribed and all the dumb youtube stuff okay bye
Channel: SoundSmith
Views: 1,870,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, SoundSmith, SoundSmithTF2, Trolldier, Market Gardener, TF2 Market Gardener, Shovel, Rocket Jumper, Rocket Jumping, Jumping, TF2 Rocket Jump, Meme Spoon, Tutorial, How to Trolldier, Market Garden Tutorial, other tags idk
Id: ExBhn_G_L0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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