TF2; Why Sniper is Hated

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this ever happened to you you start to stroll out of spawn strutting your stuff for all to see when you just so happen to stride into a sight line the next sequence of several seconds sees you searching for your shaved off sculpt sniped from a seriously stupid space away shown by that snake sniper now scoped in a second time and you type in the chat hacker with a free instead of an e and an ampersand for an a but why let us start simple is sniper a weak class no the sniper have a low skill floor no the sniper have a low skill ceiling no is the core gameplay of sniper somehow mechanically flawed also no so at the end of day what's the problem with sniper well there isn't one actually which is a problem within itself much like soldier sniper lacks any true hard-hitting problems for the most part and those that he does have well we'll get there when we get there but unlike soldier sniper is the only class within tf2 that actively ruins and drags out games pretty damning statement but i want you to genuinely think about the average match of team fortress 2 for a second [Music] all right correction think about the average match of team fortress 2 without bots usually at the start of the match you'll have a decent somewhat even spread of classes but as the match goes further and further on you'll begin to notice more people switch to sniper and spy the reason for this mass class outbreak is all because one person on the enemy team is playing sniper and got a single headshot by goddamn bird flu people flock after getting shot needless to say it's very hard to win a match or have fun playing a match when both your team and the enemy team is dedicated to only killing snipers let's back it up a bit though why sniper and spy exclusively why not a power class with decent mobility like soldier or scout sniper is typically a backline fighter a backline fighter with technically infinite range a backline fighter with infinite range no weapon spread and the ability to either deal 50 damage or 150 games with good aim every 1.25 seconds as a result snipers along with medics are typically high on everyone's priority list for people to kill here's the issue of that though to reach the back line and be an attack range of the sniper you gotta navigate your entire way throughout the entire enemy team like a goddamn quarterback scout in most scenarios won't make the trip especially if there's a sentry in the way and soldier will typically get picked off if he walks too much and if your raga jumps too much demoman is also similar in that situation as a result the two counters sniper truly has is another sniper leading back to half my team of sniper as sniper is the only class capable of engaging far away enough without putting much risk to himself and the second counter the sniper isn't spy if you genuinely think spy counter sniper let me blow your mind here sniper's second biggest counter is simply being unobservant this typically involves spy since they can easily sneak your way to the back line and right behind the sniper but at the end of the day that sniper turns around occasionally or hears that d cloak well we'll talk about sniper admitting close range shortly sniper's greatest weakness aside from other snipers is simply being unaware of where and when enemies are closing in on him he's not mobile enough to escape nor lacks the health to survive if one gets a jump on him for the most part the issue with a statement like that however is once again you gotta navigate the entire enemy team in an open field litter of the blown off heads of your teammates just to reach him i mentioned sniper very briefly and why people hate spy as spy isn't exactly a class you fight just a class you look out for like sniper the difference however is that spy revolves much more on your ability to do a free 60 here and there and be cautious it can be annoying to be insecure by a backstab but the blame is typically on you for not paying attention when it comes to sniper however well [ __ ] you for walking across the street spotting a sniper can also be its own challenge most of the time they won't be hard scoped in meaning the one thing that can inform you that sniper is scoped in on you the significantly small dot here won't be there to tell you to run the cover even if you do see the dot and run the cover out of the sight line well now what unless the sniper has a retention span of a goldfish he knows you're there and will keep tabs on your location in case you try to make a run for it assuming another enemy team doesn't come finish you off first the other countermeasure people have the sniper isn't even that good typically people try to shoot at the sniper a mile away and attempt to harass him you'll mostly see it with soldiers and squirt shot pyros and granted this is really annoying getting hit with the score shot while sniping for about three seconds you see a sniper doesn't have to worry about other enemies screwing him over and is free to just dodge the projectile hide behind cover for a second go to a med kit or do absolutely nothing as free of his items completely negate harassing him from far away but congrats you really stopped the sniper from sniping for a whole three seconds assuming he didn't snipe you when you peeked your head out for that shot there's very little counter play one can do to prevent getting sniped in the head and what is possible simply isn't good enough nobody likes getting insta-killed from something that couldn't be prevented or stopped especially if head hitboxes being bigger than the amount of money i owed to the chef mafia let's backtrack a bit to the spy you managed to somehow sneak through the minefield and reach the back line you've done it go claim your reward plunge that knife into that stupid sniper's spine but of course oh stupid bloody spies bombs away is this more yeah oh turns out that the long range class also functions and plays pretty well in mid and close range combat despite the fact that sniper is a long range class and theoretically should be weaker the closer you get to him there are several items and techniques that make sniper pretty effective when he's out of his element for some reason the most notorious of these issues is quick scoping and this is typically where the divergence of people come from when talking about snipers quick scoping is fairly hard to do and requires a good amount of skill to pull off most people look at that skill requirement need to successfully pull off such a feat and say well the sniper is just good or well the player is just bad and maybe if this was second grade an answer like that may be accepted but this is the real world we live in you [ __ ] dunce think of another weapon that could headshot the ambassador the amb pre-nerf allowed spy to deal critical damage from halfway across the map the nerf it received made sure this couldn't happen anymore with the justification that a close range class shouldn't be able to deal massive damage from far away huh a close range class shouldn't be good at long range so a long range class shouldn't be good at close range if sniper wants to be effective at mid to close range it shouldn't be for the usage of the sniper rifle but the huntsman i was going to go into more detail about quick scoping but just as i was writing the script for this someone more famous to me went ahead and made an entire video about the subject so now i get less to talk about send a description if you want to check it out let's go back to the huntsman this weapon gets a lot of unneeded hate i find simply because the problems with it aren't directly stemming from the weapon but more from how tf2 operates the huntsman fires arrows arrows are not bullets believed or not but are actually projectiles and being projectiles are subjugated to the server connection compared to the hit scan sniper rifle which is based on the individual's connection to the server this works fine and danny for explosions and fire one larger and singular hitbox means that the shots are easier to land and connect issue is the huntsman is a sniper weapon so it has to headshot people meaning the arrow projectile is connected to the server's connection but your head is connected to your connection the result is bad stuff other mid-range and effective weapons sniper has at his disposal is the smg which although certainly is an exact powerhouse of a gun is still pretty darn effective hardly any spread do the k damage with a decent clip size and fire rate and of course everyone's favorite power couple jaradi and bushwacka shouldn't have to explain this one too much but enforces the ideal that the long range sniper class is just good at all ranges getting close to him and thinking of the upper hand just makes you subjugated to a quick combo 20 seconds is a long recharge time though for scout with mad milk who'll constantly be engaging with enemies and taking damage not sniper who'll have to wait for that one spy they just killed to respawn and make their way back to him just to throw it again speak of the devil you're back not our finest moment second time's a charm you know what they say go get them champ hello again dumbbell backstab bet you snike i hate you alright i almost forgot about those let's just do a quick round up of all the other miscellaneous weapons and things that make sniper annoying to play against headshots are expected from a person playing sniper no one likes to be headshot from across a map because they existed but they can at least realize it takes some skill to do same cannot be said for being body shot to death however leading to probably even more frustration and anger and what weapon allows her body shots more than the rest the machina although it's been a while since i've seen anyone complain in the games about it for the extra 28 damage of fully charged machina deals it's still there and can be annoying the razorback is honestly just a joke and if you're reliant on it i pity you the literal best case scenario you have for this weapon is that the spy that's about to pull out as a gun and shoot you is using a diamondback without any saved up crits seriously playing a spy against sniper user racing back isn't stopping me from killing you it just makes the death slower more tedious plus it reduces your overheal why would you wear it and finally we have the cozy camper which just makes any and all chip damage you do to sniper gone due to his passive healing also no flinching and knockback reduction on fully charged shots isn't super big but it does remove the whole point of taking pot shots at the sniper to avoid being shot in the first place sweet silver gun and a graveyard on christmas day i've certainly ripped into the [ __ ] sniper his power and skill is simply unmatched in the match and can very easily become the most infuriating and annoying class to fight against there's a reason why hackers and cheaters default to him over other classes range damage and accuracy anyways how was it i feel like i did a pretty good job personally i don't know man maybe you're just bad at the game okay i just explained it i'm joking you forgot i'm literally the devil all right all right all right you got you got me good you gotta be good i'll give you credit you got me good there what about you guys though thoughts felt like this was done in significant depth and detail but you never know feel free to leave a comment saying your thoughts specifically on certain sniper weapons like the classical hitman's heat maker i don't really have much of opinion on them since you don't really see them all that often but i feel like they kind of have their own quirks to him who are you talking to my guy it's just me and you don't worry about it
Channel: SpaceGuyOnline
Views: 275,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pyJSnBPihRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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