Texas Mother Vanishes Amid Marital Strife - Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

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two young kids left home alone mom and dad aren't there and when the front door opens again only one parent comes back she was my sister and she's gone no what happened to bianca Carrasco she allegedly walked out of the home and down the street and she was never seen again disappeared or gone by choice some people they go missing they just don't wanna be contacted family secrets I believe Bianca is put into some sort of chemical or in concrete alleged affairs he was not about to let her go and we go searching for answers from the one person who may be able to help solve the mystery hi with crushed alien we're doing this story you need to stay away just let her pick up the phone and told me she's okay it's been almost a year since Giovanna Bernie last saw her sister's face a year since she heard her voice on the other end of the phone she's really funny if I needed to laugh I could call her she had this way of making really hard things funny you know like if she was crying she was still laughing and according to Bianca's family she was doing her best to laugh through a lot of tears not long before she went missing the kind they say brought on by an unhappy relationship Bianca her and her husband Joe Daniel were married for almost ten years and they they were struggling in their marriage she was she was kind of done with the relationship from my understanding she was only 18 when she married Joe Daniel Carrasco 11 years her senior and even though they would go on to have three children together Bianca's sister says it was never a very perfect union from the beginning of their marriage it was always kind of rocky the way they argued was very childish it was I'm gonna hide your keys or I'm gonna touch you if you don't want to be touched you know just tapping on the shoulder she told me about that a lot you know that it would drive her crazy but that wasn't the only thing about the relationship that raised eyebrows Bianca was 18 and actually Joe Daniel was her uncle Daniel was married to my sister Brenda to have an 18 year old daughter Daniel and Brenda were going through a divorce and kind of to get back at her he started wooing Bianca who was at the time his niece Bianca gets pregnant they get married and I think just to out of malice out of just to get back at my sister in fact Barbara says that Joe Daniel had become something of a family wedge Daniel very much manipulated kept trying to keep Bianca away from all the family he tried to keep her away completely the last time I saw Bianca was probably five years ago Bianca and I were not on speaking terms when she went missing I blamed Daniel for that but family also says that as Bianca and her children got older she started becoming more independent I think she'd just gotten to where she wanted better for herself and that she could do better she had just graduated in October as an RN that she was I was so proud of her because to see her in October walk across that stage she was proud of herself and good for her and I was proud of her a sister's pride in the husband there's a picture of the day Bianca graduated she's held she's hugging my grandson and you can see Daniels profile you know looking and it's not the look of a proud husband he was felt very threatened even now remember when he was married to my sister Brenda he would feel threatened when they were bettering themselves of course that's all one person's opinion but Barbara also says that around the same time as that graduation school wasn't the only thing Bianca was ready to leave behind Bianca tested a Daniel for divorce if you look on her Facebook she had already listed herself as divorced she was already I guess beginning to live as if she was single in more ways it seems than one Bianca was talking to other men one man in particular I think she was communicating like on her phone and social media outlets I think maybe she's met with one of them once or twice but it was nothing you know serious I had a conversation with her about it and I just kind of told her like you know y'all been married for a long time it probably feels good to have the attention from and she was honest and said that yes it was and I just told her like you know don't let it consume your life you know because you don't know what kind of trouble this can cause how long it had been going on no one could say but eventually Jo Daniel found out and according to Giovanna that was just a few days before she disappeared the Wednesday before she went missing she was scared he was angry he had just found out you know about her communications on her phone who she was talking to other Mel's and she was scared coming up her phone was off there was something seriously wrong Bianca goes missing and there could be some foul play involved Crimewatch Daly is on the search hi are you Joe
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 772,057
Rating: 4.6903448 out of 5
Keywords: Bianca Carrasco, Texas, Crime, Crime Watch Daily, Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen, Nurse, Missing, Missing Person, Disappearance, Disappear, Joe Daniel Carrasco, Joe Daniel, Carrasco, Missing Woman, Missing Persons, San Antonio
Id: 9IXvo1w5G0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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