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[Music] hey also it's Saturday right now it's four o'clock well 4:15 I'm headed to Trader Joe's really quickly and then I'm gonna go pick up my groceries from itchy because I did the curbside pickup which I love so my grocery haul was a little more expensive this week because I had to buy a cat litter cat food which are about 1213 dollars each $25 and then I needed toilet paper this is like $10 I don't like if it's not food I don't consider a grocery budget it's just kind of like mother it's my other budget I guess so my curbside HGB is 71 or 75 but without the like fee or whatever and $71 so 25 of that is to cat stuff so 50 ish for groceries and I think that's pretty good so I forgot my Eddy of water because I had so much off my hands I threw out my old Keurig which is a piece of crap finally threw that out it's been sitting on at my floor next to a dining table for like I don't know three months and finally figured out today and so did that today I'm actually gotten a lot done I hung up a lot of stuff that I've been meaning to hang up on the walls like since I moved in and I just have it so I did that today I got a few different things hung up which is awesome I have done lots of laundry also we're on the bumpy road currently I'm so sorry I'll try to drive on the part that's like not that would be but it's hard yes I got a lot of laundry done my towels are done my sheets are currently in the washer then I'm gonna wash my quilt and my white pillowcases I want to do my whites last so I can do bleach on them all my clothes are clean except for a few delicates but then yeah so I've got in pencil laundry I've got stuff hanging up I need to unload the dishwasher or run it yeah I need to run it told you that today I claim to the floors swept and vacuumed and then I cleaned I've been working in my bedroom a little bit I better do it needs some love you guys like it has been the hardest part of my apartment to decorate and I feel like the rest of my apartment is just like cake like it's just easy to decorate I know what I'm going for to know what I wanted to look like and my bedroom is just like so hard for me I don't know why but I finally love the bedding that I have so it's just plain white shocker doesn't have any color shocker it's from Kirkland I bought it on sale for like one hundred and seventy three dollars which it's probably those expensive betting that I bought like for myself ever but I really I really love it super soft it's super nice so I really like that a lot yeah it's gonna be but I have I picked out some new pillows I found them gonna get one kind of by accident and I love them and I want to put them on my bed so they're gonna be I was on car along with lamps that I found and I'm glad I'd never bought the lamps I found first on Amazon because these I think are better so they're $35 apiece they're really cute they're like gold which goes great because my the handles to my bedside table are gold I just have like an Ikea thing that came and finished it painted it white and on it gold hardware so pretty easy but I want to get back to clamps for either side so I have that everybody I was on a car and then I want to get a like a beige sort of like edible print fur throw from like cold goods so that's the pillows that I like are like a velvety their crew color their velvety and they have the little pod pop balls all the way around it they're like 18 by 18 so a good size but yeah that's what I've got going on Trader Joe's curbside pickup it's Saturday so tomorrow I'll get to stay home all day and well my couch my parents will see but if don't I would get the same one all day don't have to go grocery shopping and then I could be able prep tomorrow I'm excited about my video this week because for lunch I'm gonna do the fajita Bowls that I had for my earth that I had for dinner at my mom's house like a week ago or earlier this week I made them over there and it just kind of like we like just week for the whole thing and it turned out amazing it's literally what I do favorite meal so I'm gonna make that for lunches that also I'm gonna bake hey I think it's trizol be skinny I'm pretty sure it's one of her recipes it's one hot chicken parmesan pasta so it's like ground chicken noodles zero point baradar cheese I guess I don't know it is total pasta so I'm gonna have that this week also okay distracted oh if you don't follow me on Instagram which you should ww underscore Louise lane um that grinds nice thing else I want to talk about I have I reached a new wait decade that sounded really weird I reached a new wait decade I mean the 150s whoo and I don't want to get out of them so I really got to get my booty back on track um so yeah that is the goal but I'm pulling up to get my groceries right now in the little spots they're like covered they're so cute but I think I want to address is everyone seems to think that my name is Louise which I totally get a name Louise is my middle Dave I actually go by my first day which is Lauren I'm so sorry that's confusing my name is Maureen and I picked Louise Lane because I thought when I first started the Instagram which was before I started the YouTube I thought that by using Louise lane people that I knew in real life wouldn't see my Instagram or like they would see it and not know that it was me but then I came up as a suggested friend for like everybody and a bunch people in my like real life know that it's there but it's fine I like don't care anymore I was just like nervous you know I thought it was gonna be awkward but now I don't care who knows or like whatever yeah it doesn't bother me at all so anyways I'm gonna text to each of you people but I should explain that yes I go by Lauren but Louise laid it's a long story about where that came from but Louise's moodily but you can call me Denise I really care anyways I'm going to pick up my groceries to talk to you guys later okay so this is my Trader Joe's haul if you can hear crunching in the background that is Hutch eating and but we'll start over here so I got the organic rice cauliflower they didn't have any of their like flavored cauliflower Rice's at all so I picked up just a plain one I wouldn't add this to my burrito bowls or whatever fajita bowls for lunch this week I got the chicken cilantro mini wontons these are really really low in points I want to say it's like five for one point or something super crazy like that they I haven't wanted to try them because of the cilantro but I tried them at somebody else's house and then you know what tastes like cilantro so I did buy those and these mashed potatoes they're like little um like they're like it little balls of meth show so you could just pick out a few this is great if you're single and they're really low two points I wanna say like three points for a serving the chicken chow mein the low fat one half the bag is eight points I also found the mini mouthful ice cream little mini oh they're mint okay I mean that's fine I like mint I just didn't realize that they were that's okay um these are five points for - I got the chili lime burgers four of them come in a pack I would have say they were like four points apiece something like that I got their juice come back and cheese eight points for that the light shredded mozzarella this is like one point four votes I got some laughing cow cheese ginger mince which are for my dad the chomps turkey stick this is actually super good I'm not sure if I put that footage in here don't but I bought two of them I ate one on the way home seriously really good it really would point I really liked it you have to get the turkey one I don't know if the beef one is one point or not hello Hutchy can you back up thank you and then I got two bottles of the Trader Joe's brand Chardonnay $2.99 each for for those and I really like those so that is my little Trader Joe's haul let me go get h-e-b and I'll show you what I got ability grade crackers I edited the video right now or they realized that I did it talked about these and these are ten of them for three points or fourteen of them for four points and there are actually a really good size it is like 20 you can see there Jesus Christ you dad are cool little boy uh these are really good so anyways three for three points for ten okay so here is my haul from h-e-b this isn't including the cat food the litter or the toilet paper because I feel like that's you know hi honey that's a little unnecessary yeah this is what I got for food wise I got my sparkling water I like the h-e-b brand just to limit it doesn't sweetened just sparkling water um actually I serve here so I got this butter lettuce which is gonna be for my like burger night those are just a cheaper cheapest option they had I got some thin slice chicken breast which is for the fajita bowls that I'm gonna be making so I got a red pepper wait and onion I forgot an onion dang it okay well I got a red bell pepper green bell pepper 2 cans of pinto beans which I all season jasmine rice which I'm gonna mix I'll probably do half a container for each meal and then I'll mix it with the cauliflower rice as well the Julio's mild salsa cuz this is my favorite fajita seasoning which is my new obsession and then for the chicken parmesan one pot chicken parmesan situation then I'm making what is it called one pot chicken parmesan whatever hold on I'm having an issue hunch and yeah whatever one pot chicken parmesan pasta I got this umm tomato paste crushed tomatoes and then the diced tomatoes Italian style this is gonna be for the zero point marinara which is why I wanted the onion and I was gonna do half in here in half in that so I didn't get an onion and then also the ground chicken will go in the pasta dish as well and see how that is everything that I got from h-e-b and I will talk to you guys in a little bit hey y'all good morning it's Sunday it's a 62 degrees student play apartment right now and I just made some coffee so I'm about to put in my creamer I don't count creamer if you're new here hi welcome I'm team no count creamer I pretty much only have one cup a day though although yesterday how to coffee I have decaf it seems they'll have that if it's like at night but I said it's really better because it's still zero in my world I'm wearing this a really cute sweater that says I'm still weekend Anchorage it's Sunday so I guess most people are I'm about to lay on the couch and watch YouTube videos probably I'm not feeling so good yeah I woke up about 5 a.m. don't feel good slept a little like actually a lot longer it's 11:30 in the morning guys Kahneman and I'm usually up and having my coffee by like 9:30 is like a late weekend morning for me so I'm usually up by 8:30 so yeah we're gonna give bit of a light I believe start today but that's ok I did a little spring refresh in here so I'll show you a few things that I switch out as the seasons go just to kind of keep it interesting I guess and fun so I'll show you guys that here and admit it I seriously love home decor II don't really show y'all that much because it's a work in progress I moved into this apartment at the end of August last year um yeah I've just been slowly but surely getting it exactly the way that I want it and it's becoming like my feet it's definitely my favorite apartment I've ever lived in pretty much everything that I own is the same I did get a new table and chairs so a new kitchen table so that is exciting but anyways I'll show you guys that today we're going to meal prep some fajita bowls for lunches which I think I'm gonna have all five days and I kind of switch them up what I add to them as far as like condiments like maybe on Rach one day maybe I'll do like we're of a taco style or not toggle style um like a salad is what a bit like taco salad style well I guess you could come over here oh oh okay that's not a good spot for you no good spot everybody loves you you know that everybody thinks you're so cute he is you all her you're so cute oh no good don't please no okay so keep in mind that things are not perfect I have a box over here that needs to be unpacked that my aunt just gave me I've got my study materials over there this situation is just just ignore it and then I have this is a bag of clothes that I'm gonna donate and I kind of keep adding to it I'll they try things on and they no longer fit so that's exciting but this is the table and chairs they got the tables from Facebook marketplace it's actually from world market and it's like eight hundred dollars but I found it for a hundred and then I just told her I didn't look the chairs and we came up with the price 100 I could chalice it for like 200 or 150 or something like that and then I bought the chairs off Amazon if you link them down below if you're interested they have kind of a shiny and let me get the light out and that would probably help they've got kind of a shine to it you can see that it's um they're really really pretty and then they've got the this silver neo heads just like my my chairs over there so I really like them but I got these plates these are Kate Spade there from Dillard's why is everything so blurry oh there goes they were on sale Sophie and then $7.00 for the art board obviously media like napkin holders or whatever I have my little hydrangea that's kind of dying at this plate nothing really over here has changed but I did hang up this shelf I realize that seems a little bit high but I feel like in reality it doesn't seem that high and if I since I wouldn't anyway purse on it I don't think anywhere else would be good so on that thing I need to get some cute pushpins so I can put up probably like a cute quote and then maybe a photo and then these flowers were on my kitchen table I'm gonna go back to home goods and get like tons more fake flower arrangements um for all over the house so I want mine from a kitchen table I want a small wood right here so this is like I guess the angle y'all don't really see that often there's my patio over there I've got a ladder shelf and then his cat box is behind the couch I needed find curtains and stuff but this is this is what's going on I have his scratches posted for the chair because it's not he'll go after the chair and really he's done pretty good you can see that a few marks right there but I mean I've had him at least a year and though I would say that's minimal damage okay so as far as spring I switched out the pillow I had a pillow over in that basket right there um but I switched it to this one that says Lubbock my friend Amanda got me that so so cute and that's where I moved from and which Texas Tech looked there for a couple years after and she taught me that pillow when I moved then I got out I switched out this pillow from a bear which was like a wintery pillow to this blue one that's from Target and the the matching chairs have the matching pillows over here and I switched those out too they were a really dark gray color so I think that is super cute I also moved that tray in here with the candle so I'm gonna put something on the side of it like move it over put some flowers in there like that would be really cute nothing over here has changed I think much always haves the Magnolia table this is the Journal of a friend cat got me posters table so there's that and then yeah nothing really over here has changed either and I did change out by this is kind of my like problem area of the house they just have so much stuff that accumulates but I changed out this sign I want to get some more flowers for over here as well but it says inhale caffeine exhale negativity it did say love is staying at home with my cat or something like that which was for February I'll just switch it out maybe like once a month I kind of forget about it but I feel like this one is so funny I might leave it up for a while and put a new handle out this is where I would have put a big flower arrangement and I'm gonna move that whiskey in a teacup sign I love that sign you just never know where to put it um and then I have just a big plant down there so did you have a rug it's cute I mean the vacuums on the outside vacuumed yesterday but this is kind of the over you got me big near the corner there jail of good for selfies and now that I've had this up um I actually feel like my selfies look better cuz it's just like more appealing and then there's the little bows just hanging out don't shoot so anyways yeah I just switched out some pillows hung up a shelf loops and flowers around um and that's what I did so anyways I'm gonna hold my coffee it's probably cool by now that I've rambled on a long enough um I'll see you guys when it's time to feel prep ok so I figured since I was interrupted by Amazon I would at least show you what I've got from there so I picked up these glasses or I bought these glasses my friend Georgie de bought them to and told me that they are awesome they're like the blue light glasses so you wear the woody or the computer because it they protect your eyes basically helps with wrinkles in the future that kind of thing and she said it is actually amazing like when you look at the computer screen it looks white and you like Dodie would realize that it's actually really blue until you put these glasses on it it's white so anyways it's like a blue light protector just protects your eyes and I got the tortoiseshell these are like tinder you know I don't even someone really clip down below if you're on a computer a lot and it will help your eyes don't have to strain keep you from getting headaches things like that they also got a cat brush because this little one has shed so much since we moved so weird he really never shedded love it like he I was I would tell everyone like it's so weird he doesn't really shed but he does shed a lot here so I picked up this little wire I think this was also liked it'sh dollars so I've had to take this out I'd give him a good brush I'm watching gin in the background as well so starting with the meal prep I decided to experiment a little bit and make some cinnamon rolls using the two ingredient dough so I'm doing a cup of the self-rising flour a little bit less than a cup of the yogurt I did 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking powder and then a little over fourth of a teaspoon of the stevia mix that all together made the dough rolls it out and then just add [Music] so I'm adding both cinnamon sugar and cinnamon and then I kind of Pat the cinnamon in just so there's no like big chunks of it anywhere I'm in the seasoning it turned out really good it didn't add any points per cinnamon roll and mine I believe made six cinnamon rolls total so just cut them with a pizza roll a pizza cutter and then throw them in the oven I did 350 it it took about 20 to 25 minutes so baby bump up your oven to 400 will be better [Music] [Music] [Music] once they were all rolled up I sprayed the top of it with just a little olive oil spray and then sprinkled them with more cinnamon sugar that I popped up in the oven [Music] [Music] [Music] every cinnamon-roll needs icing so I used swerve which is just a sugar replacement this is the confectioner sugar one I just mix that up with a little bit of water and then it topped it as soon as they came out of the oven my cinnamon rolls came out to two points each and that does include the icing which is zero and they actually turned out really delicious [Music] they also about to start the fajita bowl meal prep sorry for the TV in the background not would be the Ted Bundy documentary series thing I have the Ted Bundy tapes anyways I have a red bell-pepper a green bell pepper I would do an onion but I forgot to order one yesterday says what working with chili powder cubed fajita seasoning you need this you need this a bowl to toss everything together and then thin slice chicken breasts which I'm gonna then cut into strips we're seasoning the peppers and the chicken the same way but we are going to cook them like on different sides of the pan if that makes sense last time I made this the chicken was done a lot sooner than the vegetables just because I like my vegetables extra soft so I did pull out the chicken a little bit early that's why I put them on separate sides definitely added an onion or whatever you know whatever vegetables you like that's what I'm doing and then I'll show you what I'm gonna do with the beans here in just a second [Music] so I was trying to slice my peppers pretty thin so they would cook up just as quickly as the chicken does I like my peppers kind of softer and this worked actually really well just cutting them super thin a lot through that I did last time they cooked up in pretty much about the same time Italy took about five extra minutes [Music] I cut my chicken into strips too just as if it were fajitas you could definitely leave it in like tender styles or just have one big chicken breast if you don't feel like dealing with it but I like this style and it worked out really well and I'm just seasoning it the same way seasoned with the peppers and that's with fajita seasoning and cumin and chili powder just a little bit of the cumin chili powder and then a lot of bejita seasoning so let's play chicken is seasoned I just lay it right next to the peppers and pop them in the oven I did my oven at 350 [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I pulled out the chicken and then I let the peppers go for another five fitted make sure it is for about 20 minutes so it all before I packaged everything up I'm not gonna pick their eyes for the cauliflower rice I'm just gonna mix it up together seasoned the beans and then plate everything over package it up for at lunch I definitely shouldn't swap my peppers this is not gonna last me the whole week but I usually do more than one thing for lunch you're going to switch it up halfway through so I'll just figure out what I'm gonna do the other half the week no big deal I'll really have pasta leftovers actually so that will work out just fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I wanted to show you the other burrito bowls that I put together I only used half of the rice Cup in this so it's three points for the rice and the two points for the sour cream so this entire lunch is only five points gonna let you know a really good size serving only rifle [Music]
Channel: Louise Lane
Views: 5,979
Rating: 4.9631338 out of 5
Keywords: ww, weight watchers, ww meal prep, meal prep, healthy, meals, recipes, freestyle, smart points, cooking, vlog, vlogging, car vlog, trader joes, grocery haul, texas, cook with me, weekend, sunday, saturday, home decor, house tour
Id: 8fj7-wkK2Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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