OUR 20 MOST USED ITEMS -THE TEXAS POWER OUTAGE #txfreeze2021 #txgridfailure #SHTF

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hi there welcome to seasons change my name is luanne in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you the top 20 items that we used most during the texas free well hi there thanks for stopping by in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you what we used the most during the texas freeze i just had a running list while things were unfolding and now i want to share that with you so no particular order here we go okay the first thing is have supplies to protect your pipes this could be things that you buy at the grocery store at walmart it's like a little foam box that you can put over your outdoor faucets uh if you have other exposed pipes underneath your home in your attic there are ways to wrap those pipes to keep them from freezing number two is some form of de-icer or attraction control substance we ended up using bags of sand to put on our front porch and on our sidewalks to prevent falls if all else fails my husband was even out there at one point with a sledgehammer and a shovel that is why i have this item on the list next item is just long underwear thermals long johns whatever you care to call them get a pair whenever the temperatures get below freezing especially here in the south you're gonna thank yourself for having a set of these on hand i heard so many people commenting about the only thing that they had were their pajamas people were wearing layering in their pajamas so throughout my entire life i always had at least one set of long johns and i got rid of them several years ago so i actually didn't have any during this coldest week in the history of texas so prepare for the worst hope it never happens but i definitely was not prepared in this area also to add to the warm clothing uh wool socks gloves scarves something to cover your head to hold the heat in all of these items are good to have on hand even if you just put together maybe one or two full sets that you can keep tucked away in a bin to have whenever you need it okay the next item is fuel whether that's propane gas or both we actually used both we had propane for our cook stove and for our heaters and then of course the gases for the generator and for your vehicle lotion and chapstick when the air is dry and cold your hands are going to start to crack your lips are going to get chapped your skin is just going to be beyond dry so make sure that you have some sort of chapstick and lotion on hand if you don't have either of the two you can also use vaseline or coconut oil okay next item on the list is electric blankets or wool blankets if you have a generator that you feel confident in then by all means invest in an electric blanket i know we have one and it kept us very warm and snug in our bed at night and wool blankets are great for the daytime okay and for all you coffee lovers what we used the most were these folgers instant bags um actually it's folgers coffee singles these are in the form of a tea bag if you have boiling water you just dip it in there like you're making tea except it's coffee okay let's see here next is a berkey a berkey water filtration system this is not only a water filter system but it's also a water purifier uh i'm gonna leave links below in the description box for all of these items that i can find links for and so be sure to go down there and check these out if you're interested in any of these items that i'm listing okay a teapot uh this is the kind of teapot that you just set on your stove to boil water i know a lot of you may have the electric type but if you don't have a generator that's not going to serve its purpose if you have a camp stove or anything like that you can still use the teapot and we used it many many times throughout the day i used my teapot to heat the water to clean with to bathe with to make our coffee bags i mean the teapot was something that i used continuously so a teapot highly recommend having that in your home next up is the camp stove this is a propane coleman camp stove we use this to prepare all of our meals it's just a simple two burner stove and again you are gonna have to have a stash of propane to operate but this is how we made the majority of our meals okay an antibacterial spray cleaner this is what i used to spray our countertops our bathroom sinks because there was a period of time there where we were on a oil advisory because our water system had been contaminated well you're not going to want to take that water and clean your dishes or your countertops down so this is what i used in place of that and the teapot again is how i wash dishes also just to bring that back up um something that we realized that we need more of our extension cords we had two really good uh utility strength extension cords but that just wasn't enough to run everything that we needed to run so we were scrambling and digging around we did come up with enough this time but it went on my list that we need to invest in more extension cords and the power strips okay coolers ice and ice packs um the coolers were very necessary in a previous video on uh the lessons that i learned through this event was when the temperatures outside or below the freezing temperature you can take the food items out of your refrigerator and freezer and place them outside we put ours in our coolers just to make sure that no animals had access to our food and um with that we had some ice packs in there to just kind of help keep it cold and um ice was very hard to come by and so towards the end when the temperatures outside started to heat up but we still didn't have our power back we relied on bags of ice and our situation we can only store so many bags of ice because my freezers are full of food but if you're in a situation where you can stock up on ice i highly recommend doing that because like everything else the ice is going to become hard to get but we did use a lot of ice okay um also as far as ice packs go if you don't have ice packs what i do is i refill our used water bottles and i freeze those as a matter of fact my chest freezer is lined with these water bottles because when the power goes out this is going to take a lot longer for these solid bottles of ice to defrost and i feel that that really really helped us out in this situation light sources okay in our situation we used candles headlamps and flashlights i do have oil lamps i do have other types of lighting that i could have used but it just so happened during this specific event we used candles our flashlights and headlamps okay um a generator if you can make an investment i highly recommend that we were able to plug in our freezers and i also want to mention because of the i believe because of the frozen water bottles that i had in my chest freezer we didn't even have to plug it into the generator we plugged it in one time and it didn't even kick on because it just it didn't lose temperature um but a generator is going to power whatever you need we were even able to run an extension cord to my neighbor's house and they were able to plug in whatever they needed to use okay up next is a buddy heater um that's just what we call it i think it's called mr heater and then there's different levels depending on what size you get but basically it is a propane heater again i'm going to link all these things that i can down below so be sure to check them out okay now i want to kind of give you an idea of the type of foods that we actually used so of course during a power outage a long-term power outage you're going to use your food and stages and one of the very first stages of food that you're going to need to use up is whatever's in your refrigerator so that was lunch meat sandwiches the milk the eggs we had eggs for breakfast every morning um we had cereal for snacks and sometimes for breakfast to get rid of the milk and again we had our stuff outside in the coolers so we weren't really concerned about losing our refrigerated items until closer to the end when the temperatures outside started to heat up um but anyway we ate cereal soup eggs and freezer meals that was the bulk of the foods that we ate throughout this entire week so if you didn't see my other video on lessons learned i mentioned the freezer meals there um i highly recommend freezing some meals doesn't have to be a big event just any leftovers that you may have after supper or just cook two of one thing once a week and that's going to put a meal in your freezer so again freezer meals soup eggs and milk or cereal were the top items food items that we used um along with the food i recommend an iron skillet i used mine to cook all of our eggs and things heat to heat up the freezer meals also on the grill our propane grill i don't have that on here but that can also be an item as your gas grills we would wrap things in foil i think my husband even made a pot pot and a hot pocket by wrapping them in foil and placing them on the grill but you can also do this by putting them in your iron skillet on the camp stove has the same effect paper plates and utensils with no running water no electricity to heat the water uh you're gonna need your paper plates because you're not gonna want these dirty dishes piling up and attracting rodents or bugs so paper plates and utensils are a must when there's no power okay i think this is bringing me down to the last item that we use the most and that is a way to catch water we simply just plugged off our bathtub in the spare bathroom and filled it up with water and had a pit a plastic picture to scoop out of to flush our toilets and while i'm on the subject of flushing toilets this should have been in the video of lessons learned but i'll go ahead and mention it here if you're ever in a situation where you're having to pour water in to flush your toilets bypass the tank so many people were pouring water in the back tank and those tanks were cracking and now they have to replace their entire toilet bypass the tank pour the water straight into the bowl and it's going to flush right out so anyway back to the items is a way to catch water whether it's one of the bibs that you place in your bathtub or simply just fill up your bathtub we also had one of some of the five gallon jugs that you can buy at lowe's or walmart and some form of container to dip it out with and i just had one of those old tupperware plastic pictures is what i used it seemed to be the perfect size so i hope that this helped you in some way i just wanted to share with you the items that we used the most during this freeze week in texas and i would love to hear in the comments what items you actually used that maybe i didn't mention so that's gonna do it for this video and i look forward to seeing you in the next one if you haven't subscribed to my channel i invite you to do so now and let me know if this was helpful to you by either giving me a thumbs up or a thumbs down this also helps get these type of videos out into the community thanks again and i'll see you next time [Music] bye [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Heart Filled Kitchen
Views: 19,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, prep, prepper, shtf, stock up, prepper pantry, food, SHTF, prepardness, be prepared, survivalism, SURVIVAL, survival skills, txgriddown, texas freeze 2021, power outage, freezing temperatures, lessons, prep skills, learn to prep, prepping for beginners, shtf 2021, preparedness, emergency preparedness, power grid, electrical grid, seasons change, disaster plan, are you prepared, most used, prepper must haves, generators, camp stove, how to prepare, texas power outage, grid failure
Id: FOcgcLdP9x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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