Text Pop Up Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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hey everyone my name is abishek and today we are going to create this so this text popup animation is done entirely using After Effects and it's very easy to create so let's see how to make this all right so right in after effect and we'll Begin by creating a new composition so let's call this one main width and height will be 19 20 by 10 0 frame rate you can pick whatever you want and duration let's go with 10 seconds just click on okay so we have our composition so let's create our back so right click new let's add a solid and for the color I'm going to use a little bit off white color somewhere around here just click on okay perfect now let's add our text so select the text tool and you can type whatever you want I'm going to type hello and let's quickly change its font so I'm going to use this as a sense black font but it's completely up to you you can use whatever font you want so we have our text now let's quickly align it to the center using the Align panel if you're not able to see the Align panel then you can go to Windows and from here you can enable it Also let's make it Anchor Point in the center so select the layer hold on the control key and double click on this span anchor tool or you can use a script something like this once we are done with this we are going to duplicate this layer into individual character so we have total five character h e l l o so I'm going to select this and let's duplicate this so this is going to be our HED and let's duplicate it four more times so here we have all the characters now I'm going to select all of them and let's type the individual character or the letter so H and and let's double click and type e over here I'm going to Type L and this one will be L as well and this one will be o so we have all the individual characters and we have this full text as well so I'm going to select the full text and let's press T and I'm going to lower down its opacity so that we can just see it like that now we can select the layer 1X one which is the edge and let's place it somewhere around here now you can press r as well to rotate it so that we can place these randomly and these look just place on top of each other so let's press and let's move these over here so that we can just align them later and we have L and let's just place it somewhere around here just place them on one on top of each other so that it looks like these are placed like randomly and we have the O we can place it over here perfect so this is our initial position now we will need a arrow or a pointer to click on this and we can actually draw this very easily so let's turn on the grid and let's select the pen tool and just zoom in and after that just simply click on one of the points like that and then just simply come over here just click over here and just create a very simple arrow something like this perfect now we can probably change its color so I'm going to make this little bit dark blue sort of thing like that perfect now we can get rid of the grid let's turn this off now let's make sure that it Anor point is in the center you can select this press s and let's scale this down to something like that perfect now we can select this and just place it over here so first we are going to animate this Arrow so let's press R and let's rotate it so that it is at an angle perfect now in the beginning I'm going to just move it somewhere around here let's select this press P for position let's add a key frame now let's move to somewhere around 1 second so before we continue if you enjoy my work and you want to support me then you can check out my patreon page over there you will get access to the tutorial project files and exclusive templates that are available only on patreon so make sure to check it out link for that is in the description so let's continue and now we can probably select this and just move it so that it comes to these characters somewhere around here perfect now we can do one more thing we can add a null object right click new let's add null object so that we can create the clicking effect so I'm going to select all of these layers which are these letters except the base one and let's just parent it to the null now we can select this cursor and press s to add a key frame for scale now let's select this and press S as well let's add a key frame over here as well now just move like one or two frames ahead and we can probably scale this down this Arrow so that it looks like the cursor is clicking and we can do the same thing over here as well so we can make this smaller and then just simply move couple of frames ahead and I'm going to set this to 100 and we can just simply copy the initial key frame and just paste it so that it looks like our cursor has clicked something like that now we can smooth out the motion over here as well so let's select this press U and we have these anchor points now we can select these press F9 to EAS them and there is one more thing that you can do so you can see that right now it's moving in a straight line we can actually make it little bit curve like that so in order to do that just simply select the pen tool now you can hold on the control key and you can see that as I'm moving my cursor you can see that it will change it into this angle and now I can just simply click and just move this handle so that it looks like a angle something like that now we can select the key frames let's go to the graph and I'm going to change the graph now if your graphic is looking different make sure you're using the speed graph not the value graph let's select the end point and let's make it like that so that it looks like this perfect so once we have clicked we want all of these characters to pop out so in order to do that I'm going to just select all of these and let's press P for position let's add a key frame let's press R for rotation and let's add key frame for that as well now we can press U to see all the key frames now let's move somewhere around 2 seconds now we can select individual letters so H we can just simply move them here and there to make it look like we are creating a Pop animation and let's add a little bit of rotation so we have the E and I can move it over here and let's add rotation to this as well just randomly rotate them we have L we can move it here and just simply do this randomly we have the this L and let's move it over here and we have the O which we can just simply place it over here and you can just play around with its rotation but it won't matter now we are done with this now I'm going to select all of them let's press F9 to EAS all these key frames now let's go to the graph and we want these to come out like very quick so in order to do that I'm going to select the curves all of these and let's move it and change it to look something like this so I'm going to select these end points as well and let's make it all the way to the left side so now if I press play you can see that now these go out like that so it looks like we have made them pop and after a couple of frames let's say somewhere around here we can just move them back to wherever we want so first I'm going to change their rotation to zero because we want them to be finally at their perfect angle so let's set the rotation to zero for all of these perfect now we can individually move these layers to the respective positions so first we have this HED and we have this very light outline so we can just simply move the correctors over here by using it as a reference so let's press let's move the H over here now I'm going to select the E and let's place it over here and we have this L and just zoom in and just place it over here now let's select this L and just place it like that and at last we have the O now we can just move it over here as well perfect so we have everything over here now again we can select these end points let's go to the curves and we can select them press F9 so that all of these are EAS now we can select this endo and let's move it somewhere around here so that it looks like that now if I press play you can see that our cursor comes it clicks and after that all of these comes to the original position now as they are moving we can animate the cursor to go back so let's add a key frame for scale and somewhere around here we can just set this to zero probably we can EAS these key frames as well so let's check this out perfect so here we have all of our animation nice now once you're done with this we can probably hide this text layer which we have over here and now we can add little bit of stylized look by simply giving it a posterized time so let's right click and let's add an adjustment layer and on this one I'm going to search for posterized time let's add it over here and under the frame rate we can just simply set this to something like 12 now if I press play you can see that we have this stop kind of effect and if this is something you want you can just go with this and there's one more thing that you can do let me just quickly hide this let's create one more adjustment layer right click new and let's add an adjustment layer and let's place it over here and I'm going to select all of these layers which we have over here and press contrl D to duplicate them and let's place them below our adjustment layer and now I'm going to quickly change their color so let's apply fill to them and and let's just simply drag it over here and let's change its color so let's make it little bit yellow or orange sort of thing just copy it and just paste it on all of these layers like that now we can play around with something called Echo to create long Trails of it so let's search for Echo effect and let's drag it onto this adjustment layer like that now under the echo timing I'm going to set this to 0.0 01 instead of three I'm going to set this to one and let's change the number of Echoes to like 100 and under the echo operator I'm going to set this to minimum now if I move you can see that if I press play our characters will go out but they will have a really nice long trail like that perfect now this will make your system little bit slower but you can play around with the number of echo in order to make this faster something like that so now if I press play you can see that our cursor comes and we have this very nice long trail behind our text like this now you can add posterz time over here as well so now if I press play you can see that we have added the long twis and we have this very nice juty or the stop motion kind of effect as well this is how you can create these kind of text animation and if you want to change the text all you have to do is just simply change all of these individual characters and just make sure to change their end position to make them align properly and this is how you can do this so the project files for this tutorial is available on patreon so if you're supporting me over there then you can download it from there and if you're not then you might consider it because you will get access to the tutorial project files and exclusive templates that are available only on patreon so with that being said my name is abishek and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Motion Nations
Views: 6,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text pop animation after effects, after effects pop text, text pop up after effects, Text Pop Up Animation in After Effects, text pop after effects, text bounce after effects, after effects text pop animation, text click animation after effects, after effects cursor text animation, ae motion graphics text, text burst effect after effects, ae text motion graphics, ae text popup, ae smooth text animation, after effects title animation, after effects text burst animation, ae text
Id: b2SvnqnRSxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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