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hey y'all it's monday i just woke up well that's not true i just got out of bed it's 807 i'm working from home today because we're having a snow day honestly who would have ever thought that would be happening in like south central texas i live in san antonio um and we got like inches like several inches i haven't looked out front yet but the back like even our patio is covered like the wind blew it up on our patio too um i thought chance was gonna go running through it but he just kind of like walked on the patio do you go back out he's very unsure let me see if i can show you what he does outside but seriously do not judge our um patio we haven't patio furniture and when my sister was here a couple months ago we had to pull out like the soccer ball chairs they're still out here so our patio looks okay are you ready you need to go out go potty go out there okay see those are the chairs i was talking about but you guys like seriously this is wild like oh my gosh hey you gotta go potty oh no he's grinch is that your grinch his grinch toy oh hatchy boy you're not gonna like that you're not gonna like that oh my god okay it's freezing no hachi you're not you can't go outside you're too little you can get lost in the snow okay go potty and then come back in it's cold you can't oh okay goodness [Music] okay anyways back to the last one he ran back inside he like doesn't really know what to do he's confused uh look he's like i want to go out but then when i start to shut the door he runs back in like he doesn't want to be out there alone but it's breathing and i'm in shorts right now you need to go potty okay i'm gonna have to let him out give me a second okay he actually loves the cold i think he just like is confused by the snow anyways we're about to make some coffee [Music] so the snow day couldn't have come at a better time because yesterday was valentine's day um and we obviously just like chilled at home we made steak and potatoes and green beans that was um morgan like recreated the first meal he ever cooked me so sweet um so we had that and we haven't had a while like we haven't we do steak all the time when we first started dating um like filet like expensive freaking steak when we cook that all the time and we never do anymore so that was really fun for us um [Music] how many skips do y'all do because we do like eight that was just trying to use less we're just gonna use eight today um but yeah we had a really just like super relaxing didn't really do anything like house related or anything like that so oh no that's not good okay so the dilemma that i just reached is our kitchen faucet it's not turning on which makes me think we like covered our pipes well we thought we did but there's like one in the back and then on this side of the house like on the outside um we didn't even look over here i mean i didn't think about it we did like our hose um spigot things did we forget one on like you know this is texas we don't freaking know what to do i don't know i guess we should have left it dripping i'm not sure i mean we had it running until late last night but yeah nothing not a thing i'm gonna leave we've been leaving this open but they were closed when i woke up so i don't know it's not even cold down there so let's hope we didn't freaking ruin anything that we have to pay for oh um anyways it's a snow day we still have some stuff out from dinner yesterday um look at how gorgeous these flowers are i'm so obsessed with them they're so cute so and i got morgan like all he's obsessed with gummies so i got him those i got him two packages of the coke bottle ones if y'all ever have those the happy cola they're really good and i got him just like a valentine's pack gold bears i got him two of the lindor truffle packages um with like i think they come with two in a pack so good he got me reese's hearts um and he got great american cookie my fave um we finished it last night though we just got the little double doozies which is basically a cookie sandwich with icing in the middle and it was awesome so that's what we had um and then he got me i'll have to show it to you guys later a crock pot that i've been wanting so i'm so excited um mine it mine works fine i'm probably gonna keep it but the like knob the like metal chrome on the knob has like peeled off and you can't really see if it's on like low warm or hot or high or whatever um so anyways i have just been like eyeing one and he got it for me yay and then um i got him a golf lesson he's been wanting i actually need to email the guy and see if we can move it because like it's snowing he's supposed to have it this friday and i don't think it's gonna be i mean it's not gonna be snow on friday but it's not gonna be that much warmer so maybe move it to like a couple weeks from now but i got him a golf lesson and some sunglasses but the sunglasses we decided don't look at him so he picks out a new pair and i ordered them they should be here wednesday but with the weather they could be here by the end of the week i'm not sure so we'll see but i'm gonna have some cloth i'll talk with you guys in a little bit okay so i finished um like what i need to do as far as like absolute must-dos for work on monday um it's about what time is it 10 15 and i'm gonna have two of these banana chocolate chip muffins 120 calories apiece um three grams of protein so really not a good obviously not a good protein source but um 240 calories and i'm having a second cup of coffee and i'm gonna go into the home office and package up um basically just pre-package the planters in the plastic with the stickers so they're ready to package throughout the week when we get [Music] the one that orders gets me okay so our cable and internet is out it just cut out i like turned on the tv and maybe got to watch 10 minutes of food network and the tv went and said like you don't have like this channel is unavailable now all the channels say that and then my phone gave me the like the notice it's like um wi-fi not working like use cellular data or whatever so morgan's mom i'm kind of thinking like okay what can i do with and i can't even get my text messages to work i just got another error for the same text of internship for 10 minutes you want to go outside okay hold on so morgan's mom for christmas got me we did christmas like in january and she got me these spice jars to organize all of my spices and these are so cool because they come with these labels which i assume are clear yep they're clear and they come with these black ones and i can't decide there's also someone etsy that i really like um so i don't know i haven't decided yet which ones i'm gonna use but i think i might do these and just keep it really simple and then to go oh also this thing comes with a funnel sorry so it comes with a funnel which is so cool and like so handy for other things there was something the other day that i was like dang i really wish we had a funnel and now we do so cool let me let the dog out and then i'll show you the other thing that she got me okay she also got me this which sits in the drawer and it you can separate them or they sit together and you can expand them you know as much as you need uh which is so freaking cool so they sit in your drawer like this and then you just lay well they probably sit like this and then you just lay these in the drawer so that you can see everything so i'm gonna do this and i'll show you guys the finished product okay that was a labor of love and i wish i had a before but this is how it looks and i'm really really obsessed with it it looks so good so i put all of my like most used seasonings um sort of in the front and then back here i have like the pumpkin pie spice cinnamon sugar and then as we grow our spices i have some extras so it's perfect and i also so these are the ones i was using they always tipped over half of them are like stuck in the bottom i've had those for years but up here i left our like main seasonings that they didn't have um labels for that i just wanted to make sure i knew exactly what it was um so i left those up here lots of pepper for some reason we've got our paul paul perdone over here crushed red pepper just because the caps that come on the ones that i bought or the ones that i got i don't think the holes are big enough for the crushed red peppers so i left that there got some salmon seasoning and then up here is where we keep like our bigger things tony's um you know broths ranch that kind of thing and we still have our packets right here so here we go okay for lunch i made two of these little sandwiches actually put the bottom on the top on this one but mayo mustard kobe jack cheese and some ham wavy chips like wavy lays basically um this is the roll that i'm using just a typical then i have a diet dark pepper this is part of my valentine's basket that is my lunch for today hey y'all it's tuesday now uh i'm just making coffee it's like 8 20 and our internet and cable sorry that's the coffee pot our internet cable is still not working my phone hardly works like i can make calls outside but they drop half the time so i've had so many work calls this morning we're just basically paying phone tag i think i finally got it waiting to hear back from one person about something and then i should be you know there's no more dumpster fires so we should be good to go currently making coffee i'm wearing orange jackets it's freezing and i had to run outside i think i have all my true crime like podcasts downloaded so since nothing works we have no tv you know internet our phones don't work but i do have podcasts downloaded um i think i'm gonna meal plan maybe get out some of my cookbooks and then try to just like our can't even wash clothes right now our washer won't put any water in the thing i don't know if that means that pipe is frozen but our kitchen is fine now our sink came back and it's working fine so i'm gonna put this back on a drip actually so anyways making coffee just gonna do some stuff around the house like i said meal planning about some cookbooks these are all clean dishes i was able to wash yesterday we're not going to try to use the dishwasher since the like clothes washer isn't it's like working but there's no like the water isn't being added so i keep just turning it off um so i'm worried it's gonna like mess up my washer i just tested it again this morning still not working so that's okay but i need to put those dishes away um you know just kind of clean up the house i have some stuff i can hang up that was just in the dryer so that's pretty much what we've got going on it's um we're lucky so lucky that we haven't lost power my sister lives in austin which is about an hour and a half north of us and she lost power sunday night and it's tuesday and she still doesn't have it so they're going to a hotel today because and they're freezing it's that she said that they woke up and it's like 45 degrees in their house it's like in the teens right now outside um our you'll see how snowy it is out there everyone's home everybody on our street is home right now nobody has gone to work so so anyways um yeah crazy couple of days i honestly would love these snow days if i could actually have internet and be able to get some stuff done i can like film and edit but i can't upload anything i can't design any um graphics or thumbnails because i use the internet to do so so i really don't even know if i have anything i can edit today i'll have to check to see what i filmed but snow day 2021 i don't think i'll be going into the office at all today um there's just nobody can go in so there's just not a lot going on we're just trying to finish up payroll today and that's it so anyways i'll talk to you guys [Music] you remember okay y'all so we're still not having any luck with cable or internet or self-service but i'm about to make some banana bread um i can't look up a recipe i don't know one off top of my head and this is the closest that i can find in my cookbook so mel's banana muffins this is from trisha yearwood and i'm just gonna make it in a loaf pan and i think i am going to add the blueberries as well so that is the plan we've got some extra ripe bananas that need to be used up so here are the ingredients plus two bananas and probably a half cup of blueberries [Music] [Music] my [Music] for sure [Music] all this is foreign bread the inside looks amazing the outside a little burnt um probably shouldn't have converted it to a loaf pan i guess it just should be muffin recipe but i just thought you could interchange those things honestly but it looks delicious so i'll let you guys know how it is whenever we try it hey y'all so i'm editing this video right now i actually edited majority of it without internet because it went out again um i guess last night morgan said and it just came back about 20 minutes ago and it's 11 42 right now so hoping that we can hang on to the internet today just so i can get some stuff done and we have like some form of entertainment i've read through like every one of my cookbooks organized the fridge and the spices made banana bread but we're out of eggs so i can't really do much more baking um i have done a couple instant pot recipes so i'll have an instant pot video out in the next couple of weeks probably a week or two so that's fun um but yeah we're just hanging on to it right now we have been really lucky we haven't lost power at all my sister however in austin still doesn't have power she went to a hotel last night and this morning i guess they lost power and told everybody they have to leave by 2 pm today so she's trying to figure out what their game plan is gonna be we just don't know if driving down i-35 is a good idea for her to like come to stay with either me or my parents so they're gonna wait till two like until they possibly have to leave that hotel she said it's still very warm um they have two dogs with them so i think they have a friend's house they can go to but their friend's house is pretty crowded it's a little bit south of austin so they might try to stay there we're not really sure yet but i'm still having coffee today had some of that banana bread it's good i would rate it like if i didn't burn it it would feel like an eight out of ten um it's not super like sweet or anything uh but it's good um i added a little bit of butter to mine and it was really delicious this morning but the bird you know kind of makes it like a five out of ten recipe i wish i had more eggs because i would totally do some more baking but that's it for now i hope that if y'all are in this crazy winter storm you're staying safe and staying warm sorry i'm so congested story of my life uh but yeah i still haven't gone into work we're just trying to see what happens it looks like more snow possibly tonight which will be crazy so i don't know we'll just see but me and morgan are safe and warm with the pets and we're doing really well so thanks for watching this vlog and i'll see y'all in the next video bye foreign
Channel: Louise Lane
Views: 4,487
Rating: 4.9543724 out of 5
Keywords: frozen pipes, texas snow day, snow day vlog, texas snow storm, what i eat in a day at home, what I eat working from home, banana bread recipes, banana bread, baking vlogs, small business owner, day in the life, day in the life small business owner, winter storm, winter storm texas 2021, banana bread recipes video, banana bread recipes tasty
Id: O7N3EL_37O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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