Repair cement crack in driveway, fix patio to protect from water, sun UV

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hi I'm Blair Gilbert here for mr. hardware calm and Gilbert's pro hard were in st. Clair Shores we talked on a prior episode about this back patio how was pitched towards the house and water came off that was causing the basement to have a wet spot this have you looked down you can see these holes had been patched this is where the mud jacker her concrete raising guy has come through drilled holes pumped a slurry of mud and such underneath this floated these slabs up and got him pitched away so now when it rains the water runs away from this building thank goodness so he's gone it has left some huge cracks all to be expected when you have concrete moving it's going to move away from itself because it never has a chance to come back together because dirt and gets in the cracks so here we are with the old foam trick remember friends neighbors whenever you're foaming always have a box at the end of the run because the little foam is going to drizzle out of the straw this is the minimal expanding touching foam about six dollars minimal expanding so when we squirt this in you're going to see as this dries it's not going to triple in size make a chocolate mess everywhere the mud jackers tell us that after they pick up the cement if we want to guarantee and the slab we have to seal it so we need a watertight a good watertight seal the foam is going to give us a watertight seal then we're going to come back we're going to put some self leveling clock over the top of this and it's me a beautiful job it's going to last a long time and this foam is going to shrink and expand as this concrete moves winter and summer this foam will make this job last up to five years or more we come back we touch it up life is good meantime the rainwater didn't wash out the sand underneath and cause this to resettle this particular foam is not UV safe this one will rot in the sunlight so our goal here is is to put it in keep it a little bit below grade because we can always add more so now when this concrete we could have filled this crack with dirt if we had when this concrete moved this one the dirt would sew underneath and we'd have a hollow spot again if you ever seen this foam stick to anything it's not going anywhere now that's a pretty good sized crack so let's give those you trying to do an estimate and how far they're going I'd say this is NATO a ten-foot deck this is a pretty giant crack could have just made the foam stick to the wall so the crack and floated it even more but we're going for a full fill here this is working pretty easy ok here's what the box is for I go from location location it's going to drip on the ground one can of foam did a large crack when only about 16 feet and I got a few holes here we're going to have to go back and touch back up but I'm going to show you how we can even do small cracks with this so you need a gentle touch and go very slow and keep your patient's head on and you can do a small crack with this stuff we don't have to fill all the way down I like my depth to be equal to the width of the crack so even if we did nothing more other than paint this foam we just stopped water penetration from going down underneath and rinsing the soil up from underneath this foundation causing it to settle again foam we're using is a minimal expanding in a prior video I used a landscape foam which expands and is UV safe and doesn't have to be covered this foam is a little cheaper its net UV safe the foam will rot in the sunlight about an eighth of an inch a month so I can foam it I can come back any time within 30 days and then we're going to use a self-leveling sealant to go over the top of this this will make the job look good and kind of polish it all off so we're going to use today instead of using the black landscape foam which expands more and is more expensive we use the regular foam because we know we're going to cover it up we don't need landscape foam anything we put on top of this foam whether it's gray self-leveling clock black rough tar or liquid rough tar is going to prevent the sunlight from hitting it so we don't have to worry about this breaking down in UV we're just choosing the gray today for the color so here I'm filling some of the low spots to save our expensive self-leveling clock then we're going to take a sharp knife when you're trim it all down and we'll have a nice flat surface whatever you do never touch the foam get on your fingers you need acetone or nail polish remover to get rid of it foam is a little damp yet we should leave it a little longer to cure but I would like to finish this as you can see what my plans are so we do we take a razor knife at a slight angle we cut it a slight downward angle now whatever we don't cover what the gray well taking it dissolved by the sunlight and won't be a big factor at a later date we may even come back and touch up the storm to cut this clock a little on the small side there's a foil seal down deep in the bomb this tube in order to smooth this down I've used a acid brush that plumbers use put acid flux and I'm using scraps of foam to smooth out the clock and as a throwaway paintbrush to make sure I cover the foam this clock will lay down on its own do a pretty good job of sealing any voids I may have left behind I'm using foam as a talk so I can throw it away so I could smooth the clock out and get the edges can wait too long because this will start to get a skin on it so the goal here is to get the self leveling clock to hide our project as much as we can protect the foam and finish the waterproofing process if I get too much car kind cuz I only want a thin layer but I've got the foam base underneath which is a real secret of this whole job if we use the black UV resistant we'd have black line sort of a grey light when you don't use foam to fill these cracks what will happen is is this clock will find a void and it will just disappear and you can put a whole tube of caulk in just a couple inches by using this foam we made a waterproof we filled the voids we won't waste any of this expensive self-leveling clock and this will breathe back and forth so as this concrete moves every winter there's a little frost or in Michigan this is going to move up and down this is going to take and give us as good of us flexible waterproof CL that I believe that we can ever make
Channel: Mr. Hardware
Views: 679,252
Rating: 4.6588731 out of 5
Keywords: concrete crack repair, fix cement crack, repair patio slab, mrhardware, DIY, home repair, home maintenance, home repair and maintenance, R&M, r&m, local hardware store, hardware store, hardware, home improvement experts, local home improvement, Blair Gilbert, Gilbert's Hardware, Gilbert's Pro Hardware, St. Clair Shores hardware, how to, How-To, minimal expanding foam, self leveling joint sealant, patio repair
Id: XcWVnp_NVeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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