TF2: Basic Sniping Tutorial

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do you want to get better at sniping did you click on this video thinking that I could help you with that then you were horribly mistaken haha I wish I was funny hey guys how are y'all doing today my name is Nate and today I want to talk about everything you should know about sniping as well as a few ways to get better at aiming in general now I wouldn't consider myself a good sniper but I played sniper for a few years now and I'm starting to learn Athena - along the way that's helped me to get better and basically I'm going to cover all of the basic stuff everyone should know as well as my own advice to help you play even better now first off before you even a que I say trying to cook on sniper don't do that then the very first thing you want to do before you even begin playing sniper is to make sure mouse acceleration is turned off mouse acceleration will basically change the distance your mouse travels depending how fast you move the mouse itself so if I were to move my mouse slowly towards the right and stop them edit my mouse pad I would turn even farther if I were to move my mouse faster this will really screw up your aim seriously if you have it off then you'll always move to the same position no matter how fast or slow you move your mouse alright awesome cool you did it goldstar you will now platinum sniper a good luck the first thing you need to know is how much damage you will do the enemy players that is if you manage to hit them hit shots as you all know will do a lot more damage than hitting someone in the body a normal head shot will do 150 damage that's enough to kill a scout engineer medic sniper or spy in just one shot a fully charged headshot is going to do a whopping 450 damage which is enough to kill a fully over heeled heavy which is pretty awesome basically the amount of damage you do with your sniper rifle will depend how much you charge your shot 150 damage for no charge 150 - 450 while charging and 450 while completely charged pretty simple stuff a normal body shot on an enemy player will only do 50 damage while it's certainly still quite a bit of damage you aren't going to kill people reliably by only dealing a lot of body shots it would take three body shots just to kill someone like a scout now a fully charged body shot is going to do 150 damage which is the same thing as a normal head shot if you want to be a really effective sniper but needed to know when to go for a head shot a charged shot or a body shot and using all three will make you wildly better for example if I see an enemy soldier walk out spawn I can assume that he is about 200 health this means if I let my chart chart for a bit then I can probably kill them in just one shot I don't have to necessarily charge my shot all the way but it really just depends on the situation you're in if a soldier is being over healed by medic and there's a good chance we'll have about 300 health in this case I don't want to let my shot charge for even longer if I think a soldier is low on health then Mike just body shot him Wow 8 that's well personally I like skill soldiers by hitchhiking them once at the normal headshot then following it up with a normal body shot it's very quick and it gets the job done but knee fix AV stream sniper a phone is a strange part a shock you sniff my body shop pays me strange part won't level up hey I don't care Shh do what you want you freaking weirdo I'm just trying to help your holy smokes oh yeah that's it the most effective way of killing players is to headshot them as often as you can when in doubt just do a normal head shot you never really know how much health someone has so sometimes it's just good to get a quick shot on them instead of waiting around for your shot to charge just use your own judgment I guess as for the other sniper rifles you might do different damage depending on their stats so be sure to experiment with those for a while jeez that was really boring I'm sorry we'll get to the fun stuff I promise next I want to talk about the three different types of aiming there is tracking flick aim and Guitar Hero aim trust me it's not as exciting as it sounds but practicing each type of aiming and using them in games will help you hit hit shots a ton more really you will tract aim is when you try to keep your crosshair as close to a player's head as you can this means you'll be moving your mouse constantly make sure you can reliably hit them while they move practicing track aim will help you know the speed of each class and you'll have an easier time predicting where someone will be at a given moment flick aim is when you sort of flick your mouse for the players position you aren't necessarily following their movement but you're quickly moving your crosshair to the place they'll be standing flick aim will help you make quick decisions and take shots when people move around a lot if you use both track aim and flick aim together then you're going to be hitting a lot more head shots now what I like to call Guitar Hero aim is when you wait for a player to pass your crosshair and you shoot the moment they pass over it you can probably guess where it gets its name from when using this type of aim you'll want to have your cost fair hover over the place where someone would be standing if they were to walk over it so make sure to aim at the general place where someone's head would pass by and if you practice all three types of aiming together then you're gonna be hitting people like a lunatic user named Bob so now they know how to aim like a pro how are you going to play like a pro well that's going to come down to a few things here if you guys ever heard of high priority targets yeah we'll cover that really quick the best thing about playing sniper is that you have the ability to kill just about anyone from almost any distance yeah you have a lot more power than you think however because you have such an important role you need to know which classes you should kill first before killing others see this this is a medic medics q people make them feel good what does a sniper do two medics he shoots them in our stupid face medics and snipers are what I would consider high priority classes killing a medic means the enemy team won't have someone to kill them and that makes it easier for your team to kill them seriously go after these dudes enemy snipers are also really high priority if you're distracted they'll kill you in an instant without giving a second thought about it kill the snipers and do it quick all the other classes come down to the situation that you're in sometimes it might be better to kill an engineer first if the Sentry is causing a lot of trouble for your teammates other times you might need to kill a heavy that's blocking the control point it all depends your teammates will praise you to make their lives easier so just make good decisions now next up is everyone's favorite topic of discussion and debate hitboxes hitboxes are both crap you'll learn this the hard way and life isn't fair sometimes you'll hit someone in the face and it'll do no damage and you'll question life or throw away your computer and sit in a dark alleyway eating leftover pizza crusts and wonder what could have possibly gone wrong but generally hitbox is a pretty simple stuff you shoot someone in the head middle counsel headshot if I'm on the body you know it counts a body shot usually anywho um yeah let's let's see any face vines talking after every kill oh here it is movement make sure to move a lot even though you're behind your teammates and you think you're safe you need to be moving constantly if you stand still then you're going to end up getting killed especially by other snipers it'll be harder for them to target you if you move back and forth and make your movement random speaking of which also be sure to change your sniping position often if you keep sniping from the same general area then players will know where you are and try to come after you if you move to different areas and you'll be a lot less predictable and it'll be so much easier to kill enemy snipers well I don't know where you are now although moving to different places can be really useful it's also important to know where good sight lines are a good sight line we didn't see a lot of the area around you and you can kill players without needing to be too close to them here on upward I'll show you a few examples I'm on defense and I'm facing towards the a point on a cup of the hill this is a good spot the blue team is pushing the cart right now I can't see very much because of this large hill towards the middle however this place at the top of the stairs is a very good sight line I can see almost three spawn doors and I can aim right down the track where the card is supposed to be pushed Plus these walls on both sides of me give me something to run behind if I need some quick protection if you're having a hard time finding a good sniping position however you remember these two points your position covers a lot of area and your position has an escape route if you're standing somewhere you can potentially be ambushed you might want to be very careful and be aware of what's around you but remember even if your sigh line isn't the greatest you can still hit shot people from just about anywhere even if someone is sending point blank in front of your face you can get a nice hitch off of them if you act really quick don't be scared to take crazy shots sometimes especially if your life depends on it look at this guy he's dead and you're not one last quick tip I'll give you guys is to be aware of your sniper dot when you're scoped in it'll show a bright colored dot wherever your crosshair is aimed this can really give away your position if you aren't careful because enemies will be able to see it on the wall if you're waiting for people to come around a corner I would suggest aiming at a place your sniper dot won't be visible and then aiming directly at people once you can see them sometimes you'll get people quite a surprise in the end sniper is all about waiting for the right moment to happen you're not going to go on crazy 20 kill streaks until you practice for a long time and get the hang of what you're doing sometimes you'll need to be really patient waiting for the perfect opportunity to pick someone off other times mutten don't jump right into the action and do something stupid and crazy that might just work out who knows sniper is a lot of fun seriously it is but you're going to need to be really patient with yourself even if you don't get a single headshot out of like ten games it really all comes down to practice and learning it all for yourself anyways that's all I can really share with you guys today I'm learning how to place a knight for myself so I don't know everything there is to being the best but hopefully you can take something that I learned and use it for yourself thank you all for watching and I hope to see you all next time you
Channel: Nate Fox
Views: 1,175,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, Nate Fox, nate, sniping, sniper, tutorial, guide, aiming, aim, mouse, rifle
Id: tt8x4PMvZUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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