[TF2 Jailbreak] The Burger King Sniper 2

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yes [Music] time to kill them all everybody run everybody all ass they're running they're running steady with the trigger you better watch out behind you oh straight up everybody marker i i i i i i play hello are you speaking english warden go to everybody in my great place down so this is how it ends we in this game we're all gonna die no one's on the buttons no frick you that's not our problem what was the first sniper hat added into tf2 yes into medic okay i'm trying to run right but i hope no one knows this i'm gonna rebel once come on give me up the ladder give me up the you ladder boy okay freeze go to every warden um um play why is there someone over there someone has death fall uh oh please don't notice me please no one noticed me please no one noticed me i don't know what that scout was doing right there please let me down doggies please no no no no i'm actually rebelling this is it this is happening [Music] let's do this oh man it's really good to be back [Music] man i haven't done this in so long i really missed all this good old ammo spot oh i guess let's hold this roof and get some kills here i come [Music] [Music] [Music] you got a very useful t-posing pyro on your team kinda looks like ninja you killed me you weren't lying uh it was it was honestly a combination i didn't see you i didn't see you gonna hide here until uh they leave that wasn't the only guy there was a soldier with them there was a soldier with us guys mhm ah it's good to be back baby trusty schnappa rifle all i gotta do is get a couple of kills defend my you guys already know the plan you guys already know how's it gonna go he can't shoot [Music] hey look my head shots aren't been that on point lately i'm gonna be real with you oh actually i changed my mind how did you die i'm disappointed in my team what do you think was going to happen i survived they didn't i'm all i'm closer than they ever made it your teammates are all dead their bodies are just around the field oh you got me there i'm just going to do a huge circle around you all right come up with your hands up yo want the blue shoe to stick in here i want the blue shoe to stick in here look i did this this is inside cells though no it's not this is yes it is oh my god get him get him oh hey hey what are you doing what are you doing girl hey girl what's up okay i want you guys to go shoulder to shoulder on the yellow line he's dead he's supposed to be there we have to get him and you'll be going to get this guy all right russian russian yo afk on the health packs uh near climb will be pardoned fk on the health pack teamwork i like that is last reaction call for a dispenser needed to speed up here okay i need to go to that so that's right ahead oh everyone else besides me has died i shall avenge everyone who has managed to help me escape take out the enemy snipers first all right if you say stand still i will give you 5 000 credits oh okay before they realize i need to grab as much ammo as they can no time for monologue there's a sniper going towards the car oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go towards burger king hey hey hey stop running i think this is where the chaos starts to happen let me see the action we're gonna die in here it's a lot of blood everywhere jesus christ i'm gonna hide here i'm gonna want to die there's so much blood oh my god this is bodies there's so much blood oh my god [Applause] [Music] i think i'm going to use the sydney sleeper because i want to see some [ __ ] heads roll sniper i call dibs on the bathroom first nope sorry don't work like that i gotta go and go the other way go the other way you [ __ ] [ __ ] don't you like go somewhere else oh my god no i'm i didn't grab anything he's been grabbing and all yeah thank you see i don't have a gun i don't have a gun i don't have a gun i don't have a gun don't shoot me i don't have a gun i wait i want it i'm on his head i want his head [Applause] it looks like i'm going to just be on the blue team and kind of let them rip them apart all right all right what's going on around here if you're not on the yellow line at the current moment you are kos why would i do that why don't you just get a burger king no no there's going to be a lot of blood if you guys try to come over here right now it's the king sniper [ __ ] hey if you don't mind you just uh oh medic where's your hitbox that's nasty i haven't yelled i'm waiting for you right now honestly yeah i'm coming i'm coming this is the deal with the propellers oh hey you're actually what's going on here where's the uh where's the other guy what do you think if he doesn't die he's dead okay one of you want me that mellie only all right well just to let you know i'm literally one of the top 10 best source 2 melee fighters in the world well you see back in 1953 actually melee fight gaben himself wait hold on i was just kidding nobody for you are you [ __ ] serious okay i'm ready again come on no no you let me get back now okay get medic make this quick come on before i shoot you come on hurry up come on go go i really want to pull the trigger right now come on come on come on come on come on come on all right ready go yeah i'm winning hours later everything died down and it's just me i had a great time today the server was full of life and now it's just empty but something about that is relaxing you get the opportunity to take in the details about areas you always surround yourself at i get a chance to walk around and see places that are all just full of memories for me and nostalgia feeling to all the hours i put into just into this one single game alone it's crazy to think how far i came been doing this for four years now i'm happy to finally be back i'm glad i was able to do a throwback it was all a great remembrance i'll try to keep this promise when i say i won't be gone for this long again and i won't be leaving jailbreak anytime [Music] soon
Channel: Freddy210hill
Views: 100,619
Rating: 4.9548287 out of 5
Keywords: Tf2 Jailbreak, tf2 jailbreak rebel, tf2 jailbreak rebelling, tf2 jailbreak prison, tf2 jailbreak funny moments, tf2 jailbreak warden, tf2, teamfortress, jailbreak servers, tf2 jailbreak IP, tf2 jailbreaking trolling, tf2 jailbreak reds, tf2 jailbreak tips, tf2 jailbreak worst warden, tf2 jailbreak freekilling, tf2 montage, team fortress 2, tf2 gameplay, team fortress 2 funny moments, tf2 3000 hours, tf2 experience, tf2 jailbreak burgerking, pavlov jailbreak, csgo jailbreak
Id: t8EBNPutOnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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